A Week In Rome | AWI series |✔

By xkalopsia

4.3K 753 1K

❝What brings you to Rome?❞ ❝A broken heart. You?❞ ❝I have three months to live. And I've heard gelato is pret... More

A Week in Rome - summary & copyright
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Author's Note: Thank you
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One Year After | A Week in Rome |

521 80 140
By xkalopsia

I sometimes find myself wishing that life came with a How-To Guide.

How to survive your first day of high school.

How to resolve a fight with your best friend.

How to ask someone out.

How to deal with heartbreak.

Then again, what would we do without the adventure, suspense, and heart-wrenching experiences that come with being utterly lost in this wild world?

In a way, these experiences shape us. We screw up and make one bad decision after another, each one building on top of the one before, leading to perhaps the best decision we've ever made. Leading us to our fates.

When I had my heart broken by someone I'd given my world to, I became numb. No, I didn't spend days locked in my room with a gallon of ice cream and a stack of Nicholas Sparks movies. Instead, I found myself purchasing a ticket for the next flight to Rome. Which happened to be two days after the day that shall not be spoken about, caused by the boy who shall not be named.

I refuse to name him in this story of mine. His name doesn't deserve to be inscribed in the same pages as Ma—oops, almost spoiled it. We'll get to him later.

For now, let's talk about impulse. In my nineteen years of life, I've never once broken a rule. Never traveled anywhere without planning for days ahead. Never made an impulsive decision.

Until the day that I made the best and worst decision of my life. I bought myself a trip to Rome.

I bought myself the best memories of my life.

And it only cost me eight hundred dollars (there was a promotion).

One impulsive decision took my shattered heart and put it back together, one piece at a time. It wasn't in the same shape, no. The way it fit into my chest was like a key to a lock. It was better. In so many ways.

Here's to impulsive decisions. And here's to a week in Rome.


Hello beautiful readers!

Thank you for clicking on this story. You won't regret it ;)

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Thank you!

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