Meeting Fate (A One Direction...

By uhbeth

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"Truth or Dare?" Courtney asked him. "Dare." Harry replied quickly. A sudden emotion of fear overcame me. I... More

Chapter 1 - Great Adventure
Chapter 2 - Talkative
Chapter 3 - Preparing To Party
Chapter 4 - Party
Chapter 5 - Halona?
Chapter 7 - Good Morning
Chapter 8 - Interview
Chapter 9 - Meet the Family

Chapter 6 - Nacey?

143 2 0
By uhbeth

Chapter 6

Lacey POV**

I could feel someone shaking me. At first I thought it was going to be Connor telling me how lazy I was and that it was probably really late. My eyes snapped open to find the one and only, Alona. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked her sleepily. 

"You're hanging out with Niall today!" Alona screeched.

Her golden curls were wild and free. She straightened her bangs and they feel loosely on her forhead. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a loose, black t-shirt that read "XOXO" across it.  Only now had it sunk in, what she had told me. 

"Wait! What?!" I squeaked, sitting up straight and swinging my legs over my bed, now standing up. 

"I told Niall you would go over to the hotel today!" Alona replied, full of excitement.

"Holy Shit! What time did you tell him I'd be there?" I asked her running to my closet and looking for something to wear.

"Well, I text Harry and told him to tell Niall that you would be there in a half hour." Alona said looking down at her phone reading the text. 

I grabbed a pair of dark blue jean shorts and slipped them on, I didn't mind Alona and she didn't mind me because we were practically sisters anyways.

"Help me pick out a shirt!" I cried looking through my clothes quickly. 

Alona quickly steped into my closet and fiercefully searched for something for me to wear. 

"How about this?" She asked, holding up a black v-neck t-shirt with a heart on it. The outline was beaded in rinestones.  

I thought about it and decided I didn't have time to argue. I slipped on a white tank top and then the shirt afterwards. I put on some

deoterant and then my favorite green apple perfume. I grabbed my brush off my dresser as I exited my closet. I brushed through the

knots and just pulled my long hair into a side ponytail to avoid doing it up nice. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth

quickly. The minty taste of the toothpaste lingered in my mouth as I left my bathroom and proceeded back to my closet. I gathered my

white converse and grabbed a pair of socks from my dresser. I quickly slipped them on and made my way to my full length mirror on the

back of my closet door. 

"You look fine." Alona mumbled as I checked myself out from all angles.

"Just fine?!" I sheirked looking at her terrified. 

"I was just kidding. You look gorgeous as always." Alona complimented me.

"Thank you !" I replied. 

I walked back into my bathroom and splashed cold water on my face and wipped off yesterday's make up, only to apply the same thing for today. 

I zipped out of my bathroom and grabbed my phone and looked over at Alona. 

"What time is it?" I asked her. 

"12:34" She mumbled.

"What time did you tell Niall I'd be there?" I pressed. 

"12:30." She replied looking down. 

"Great. He probably thinks I ditched him. I'm such a bad person. Oh my god, what if he just forgets about me? You think he'd just go to a club and-" I went on to rant but Alona interuppted me.

"Stop!" Alona said frowning.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Come on!" She said pulling me with her down the stairs and into my living room. 

"Where ya headed?" I heard Connor call from the couch. 

I turned to look at him and I saw him sprawled out on the couch watching meaningless television.

"Out." I replied.

"With some friends." Alona added so Connor wouldn't worry.

"Okay, Will I get a text?" Connor asked. I glanced in Connor's direction and saw the worry in his eyes. I coulnd't help but feel bad. 

I know he only worries as much as he does because of the incident. 

"Yes." I told him, a giving him a small smile. 

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise." I repeated him. I waved goodbye and headed towards the door, grabbing the keys off the counter.

While hopping into the car I turned to Alona.

"You and Harry hanging out too?" I asked her, buckling up.

She sat down in the passenger's seat. 

"Yup. But, we are leaving you two alone in the room and going somewhere else." She replied smirking.

I started the engine and went off into the direction of the boys' hotel. 

"I don't know.." I started. I honestly didn't know if I was ready to have a relationship. I haven't had one since before the incident.The

one before the incident was just a small relationship. I was young and it wasn't close to serious at all. He was a sweet guy and I will

sometime talk to him, when I see him. We didn't really end on bad terms. 

"You don't know what?" Alona asked confused.

