Change Of Heart-(Perrie Edwar...

By kpop-girlgroupstan19

18.2K 488 108

17 year old Y/N is the star player of her school's soccer team 'The Red Devils'. At school she's the girl eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 4

1.9K 56 8
By kpop-girlgroupstan19

Perrie's POV:

It was now Saturday and I wasn't too sure on whether or not Y/N was gonna come. After everything that had happened, I texted her but she didn't respond. I even tried to talk to her during class but she would completely ignore me.

Since Y/N wasn't here and I wasn't sure if she was planning on coming, I decided to try and start the poem on my own. Mr. Jackson didn't mention a due date for the project so we were screwed. When one of the students asked about the date, he replied with a sarcastic answer. 

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. I quickly rushed down the stairs and opened the door only to see Y/N standing there looking like a damn whole snack.

"Uh, wha-what're you doing here?" I stuttered.

"Well, we do have a project to do together and it's not gonna get done on it's own." She comments staring at me.

"Yeah, uh, come in." I said awkwardly. Y/N nods so I lead her to my room. When we got to my room she put her backpack down and pulled out her notebook and quietly began humming a beat.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said the other day, that's not what I meant." I began but Y/N cut me off before I could finish.

"It's fine, I took it the wrong way. I overreacted and I'm sorry." She spoke quietly. I was trying to read her but I just couldn't.

She was such a closed off person , but even then she was someone I wanted to get to know and be able to understand why she was like this. I needed to know why she acted the way she did. 

"I hated seeing you with Leigh-Anne. I was almost even jealous of her. I've been trying to get your attention for so long and yet she comes in and it's like you've known her your whole life and are even best friends or something. It's....something that I wish  you and I had. Or maybe even more." I whispered the last part to myself.

Y/N stayed quiet and continued to work on the poem. After awhile of awkward silence and me getting absolutely no response from her, I gave up and continued to jot down notes and ideas in my notebook. 

After another hour or so, Y/N  stood up and walked towards me. "I'll leave my notebook here with you so you can practice your parts of the poem and make changes if you want. Then we'll practice it. Well uh I need to go." She hands me the notebook and briskly walked out of my room without saying another word. 


Y/N's POV:

It was a bit chilly as I made my way home but it felt really good. It was something that I needed. I couldn't stay there. Perrie was making it extremely difficult for me to stay. She was making it so  clear that she had feelings for me. Why? I have no fucking idea. She was popular, not to mention the fact that every guy and girl was trying to get with her. What she wanted was more than I could give her. The thing is....I was more than attracted to her, but I just couldn't bring her into my fucked up life. I can't have her knowing me. The reason why I am the way I am. She can't know my deepest secrets.

If she knew me, the real me and the things  that I have gone through her heart would break.

My stomach growled. I really should've eaten breakfast or lunch. I figured it'd be a good idea to get something to eat before I went home so I walked to my favorite diner which wasn't to far from where I lived.

I walked in and got greetings from some of the staff members. I knew everyone that worked her, since I kind of came here almost every week. "Y/N hey! You want the usual?" The owner asks.

"Yeah sounds good, thanks Sarah." 

"Go on and take a seat, I'll bring it right out." I nodded and sat where I usually sat towards the back. Perrie kept calling me and texting me asking where I was at but I figured it'd be best to ignore her. A couple minutes later Sarah brought out my food. "Fuck yeah." I whisper under my breath.

My stomach growled from the anticipation. I ate my food and sipped on my beverage looking around and noticing that it was quite empty.

Once I was done, I got up to leave. I said my goodbyes and walked outside. As I walked home I heard some shuffling behind me but when I turned around I was met with total darkness. I shrugged and continued walking but not even a minute after I was being dragged into an alley and thrown onto the ground. 

"You think you can embarrass me like that and get away with it?" A voice sounded from behind me. A voice I know quite well. 

"Yeah, you don't mess with us like that." Another voice spoke before I felt sharp pain on my abdomen. I groan and kicked my leg in the form of a side kick, successfully hitting the guy and knocking him  off his feet. Zayn ran up from behind me grabbing me in the process and pushing me up against the wall. He placed his elbow under my chin, cutting off my airway.

I struggled for a good minute trying to grasp at his head but I couldn't get a hold of it. I closed my eyes for a second before pushing at his chest and bringing my knee up with as much strength as I could muster to successfully knee him. He grunted like the little bitch he was letting me go to clutch at his stomach.

I struggled to catch my breath, noticing the lost knife that was pushed aside. I quickly grabbed it and got in a defensive position. I made slashing movements towards them, which caused them to back up. "Watch it, bitch." Zayn's goon threatens. 

Zayn makes a move but I managed to get away from his grasp slashing  at his neck. He falls onto his knee grabbing at his neck only to see blood stain his hand. "You fucking cunt. You'll pay for that."

The other guy lunged at me landing a punch to my jaw right where my fresh bruise was at. I groaned in pain but quickly threw my arm out punching him hard right in the nose. He lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

I looked around and noticed that Zayn was to busy holding his jacket to his neck and tending to his friend. "You won't get away with this Y/L/N." He yells looking at me.

