Unlikely Alliances

By MaleficentSpirit

11.3K 402 197

This is not a 'Love story'. Its a complicated camaraderie. It's a build up story, so don't expect it to jump... More

'Practically perfect'
'where do we start'...
'This just got interesting'
'The final day'
'Reunion is over'
'Introduce the Extraterrestrial'...
'Bodies and Back Stories...'
*New Cover*
'What are we about to do or become' P2
Still Sisters? Part 1
Unexpected Part 2

'What are we about to do... or become? P1'

546 27 27
By MaleficentSpirit

After leaving the bodies to remain stowed away...

Dr. Burke and his lab coats gave them a tour of the rest of the base. It had just about everything they needed to live and thrive down below the ice.

It had the labs of course; 2 were larger than the others so the experiments and observations could take place for all 5 of them.

(That would be Sheldon)

Along with a Observations/security room with a huge screen and several monitors for Burke's little 'security guards' to monitor the outside and inside of the base; or if things got out of hand...

But the best part of the base that appealed to them the most, was the huge training arena.

Then there were a few separate small training simulation rooms they could choose from that were attached along side of it. But they were also going to be used for training and observations after and during the experiments.

There was also a shooting range. Weapons and armory room, high tech/gadget room to work and rebuild what you needed or customize. (Which appealed to Cricket the most because he was the 'gadget' and high 'tech' guy of the group.)

Just about everything needed to keep a soldier sane.

For an assassin, it takes a bit a more...

Then of course there was the girls and guys side of the base, where their quarters were; each had their own little cafe's, private showers, mini lounge...


After the tour, Dr. Burke let them have the rest of the night off. So they could eat, sleep, or have a look around the base, and everyone went their separate ways after that.

Tomorrow, they had to have checkups and lab work done to see where they were physically and mentally to prepare for the actual experiments.

Dr. Burke would explain the details of the experiments further, along with answering any other questions they had before the experiments.

The tour ended in the large training arena which was huge and the whole ceiling was pure ice so, it had the natural dark aqua glow coming through; there were no need for lights.

It was already late and it had been a long day for everyone; so, they said their good nights (except for Braun of course and Catastrophis) and went to bed.

---------The Next Day--------

The old team had a wake-up call early, despite Catastrophis's protest against getting up at 5 in the morning.

They were all immediately checked out with lab work, but had to wait for their lab results to come back to see if they could continue or needed improvement before hand.

(Which they doubted greatly)

Since they couldn't go on any further till then; the team was set free to wonder about the base and break in the new training arena and shooting range, since it was only 3 in the afternoon.


But what threw them all off was when they walked into the training arena to finally check it out; was a man waiting for them in the middle of the arena.

He had his arms crossed over his chest and was wearing the same type of black under armour as they were, but it wasn't as bulky or patted as theirs.

Apparently, he was their new trainer...

Which was odd because the 'Pack' was the most highly trained and well developed group of individuals ever held on record, both soldier and assassin wise.

But apparently the trainer whose name was Tyrone, was also an animal behavior specialist... He was full African and his accent proved it.

He was very well fit but he wasn't buff as Braun, Dedrick, or Cricket were. He was slim but still muscular and looked like a runner or gymnast for sure, and not to their surprise, he was basically both.

He was a specialized fighter, a warrior as he called himself.

He came from a small village in Africa where he grew up into a strong and highly skilled hunter among his people.

Until a group of American soldiers came through that stayed in his village, which he became a guide for. They had high respect for the village and it's people, that was the biggest thing when it came to trusting the outsiders.

They also recognized Tyrone and his comrades for their fighting skills and different fighting tactics; Tyrone and his comrades showed them their way of life as well as their hunting and fighting tactics during the time the soldiers stayed in their village.

They told Tyrone stories of America and the things they had seen while in the military, and Tyrone, being the warrior he was, wanted to know more.

In the end of it all, Tyrone wanted to experience what his new brothers in arms had and wanted to experience life outside of the village.

So, he was brought back to America, and was recruited by the military; where he furthered his education, became a U.S. citizen, joined the military officially, and worked his way up from their.

But he wanted to be a trainer instead by using his knowledge in animal behavior and fighting tactics to create a new fighting style that he called predator fighting; which he became very well known for and was encouraged to train specialized fighters for, but not many could do it...

It sounded ridiculous to the team of such fighting tactics, but after Tyrone did a demonstration by flipping through the air and legitimately crawling on the walls like a spider monkey and prowling like a tiger, swiftly pouncing onto Braun and taking him to the ground with grace and ferocity, while being able to hold him down with ease...

(Which shocked everyone as Braun was not so easily taken down in one move or at all; which was very amusing for Catastrophis to see and only enraged Braun.)

They changed their perception on his animal tactics rather quickly or- Predator fighting...

But training wouldn't have to start until after the experiments.

Why? Because as Tyrone put it; Dr. Burke, and his team saw through their observations of the very little footage they had from previous events and from Alexa Woods experience; the Predators and Aliens fighting tactics were- animal like.

Now it all made sense, at least this new 'trainer' idea did...

Dr. Burke was planning on enhancing them even further, not just through the experiments with the exotic substances, but also through added and enhanced training tactics.

But this gave them a little taste of what was to come after they were injected with that things blood...

They were going to be more animal like, more predator like... Guess Dr. Burke wasn't kidding when he said that he was going make them the 'perfect predator's'...

But what else could this possibly lead too?!

If they were going to become more animal like, were they going to become more alien like too? (The mere thought of that made them shiver.)

Were they going to change physically by becoming hideous mutants?! Or worse- aliens?!

Was there a chance that they were going to lose their sanity completely and just become rabid animals?!

Constantly looking to hunt- to kill...

So many questions had run through their minds that night...

But surely Dr. Burke knew what he was doing right? I mean, he was the most highly intelligent and successful scientists known in specialized and secret military history...

At least he better know what he was doing, or else...




Who knows what kind of horrors he could unleash....






Eyyyy readers...

I know I haven't updated this in awhile or as often as I use too...

But you should know that I have come to a decision...

And that is...

That I will NOT be countinuing this story...











I wouldn't do that to you guys!

So before you start pumping your shot guns or loading your sniper refiles-

I was joking.

I already said that I've come to far to quit and I got too good of material to not NOT share!

But if you actually read the A/N you would know that I have lacked motivation...

Now I got some personal stuff going on too.

Then there's Xbox that's been distracting me.

Hence forth.

*Punch to the face*


Anyways sorry this chapter took so long to get out and that it's short, well technically it's part 1 of a whole chapter soooo.

I already mentioned that chapters would be shorter. So, it can't take you by surprise that much.

I also made a cover for this chapter EYYYyyyy!

(Did I mention that I do all of this on my phone)

~Stay tuned for part 2~

~KJ out~

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