Back In Black


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Kathleen Quinn has moved from home to home since she was ten, years have passed and she is finally able to re... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Old Friend
Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Chapter Four: Fear, Guilt, and Love Oh My.
Chapter Five: Truth be Told I'm Lying
Chapter Six: The Book of the Damned
Chapter Seven: Give Him a Break
Chapter Eight: The Last Picture Show
Chapter Nine: Please Don't Forget Me.
Chapter Ten: Love Never Before Seen
Chapter Eleven: The Tail of The Sisters
Chapter Twelve: The Story Unravels
Chapter Thirteen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Fourteen: Why Do I Do This?
Chapter Fifteen: Pissed Off Isn't a Good Color
Chapter Sixteen: Not Today Red-Headed Satan
Chapter Seventeen: In the Thick of Things.
Chapter Seventeen; Hatching a Plan Into Hell
Chapter Nineteen; The Blossom's Plus One
Chapter 20; Surrounded by Insanity.
Chapter 21: Happy Very Merry Birthday
Chapter 22; Coming Home
Chapter 23: Horrors of Home
Chapter 24: The Tell Tale Heart
Chapter 25: Isolation is Freedom
Chapter 26: There May Not Be a Tomorrow
Chapter 27: Family Doesn't End With Blood.

Chapter Three: Parties and Heartbreak

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I make my way out of the gym trying to find Jughead when I see the boys at football practice. I walk over to the stands and put my backpack down, I pull out my camera and adjust to accommodate the speed of the game.

Behind my camera I am safe, no one pays attention to the girl behind the lens. Which is how I like it, candid photos are the best though on occasion I have done photo shoots. I walk out of the stands and just make my way around the field snapping pictures where I feel like. Thats when someone clears their throat beside me.
"I haven't seen you around"
"Shut up Mantel I swear to God."
"What will you do Quinn?" I turn around to look at Reggie Mantel one of the football guys he is sweaty and covered in dirt.
"What do you want Mantel?"
"Whatever pictures you take of me, I want them"
"They are for my portfolio"
"I want to see them"

"Mantel back in the game!" the man I'm assuming is the coach calls.
"Yes sir!" He shouts back. "This isn't over Quinn!" Reggie shouts as he runs back to the field.  I just walk around snapping a few more pictures before I look up into the stands to see the Raven Haired boy staring at me my bag in his hand. I walk over
"Its about time" I laugh walking up to him
"If you weren't avoiding me all day maybe I wouldn't have had to chase you down" I laugh sitting beside him.
"What did Reggie want?"
"Any of my Pictures that he was in." I shake my head. "Pops?"
"Always" he chuckles handing me my back pack and the two of us walk to Pops.


Sitting in that booth at Pops almost forgot about my first day at Riverdale High.
"So how was your day?" Jughead asks taking my milkshake
"It was bearable I guess. And that's mine" I giggle taking my milkshake back.
"Why only bearable?" He tilts his head having some of my fries
"Just take the plate Jug. I laugh shoving my plate towards him
"Now I don't want it" He laughs.
"It was bearable because I got to see you in English, thank God. But I had to deal with New York princess and Betty the perfect. Thank goodness Keller was there but those too are just too much."
"What makes you say that?"
"Betty is head over heels for Archie and its evident but Veronica finds him attractive too so they have a secret war going on over him that Archie can't see. To top it off Veronica is well, shallow and narcissistic."
"Well damn." Jughead laughs
"Shut up. I'm sure I'll get over it but right now they just get on my nerves."
"I don't know, you and Betty were never really that close."
"It was Betty and Archie and you and I, Jug. We were all friends because it just worked out."
"Yeah" He looks down at the plate of fries before pulling out his computer and typing. At first I just pulled out my camera and took a picture but then I pulled out my sketch book and started drawing the scene. Jughead was so handsome when he left this world and entered his head, in this context anyway. He had this look of determination and wonder spread across his face. His eyes followed along the screen as he quickly typed out the story that Jason was telling him to write. The two of us sat there for hours, me just drawing the image I saw and him writing away on his computer. 

