Back In Black


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Kathleen Quinn has moved from home to home since she was ten, years have passed and she is finally able to re... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Old Friend
Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Chapter Three: Parties and Heartbreak
Chapter Four: Fear, Guilt, and Love Oh My.
Chapter Six: The Book of the Damned
Chapter Seven: Give Him a Break
Chapter Eight: The Last Picture Show
Chapter Nine: Please Don't Forget Me.
Chapter Ten: Love Never Before Seen
Chapter Eleven: The Tail of The Sisters
Chapter Twelve: The Story Unravels
Chapter Thirteen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Fourteen: Why Do I Do This?
Chapter Fifteen: Pissed Off Isn't a Good Color
Chapter Sixteen: Not Today Red-Headed Satan
Chapter Seventeen: In the Thick of Things.
Chapter Seventeen; Hatching a Plan Into Hell
Chapter Nineteen; The Blossom's Plus One
Chapter 20; Surrounded by Insanity.
Chapter 21: Happy Very Merry Birthday
Chapter 22; Coming Home
Chapter 23: Horrors of Home
Chapter 24: The Tell Tale Heart
Chapter 25: Isolation is Freedom
Chapter 26: There May Not Be a Tomorrow
Chapter 27: Family Doesn't End With Blood.

Chapter Five: Truth be Told I'm Lying

182 3 1

Cheryl is removed from class by Sheriff Keller and Weatherbee. My throat feels like it is closing up as Jughead puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me towards him.
"What does she mean she is guilty? She killed Jason?" Tears start to fall as Jughead rubs my back. I wipe my tears and sigh looking back at him with a small smile.

"We will see what happens okay Kat."
"Okay Juggie" I smile turning back towards Dr. Phylum


I walk up to Archie just as Cheryl is dragged out by Mr and Mrs. Blossom.
"Damn, Cheryl" I sigh before tucking my head and continuing on. I wanted nothing more than to be in Desiree's trailer where I could cry for Jason and Perry, the brothers together again. 

Lucky for me the rest of the school day goes by rather quickly. I needed to be somewhere that I felt safe, sure Desiree's trailer was home but there was a place I had been avoiding for too long. I pass Jughead on the way off of school
"Hey Kat, where you going?" He catches up with me.
"Its time Jug, I need to go to the summer cabin." I stop and look at him. "I need to be with her." He nods grabbing my hand.
"Need company?" I nod pulling him towards my bike.

The ride out to sweet water river has always been one of my favorite things. I pull the bike into one of the last camping ground parking lots before hoping off. I grab my backpack before taking Jug's hand.
"I can't remember the last time I was out here" He chuckles
"I can. You, Archie, and I came out here it was a few weeks before... We sat around the house playing board games and tag. Until Archie tripped and rolled into the river. He was somewhat banged up and we had to call his dad to come get him."
"He was fine but we were still grounded, though that didn't mean much back then."
"It still doesn't" I chuckle.

I can finally see the cabin come into view. It wasn't anything special, just big enough for a family of four.  It had been passed down through the family for years. I pull out the key Desiree gave me July 3rd when we were going to come out here. I open the door to find dust everywhere.
"So what are we doing today?" Jughead sits his bag inside the door.
"We are just going through some of the boxes, I need something of Mom's" Jughead nods and we move to the master room were my parents entire life was sitting in boxes. Jughead and I sit on the floor going through them one by one laughing at some of the photo albums that's when I feel the cool leather jacket.
"Hey Jug, come here" I call he comes to my box as I pull out the warn leather Southside Serpent jacket.
"I didn't know your mom was a Serpent." I laugh remembering the four of us sitting on the couch. Dad was never a Serpent, couldn't get through the stages. Mom however, lived and breathed Serpent life.
"She was the biggest badass I have ever known." I laugh lightly. Jughead reaches in the box.
"Is this an old Riverdale sweatshirt?"
"It looks like it." I take in from him putting it on over my shirt. I reach behind me unclasping my bra and pulling it off.
"Woah Woah calm down there girly, aren't you gonna buy me dinner first?" Jughead covers his eyes
"Its just my bra Jug, its uncomfortable" I laugh putting it in my bag with my mom's jacket.
"We should be getting back its getting dark." Jughead's cheeks go flush.
"So about that dinner?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" I look at him
"Pops. Our booth?"
"Sounds perfect" I kiss his cheek and walk out to the bike.


