Sherlock: Carpe Diem

By lies4theliars

6.9K 96 33

Everything was quiet at 221B Baker Street until a family friend of John's comes to stay, a 15 year old girl w... More

Sherlock: Carpe Diem
The Vitruvian Man, A Wiccan Pentacle, and a Pentagram
Round and Round the Radical Road the Radical Rascal Ran.
Faustus and Holden Caulfield
Ashes to Ashes. We All Fall Down.
Until The Fall
Carpe Noctem
Wyvern Way
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Red Death
May I have this Waltz?
A Promise Sealed
Sentiment is a Chemical Defect Found in the Losing Side
A Test of Faith
La Nuit de la Mort
The Words that were Written
The Reichenbach Fall
The Truth Behind Her Actions

A Game, A Case and A Trap from Jamie

338 6 2
By lies4theliars

Author's Note: Sherlock wears the purple shirt of sex in this chapter...I'm in love with that shirt...

Baker Street was still in uproar, and Sherlock didn't think he could take it anymore. The constant noise was stopping all logical thoughts from even entering his brain. He should have forbade John from letting those monsters stay with them. It seemed as though none of this was ever going to end. He now found himself in his housecoat and pajama's all day, curled up into the couch trying to block all of them out. Nobody payed attention to him now anyways, always to caught up with making sure that the girls didn't do anything too dangerous that could potentially kill them all. But what did it matter what they did? The real focus should be why nothing has happened yet! Why no criminals have done anything even of remote interest. The world was dull and boring and Sherlock could not live with that! He couldn't live in a boring world, what would be the point in that. The days already seemed to drag on, but at least he knew that at some moment he would be given a case to work on. Everything was just taking an endless amount of time now. He got up from his place on the couch and went into his room to go and get changed into his purple dress shirt and his pants. He then walked back out to the sitting room, snatching his violin out of Tessa's hands as he walked past, noticing the glare that she gave him in his peripheral vision. He tuned his violin and began to play it. It was just his own music that he wrote, and sometimes he would change it up. He heard John's footsteps running around the flat and he was quickly able to assume that he was running late for an engagement and would be leaving Sherlock here with the three demon teenagers. Oh the joy. He heard John run downstairs and he heard him take an intake of breath, indicating that he was about to say something.

"Your leaving the flat, because you have an engagement, probably with a girl, seeing as you are in such a hurry and are worried about being late. Just go." Sherlock sighed.

"Yes you're right, as usual, Sherlock. Girls, don't do anything bother Sherlock when I'm gone. God knows I can't save you from him if you piss him off."

Sherlock smirked as he heard the door to the flat shut and John walk down the stairs leading out towards the street. John was right, he really couldn't save them if he wasn't there, so they had better listen to John if they wanted to stay on Baker Street. He chuckled lightly to himself and continued to play his violin, noticing that the apartment had become more quiet. It seemed odd, out of character for the girls. He turned around and he saw them all sitting on the stairs that led up to John's room. Just sitting there, not doing anything. Instead of questioning their actions, he stole the rare opportunity of silence and used it to his advantage to keep playing his violin and allowing his thoughts to drift. It was the first time he had been able to thing clearly since Jamie's first day here. He thought about past cases, and even some more previous ones, thought about things that he just couldn't quite figure out. Like the shoes. The ones that had belonged to Carl Powers. Obviously they half played their part in the game Moriarty and himself had played, but how had he known 20 years prior that this was all going to happen. It was impossible. Sherlock himself wasn't even an adult at the time, so it was impossible for Jim to have been one either. So how could he have known that he would need the shoes? Perhaps he kept them as a trophy? Moriarty, in the most simple terms, was vain, and perhaps the shoes were a token of victory for killing Carl Powers and getting away with it. But even then, why keep them for so long. Only to just give them away. It didn't make sense. He heard noises once more, and sighed, wishing for quiet again. If he were anyone but himself, he would have been thankful for the small amount of quiet he got, but no. He was just bitter and angry once more. He heard footsteps running from behind him, and he saw Dynah run up to the window, looking down on the street.

"Hey, Sherlock?" she said.

"Yes, Dynah? Do you recquire something?" he asked, irritation obvious in his voice.

"Either John invited somebody over and forgot about it, you have somebody who has a case for you, or we have a problem. Because somebody just walked into the flat." Dynah said.