The bell at the door goes off and for some reason I look over at it this time. I see Veronica walking in.
"Can I have some fries and two milkshakes please. A double chocolate and a Vanilla, to go please."
"Sure thing" Pop nods.
"Hey Kat." I roll my eyes as Jughead chuckles.
"Hey Ronnie" I stand up trying to give Veronica a second chance.
"Betty and I are going dress shopping for the semi-formal, wanna join?" I look over my shoulder at Jug who is laughing to himself.
"You know what, I'd love to." I grab my bad and wait by Veronica for her order. Jughead continues chuckling.


Don't get me wrong I still hate Veronica but walking around the mall with her and Betty, just being teenage girls was really nice. Betty was telling us how her mother tried to get her to quit the cheer squad because of Polly and Jason.
"Betty, I feel like you deserve an apology and I know you wont get one from Cheryl. From what I heard and saw it was unlike Jason to hurt Polly. They were making plans, but I can see that he did. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry." Betty gives me a hug.
"I'm sorry. I heard what happened to Perry" Betty says pulling away.
"I'm missing something" Veronica says looking at the two of us. Betty, Veronica, and I sit down in the foot court where we explain almost everything.
"My older brother Perry, Polly, and Jason were best friends. Cheryl was apart of that group too. Being the younger sister I sometimes got to tag along."
"So you were friends with Jason Blossom?" Veronica says
"Jason was kind of like another brother to me. I mean after everything happened with my family the Blossoms tried to keep us in Riverdale for as long as possible, but no mater where we ended up we kept contact with them. Perry more so, but if anything every happened to either of us Jason was the first to hear about it."
"Wow, that's crazy"
"A part of me feared telling Jason about Perry, I knew he would take the hit even harder than I did. Perry and Jason were like brothers and surprisingly accepted by the Blossoms even though Perry and I are from the southside" I shrug.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your brother?" Veronica leans across the table. Betty puts her hand on my arm
"Our second to last house we were in New York. It was a rough time for both Perry and I. Perry started hanging out with some people that had some illegal extracurriculars. One night he had gotten to high and drunk at a party we had been invited too. He came home to find me sitting on the floor in our room crying. The guy who had thrown the party raped me..." I pause trying to ignore the face of the horrible monster. "Perry took it to heart, he was pissed at the world but more pissed at himself for being out of it too much to help me. He sat with me until I fell asleep and a few weeks later when I had a slight pregnancy scare he snapped. I had been expelled from school and our case worker was trying to find us a place. Perry couldn't handle any of it anymore and killed himself..." I start to cry in front of the girls "The police said he didn't suffer but I knew my brother was suffering, I could have gotten him help" Betty pulls me close to her as I cry. It was the first time I had talked about my brother since that night. I was surprised I told them before I told Jughead. 
"Your brother is watching over you know, with Jason" I sigh as I stop crying.
"Lets go and get these dresses before I become more of a wreck" We laugh as we all get up. After that I had a new respect for those two. Sure they still got on my nerves but at the same time it felt good to have some girl friends I could talk to.

I'm sitting in Pops continuing the drawing I had started of Jughead when someone climbs into the booth across from me.
"Hey Quinn."
"What do you want Mantel?" I ask looking up at Reggie.
"I was wondering, do you have a date to the Semi-formal tomorrow?"
"I don't why?"
"Would you go with me?" I laugh a little. Reggie sits back looking somewhat hurt
"Wait are you serious?" I stop laughing
"Completely. I heard what happened to Perry, He was supposed to be on the bulldogs with Jason. I want to pay him back for all he did for me. Even when we were twelve" he scratches the back of his head. Reggie wasn't bad looking but I know what guys like him stand for.
"One condition?"
"Its just as friends and nothing else but the dance."
"And Cheryl's after party..." he looks at the table.
"I'm not invited"
"I have a plus one, please. You are the hottest thing here."
"Thats a lie"
"Please Kathleen. One night that's all I ask"
"Are you begging Reginald?"
"Just a little"
"Fine, one night" I laugh getting back to my drawing.
"Yes!" He celebrates while standing. "Oh and don't tell anyone I begged."
"Your secret is safe with me" I chuckle holding up my right hand "Scouts honor." He shakes his head and walks away.


