A Slice of Love


234K 5.4K 368

Olive Halls needs a job. So why not work at the famous Pizza Star? Oh did I mention there's a hot guy that wo... Еще

A Slice of Love
First Day
First Date
Just Another Day at Work
Opening up
Hanging Out
A Day With Matt
Hitting The Clubs
The plan with a twist
A Little Secret
Girls Day, Guys at Night
Going Downhill
Her Wish
The Bet
Best friends and Walmart
School Starts
First Day Drama
Hanging Out...Alone.
A Surprise
Rumor Has It...Maria's back.
The Collapse
How To Say What Needs To Be Said
I Quit
Leaving You
Running to You
The End.

Maria Lily

8.1K 213 20

I wanted to take off work so badly. I wanted to more than you could ever imagine. I mean Matt's going to ignore me. How can I bare it? I haven't told Sarah yet. I planned on telling her later when I see her. I knew that if I tried to skip work it would be unprofessional of me, so I got out of bed and I got ready. I didn't need to be there until 1:30 and it was currently 11:00. I decided I should talk to my Aunt though, maybe she could help me with the whole Matt thing. I walked down stairs and saw my Aunt Lisa making some french toast. I sat down and she put a plate in front of me. She stopped what she was doing for a second and studied my face. She looked me up and down then finally back at me.

"What happened sweetie." My Aunt asked in a motherly tone. I sighed, putting my fork down and looking at her.

"I fell for him." I say sadly. "I fell for Matt Star. I should've known. Damn hormones." I say and close my eyes, taking deep breaths to stop myself from crying.

"Yeah?" She asks and I nod my head. I wanted to tell her everything but I was having a hard time getting it out so I chose to tell her something simple. "Where did that ring come from?" She asks me and my eyes snap to hers.

"Alright you got me. Matt gave it to me. He sorta indirectly told me he loved me too. Then he told me we couldn't date because he was being selfish and couldn't put Al's job in danger, who is like a father to him." I try explaining to Aunt Lisa. After going over more details she finally was caught up.

"Can I see the ring?" She asks me and I nod.

"Sure." I say and hold out my right hand's ring finger. She looks over and lets out a sigh.

"It's so pretty." She cooed, lifting my hand lightly. "He indirectly told you he loves you?" She asks and I nod.

"He said he has to think if love is worth losing everything. When I asked him what he meant, he said he has to put his family first." I said, my voice breaking at the end. Aunt Lisa gives me a sympathetic smile and rubs my arm.

"Honey, everything will be fine. I promise you." She says and I nod.

"Alright well it's 12:30. I need to start getting ready for work. Maybe look nice for the guy who can't have me." I say with a wink as I hop up the stairs to change. I put on black shorts, my red Pizza Star uniform shirt and I let my hair down and curly. I put on some makeup before bounding down the steps. I drove to Pizza Star with a final goodbye to my Aunt. I walked in the door and saw that Julie was yelling at Matt and Al.

"Are you kidding me?" She yelled. "First we got that girl Olive and now there's another girl working here?!" She yelled and I gave Al a questioning look.

"What's going on?" I ask and they all look over at me. Julie gives another stomp before going into the locker room. Matt sighs.

"My uh fiancee is going to be working here." Matt said looking at me, with a worried expression. I stand frozen for a moment before I begin laughing.

"Nice one Matt. Fiancee. Yeah okay. Not falling for that one Star." I say, trying not to say Matty as best as I can. Then a girl with long black hair walks in, with gorgeous brown eyes that would be envious of anyone. She had an amazing figure and everything about her screamed model.

"Matty honey. I'm here for my first day!" The girl says, giving Matt a hug with a quick kiss on the cheek. My mouth drops open, my eyes wide.

"Hey Maria." Matt says stiffly. I know he's looking at me but I'm too surprised.

"Olive!" I hear someone scream. No. This isn't happening. Sarah walked in the door. No. She thinks that Matt and I are still into each other. She doesn't know. She doesn't know. "Oh and you must be Matt! I've heard all about you." She says giving him a wink. I'm frozen. I don't know what to do.

"No!" I yell and everyone looks at me. "No. This...I...shit." I say and I sprint. I run for the door. I can't take it. I don't know what to do. I just run. I run past my car. I run past the entire parking lot. I run past the park on the edge of the parking lot and only stop when I've reached a giant field. I walk to where I can no longer hear cars or any sign there's civilization. My phone continues to go off from where it is in my pocket but I ignore it. Everything has gone wrong today. I look down at my ring and shut my eyes. I love Matt. But he has a fiancee! A fucking fiancee! He told me yesterday that he loved me.