"If I'm ready." I replied honestly, it was Alona we are talking about, she knows everything about me. Well, not everything.

I still haven't told her about graduating high-school. She was seriously going to kill me when she finds out I didn't tell her. 

"It's okay. I'm sure Niall is a nice guy and won't push you into doing something you don't want to do." Alone said, comforting me.

"He's going to find out eventually." I stated flattly.

"You don't know that. You guys might not last if he is pushing you into something.." Alona trailed off.

"He wouldn't do that." I said defending him. 

"You're going to have to get over the fear sometime.." Alona said, pointing out the one thing I didn't want to face.

"I know, and that's something I'm afraid of." I told her.

"Niall seems sweet. How long do you think it will last before you spill your guts?" Alona asked.

"I hope long." I replied simply before pulling into the hotel and walking inside. 

It's been like three years, when was I going to stop being a baby and get over it?

We were on our way up to the boys' room. I clutched my phone and keys in my hand, nervous. 

"Calm down." Alona told me, laughing lightly.

"It's the heights." I told her, it was true. I was terrified of the fact that this building was so high. I tried to hide the fact that I was

so scared and nervous that I might make a fool of myself in front of Niall. We came up to the boys' room.

Alona knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Harry. Alona was practically bouncing with excitement. 

She hugged Harry her arms going around his neck as his slid to her waist. Alona pulled away after about two seconds and grabbed my 

hand pulling my foward.

"Hi, Lacey." Harry greeted me.

"Hello." I pipped up trying to be my normal excited self. 

"Niall's in there." Harry said pointing to the living room area.

I walked into the living area and saw Niall watching television. Then I heard the door slam. Oh. Alona. I am getting revenge.

Niall POV **

I heard the door slam and I looked up, startled. I saw Lacey standing there. I smiled at her. 

"Hey!" I said greeting her. 

"Hello." She piped up. Her dark brown hair was straighened but pulled to a side ponytail. She wore a simple black v-neck t-shirt that exposed her chest a little bit. She had on a pair of really short jean shorts. Her blue eyes were starring back at me. Did she notice me checking her out? Great. Just Perfect.

"You can come and sit, if you'd like." I told her gesturing to the spot next to me. She blinked a few times before actually realizing what was going on. Or was she starring at me? I smiled at the thought. She slowly made her way to the spot next to me on the sofa. I watched her intentlty as she fidgeted with her fingers. Was she nervous? She was cute when she was nervous. 

"What do you wanna do?" I asked her. She jumped a little at the sound of my voice. 

"Uh, I don't care..whatever is cool." She mumbled tripping over her words. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

She looked up from her hands. 

"Sure." She said. I guess that meant she was hungry. 

"Where you wanna go?" I asked her. 

"Wherever. Just no sushi or chinese food." She replied. She smiled lightly. She really needed to calm down. She looked really nervous. 

"Okay..Well, we can head to..: I trailed off thinking of restraunts. 

"You probably know this place better than I do." I finally admitted. I turned to face her. She seemed to be starring off into the distance. 

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her face. She snapped out of her trance and turned to face me. 

"Um, You like Italian food?" She asked me standing up. 

"Course." I said standing up.

"There's an Olive Garden not far from here." She replied standing up with me. 

"Let's go." I said walking towards the door. I grabbed a beanie. a pair of sunglasses, and my wallet out of my room before heading to the door to meet Lacey. 

I had realized that she hadn't let go of her phone or keys. She seemed uncomfortable. I walked out of the door and towards the elevator. She lingered behind me. Once the elevator door closed I turned to face her. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her, and I truely was concerned. 

"Yeah." She replied quickly and simply.

"You don't seem okay." I said. 

I looked at her until  her eyes met mine. Her normal blue, happy looking eyes seemed dull and almost grey. 

"To be honest, I'm just a little nervous." She replied, her shoulders sank, signaling that she was now relieved. 

"You don't have to be, because I bet I'm just as nervous as you are." I told her. I was nervous but her nervous seemed panicked. My nervous was just butterflies going out with someone I like. I put my hand on her shoulder she tensed up but then relaxed. 

"It's Okay." I reassured her. 

Why was she so nervous? The elevator door opened and there were fans everywhere. I couldn't fool the fans right here that I wasn't me. I waved at them before rushing out the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yup. I'm fine." She replied. She seemed better like her perky self she was the other day. We found her car and I slipped in the passenger's seat. Lacey drove off into the distance. She got onto the highway within a few seconds. I decided to start up a conversation. 