I get ready with Veronica and Betty at Betty's house. Betty and Veronica get ready first as I sit on Betty's bed sketching out the scene.
"Aren't you going to get ready?" Betty looks at me as Veronica zips her dress.
"I only have my everyday makeup look, I was wondering if you guys could help?" I look at my hands while the two look at each other smirking. Betty takes my long brown hair and curls it then proceeds to put it in a half up half down look. Veronica jumps at the chance to do my makeup while looking at my dress for inspiration. When they finish Veronica hands me a bright red lipstick.
"The finishing touch." She smiles as I slip the lip stick in my purse, "Keep that with you at all times. Reggie wont be able to keep his hands off you." Veronica chuckles.
"I still wish I was going with Jughead but..." The two look at each other confused
"He's my friend calm down" I laugh standing slipping into my strappy heels.
"You look amazing." Betty smiles I grab my phone.
"Come on girls, Selfie" I laugh snapping a really cute picture of the three of us.

I'm wearing a skin tight black dress, Ronnie has a black strapless dress and Betty is sporting a pink high low dress that is darling. Lucky for us Betty's parents were working late at the Register so we had the house to ourselves.
"They are here" Betty says checking her phone.
"Lets go" Ronnie says linking her and Betty's arms while I follow closely behind. I stop at the top of the stairs not really wanting to move any more.
"Kat you coming?" Ronnie calls from the bottom of the stairs. Its one night Kathleen you can do this. I take a deep breath and start walking down the stairs. Archie's eyes go wide as his cheeks flush a little, meanwhile Reggie stands there speechless his jaw practically on the floor.
"Kat, have you ever worn a dress?" Archie says looking at me.
"Not since kindergarten graduation." I laugh as Reggie steps forward.
"You clean up good Quinn" He says trying to regain his cool.
"You don't look to bad yourself Reginald." Everyone chuckles as we walk out to the boy's cars.


We arrive at the dance were people are staring at me and Reggie. He is nodding to all his friends while I just walk in beside him. I see Kevin across the floor.
"Reg, can you get me some punch?"
"Sure" He lets go of my arm and walks to the punch bowl. I walk the opposite direction to Kevin.
"My mind is racing, is that really you Kat?" He looks at me smiling
"Its me Kev." I shrug while giving him a twirl.
"Damn Kat, and were my eyes playing tricks or are you here with Reggie?"
"He begged me at Pops the other day I couldn't turn him down"
"Hey begged?"
"HEY! you said you wouldn't say anything" Reggie speaks up from behind me.
"Sorry Reg, its just Kevin though. He wont tell anyone." I laugh turning to the football player.
"He better not" Reggie says looking over my head. I laugh taking the punch from his hand
"Thank you for this" He looks down at me smiling.
"You are welcome Quinn."
"Reggie, why did you ask me?"
"I always see you in Pops until like really late, I figured a girl like you deserved a nice night."
"I like sitting at pops."
"I can tell" He chuckles before asking me to dance. I really don't pay much attention to the night around me. In all honesty Reggie was actually pretty funny but still not my type. The one thing I notice is shortly after arriving Archie walks over to Ms. Grundy and the two have and intense and heated conversation. Reggie and I continue having a pretty good evening, I can tell quickly though that the punch was definitely spiked.  Sadly the queen steps on to the stage, Reggie stands behind me his hands resting on my hips as we look up to the stage.
"Good Evening friends. Are you all having a good time?" Cheers spread through out the crowd.
"I know I am" Reggie whispers in my ear.
"As honorary chairperson and de facto queen of tonight's semiformal, its is a great pleasure to introduce this evening's main entertainment. To know them is to be obsessed with them. Though the usually preform their own material, tonight, they're making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claim they were listening the night Jason and I were conceived. This one's for you JJ. I give you Josie and the Pussycats"