I'm sitting on the floor leaning against Kevin's legs sketching the scene around me. Thats when Archie finishes telling us that he just talked to the Weatherbee and Keller about being at Sweetwater river on July 4th.
"So does that mean you are a suspect now?" Veronica says sitting across from Archie.
"My dad says we all are... including me." Kevin says.
"Not me girl, I don't know these people. Same should go for Kat." Archie and Kevin laugh a little. I smack their legs.
"Shut up you ass." I laugh. "I was in town weeks before July 4th, and if they really wanted a escape goat it would be me." I shake my head getting back to the drawing.
"Guys show we maybe re-binge Making a Murder  on Netflix tonight?"
"Sorry, I can't have to stay to work on the paper." Betty reaches forward and gets a chip.
"Yeah count me out too, I've got a date tonight" Veronica blushes from her seat.
"You do?" Archie seems a little upset
"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Veronica smirks
"Hey Vee-lo. I'll swing by the Pembrooke to pick you up at 8:00?" Chuck Clayton says from the door.
"I'll be waiting" Veronica leans forward smiling.
"You got any plans tonight Kathleen?" Reggie asks from behind Clayton.
"Actually..." I pause as my phone buzzes in my pocket. "My night just filled up." I laugh as he curses under his breath. Chuck, Reggie, and Moose all walk out of the student lounge.
"Did your night really fill up?" Kevin asks. I pull out my phone and see a message from Jughead.
Jugs- Locker? 
I smirk a little showing Kevin my phone.
"We will see." I laugh getting up. Grabbing my bag, walking towards my locker where I see the handsome raven haired boy standing wearing the same crown beanie as always.
"You texted?" He gives me a small smile as I walk closer.
"Damn, I missed you." He chuckles
"Its only been what?" I look at my wrist at a nonexistent watch "Twelve hours"
"I didn't mean-" He laughs as he sees my smirk. He pulls me close to him before I hear his phone vibrate. "Shit..." He sighs. He lets go of me. "Its Betty, she wants me to meet her in the old Blue and Gold office. You coming?" I nod grabbing his hand.

We walk into the old office, I look at the multiple boards around the room. Jughead speaks from the doorway still holding my hand, Betty is standing in the room.
"If print journalism is dead, what am I doing here?"
"The Blue and Gold isn't dead, Juggy. its just dormant. But waking up" I roll my eyes at Betty using my nickname for Jughead.  We walk into the room as Betty continues to flirt a little. Jughead lets go of my hand and pulls a magnifying glass from a cup on a desk. "You're writing a novel, right? About Jason Blossom's murder?" Jughead looks at me then back to Betty
"I am. Riverdale's very own In Cold Blood." Jughead holds the Magnifying glass up and looks through it towards Betty.
"Which started out as a series of articles." Jughead drops his arm. Betty rubs a computer "I'm hoping you'll come write for the Blue and Gold"
"I just don't think the school paper's the right fit for my voice" He reaches for my hand.  Betty groans
"Juggy..." quit using my nickname bitch "Jason's death changed Riverdale. People don't want to admit that, but it's true. We all feel it. Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here, but it did. I want to know why" Jug and Betty stare each other down.
"Avenge Jason, you can count me in." Betty looks at me...
"Don't get me wrong I'm not a writer, I could do articles but the pictures I can handle." Jughead nods
"Would I get complete freedom?"
"I'll help, and edit... and suggest. But it's your story, it's your voice." Jughead chortles a little
"Doesn't sound like complete freedom, but..." He looks at me and smiles "I'm in." He pulls me close "We are in" I hear Betty sigh before letting it go.
"Okay great! Um, in that case, I have your first assignment. There is one person who was at the river on July 4th that no one's talking about."
"Dilton Doiley and his Scouts." Jughead says
"Exactly" Betty responds. Jughead rubs the bottom of his nose before turning to leave the office. We walk out still holding hands.


