Willfully Blind

By BAngelaRedd

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Dirk Gleason's oozing charm and undeniable swagger have made him irresistible to the ladies his entire adult... More

CHAPTER 1 Hey There Good Lookin'!
CHAPTER 2 Metrosexual Man
CHAPTER 3 Do Drop In
CHAPTER 4 Awkward
CHAPTER 5 Hot and Bothered
CHAPTER 6 Party Like a Rock Star
CHAPTER 7 Peace Out
CHAPTER 9 Same Old, Same Old
CHAPTER 10 Transfer Issues
CHAPTER 11 Quest and Conquer
CHAPTER 12 Doomed from the Start
CHAPTER 13 Nickel Slick
CHAPTER 14 Intervention
CHAPTER 15 Sounding Board
CHAPTER 16 Forget What You Heard
CHAPTER 17 Grow Up
CHAPTER 18 You Know What, Girl
CHAPTER 19 Shady Grady
CHAPTER 20 A Little Sumthin, Sumthin
CHAPTER 21 Naptime
CHAPTER 22 Fear of the Unknown
CHAPTER 23 Who's to Say?
CHAPTER 24 Calm Yourself
CHAPTER 25 The Suspense is Killing Me
CHAPTER 26 Breakfast at Tiffany's
CHAPTER 27 Halloween
CHAPTER 28 Faking the Funk
CHAPTER 29 Spit it Out
CHAPTER 30 Get a Clue
CHAPTER 31 Caught Up
CHAPTER 32 Peace Out
CHAPTER 33 Hold Up, Wait a Minute
CHAPTER 34 Upgrade
CHAPTER 35 Good to the Last Drop
CHAPTER 36 Killjoy
CHAPTER 37 Anything But That

CHAPTER 8 Shop Till You Drop

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By BAngelaRedd

Daryn sorted through rack after rack finding all kinds of fantastic deals. She was at the Niemen Marcus outlet in the zone doing what she did best. Shopping like a pro, coordinating outfits with ease. All was well until she reached the register, gasping when the total came up.

"Can that be right?" she asked the sales associate.

Her great deals had added up quick. Putting her accounting skills to work — her minor in college —she glanced at each tag and began adding up the cost of all the items in her head. She rounded down trying to make herself feel better. Could she justify spending so much on a whim to Courtney? He rarely splurged, and never without talking to her first. Daryn tried to focus as the sales associate patiently went through each item and verified the prices had been rung up correctly. The amount due was accurate. Daryn fumbled through her wallet as if she was looking for a particular credit card, trying to decide if she was being reasonable. Without another thought, Daryn pulled out her American Express Platinum card and handed it to the sales associate. She was making herself look like she couldn't afford a little shopping spree.

"It's okay to splurge every once and a while," Daryn resolved aloud as she drove towards the house. Turning down her street, she was pleased to see that Courtney was back from racquetball already. Hopefully, he had remembered to stop by the cleaners to pick up his tuxedo shirt for her bosses' charity fundraiser. Too bad they would be going out. She could have modeled some of the lingerie she brought, a prelude to a romantic evening. Of course, there was always later.

"Hey, baby," she greeted him, coming into the house with her arms full of bags. Courtney was standing in the foyer in his shorts, racquet between his thighs and a piece of mail between his lips. Enthralled, he didn't budge, standing there sorting through mail.

"Hey, bae," he replied, almost indistinguishable. Daryn put her bags down and took the mail out of Courtney's mouth, leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you," he said, still focused on the mail.

Daryn bent over and picked up her bags.

"Everything okay, Courtney?" she asked, pausing before heading towards the stairs.

"Ahhh...oh yeah, baby, I'm sorry. I was trying to sort through this mail. Do you know they haven't sent the insurance invoice? Every month it's the same thing. Where've you been?" Courtney finally looked up and noticed all four of Daryn's massive bags.

"Oh...shopping I see." He removed the racquet from between his thighs and stood it up against the wall.

"Courtney, I know it looks excessive, but I was really only going to get a dress for tonight and found some amazing deals! You wouldn't believe the price I paid for all this stuff," Daryn said, holding the bags up.

"Uh-huh, so what exactly did you spend? Niemen Marcus, huh?" Courtney asked his tone even. He hoped she hadn't gone overboard.

"Don't cringe... a little over $500, but...but it's probably like $2000 worth of stuff!"

Courtney did cringe, although not visible.

"What happened to us discussing any unplanned nonessential purchases over $300 Dee? So, what... you put it on the American Express?"

"Yes, Courtney. I would have talked to you first, baby, but I knew you were at the gym playing racquetball and I needed to get back home to get ready for tonight. I promise I won't spend like that again without consulting with you first, okay?" Without awaiting his response, Courtney watched Daryn— who was undeniably pleased with her "great deals" ––continue towards the stairs, humming a little tune to herself. Heaving a heavy sigh, Courtney shook his head tossing the mail back on the table.

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