Sherlock walked over to the window, to peer down onto the street below, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. He heard footsteps, coming up the stairs towards the flat and they were moving in extremely slow strides, however they were very loud. Almost as if the person wanted Sherlock to hear them. This wasn't a case or a visitor of John's. Most definitely not.

"Jamie, Tessa, Dynah. Go upstairs now, and no matter how hard it is for you, stay quiet." Sherlock ordered.

The girls immediately walked upstairs and tried to be as quiet as possible. Sherlock placed his violin down and walked into the kitchen, to continue an experiment. The person had no intent of hurting him, if they did, they would have been in here by now, attempting to point a gun at his head. No, this person was here for another reason, and if it was who Sherlock believed to be, and he knew that he was right, then they were most definitely here for other reasons. He heard the door to the apartment slowly creak open and the footsteps move slowly over the threshold of the flat. The door shut, with a click and the person continued to move throughout the apartment. Sherlock smirked to himself and put the kettle on, in preparation. Sherlock walked into the living room and sighed when he saw Moriarty sitting in his flat, as if he lived there. He sat in John's chair, legs stretched out in front of him, as if he had the right to feel comfortable here. Moriarty looked up at him and smiled, grinning like the mad man he is.

"Hello, Sherly. Miss me?" he asked.

"Not particularly." Sherlock said. "There's tea being made for you."

"Pity. I had hoped it would have already been prepared for me when I arrived." Moriarty said, pouting.

"I apologize, but I had not expected to be graced with your presence so soon." Sherlock said, lacing his voice with sarcasm.

"Oh, you should always expect the unexpected. Especially when you're dealing with people like me, my dear."

"Did you come here for a specific reason? If not I would appreciate it, if you could leave. Unlike you, I am very busy."

"Oh what, making sure that I don't bother your little guests?"

Sherlock tried to avoid looking surprised, but obviously failed.

"Oh no, they did a grand job of keeping quiet. Wouldn't have even thought they were here, and nothing seems out of the ordinary except for one tiny little thing, Sherlock. Can you tell me what it is?"

"You act as though you have seen my flat before." Sherlock said.

"Oh no I haven't," he smirked," but I know you, and your little pet, and there is one thing in this room that neither of you would ever do. What is it, Sherlock? Tell Daddy."

"It's obviously this."

Sherlock walked up a few steps of the stairs leading to John's part of the flat and picked up a tiny, folded up piece of paper. It looked worn out and the edges were frayed, obviously being continuously shoved into a pocket.

"Oh well done, Sherlock. Now why would neither you nor John do this."

"Why do you bother to ask such tedious things, seeing as we both know the answer to the question?"

"Because it's fun, Sherlock. What other reason do I have for asking?" Moriarty laughed.

"The paper is folded and is worn out, indicating that it is old. It is also being continuously shoved or placed into pockets, as evident from the creased paper and corners. It is obviously something sentimental and you and I both know that I am not a very sentimental person and that John keeps most of his private things on his laptop, even though that really makes little sense, seeing as I can hack into it in a matter or mere seconds." Sherlock said.

"Was that so hard to say? Now, why don't I meet your guests. Perhaps they could be new pieces in our game?" Moriarty chuckled darkly.

"The reason why they are not meeting you, is because they do not need to be involved. There nothing that I concern myself with, so they shouldn't be something you concern yourself with."

"They are living in your flat, thus they must be in some way attached to you, or John, meaning that they are a concern of mine. We both know that you wouldn't be letting them stay here in the first place if you entirely hated them."

"They're...useful, in particular situations."

"Wonderful,Sherlock. Now you have a whole team of sidekicks."

Moriarty got up from his seat and began to waltz around the apartment, looking through books, and even picking up Sherlock's violin to examine it. Sherlock just sat there, until he heard the kettle go off and he stood up to go and make the tea. He heard Moriarty follow behind him. As Moriarty walked with him, into the kitchen, there was thee faint sound of movement from upstairs and Moriarty didn't miss it, just like Sherlock didn't.

"So close." Moriarty smiled.

"How would you like your tea?" Sherlock asked, avoiding Moriarty's comment.

"Milk and Cream." Moriarty said simply, looking up and scanning the ceiling.

Sherlock prepared the tea as Moriarty began to look around the kitchen now and going through all of his experiments and even some of Jamie's, though he made no comment about them, if he knew that they weren't Sherlock's. He opened the fridge, to reveal a few frozen limbs.

"Oh charming. Some nice arms and feet for breakfast. People say I'm the psychopath." Moriarty sighed, shutting the fridge.