The next day I'm walking to campus when Kevin comes up behind me.
"So you and Jughead?" He looks at me
"There is nothing between me and Jughead." I laugh
"You are lying to yourself" He shakes his head "You two are like goals"
"He is my best friend Kev, always has been." I shrug
"But... Time has treated him well, he is seriously handsome and sweet."
"You want to be more?"
"I'm not sure Kevin. All I know right now is that I want him in my life one way or another." That is when Kevin sees Veronica up the way. He runs to her
"So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Veronica laughs
"Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde or even Diablo Cody." She looks at us I chuckle a little under Cheryl's bitches walk by.
"Hey, Veronica. How was the Sticky Maple you had last night?"
"The what now?"
"The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you? How was it?" I lunch forward towards them as Kevin held me back
"We had a brownie sundae, if that's what you hyenas mean."
"Thats not what they mean" I growl. Kevin's phone dings in his back pocket.
"Oh, my God." He says looking at his phone.
"What?" Ronnie grabs his phone looking at the picture of her and Chuck, on which was a photoshoped puddle of maple syrup.
"What the hell is a Sticky Maple?" Veronica asks
"It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing"
"Trust me Kevin its not just a Riverdale thing.
"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton." Veronica holds the phone closer to her face. "Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol."
"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee."
"Are you serious Betty, Weatherbee wont do shit."
"About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?"
"And or I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold. Yeah, We can do that." Betty looks at me.
"Betty how naive can you be?"
"No. Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules. Well, I don't follow rules, I make them, and when necessary, I break them" Veronica grabs my hand pulling me behind her while shoving Kevin's phone back to him. "You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck, Betty, awesome. But you better be willing to go full dark, no stars. What do you say, in or out?"
"Let teach him a lesson" I shout keeping up with Ronnie.

We march through the hallway, no one stopping in our path seeing Veronica and I looking pissed as hell. Before I know it someone is opening the door to the boy's locker room that we are walking into the room passing guys who are only partly dressed.
"Move" Veronica says as we walk in. "Excuse me" We shove through the all of the guys in the room. That is when I bump into Archie who almost doped his towel. "Kathleen? Veronica? Betty, What are you guys doing here?"
"Don't worry about it. I mean it, Andrews. Hit the showers and stay out of my way" Veronica pushes Archie out of her way.

We walk up behind Chuck who is talking to Moose, Veronica clears her throat. I lean against a locker my arms crossed.
"Huh, B and V. Menage a right on. Ladies. And Kathleen, then again not surprised to see you in here" The boys around him laugh. Veronica holds up her phone.
"This is disgusting. Take it down."
"Whoa, whoa. Why are you so wound up? Its a badge of Honor, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews."
"Okay, that's beyond irrelevant, Chuck. You're not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason, under any circumstances, you jerk" Chuck smirks at Betty.
"Look, I get you're not a closet kind of girl, but hey, if you wanna ride the Chuck wagon, that can be arranged. I push off of the locker chuckling.
"You know what Chuck. You aren't this super hot thing you think you are,  you are just like every other asshat that walks on to this campus. You are just some small town fuckboy who wants to break out of Daddy's shadow but lets be real Chuck. You will end up right back here just like your dad. The football couch of a sucky high school football team." Chuck steps towards me while all of the guys groan around me for calling them out.
"Like you have anything to say you southside princess."
"Thats right Chuck, I'm the princess of the southside so I would advise you take a step back." Chuck smirks.
"Or what?"
I hold my lipstick to his chest.
"Or I push this little button and you have a knife in your chest"
"Now now now, no need to be violent. You can come out and say you would like to have me and my boy Reggie at the same time. I'm sure we will take better care of you than that scrawny weirdo you've been hanging out with." Chuck winks when I lunge forward. Veronica scoffs before talking.
"Let's keep this simple, so that your preppy-murdered half-brain can grasp it. Take. This. The. Hell. Down." Veronica walks towards him with each word.
"Okay, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory." The guys around him bark "but please, fight back."
"Don't fucking test me Clayton!" I scream. Reggie looks at me his eyes wide. "Look at that Clayton, your own best bud is scared" Chuck looks at Reggie who is trying to keep a straight face. "Cause it would be too bad if I just, snapped" I snapped my fingers Chuck jumps slightly "Just like my father" I wink before turning around grabbing Betty and Veronica.
"I'll take care of this later!" I scream marching out of the locker room.