"So, tell me more about your family." I said. I didn't know what else to say. 

"Just my brother and I really." She replied. She told me alot about her brother the other night but nothing about her parents. 

"What about your parents?" I asked her as she slid on a pair of sunglasses. 

"Both my parents work, a lot. I think my dad's on a business trip. And my mom is always at work..I haven't really talked them really." She said. It seemed kind of sad, but she didn't seem the least bit upset. 

"Do you miss seeing them?" I asked her curious.

"I guess so, but it's just easier." She replied. What did she mean by that?

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She said waving it off. I was kind of concerned now.

"So you and your brother are close, yeah?" I asked her trying to keep the conversation alive yet I was really curious about the life she lived. 

"I suppose you can say that. He is always on my back on where I am. Really overprotective, but he didn't always use to be that way. Speaking of which," She said looking around the car for something yet trying to keep her eyes on the road.

"Hey, can you look for my phone?" She asked trying to keep from looking away from the highway. 

"Yup." I replied looking for her phone. I found it on the floor in the backseat where it must have fallen.

"Right here." I said holding it up to her.

She tried to snatch it from my hands but I pulled away.

"No texting and driving." I scolded her. 

"Fine. Can you text my brother then?" She asked me giggling. She was so cute when she did that. 

"Sure." I told her. I scrolled through her contacts. What was her older brother's name again? Chris? Chase? Connor? 

I came across the name of someone named Connor.

"Connor?" I asked her to make sure.

"Mhm." She hummed. I clicked his name and started to type a message.

"What should I say?" I asked her.

"Just say that we are going to Olive Garden." She replied simply.

I did as she asked and clicked send. 

Something still dawned on me. The fact that she said he didn't always use to be. 

"What do you mean your brother didn't always use to be so over protective..What do you mean?" I questioned her. I didn't mean to be so nosy but I was really curious. 

"I don't know, he just didn't always use to be that way." She replied. I had the thought the she was hiding something but I had only just met her and I couldn't expect her to just spill all her secrets out to me. I would have to earn her trust. I didn't care how long that was going to take because I really liked her. She would be worth it, and I'm sure of it. 

"What about you?" She asked trying to change the subject away from her.

"What about me?" I quizzed. 

"Do you miss your family?" She questioned. 

"Yeah, I miss them a lot. Especially my mum." I told her being honest. 

"Aw. Do you talk to them often?" 

"Yup. I try to talk to my mum everyday."

"So, You and the other boys are close?"

"Closer than ever. We are always talking about back home,playing games, and getting along really well."

"You love singing alot?" 

"Of Course! What about you? Any intrests?"

"I like art and my computer.." Lacey replied giggling. 

She seemed a lot more relaxed. I didn't even notice that we had arrived at Olive Garden untill the car came to a stop. Lacey hopped out of the car and so did I. I slipped my wallet in my pocket. I put on the sunglasses and beanie. Lacey put her keys in her pocket and held her hand opened to me.

"My phone?" She asked smiling. I gladdly handed her the phone. 

We walked inside and were quickly seated. We talked the whole time. We got to know each other fairly well. Our food came out and even then we talked. I was really glad that Lacey had loosened up. When we finished eating I handed the waitress my credit card. Lacey scolded me as the waitress walked away. Her eyes were back to the bright blue color they normally are. 

"You know I have money." She said glarring at me but a smile still played on her lips.

"But it's not gentlemen like to let the lady pay." I said frowning.

"Oh my god, so classic." She replied rolling her eyes. 

"Did you expect me to let you pay for the amount of food I ate?" I asked her laughing.

She didn't answer instead she just looked at me.

"What?" I asked her. 

She tilted her head.

"You're cute when you laugh." She said smiling. 

"Thank you." I said, smiling and probably blushing. 

The waitress came out and handed me my credit card and walked away. I stood up and so did Lacey.

We walked to the car and we both got into the car. 

"Wanna head back to my place? Watch a movie?"She offered. 

"Uh, Sure. Your brother won't be mad?" I asked her.

"Eh, He isn't one to argue with me." She said smiling. She drove off. 