Before I had a chance to answer I heard sirens and the flashing of red and blue behind Zayn. Well that's just fucking great. What if I go to jail? I could lose my scholarship. That scholarship is the one thing that'll get me out of this shit town.

The Police Officers had us turn our backs to them with our arms in the air then to walk towards in the position we were in. They handcuffed us and loaded us into separate units.


Once we got to the Police Station they had us each go into separate interrogation rooms. 

I was just sitting there thinking of the worst possible things until a female officer walked in and sat in front of me. I began to get nervous so I looked down at the table avoiding her stare.

"I'm Officer McNally and I'm going to be asking you some questions about tonight's events." I look up at her and she sends me a small smile.

"Alright, so Y/N. Can you tell me about what happened in that alley tonight?" She asks looking at me patiently. I sighed, moving around in my seat.

"I walked out of the diner and started making my way home. As I got closer to my street I heard some noises behind me. I had turned to look but saw nothing but darkness so I continued walking but before I could react, I was grabbed by someone and dragged into an alley. They tried to jump me but I managed to get the knife away from one of them after he stabbed me in my abdomen." I lifted my shirt up to show her. 

 "I'll have a medic look at that for you. You were attacked by a Zayn Malik right? Do you know the name of his friend?" The officer said looking at me intently.

"Yes and no I've never seen the other guy in my life before." I answer truthfully looking at the officer.

"This is the same Zayn that was recently suspended for getting in an altercation with you at school right?" Officer McNally says looking down at the manila folder in front of her.

"Yes, that's him. I'm not gonna go to jail right? I only did what I had to in order to defend myself."

"It's very clear to me that this was a case of self defense and you did what you had to. We'll be holding the attackers for the night until we can sort out a permanent solution for them. You on the other hand are free to go. I'll also have someone check out that gash on your abdomen."

"Um, alright thank you Officer." I say taking her card and walking out to the front of the station.

I quickly pull out my phone, instantly calling Jade. "Jade, I'm coming over to pick your ass up. Be ready."


"Woah, you're kidding. Are you okay?" Jade asks searching me for any other cuts or bruises I could have. We had driven back to my house seeing as my dad wasn't home.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The officer had a medic bandage me up." I pull up my shirt up to show Jade the bandage that was slowly soaking up in blood.

"That's really good I'm glad. So what happened to Zayn and that guy?" 

"Well all I know is that they'll be spending the night in jail but that's about it until they investigate more." I answer shrugging. After a couple of minutes, my phone wouldn't stop going off. 

"Who keeps blowing up your phone?" She hands me my phone and I look to see messages from Leigh-Anne and Perrie. I text Leigh-Anne first.

Leigh-Anne: Y/N! Hello? You haven't texted me back. I though we were going to make plans to hangout?

Y/N: Sorry. I've been really busy. Maybe we can make plans some other time.

I look through the messages Perrie sent me and quickly texted.

Perrie: If what I said earlier made you leave, I'm sorry.  I wasn't trying to make things even more awkward between us.

Y/N: There was an emergency back home. So don't worry about it.

I put my phone down and sighed. "Why are you so hard on Perrie?" Jade questioned. I hummed not wanting to get into it. "Why can't you just be nice to her?" 

"Because I don't see why she should care if I talk to her or not. She's the Vice-Captain of the cheerleading team for Christ sake. Not to mention the fact that she's popular and has a lot of other people she can talk to." I answered rather rudely.

"Okay but maybe that's just a title to her. I've seen the way she is around you Y/N. She cares about you. Why can't you just give her a chance and get to know her?" She looks at me questioningly.

"There's just some things that you or even her don't need to know or worry about for that matter." I sigh down at my hands.

"I'm your best fucking friend Y/N. I've known you since we were kids." She shouts.

"I know Jade bu-"

"Do you not trust me?"

"No, of cour-"

"I thought we promised to tell each other everything. Whether we think it's important or not."

"Yes, but this isn't something-"

"What is that supposed to mean? Am I not important enough to know what's going on?" I stayed silent not knowing how to answer her. I looked up at her to see she had tears in her eyes.

"I can't tell would only break your heart." I whispered.

"And you don't think not knowing what's going on with you breaks my heart?" She declares.

"It's better if you don't know okay? If I tell you then you'll get hurt! And I can't have that Jade. I don't care about me, but I can't have you getting hurt over something like this." I explain.

"I just want to help you-"

"I don't need your help for this Jade." I yell instantly regretting it as I hear Jade's breath hitch. It was quiet until I hear Jade get up.

"Well I hope you get your priorities fucking straight. Until then don't bother looking for me. I'm done Y/N." I couldn't respond cause she was immediately out of room. She slammed the patio door after she walked out of my house and maybe even out of my life.

A/N: Sorry it takes me forever to upload. I've been really busy lately. I'm trying to get my shit together though. Anyways, I hope you really like this chapter. Also I didn't look for any mistakes so yeah so sorry in advance.

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