Monster Hunter : Freya

By Oo-Earth-oO

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A brief tale about a young girl and her journey of personal growth, and romantic ventures in Astera. More

Entry 1 : I Have a Name!
Entry 2 : Personal Space!
Entry 3 : A.. Quest!?
Entry 4 : When In Doubt..
Entry 6 : True Definition..
Entry 7 : I'm Not A Hero!
Entry 8 : I want to run.
Entry 9: Colossal Snafu
Entry 10 : Nergigante
Entry 11 : Chance
Entry 12 : Pen Pushing
Entry 13 : Revival
Entry 14 : Blank Canvas
Entry 15: ... Narcolepsy.
Entry 16 : Just a Tobi-Kadachi??
Entry 17 : Last-Ditch Effort!!
Epilogue : Unlocking My Door?
Epilogue : Freedom

Entry 5 : Wingdrakes!?

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By Oo-Earth-oO

It feels like we've been walking forever. In reality though, I can still see the cliff that leads to the campsite. It's my heartbeat, constantly thumping, making me feel like more time is passing than it actually is. There's not a house in sight, the bugs are enormous, and all I can hear are monster roars in the background of this desert landscape, probably arguing over who gets to eat the next Hunter that walks past. Even Lee's bad-luck Palico is perfectly calm.
"Lee, take out your big metal block!" This guy had the nerve to just walk by casually, as a FRIGGIN DINOSAUR approaches us. It's gotta weigh at least a few tons, and it's not in the least bit afraid of us.
"LEE STOP PLAYING AND GET TO SLAYING!" There was no more time to play it off by speed-walking, the creature trotted toward me, knocking me over with its boulder-sized head. I can't believe this is how I die, staring into the eyes of my killer while my "friend" acts like nothing is happening. At least I'll die a hero, going above and beyong my call of duty to rescue an innocent angel, selflessly sacrificing my life --
"Blehgk!" The cursed thing licked me! Its tongue is huge, to make things worse. "Get off me, monster filth! I won't go down peacefully! I'll give you diarrhea, constipation, ebola--!"
"Woah, Freya. Calm down. It's just an Apceros," commented the worst friend ever, petting the selfsame beast that just got done sampling the flavor of my flesh. "These guys are harmless. Unless of course you attack them. Now get up, we have a kid to save."
Wow, I mean, I know what an Apceros is, but the gentle nature listed in books never really emphasized how big they really are. I thought they were probably the size of Moofahs or something.
"Shut up! I was still in danger schmuck, who knows where that thing's tongue's been!?"

I'm so sick of Lee. Acting all suave and cool, and his weird Palico that seems to pick up everything it walks past. "This item seems useful Meowster!" Yeah, okay buddy. A literal wad of animal crap is guaranteed to save a child from being eaten.
"Freya, get down!" Lee threw his back against a boulder as a giant green dragon flew overhead, some thing or another wriggling in its clutch. "A Rathian! And its got the kid!"
I want to throw up. That thing is one hundred times scarier than what Karo used to tell me. "Oh, just an angry green whore that's got one hell of a back flip." YEAH RIGHT.
Lee took out on a sprint, "We gotta follow it!" he exclaimed, before whistling. As a wingdrake flew over, he shot a slinger hook around its ankle and they flew off. If he leaves me by myself I swear I'm gonna make it back alive, and chop off both his big toes-- woah!
What the heck. I look down at the creepy ass talons clinching me by the shoulders as the ground is getting further and further from my face. This flying pterodactyl is holding me like I'm nothing, and I'm already feeling sick from how suddenly I was lifted in the air.
The tingling in my legs from being so high above ground though, is humbling. I want to struggle and scream, but I know for a fact that if this thing drops me, I'm dead meat. I just have to sit here and remain calm. Easy peasy.
"Oh crap!! HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS!?!?" I can't stop myself from freaking out. This new-age technology is killing me. What happened to setting out on foot, anyways?
"Alright, this should be fine!" Called Lee, requesting that we be dropped off at another camp deep in the caverns. I looked behind me at the golden sparkling streams that flew from under my skirt as the creature flew me into the mouth of a cave. I have to be the biggest shrimp in the New World. As the wingdrake dropped me off, I hurried to check myself to see if any pee landed on me. By some crazy stroke of luck, it missed my skirt. Not perfect, but I'm happy. Bad-luck Palico is giving me the stank eye.

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