AN: So I have done more of these than I had hoped but I feel like this needs to be stated before moving on. If I write from Jughead's point of view, which will have to happen at sometimes, I will be writing it EXTREMELY girly. He will have real like heart to heart moments with people that get skipped in his character arch. ALSO If you haven't been able to tell yet I am not a huge fan of any of the main four other than Jughead, this will continue to become more and more evident. Thank you, and back to our regularly scheduled program.


//Jughead POV//

I stand outside of the scout's station looking across the field to Dilton Doily and his scouts.

"And in that moment of hesitation you're dead. All of you are dead." It felt weird working on a project without Kat by my side but she said there was a situation with the girls she had to handle.
"At ease, Doily." I stand there looking at his scouts "I'm writing an article for the Blue and Gold. Hoping you can help." We pause before Doily takes a deep breath.
"Dismissed. But stay close" He stands there with his arms crossed.
"Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July 4th, but they don't know who fired."
"Sheriff Keller already asked me about this. And like I told him, my Scouts and I, we didn't hear anything weird."
"Well, did you see anything weird?" I take a step towards him he look taken back by my question.
"A white-winged crossbill. A long-eared owl." I look away from him to see one of his scouts staring over at us "Oh, and Cheryl sitting but the river, soaking wet."

What the actual hell is wrong with that man. I walk away from the scouts and my phone goes off in my pocket. I see Kat's contact pop up.
"Hey, girl thing handled?"
"For now, meet me at Pops?"
"On my way." she seemed upset and hung up after getting my answer.

She got to Pops before I did. Kathleen Halia Quinn, my best friend since we were five. She has beautiful long brown hair and the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. I walk over to our booth and sit across from her. She doesn't meet my eyes, Pops brings over our order.
"She told me you were coming" Pops laughs before walking back to the kitchen. Kat is looking at her hands that are holding each other in the center of the table.
"Kat? Whats wrong?" I put my hand on top of hers and she breaths a shaky breath. And then sniffles.
"Clayton?" she nods slowly.
"It was one of the last houses before coming back here. The family had this older boy, their actual son. He was not to bad looking and I had just turned 15. Perry and the boy got along as if they had been best friends forever. Meanwhile I was either the 'sexy little sister' or the annoying brat'. One night the parents were out and the boy threw a party, there I found out he was interested in me... at least that's what he told me. Until he brought me to his room. We kissed a little and then got too aggressive I shut him down." She sighs looking up at me. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face was tear stained. "By Monday there were rumors going around that I had slept with the entire football team that night. I couldn't confront him because the parents got word of it and called our case worker. We were gone within the week..." She looked so drained.
"What does this have to do with Chuck?"
"I was living with a family who's last name was Clayton, and one of the things he said today makes me wonder... Also he is doing somewhat of the same thing to Veronica."
"Kat, its okay, we will make him pay. Both of them." She gives a small smile before moving her hands and running her fingers through her hair.
"What about you? How did it go with Doiley?" And just like that the girl who's life was falling apart and broken was hidden away again, sitting across from me was the indestructible bad ass everyone knew her as.

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