Sherlock once more ignored that comment and walked back into the sitting room and placed the tea down on the small table in between both his chair and John's. Moriarty waltzed back into the room and took his seat once more, drinking his tea.

"Why are you here, if not to invade my home and look through all of my personal belongings?"

"Oh Sherlock, you are being so boring! Do you really not know it yet? That is so drawl! No I have to explain everything to you. What a waste of energy! And here I thought you were the great Sherlock Holmes, who could see through everything and everyone in seconds!" Moriarty laughed.

Sherlock stared at the man in front of him, wondering what he could possibly be talking about. Sherlock was becoming frustrated with himself, not understanding why his mind wasn't working the way he wanted it to. He was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard movement from upstairs, and he swore that he was going to kill those girls when Moriarty was gone, unless Moriarty killed them first. Moriarty was beaming and the movements didn't stop and soon he could hear footsteps walking down the stairs and even though he didn't look away from Moriarty, he could tell by Moriarty's facial expressions that they were clearly visible.

"Since when did you open up an adoption agency, Sherlock?" Moriarty laughed.

"Yes, highly amusing. Now you've seen them, leave my flat." Sherlock said.

"Hello girls. I'm just a friend of Sherlock's here, haven't seen him in awhile, but I forgot how much he hates surprise visits. My name is Carl Daring." Moriarty said, putting on his most friendly smile.

"Don't treat us like idiots because we're 15 years old. Do you think we wouldn't know you were lying? As much as you probably hate to admit it, but whenever you lie, you tilt your head to the side ever so slightly." Jamie said. "Your name isn't Carl Daring."

"Oh this is fun." Moriarty laughed. " Then what is it?"

"James Moriarty. But you go by Jim most of the time. Nice to finally meet you." Jamie smiled.

"Finally meet me? Why? Has Sherlock been telling stories about me?"

"Of course not. Sherlock rarely associates with us and if he ever does, it is only to tell us to shut up so he can think, or to yell at me for taking his violin." Tessa spoke.

Sherlock had the urge to get up and bang his head into the wall countless times,no matter how illogical and unproductive it was. Did these girls not realize how much danger they were putting themselves in by revealing how much they knew about Moriarty? Honestly, John's blog was bad enough, but at least most people reading it didn't really bother to care about what happened with Moriarty. These girls were immersing themselves in everything he was saying and he knew that Jamie was making mental notes of all of it and analyzing every string of words.

"Sherlock, you've got quite the group of kids here. It's almost like all of us. You, myself and John. Surely you can see it too. This one," he said, pointing to Tessa." Is more like you. Where as this one is more like your pet, John." he pointed at Dynah, who seemed confused by that accusation.

"How is she, anything like you?" Sherlock said, not wanting to give her name to the psychopath standing in the room.

"Oh, easily bored, hates nearly everything, although she hides it well. Probably trained herself to. Has a lot of built up anger that sometimes will randomly burst out if provoked. All she really needs is a push in the wrong direction and she'll be spiraling down the road of homicidal and psychopathic tendencies." Moriarty grinned.

"Can I stop being refered to as 'she'. It rather annoying. I have a name." Jamie huffed.

Sherlock could have hit her for saying that.

"And what would that be?"

"Jamie. Jamie Kent." She said, holding out her hand.

Moriarty shook her hand and began to laugh. "I like her, Sherlock. Too bad she's on your side in the game." Moriarty pouted.

"I'm not on a side. I prefer to remain neutral. Like Switzerland." Jamie said.

"Jamie, do be quiet before he starts getting ideas. John won't be happy to find out that you've been saying things like that. He'll become more concerned than before with the whole case and the testing on limbs." Sherlock said.

"Oh I must commend you on that case, Sherlock. Well I must commend all of you really. Playing the game so well. And oh look, she's already showing psychopathic tendencies." Moriarty grinned.

"What are you try to infer?" Sherlock asked.

"It's simple enough to see, Sherlock. He obviously set up the murder of those two people, but of course he doesn't like to get his hands dirty, so he pushed that priest into the direction of doing it himself. He didn't care how they were killed. Just as long as they were. Not like he could be arrested for it because it seems that he 'indirectly' convinced him to do it, even though we all know that's a lie and that he purposely pushed him to kill those people. Probably had no motive to do it either. Just pieces in the game." Jamie stated.

"Oh I really like her. Good insight into a criminal mind!" Moriarty said.

"So this whole visit, is just a warning." Sherlock said.