The song starts to play and Reggie lets go of my hips and twirls me around so I am facing him.
"What the-" I laugh
"Thank you for coming here Quinn..."
"Reggie, we are here as friends, making a mends for things said to each other in the past."
"Right of course." He nods looking some what defeated. The two of us continue to sway until the song ends.


"Reggie, I can't be here long" I tell him as we walk up to Cheryl's party.
"Just a few minutes have some drinks and hang out." He says as we walk inside. We are all sitting around the room, I'm sitting on the floor in front of Veronica and Betty while Reggie sitting across the room.
"Its game time at Chez Blossom kiddies. We are going old-school tonight. Seven minutes in heaven."
"Nope that's my cue." I stand up making sure not to flash anybody and start walking away until Reggie grabs me and pulls me into his lap.
"Who wants to tryst in the Closet of Love first? My vote is "A" for Archie. Anyone care to second It?"
"Wait, actually" Archie starts
"Yes, Andrews! Yes." Reggie shouts earning chuckles from around the room.
"Alright" Cheryl starts "Gather around, kids. Lets see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight." She sits a bottle on the table and spins it. It lands in between Betty and Veronica. Cheryl you bitch what are you planing?
"Oh, no way!" Reggie snickers and I elbow him in the chest.
"It's clearly point to... the new girl. This should be fun." Cheryl smirks.
"Um... I'm not doing this." Ronnie leans forward.
"Thats up to you. But, if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn." Cheryl smirks walking around the room. I look over at Betty and see just how crushed she is. Shortly after the two enter the closet she runs away. I case after her
"BETTY WAIT!" I scream. She stops and looks back at me.
"No, Kathleen, not tonight."
"At least let me walk with you?" she nods slowly. We make our way to her house as she explains to me everything that happened. Bust most of it just ended up being how she fell for Archie. We reach her house were I give her a hug.
"I know your mom isn't my biggest fan, but if you need me give me a call okay?"
"Of course. Thank you Kat."
"Its what friends are for." we chuckle lightly as she walks up to her house. I take this time to make my way to Pops. I walk in to find Jughead sitting in our usual booth. He looks up at the bell then back down before doing a double take.
"Kat?" He asks as I walk over to him
"I wish you would have come to the dance" I sigh as I sit in front of him
"Dances aren't me scene." He chuckles as I wave to Pop who nods.
"And you think the are mine?" I laugh taking the bobby pins out of my hair and letting it fall towards my face.
"You look really nice. I'm sure Reggie had a great time..."
"Is that jealousy I hear?" I smile brightly as Jug's cheeks flush slightly.
"No, why would I be jealous of Reggie?"
"I don't know actually, but nothing happened between Reggie and I. That much is a promise. After I finish as much of my fries and milkshake that I want I slide the rest over to Juggie.
"Its getting late, I should head out." I stand.
"Good night Kat."
"Night Jug" I lean down and kiss his cheek before heading out. I drop some cash in front of Pop.
"Goodnight Pops"
"Night Kathleen" He smiles.

Walking out of the shoppe I see Archie walking towards me.
"Kat?" He asks.
"Archie." I sigh.
"Have you seen Betty?"
"Not since the after party" I shrug before walking away. I call Desiree to pick me up. I barely made it to the couch inside the Trailer before I fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning was interesting, I was still in my semiformal dress standing on the top of a hill holding Jughead's hand as we watched the police searching sweet water river. Jason Blossom didn't drown, he was shot. So now the question is, Who killed Jason Blossom?

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