Soon enough she pulled into the driveway of what I assume was her house. It was a fairly large house. She stopped the car and jumped out. I followed behind her. She opened the front door. I noticed there was one other car in the driveway. I was nervous. I didn't know what her brother looked like and I didn't know what to expect. I followed Lacey into the big house. Lacey throw her keys onto the counter and grabbed my wrist pulling me to a staircase. When we were helf way up the staircase I heard a male voice call. 

"Lacey? Is that you?" The voice called, I assume it was Connor, her brother.

"No it's a murderer." She  teased. I turned around and saw a guy standing there. Lacey turned around too releasing my wrist. Her brother had dirty blonde hair that swept across his face, much like Justin Bieber. He had the same blue eyes as Lacey. 

"Where are you going?" He pressed.

"Up to my room, to watch a film." Lacey told him.

"Just you two? Where's Alona?" He quizzed.

"Just us. Alona is out." Connor's eyes squinted towards me.

I wondered if he knew that I was who I was. Lacey grabbed my wrist once again and pulled me up the rest of the stairs and into one of the rooms which I assumed was hers. Her room was normal I guess. I mean I don't really go into girls bedrooms. Her room was really big. At least a queen size bed if not bigger. Her room was mostly pink. She had a large flat screen television that hung on her wall infront of her bed. 

"What movie you wanna watch?" She asked tossing her phone onto the bed. She slipped out of her sneakers and tossed them to the side. She motioned me to do the same. I did. She climbed onto her bed and grabbed the remote of her dresser. I didn't get onto her bed because I was a little uncomfortable sitting on her bed since her brother was right down stairs. He worried me a little. 

"Come on." She called patting the spot on her bed next to her. I mentally shrugged my shoulders and got into the bed next to her. Her bed was nicely made and we didn't get under the covers. The first movie we watched was Life As We Know It. It was a nice film. We both relaxed a little bit. We stayed quiet during most of the film. Life As We Know It was a great movie, it was really funny and I let out a laugh here and there and so did Lacey.

"That was good movie." I murmmured.

"Yeah.  Funny movie next or scary?" She asked me shuffling through a shelf full of movies.

"Funny." I replied smiling. 

It was only 4:45 so Lacey popped in another film this one being, Just Go With It. We slowly but surely became more comfortable. My arm was wrapped around her shoulder and she seemed tense at first but she relaxed. 

"Are you hungry?" She whispered getting up. 

As if on cue my stomache rumbled. 

"Yeah." I said smiling. 

"Be right back, popcorn good?" She asked.

"Yes." I told her and she walked out of the room. 

I glanced around her room. I stood up and walked around the room looking at the items that hung from her wall. I noticed a few pictures of her and Connor when they were younger. She was cute when she was small, nothing has really changed. There were a few pictures of her with what seemed like her parents. There were so much more of her and Connor though. I saw a lot of Alona and her too. I gazed around at all the pictures. There were some which what I assumed were grandparents. There was like one or two of her and Courtney and some of all three of them. I saw a pile of papers sitting on her desk. There was a letter on the top. It was addressed to "The one and only Lacey Marie Sorine". I was curious to know what it said. I reached my hand over to pick up the letter when I heard footsteps. I jumped over to the bed and successfully landed but then like the clutz I am I fell onto the floor causing a loud thump. Lacey opened the door. i saw her eyes knit together in confusion. 

"What are you doing on the floor?" She asked.

"Oh, Yanno, looking for monters under your bed..." I trailed smiling weakly.

She giggled and climbed back onto the bed and so did I. We became comfortable again and glided my arm back around her as we shared popcorn. 

She slipped in yet another movie, Thirty Minutes Or Less. This movie was really funny and I'm surprised that her brother hadn't heard the loud cursing of the movie. Now it was about 9:00 but she ignored the time and slipped in the last movie in the pile which was The Notebook. I knew this movie was really sad. I know it probably sounds girly but I cry at the end of the movie, everytime. The movie was nearing the end and my eyes were having trouble staying open. I could feel Lacey's breathing become steady. I looked over at her and her eyes were shut. She looked to cute, innocent, and peaceful while she slept. I snaked my arm around her waist and leaned my head against her shoulder as the movie ended. As the movie ended tears streamed down my face. It was only a few tears and the movie ended fading to the credits. My eyes were fighting with me because I couldn't fall asleep, I had a interview to go to in the morning and I had to be back at the hotel. Sleep had won this battle and I slowly drifted to sleep, Lacey in my arms. 

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