Smile. (BoyxBoy) (slash) (BxB)

By spiritofdeath

48.7K 1.8K 433

Emotionless. Cruel. Violent. Isolated. These are just some of the words people use to describe Riley Conners... More

Chapter 1... (introduces Riley/ Blade and his sister)
chapter 3...
chapter 4...
Chapter 5... part 1
Chapter 5 part two.
Chapter 6...
chapter 7

chapter 2...

5.9K 225 98
By spiritofdeath

"Ri-Ri WAKE UP!" Emily screams pulling the blanket off my body.

"I'm up bunny" I say grumpily, as i get out of bed looking over at the bright red numbers displaying 6:30 A.M. on my alarm clock. Emily woke me up an hour before usual.

"Riley i woke up early so you wont be late like i promised!" Emily exclaim beaming at me happily.

"I know bunny. You did a great job just like a big girl." I say chuckling.

"YAY!" She exclaims running out the room heads, to what i guess the kitchen.

I walk tiredly to my bathroom to take a much needed shower. After taking a shower i wrap a black fuzzy towel around my waist shaking my shaggy hair water droplets flying everywhere. I walk out the bathroom heading to my closet my feet making little to no sound as i walk. Once i get to my closet i pull out my outfit for the day which consists of a BVB shirt, dark grey skinny jeans, checkered boxers, socks... duh... paired with my black and white converses, a bandana to cover my face and a bunch of band bracelets. I get dressed before heading out to emilys room to get her outfit for the day.

"Emily, come upstairs for a minute i need to get you ready for school." I yell out.

"Coming Riley." I hear Emily scream back as i hear her foot steps coming up the stairs. She bursts into her room with a wide smile.

I look over at her a small almost nonexistent smile playing on my lips under the bandana. I motion for her to sit on her bed as i raid her closet pulling out bright pink tights and her favorite black princess t-shirt with mermaid socks and her pink and black glittery shoes. I hand her the clothes.

"Tanks Riley I love it but can you help me get dressed today i put my pants on backwards yesterday." She says looking down frowning.

'Hey bunny of course I'll help you." I say lifting up her head.

After getting her dressed we head downstairs to make breakfast together like every morning. We end up making pancakes and bacon one of Emily's favorite. we sit in the living room watching cartoon as we eat before heading to my beat up old bmw so i can take pus to school.

"Em put your seat-belt on." I say as she takes a seat.

She puts it on and I go in the drives seat turning on the car putting emily's music on I think the band is called five directions since theirs five guys or something no its not the one time rush? No all time direction maybe? Nope that's not it either. One Direction! That's the name! Yeah i put on one direction. I don't like them really. They're not a bad band, they do have great voices. I just don't particularly enjoy their type of music. I much rather listen to black veil brides or of mice and men or something along those lines.

"Riley, Why do you always put on one direction or Justin beiber when you take me somewhere? I know you don't like this music." Emily asks looking at me curiously,

"Because Bunny you love this music. I would do anything for you." I say looking at her quickly before looking back at the road.

"Oh. But you should listen to your music too. That music that sometimes have screaming in it." She says with an adorable frown playing on her lips.

"You don't like that music. Plus i listen to it after i drop you off." I say as smile slightly.

Emily keeps quiet the rest of the ride smiling as we arrive at her school. Emily unlike me like human contact and has a bubbly personality. She has multiply friends that she hangs out with at their house since they don't want their child being around a 'psychopath with bandana covered face' and most parents feel back for Emily for having me as a brother though she rarely goes over anyone's house the last time she was i got into a fight with the girls dad for trying to call children  services on us and asking a 7 year old girl if her older brother and only family touches her sexually or forces her to touch me. Fucking prick that guy was. He deserved getting the shit beat out of him i would never do that to anyone fuck gross ass people thinking i would ever hurt and force emily or any person to do such things. Not to mention I'm gay and the female anatomy repulses me greatly.

"Bye Riley" Emily says as she hops out the car walking towards her waving friends.

"Bye bunny. I'll pick you up for lunch okay?" I yell.

She nods excitedly as Mrs. Well waves at me smiling taking the kids into the school. I ignore the overly friendly teacher and pull out of the park lot of her school heading to my high school. Within minutes im parking pulling into the schools lot only to see some bastard took my parking.

'this asshole is going to regret it its bad enough i have to be in this dull grey building for eight hours a day.' i think angrily to myself as i park a couple spots down from my normal spot. I shut my car off stalking towards the school angrily. I see one of the jocks laughing with his buds so i walk over to them,

"Derek. Who the fuck took my spot?" I growl out as Derek the quarter back jumps scared and turns to face me nervously.

"T-the n-new kid." Derek stutters out as his buddies look away. Everyone in this forsaken town is scared of me after i almost killed a x undefeated street fighter that took my spot and was calling me a fag.

I nod towards Derek walking away hearing him let out a breathe of relief. I stalk into the school looking for the new kid. I spot him being surrounded by some football players. I stalk over to them, pushing the football players put my way.

"You." I growl out grabbing his shirt, fear is evident in his rich brown eyes. "You parked in my spot." I hiss angrily as the jocks chuckle. I turn around and glare making them shut up.

"I'm so so sorry!" He rushes out. "I didn't know they told me it wasn't a reserved spot and i could park there."

"Who?" I growl.

"I don't know. I promise ill show you just don't hurt me." HE rushes out again

"Why shouldn't i?" I ask angrily.

"Beca-" He gets cut off bye one of the jocks.

" he should hurt you for being a fag." Josh one of the jocks growl out making me let go of the kids shirt turning around and punching him in the face.

"I'm gay. Bitch who the fuck cares he's gay. I swear to god if i hear you or anyone say one homophobic comment i will fucking kill them!" I say punching him again glaring.

I turn to the kid losing all anger towards him realizing some dick probably told him it wasn't taken because they wanted me to flip out on the poor kid. Then having to deal with jocks calling you a fag and shit. i mean i don't feel bad for flipping on him i just don't see the need to anymore.

"You get off this time just don't park in my spot." I say to the kid before walking away feeling him stare at me as i walk.








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