"Don't fall for me." His words echoed in my head and everything seemed to click. Was this just a game? Did he give every girl this ring? Did he just do this for the hell of it? Am I just another pawn in his game? I fall back in the grass and let out a scream. Not the I'm-getting-murdered-by-an-axe-murder scream. More of an exasperated scream. I then let out a few more screams before turning to the sky. I felt tears well in my eyes, and I let them fall. i knew there was no point. No one was here and I just wanted to be myself. I shut my eyes a moment and felt the tears building, before opening my eyes and blinking, letting the tears travel sideways down my face from the way I was laying. I can't believe what has just happened. I took a chance. I let Matt in, and once again my heart is broken. First my mom, then my dad, then Cole and now Matt. I've let too many people have access to my heart. I get up, determination coursing through me. I march back into Pizza Star and I see no sign of Sarah. Then I see Al taking orders, I guess for me. then I see Matt with his fiance flirting with him, playing with his hair. He suddenly spots me and jogs over.

"Olive." He says, looking like he wanted to say something but I stop him.

"Sorry for running off. I'll get to work." I say, grabbing my apron from a table that I had dropped it on. I wrap it around my waist and am about to go to my normal tables when I feel Matt put his hand on my shoulder. The tingles shoot through me, but I ignore them, turning around.

"You aren't needed for work today. Maria is taking your shift and Julie is working as usual." He says, and my eyes widen.

"You know that I need the money Matt." I whisper to him. His eyes widen, and I know it's probably because I'm starting to tear up.

"It's just one day-" Matt starts to say but I cut him off.

"No it's not. I know that, you know that, hell, everyone who works here knows it." I say and Matt winces at my harsh words. Then I notice the faint red mark on his cheek. "Why is your cheek red." I demand and Matt looks surprised by my question.

"Um your friend...she had the idea we were together and then she-"

"She had the idea we were together?" I whisper back harshly, surprised by his words. My eyes narrow into a glare. I unwrap my apron from around my waist and shove it into his arms before whispering to him harshly. "I guess that makes two of us than huh?" I say and turn on my heel. I storm out and hurry over to my car, slamming the door. I rest my head on my steering wheel and begin crying again. I feel like I can't breath. I feel like the world is collapsing on me. I feel like someone has taken a bowling ball and dropped it on my stomach and someone has closed my throat. I can't take it. I feel like I'm going into hysteria. This can't be happening. I turn my car on and drive to the nearest Starbucks. I order a large caramel frappuchino with extra caramel and extra whipped cream, with a giant blueberry muffin. I may not be able to mend my heart but it doesn't mean I can't mend my stomach. I drive to Sarah's, downing my coffee and eating my muffin. I stop in front of her house, swallowing the last of my muffin but grabbing my half finished coffee. I run to the door and knock. When no one answers, I walk in, take my shoes off and walk upstairs. I knock on Sarah's door but when I open it she isn't there. I hear noise in the next room and walk in to find Cole making out with some chick. "Oh shit sorry." I say and Cole looks up, surprised. He looks me over and lets go of the girl.

"Olive what's wrong?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Cole leave me alone. I'm just trying to find Sarah." I say wiping my tears and not looking at him. He tries putting a hand on my arm but I jump back. "Don't fucking touch me Cole." I say harshly. "I'm not in the mood for your bipolar attitude. I don't need your sympathy." I say and run down the stairs with him calling after me. I jump in my car and drive. I don't exactly know where I'm going, I just know I need to get away from everything. Everyone has just stressed me out more and what I really need is to be alone. I find myself at a beach. I climb out of the car, grabbing my phone so I can just tune everything out. I sit down and press play, letting the sounds of music take me over. I let myself forget. I forget everything that's happened wrong today so far. I forget about Cole and his weekly hook-up. I forget my mom who practically ruined my life. I forget my dad who died and left me alone. I then forget about Matt. I forget about how I feel about him and how he is going to be marrying someone else even though he told me he loved me-sorta. I feel someone sit down next to me and am surprised to see Mr.Star. I take one headphone out and stare at him for a moment. Then I get up and begin walking away.

"Olive. Come back." His voice is commanding and I stop and look at him.

"Why on Earth would I listen to you. All you do is make rude remarks about me to my face." I say and turn around but he continues talking.

"Don't you want to hear why Matthew is getting married? Don't you think you deserve an explanation?" He asks me and I find myself walking back to him. I sit down with a huff.

"Fine." I said and he looks out at the ocean.

"Well I'm going to go ahead and guess you and my son were dating?" He asks me and I frown.

"He didn't ask me out. We were technically friends but I said we shouldn't be anything more when Matt wanted to be. He gave up because of you." I say in disgust. Mr.Star just nods his head like my tone has no effect on him.

