Running from Danger into a pr...

By ProTy0

72.3K 3.1K 78

Kimberley, Kim for short is a shy but smart girl that lives with her eight year old brother David and her wor... More

Chapter 1: Waking up from a dream to a nightmare
Chapter 2: We hide you seek
Chapter 3: A New Life and A Dead Man
Chapter 4: Meet Mr. CEO Unexpectedly
Chapter 5: Here we go Again
Chapter 6: The start of something crazy
Chapter 7: Alexander POV
Chapter 8: Welcome to Diaz Incorporation
Chapter 9: A Day Off with the Diaz's around
Chapter 10: The Devil wears Gucci? And a Memorable Date
Chapter 11: Meeting Mr. Neil and an Unexpected deal
Chapter 12: Keeping secrets
Chapter 13: Trouble at work
Chapter 14: The secrets out and Kim heartbroken
Chapter 15: Alexander POV
Chapter 16: Where am I, Neil?
Chapter 17: I am coming for you Kim
Chapter 18: Meeting Mr. Valentino
Chapter 19: It's really you!
Chapter 20: Back to Normal, Somewhat
Chapter 21: Back at the Office, Is Sirus a stalker?
Chapter 22: I forgive you Sirus but I am not sure about Alexander
Chapter 23: Preparing for the Banquet
Chapter 24: Mr. Beckford and the truth about Sirus
Chapter 26: The entire truth is out and the search to find David is extreme
Chapter 27: Searching for Sirus, Neil and Stephen
Chapter 28: Welcome to Australia, everything isn't as it seems
Chapter 29: Wedding bells, like hell no, I Forbid it but the disaster that came
Chapter 30: Epilogue
Thank You!!!!
Updating this book! My other books!

Chapter 25: The Banquet Ball of Disaster

1.3K 70 1
By ProTy0

        The Banquet Ball is in full swing as everyone started to arrive, keeping the Diaz family hired helpers on their toes. Kimberley is getting dress with Melissa and as they were talking she could not shake the feeling that something else was about to happen that she would not like. Turning to Melissa, do you think I should go down there or stay coop up in my room so that if danger is lurking around I would be safe and...

   Don't you dare, Melissa said with a glare, do you know how long we have been waiting for this Banquet Ball to happen. Besides, you don't want Kerry and Charles to cancel it again because they will feel sorry and want to protect you. Kimberley huff and said exhaustedly, okay, alright, I will attend just stop making me feel worst than I am.

Smiling with satisfaction, Melissa left Kim to finish getting ready. Hearing a knock, Kim told whoever it was to come in. Opening the door, Alexander stand their in all his Adonis glory, looking like the fine specimen that he is. You look beautiful he said huskily to Kim making her blush, and you don't look bad yourself, she said still red. He was up to her placing his hand on her hip and the other on her cheek, then pull her close to him and attack her lips.

Minutes has past before she pulled away, if we keep this up, we will never make it downstairs, Kim said as she is red as a tomato. Now that doesn't sound like a bad idea, keeping you locked up here away from danger, in my arms while I ravish you until the morning. Kim look like a bell pepper by the time Alexander finish talking, wow, you really don't have a filter on your mouth do you? she stuttered asking.

 He looked off then back at Kim, smirking he said, when am around you, no, I love talking dirty to you because you are mine and when the night is over am going to show you that. Now lets meet our guess and no matter how insane tonight gets, please stay by my side and don't talk to anyone you do not feel comfortable with. Nodding at Alexander words she take his arm that he handed to her and together they walk downstairs.

Greeting and meeting people while she made sure to stay under Alex has Kim trying to catch a break. So this explain the reason she is sitting in the pantry, eating and breathing hard. A cook open the door only to see Kim's position, Kim smile at him, what would you like to get? she ask the man and when he reply, she retrieve his item for his dish leaving Kim behind with a chuckle.

Boss isn't going to be to happy with this, are you sure about this? Kim heard voices speaking so she lean forward. Yes I think but he said make sure, no one suspects we are here as spies, the other man said. Boss said make sure the girl do not drink anything tonight because he needs her conscience when we take her, i think for the soul propose that he like the fight she puts up.

 Alright, just make sure not to be dumb and get caught by a Diaz, they show no mercy when it comes up to the people they love getting hurt. Something made noise in the background causing the men to snap their heads to the closet door where the cleaning supplies. Who is there? one of the men ask whiles the other yank open the door pulling out a maid who is crying.

 Have your mother ever told you not to spy on people, the man ask in a baby voice. She shook her head vigourously then pleaded saying she would not tell no one, but it was to late because her neck is slit. Kim covered her mouth to stop her from screaming. She had prayed none of them heard her, tears started falling while she prayed for a  miracle of Alexander to show up.

 What do we do with the body, one of the men say pointing. Get rid of it and made sure no one see's you. When they left, Kim bolted out to the Banquet Ball only to be meant with people laying on the floor unconscious. She made her way through the house to find anyone but is meant with a crew coming with black face mask that resemble horse. Oh my gosh, Kim whispered then ran to the room David was in.

 When she realize David wasn't there she turned around to leave but one of the men in black mask was shutting the door with his elbow because in his hand held a knife to David's throat. Kim broke down crying, who are you? she ask hiccuping, the man pull David with him closer to her. I am a friend of a friend who has offered a good amount of money to get you and your brother, I just didn't think you will finally be alone because Alex has a leash on you the man spat.

 Please I will come with you if you leave my little brother out of this, Kim sounded heartbroken but she did not care at the moment. Her brother was in danger, the man place the knife tip on his head, you know what it sounds like a good idea, but we need to make sure we have leverage over you and your little brother here is our only option. Kim hollered but comply for the sake of keeping her brother safe.

 When they pass the unconscious bodies, Kim looked around, please tell me they are not dead? she ask with a shaky voice. The man laugh then reply no, they are under a drug that is place in their drinks, they should wake up soon, so no need to worry. As they made their way to the entrance, a car was waiting for them, David got in first but when Kimberley is about to jump in, the sound of gunshots fill the air.

 The car pulled off with David inside it and the man held onto Kim with a knife at her throat. The others were dead so he had nothing to loose, Mike and Frank appeared holding their guns. Let her go, an angry person bark, looking up Alexander was standing their holding a gun too, his father as well had a gun in his hand. The man looked around to see he was surrounded but did not care, he try to drag Kim to across the lawn but later his screams of pain and him dropping to the ground is heard.

  What the hell Charles muttered then turn around only to see his wife holding a gun, nobody messes with my Banquet that I plan so hard on, nobody messes with my home but most important nobody messes with my girl Kimmy. Kerry has shot the man in his leg, happy she grab Kim up and headed back to the house. Remind me to never miss another Banquet because mom is packing and crazy, Alexander said with fear causing everyone to laugh and make their way inside. 

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