Inks nightmare (Ink X Error)

By Ink_Sans1234

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[COMPLETED] Unfresh escapes the antivoid and has to pay a visit to a few friends from the past. Unfresh disco... More

Dream Gone Wrong Chapter 1
Struggles cut short Chapter 2
Thin gone Thick Chapter 3
Sweet Dreams! Chapter 4
Silent Night Chapter 5
Nightmares Come True Chapter 6
Another Day, Another Night Chapter 7
So far yet so close Chapter 8
Boundaries Gone Broken Chapter 9
Who's Pulling The Strings? Chapter 10
Lost In My Head Chapter 11
Appetite Gone Quiet Chapter 12
Memories Unfold Chapter 13
Failed to Protect Chapter 14
Close Friends Chapter 15
Authors Note
Where? Chapter 16
Next Moves Chapter 17
Good Turned Bad Chapter 18
Deals? Why not Violence? Chapter 19
Who's The Weak One?Chapter 20
Holding For Hope Chapter 21
Offers to exchange Chapter 22
All Can Change Chapter 23
Forgotten behind the Bleachers Chapter 24
Darkness Chapter 25
The Escape Chapter 26
Reunited Chapter 27
I'm Coming Home Chapter 28
Lemon Warning!!! Chapter 29
Sweet Mornings Chapter 30
Not A Chapter! Sowwey
A/N Apologizing
I See You :) Chapter 31
Never want to Let go Chapter 32
Pasts Conflict Chapter 33
You were there for me Chapter 34
Your back!? Not again!Chapter 35
A/N Apologies
This just got personal Chapter 36
I'm sorry my friend Chapter 37

I got Tagged ;-;

464 14 20
By Ink_Sans1234

Who tagged me... ThatOneRandomFandom  Thanks -_-


1) I'm a huge book worm
2) I am a triplet 
3) I love to draw but I'm fast to judge my drawings
4) I am in between introverted and extroverted
5) In a relationship with Bloodfox123 
6) I do little dances when nobody is around and music is playing
7) When my little brother is sad I make the most goofiest faces to cheer him up
8) I am childish around my friends and watch cartoons like Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Star vs the forces of evil, etc 
9) I enjoy challenges because I think they are exciting
10) I create lists of what I need done that day


And lets not forget Bloodfox123 ❤❤

Oh gosh...a wow I'm horrible at these...I'll just put something funny down


Inks Nightmare spoiler!!! Someone dies 😈 but I won't say who... sorry but I didn't want to give a lot away...


Oh and guys! If you haven't seen I've been creating chapters to my book called Spirit. Feel free to read it ^-^ I'm really excited to write in that book as much as I'm really excited to write Inks Nightmare.


I still didn't understand my feelings. I only opened up to father and my brother. Everyone else I kept away so I knew for sure I wouldn't be hurt in the end. Except for Natsumi. I guess I never stood a chance. The moment I saw her laying unconscious on the ground I immediately felt something for her. And I did my absolute best to ignore it thinking I could find her parents and then she'd be gone. But that didn't happen. I've grown soft. I have a weak spot for her and I would go down on my knees for her...but why?

What is this feeling?

"Why don't you try to get some sleep Diaki?" Natsumi said, "Its getting late and I bet your tired."

I must admit I was exhausted but I shook my head, " I'm fine Natsumi."

That's when a smidge of challenge sparked in her eyes and she gave me a stubborn look, "You know what? You don't have a choice. Get you pajamas on and head to bed."

A small smile crept to my lips, "Your not my mom. We're both sixteen years old Natsumi."

She shrugged, "So what? Your obviously tired and once you get to bed I'm chasing down your brother and he'll go to bed next."

Soon enough I started to laugh, "If we have to go to bed then you do too."

She raised a finger at me, "You can't tell me what to do mister. Your going to bed and I'll be down stairs watching t.v." she stood her ground as she spoke only making me laugh harder.

"Nice try but your forgetting I can make you go to bed." I got up and stood in front of her. But what surprised me was when she stood up and pressed the Palm of her hands against my chest.

"I dare you." She challenged.

And that's when I tackled her and we both fell into bed. She was beneath me but I made sure the weight of my body didn't crush her. She was trapped in my arms. She knew it and tried to struggle but failed miserably. It was actually amusing.

"Ha!" I spoke in a victorious voice, " Your trapped! What are you going to do about it?"

She surprised me when she licked my arm and I let her go, "Ewwww!" I waved my arm while she scrambled to her feet but I don't give up that easily. I snatched her by the ankle and dragged her back into my bed and wrapped my arms and legs around her. Her back was pressed against my chest as we both laid in bed.

"You cheated!" She accused.

I only rolled my eyes, "Says the girl who licked me."

She grumbled, "So why are you trapping me again?"

I smiled, "Because this way we can both fall asleep."

"But what about Kouhei?" She questioned.

I smiled at the thought of her caring for my twin, "He's already sleeping on the couch."

"Oh" Natsumi began, "Best 2 out of 3?"

I chuckled, "Go to bed."

With a sigh from Natsumi she answered, "Fine."

My smile grew a little as I slowly began to drift. Natsumi was asleep before me but I knew that for once I would be able to sleep. And maybe this time I won't have to fight my demons alone.


Anyways guys! I might actually make the next chapter to Inks Nightmare today. But I plan to spend some time helping family ans hanging with my little brother. Other than that thankyou all for your support and votes. It really means a lot to me. You guys are the absolute reason why I like to write. And I need to thank you all. Every single one of you means a lot to me because without you I wouldn't have been committed to write Inks Nightmare.

I love you all!
Thank you so much!!! 😁

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