"Well he's marrying Maria Lily. She is a retired model who has decided that we can make money by coming to ours and expanding Pizza Star to become as big as any of the other pizza places. With her help we will be rich. She will marry Matthew so that this offer can be completed. That's why you two aren't together." He says and stands up. I get up and look at him with annoyance.

"You broke Matt and me up?!" I yell and he nods.

"Yes. It's a good thing too. You are just some poor girl. You would never be any help to us. I'm only thinking of Matthew's future. Surely you understand?" He says, finally looking at me.

"I'm not poor." I say and then pull my fist back to strike it to his face. "You are such an ass. I hope you rot in hell! Once your son realizes how awful you are, I hope he leaves you so you realize what lonely is." I yell, running to my car. I jump in and drive back to my house. Once I get there, I run to my room and collapse on my bed. I then fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to feel someone rubbing my back soothingly. I look up and see Sarah giving me a sad look. "Keep sleeping. I'll be here when you wake up." She says and I drift back to sleep. It's hours later though, when I wake up again. I check my clock and it reads 6:18pm. I get up and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I see that there's a bowl of pasta left for me with a note on top from my Aunt.

'Out for my cooking classes. I didn't tell you I was teaching there but I am. Here's some dinner. Enjoy, and cheer up honey. I left dessert in the fridge if you are still hungry after dinner.-Aunt Lisa' 

I grab the pasta and turn on America's Next Top Model. I eat my pasta, and drink some milk that I had poured while watching some girls crying about having to leave the show. I frown and get up to grab some dessert from the refrigerator when there's a knock at the door. I stop and walk to the door. I open it and see Matt. I slam the door in his face with no hesitation and walk back to the kitchen. Then I hear the front door open and suddenly Matt is next to me.

"Matt! Get out!" I yell, not expecting to see him.

"I need to apologize Oli!" He says and I stop in my tracks. I was walking to the living room, a slice of chocolate cake in my hand when he says those words. I put my cake down and turn to him.

"Matt I hate you." I say and he frowns.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do." I insist and he shakes his head.

"Prove it Oli." He says and I narrow my eyes.

"You walked into my house, which is pretty much breaking and entering, you kiss me then give me some ring and tell me you love me then get a fiance. You take me off the schedule when I need the money. You have taken so much from me Matt." I say and he glances down.

"Why are you still wearing the ring then?" He asks me and I glance down. I take it off my finger and throw it on the ground.

"Take it back then. I'm sure Maria the model will love it. Just leave me alone Matt." I say, trying to walk into the living room but he follows me

"Oli don't you walk away from me!" He says and I spin around.

"Don't call me Oli, Matt." I threaten and he narrows his eyes at me.

"It's not my fault you fell for me you know." Matt says and suddenly I feel the tears. Was I that obvious? Did he always know I liked him? "Wait no. I didn't mean that." He says, suddenly trying to take it back.

"No you did Matt. And you're right. It's all my fault. Forget it Matt. I'll go get another job and try to pay back the bank myself. I'll just pay every cent back that my dad took from the bank before he died. I'll just go plant a money tree Matt." I snarl at him. "Do you hear me Matt? My dad died and left me with his debt. I've been trying to pay it off because my aunt shouldn't have to deal with that responsibility so I didn't tell her. Wanna know how he died? My dad shot himself. Right through the head. He fucking killed himself." I say, tears streaming down my face. "I don't need money for college Matt. I'd be lucky if I can get a job. I'm sorry Matt. I'm sorry for falling for you. I'll let you be. I'll let you get married at the age of 17. That's cool." I say, turning away from him, trying to get rid of the tears.

"Olive. I didn't mean it. I do love yo-" He begins to say but I turn around and punch him in the chest.

"Stop it! Don't tell me you love me! I can't do this. I can't!" I scream, pounding on his chest. He grabs my wrists, trying to stop me, and I growl at him.

"Olive. I want to talk this out." He says and I shake my head vigorously.

"Don't fucking touch me you asshole! You're no better than him! You're no better than my dad! He left me and you're doing the same! I hate you Matthew! I hate you Matthew Star!" I yell, the tears never stopping. I collapse to the floor, shutting my eyes. I didn't want to see anything more. I don't want to see Matt's green eyes. Shit I didn't want to see myself. I couldn't deal with seeing myself so distressed. I thought I loved him. He is just like his dad. And to think I told him that he was nothing like his own father. I was wrong. I thought he was different. I thought he would be the one guy that could change me. That could take my past and act like it never even happened. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

This is so depressing I think I'm going to cry! Please tell me what you thought...thanks. Alright cya guys. I put a 3oh!3 song on the side for this chapter. Enjoy! I'll update tomorrow (a few times probably) kay bye!

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