I Don't do Chic-flicks (Dean...

By BookLoverCoco

433K 10.2K 2.2K

(DeanXReader) Your a hunter. Well on the side, but full time yourown a bar that's on the side of a road in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36(A/N)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(A/N)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
NEW!! Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49- Broken Promise

Chapter 24

7.4K 150 49
By BookLoverCoco

-72 hours before-

We have been on the road for awhile now. Gabriel and Garth really hit it off so they decided to drive together while it was Sam, Dean, Cas and I in the impala. I laid in the back, my feet on Cas's lap while Dean drove and Sam was in the passenger seat. I was eating some (favorite candy) while reading when Castiel started talking.
"Y/n, this plan of yours...it's very high risk." Cas says looking at me concerned. I lowered my book, and chew on my bottom lip.
"I know, but I'd rather be the one who makes the first move than be sitting ducks." I tell him. He tilts his head, than looks down puzzled before looking back up.
"But y/n we are not ducks. You, Sam, Dean, and Garth are humans. While Gabriel and I are angels." I burst out laughing, causing Cas to have an even more confused look.
"It's an expression Cas." Dean says, looking at us through the rear view mirror with a smile on his face.
"Oh." Cas says. A small chuckle escapes Sam's lips and I smile shaking my head and go back to reading.

After a couple hours, we make a stop at a gas station, and I go inside to take a leak. It was empty, but that was expected since it was 1 am. I run towards the bathroom, and do my business while the boys waited outside. When I exit, I walk around the isle to grab myself a coke but I hear someone whistle behind me. When I turn around I see a man, with a grin that wasn't too pleasant. He wore a plaid flannel and old jeans, he was short with dark hair and a mustache. He was about 50, and his grin caused shivers to go down my back.
"C-Can I help you?" I ask, swallowing hard.
"I know someone....who'll pay a pretty price for your blood." He growls, inching towards me. I back up, but my back hits the freezer wall and I'm trapped. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for him to make his move but I suddenly feel a rushing feeling and open my eyes to see I'm outside by the car. I glance around and see Gabriel's arms are around me.
"You okay?" He asks, eyeing me up and down to make sure I wasn't hurt. I nod and look over his shoulder to see Sam and Dean inside taking care of that guy. I sigh and hide my face in Gabriel's chest.
"I can't even go into a gas station." I grumble. He chuckles and strokes my hair, kissing the top of my head. I look over and see Dean and Sam exiting the gas station. Gabriel pulls away and nudges me towards Dean. I go over to Dean but before I can say anything, Dean wraps his arms around me tightly taking the air out of my lungs. I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe in the sent I've fallen in love with. He pulls away after awhile and examines me like Gabriel did.
"I'm okay." I chuckle. He nods kissing my forehead before we all climb back in our cars and head towards our destination. This time I drove with Garth, and Gabriel so I could get to know Garth more. He was a funny guy, weird but funny and was beginning to grow on me.
"So Dean and you just fuck buddies huh?" Garth asks, looking at me through the rear view mirror. I arch my brow and look at him through the mirror.
"You say that as if you knew the answer already." I respond. Than he looks at me confused, scrunching his brow.
"That's what Dean told me, it was just a heat of the moment type thing." Garth informs me. My heart drops in my stomach and I stare at him in disbelief. Gabriel looks over at Garth as if he wants to punch him but also learn more.
"But he's said things to her showing he cares." Gabriel adds, giving me slight hope that maybe Garth has his intel wrong.
"Nope, I mean come on this is Dean we're talking bout. He cares about anyone who enters his life, especially since you were close to Jo and Ellen. But he told me that it was just another heat of the moment hook ups once or twice." Garth says, his tone indicating he wasn't lying. My heart shatters, and I stare down at my lap, replaying everything that I've just been told.
"That bitch." Gabriel grumbles and suddenly vanishes. I look back at the impala and see it swerve off to the side of the road. Garth does the Same and we both jump out of the car, running over to the impala. Sam and Cas are on the left side, while Gabriel and Dean are in front of the car screaming at each other. "YOU PLAYED HER LIKE SOME TOY YOU JUST BOUGHT AT THE STORE WHAT THE HELL!!" Gabriel shouts, shoving Dean.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean says irritated and confused. I hug my mid section watching them as tears brim my eyes.
"Garth told us everything!!!! Heat of the moment Dean?!??" Gabriel snaps, pointing towards me. Sam and Castiel look at me, first in confusion than with sympathy. I felt like a charity case and I couldn't stand it.
"Gabriel can we just go please?" I ask, practically in a whisper. He looks over at me, and his face softens. He nods, walking away from Dean and climbs into Garth's car.
"Y/n.." Dean calls out and grabs my arm but I whip it away.
"We have a long day ahead of us. I'm not spending my energy on emotions that apparently weren't mutual. It's fine let's go, the sooner we finish the sooner I'm out of your hairs." I snap, before climbing into Garth's car. Garth follows a few moments after and we proceed with our journey. It was silent, but I didn't mind. Not one bit.

