Don't hurt me...please

By hamynimz

1.1K 37 17


chapter 1-DHMP
chapter 2-DHMP
chapter 3-DHMP
chapter 4-DHMP
chapter 5- DHMP


534 12 9
By hamynimz

Authors note:

This is our second book and we hope that you guys enjoy it and please vote and comment!



Don’t hurt me…please


The trees were rustling, the wind was blowing and my heart beat was beating faster and faster with each footsteps I took. my hands clasping and gripping the hem of my shirt while sweat was trickling alongside of my face. Hoots of owls in the night air with loud shrieking squeals and screams of some unknown young girl that looked the age of 14 or 15, sitted on a wooden blooded chair, that had chains tied up around her fragile hands and legs. Her bloodied face that will forever be tainted in my brain was screaming BLOODY MURDER! 

Her wide eyes caught something or someone in front of her taking each step menacingly. Her bloodied body stiffened when she saw something in the table that I just noticed had nails and torterous weapons. But from the looks of her wide hazel eyes, she was observing every move of a man in  a long black cloak, and a sharp razor blade in the the hand of her predators left hand. 

 Creak,creak, creak...creak!

You can hear the twigs snapping slowly and more forcefully, as if the kidnapper or the torturer was trying to give her a heart attack. 

Well he was giving me a heart attack, it was like he was trying to show who is BOSS!

 Thud, thud, thud

You could hear her young heart beating faster and faster with each step the stranger that was dressed in a long black coat, with a black hood covering his face under the moonlight.

The heartless man was emanating power and screaming danger and more DANGER!!!

Thud, thud, thud......blink.

I just stood there with wide eyes, not knowing what will happen next. 

Afraid if I blink then he would diappear and lunge after me.

With shaky hands I FORCED TO covered my mouth when I saw the menacing predator raising his sharp blade and pointing it straight towards her wide hazel eyes which obviously held fear, disgust and more fear.

 I was unaware that i was walking backwards and bumped into something hard.

My heart stopped for a moment, thinking of everything that could happen to me. thinking of my future, family and friends of how they will react to not see me ever again?!

I started to scream when I fell backwards and landed on my butt with a loud THUDD!

That hurt like BITCH!

I peeled my eyes open to see that it was just a big tree that I had bumped into and a stupid thick branch that I tripped on to.

With pained and bloodied hands (That I got scratched and bruised from my fell) I got up abruptedly and dusted off my pants and was about to walk away when i heard footsteps coming towards me.

Wait towards me?

With that thought I remembered how I got here in the first place and what I was observing this whole time!

My breathing went fast again as I heard the twigs breaking and the leaves crunching under someone pressure! 

 I ran. I know it was a coward thing to do, but hey if you were in my position then  that's what you would be doing! I was in a panick mode that made me feel lightheaded and sick. 

I ran as fast as my 2 small legs can make me run. Knocking into every branches that  I passed and every rocks and twigs that i nearly fell and tripped on. 

I kept on running, until I had to stop and take some breath. My breathing was laboured. My chest twisted and burned with all the running I did and all the shock that

My heart was thudding really fast and my throat was so dry it was as if i swallowed a cup of sand.

as I was standing on the edge a wide cliff and I could see and hear  the river from where I was standing.

I kept rucking and kept begging my brain to help me come with my next move.

But my brain was in a difficult maze that couldn't find its way out!

One of the things that my brain kept coming up with was that I should jump off the cliff! 

Who the heck would want to jump off a maybe 4 or 5 metres of a wild bushy cliff?!

I would've if I was insane, but right now I was thinking about the consequences and I definetly was not insane, well thats what I thought when I heard movements coming from behind a big bushy old tree.

I gasped when I heard the footsteps coming closer, and closer. Sweat was rolling down from my face.


The first thing THAT caught  my eyes was a menacing evil grin that etched across the face of the mystry man that had his hood covering his eyes. 

I caught a glimpse of a evil smirk when he took something sharp and shiny out of his  long black coat.

It was the long sharped razor blade (that he was about to poke the girl's eye balls out with)  that was in my predators left hand, but there was no blood on it, so i sighed a relief of breath that the YOUNG BLOODIED GIRL WAS MAYBE JUST MAYBE ALIVE! Right?!

I was still in my thoughts and full on forgot that the cloaked evil man was taking long but threatingly strides, and stopped abruptedly about 10 steps away from me.

I was caught up in his evil smirk and fully on forgot that i was taking small steps backwards, but fortunately came back to my senses when I heard small rocks falling off the bushy cliffs and into the the flowing river.


I shivered, but not from the cold but from the way he observed me. 

the Blade was sparkling as if he was showing me that it is REALLY SHARP!

I WAS about to make a run for it when I heard his voice that sounded amused but strangely poisonous AND VENOMOUS to me. 

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked amusedly as I stiffened on my spot. I tried to move, but my legs wouldnt move, it was as if it was locked and chained to the rocks and the keys were missing so i would be forever stuck to my spot , but yeah you get the point.

My brain was trying its best to solve the problem that I was in, but i wasn't paying attention to it that much, my attention was mainly focussed on the sharp razor blade that the cloaked man was playing with.

I took a deep breath, but still shivered of fear and spoke, "Don't H-hurt m-mee...pleasee!"

i was about to cry so hard but thought otherwise as he took menacing strdes towards my stiffed body.

With all my will I mustered, I jumped off the cliff screaming and into the river with a loud splash.

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