"But why warn us of anything?" Dynah asked.

"It's a part of the game." Tessa responded. "He see's the warning as a way to get us all the more interested. In a way to get us to play, instead of finding another way. He wants us to be interested."

"But you know Sherlock, probably better than we know him. He never gives up a game." Dynah said.

"It's to make sure that we play along too. He knew we were here before he arrived. The whole murder was-"

"To string us along and have us become involved." Dynah finished Tessa's sentence.

"Good, so you all seem to comprehend the game then? Excellent. I look forwards to playing. But remember the rules, dear children. The clock is ticking. Be sure to inform John of this won't you. I'm sure he won't like being left out of the loop. Now really, I have to go. This has been fun, Sherlock. Nice to meet all of you, Jamie. Sadly I don't have the pleasure of your names."

"Tessa Daniels." Tessa said.

"Dynah Parker." Dynah said.

"Well Dynah, Tessa, Jamie and Sherlock. It has been a pleasure.Play the game fair and square." Moriarty laughed, walking out of the flat.


"Do I need to get you a paper bag?" Dynah asked. Tessa and Jamie snickered.

"Do you all not realize how dangerous that man is?" Sherlock asked.

"Of course we do. But he said we had to play by the rules. He wants us to play as equals, otherwise the game isn't fair. Giving names was the way to make the game equal." Tessa said.

"You shouldn't be involved in this. I don't need all of you distracting me while I'm working this case." Sherlock said.

"We won't be distracting you. We'll be helping you." Dynah said.

"Right now though, you need to get your mind back in order. Go visit your mind palace." Jamie smiled.

"What's going on in here?"

They all turned to look at John standing in the doorway.

"Oh nothing, John. Just that Moriarty stopped by to visit, with a game for us to play, that our guests have become a part of." Sherlock huffed.

"What! Do you realize how dangerous that is?" John yelled.

"Of course they do. But it doesn't matter now. What's done is done. Now please can you just disappear. I need to think. Dynah and Tessa can explain what happened. As for you, Jamie. I need to talk to you." Sherlock said, running his hands through his hair.

John, Tessa and Dynah all headed upstairs, as Jamie took a seat in John's chair. Sherlock looked at her and smiled a little bit.

"Do you think I wouldn't notice?" Sherlock asked.

"Notice what?" Jamie responded.

"You purposely left that piece of paper on the stairs when I told you to go up there. You wanted him to see it so he would know you were there. You planned this whole thing. You led him here so how. But what I can't understand, is for what reason?" Sherlock said.

"It's simple enough, really. I saw him the night of the murder. I didn't know he was Jim Moriarty, but I knew he had something to do with it. Of course I said nothing, not wanting to make it obvious. So I kept it all in. I would sneak out of the apartment at night, you heard me do it, and would simply walk around, knowing that he would see me come back here. So yes I did lead him here. But only because I knew he had something to do with that murder and you weren't seeing it. So I led him here, knowing that he wanted to play the game and now you have the case you were dying for. You're welcome." Jamie said, crossing her legs.

"You are not a normal teenager..." Sherlock mumbled.

"Did I ever claim to be?" Jamie snickered.

"No, you did not. It wasn't very wise of you to go hunting down a psychopath."

"What can I say? He intrigued me. Going to such lengths just to relieve boredom. Remarkable really."

"Do not idolize him. He's vain enough."

"I do not idolize psychopaths. However I can appreciate a brilliant mind when I see one."

"Yet you can't respect of appreciate mine?"

"Not when you're behaving younger than me." Jamie laughed.

"I do not act like a child." Sherlock glared.

"Sure you don't. Ask Tessa Dynah. They'll agree with me."

"It is true, Sherlock. You act like a kid who got his toys taken away." Dynah said from the stairs.

"Or like a child who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas." Tessa said, joining her.

"Do you see? We can't all be wrong here."

"You can all easily be wrong." Sherlock said.

"You're also quite stubborn, I've noticed." Jamie said, glaring.

"You three can't say anything about others being stubborn. You do whatever you want, when you want to and don't listen to anybody." Sherlock said.

"We're teenagers, we're supposed to be rebellious." Dynah smirked.

"John! This is our doom. Do you see what you have brought upon us?"

"Sherlock, shut up and just focus on getting Moriarty. Be happy the girls helped you get a case to preoccupy your idle thoughts." John yelled.

"Your right. I need to focus on the case. Where do we start?" Sherlock asked himself.

"We start in Wonderland." Dynah said.

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