Eventually I fell asleep because when I woke up, I wasn't in the car. I was in a weird looking motel bed. The covers were soft and warm, and I didn't want to move but I had to investigate. I sit up and examine the room. It had two beds, a tv, a small table and the basics like bathroom. The door opens and Garth comes in with Coffee and what I assume is donuts.
"Morning sleeping beauty." He gives me a toothy grin. I give him a tight smile and throw the covers off me, going over to the table where he was.
"Morning, where are we?" I ask, grabbing a coffee and opening the bag, grabbing a glazed donut.
"Louisiana. We got here around 4, it's 10." He informs me. I nod and take a bite out of my donut.
"Where is Gabriel?"
"With Castiel scouting out the area." Garth says, mouth full of donut. I chuckle and take a sip of my coffee before there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Garth says. I nod, placing my coffee down and head towards the bathroom. I fix my hair, brush my teeth and wash my face to wake myself up before exiting the bathroom. Sam and Dean were here. Great.
"Morning." I say with a tight smile, grabbing my coffee off the table and take a seat on my bed.
"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Dean asks me nervously, clearly last night made him on edge. It didn't look like he slept, and he seemed eager for my response.
"Fine Dean. I would ask you the same question but it doesn't look like you had any." I say, my tone harsher than I expected but I didn't regret it. He nods, and gives a tight smile before taking a sip of his coffee. I drink mine and there's an awkward silence, with thick tension that's annoying the shit out of me. I clear my throat and stand up, "Imma go get my bag from the car." And with that, I left the room. I could hear someone follow after me and I turn to see Dean.
"I'm sorry okay? What Garth said was true, I did say that and I did think it was the heat of the moment till I realized how much you meant to me." Dean says, reaching out for my hand. I snap it away, tears brimming my eyes.
"I was just another one of your midnight stands. I meant nothing to you, I was just someone you took your stress out on and played like a tool." I respond, my lip starting to quiver. His eyes soften and he steps closer to me.
"You mean more than you know to me, and it scares the fuck out of me. I'm not used to letting people in y/n but your different..." He says, reaching up to Cup my face. I don't move or push away, I just let it happen.
"That's what you tell yourself, but you tell everybody else the complete opposite and make me look like a fool." I respond in a harsh whisper, turning around and opening the trunk of the car. I grab my bag, taking a deep breath,"I'm done being played like a fool Dean Winchester." I turn back around to face him, and it takes all the strength in my body not to melt in his embrace. I slam the trunk close and walk passed him into the room. I walk passed Sam and Garth, but before I can enter the bathroom Gabriel appears right in front of me.
    "Knock knock!!" He shouts causing me to jump. I groan and punch his shoulder.
     "Don't do that!!!!" I snap. He chuckles and wraps his arm around my neck, causing me to turn around and face the others. Dean was now back, so Gabriel had everyone's attention. Castiel was sitting at the table with Garth.
    "Sorry sweet cheeks, anyways the vampire alpha dude, is having a.... masquerade!!" Gabriel exclaims. A larger grin grows on my face, and Gabriel notices nudging me. "Someone here likes fancy parties."
    "Really?" Sam asks with a small smile tugging on his lips.
     "Of course!!! They got like those fancy snacks and than there's always that hot guy behind a mask and your like OMG PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and he's all like," I stand up straighter and deepen my voice,"Let me make yore night magical, and than I'm like YAAASSSSS." I than realize everyone's watching me, trying to contain their laugh causing my cheeks to turn pink and I duck my head. "But yeah it'll be fun." Gabriel bursts out laugh, practically in tears, causing the others to follow in pursuit.
    "You forget we kinda have to kill everyone there." Dean adds, not as amused as everyone else.
    "Nope didn't forget that. Once they're gone I get all their snacks!!" I smile. He gives me a smile but I look away, not wanting to weaken for him.
    "Well you know what this means." Gabriel says grabbing my hand. I look at him arching my brow curiously. "Dress shopping!!!!"

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