The Moon & The Morningstar: 7...

By txdramalover

426K 31.1K 4.4K

Phana Kongthanin is a brilliant 2nd year Medical Faculty student. He is also the sexy reigning Moon of his un... More

CH 0: Prologue
AU Guide: TM & TM - 7 Deadly Sins
Cast List and Q&A
CH 1: Moving Day
CH 2: Settling In & My Friends (Pha)
CH 3: Settling In & My Friends (Yo)
CH 4: These Hellions are Mine
CH 5: Let's Have Dinner
CH 6: Protocols & Drinks with Friends
CH 7: Bumping into Him
CH 8: Gathering Intel
CH 9: Interesting or Cute?
CH 10: The Bar
CH 11: Introductions
CH 12: Alarms Suck
CH 13: Finding Something Interesting & Alarms Still Suck
CH 14: First Days
CH 15: Moon and Star Selection
CH 16: Moons, Moons, Everywhere Moons
CH 17: Here Kitty, Kitty
CH 18: Let's Make a Deal
CH 19: And So It Begins
CH 20: The Chasing Has Commenced
CH 21: Shorty
CH 22: Grabbing a Meal
CH 23: You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All
CH 24: Not a Fluke
CH 25: Poopsie Shmoopsie
CH 26: Meeting Him Again
CH 27: I Smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E
CH 28: Second Date?
CH 29: Doing Better
CH 30: Nerves Kicking In
CH 31: Momma in the House
CH 32: Take Me Home Tonight...
CH 33: Kiss of Grace
CH 35: Meal Delivery
CH 36: Blinded by the Light
CH 37: Lame? No L'ame!
CH 38: Together at Last
CH 39: White Wings Don't Mean You're an Angel
CH 40: A Pleasant Surprise
CH 41: You've Been Warned
CH 42: You're His What?
CH 43: Catnip - Take One
CH 44: Will He or Won't He
CH 45: Dinner Together
CH 46: Be Mine
CH 47: Date Preparations
CH 48: Catnip - Take Two
CH 49: Date Night (MingxKit)
CH 50: Date Night (PhaxYo)
CH 51: Carrying Your Love With Me
CH 52: Badass Boyfriend
CH 53: Who's the Wife?!
CH 54: The Ultimatum
CH 55: Disaster Area
CH 56: Making Plans
CH 57: Double Edged Sword
CH 58: How Long?
CH 59: Straight on Till Dawn (Part 1)
CH 59: Straight on Till Dawn (Part 2)
CH 60: Hard Pill to Swallow
CH 61: Love All My Perfect Imperfections
CH 62: Circling the Wagons
CH 63: Believe in Me
CH 64: Beautiful Inside & Out
CH 65: His Father's Temper
CH 66: Unanswerable Questions
CH 67: You've Got Some 'Splaining To Do
CH 68: Perfect Opportunity
CH 70: Bubble of Love
CH 71: Clean-Up
CH 72: Traitor / Spy
CH 73: Meeting the Parents
CH 74: Off to the Dungeon We Go
CH 75: High-Jacking the Evidence
CH 76: Uncertainties and Fears
CH 77: Hindrance or Help
CH 78: Before You Go (Part 1)
CH 78: Before You Go (Part 2)
CH 79: #1 Demon Dad
CH 80: Hurry & Wait
CH 81: One Last Chance
CH 82: Dust in the Wind
CH 83: Learning to Share
CH 84: Leadership Opportunities
CH 85: Homecoming
CH 86: Epilogue: 3 ½ Years Later

CH 34: How It All Began...

4.5K 332 41
By txdramalover


Hand in hand Yo and I walk past the others towards the house, but even with how serious the situation is I can't resist teasing my boys. "Are you all trying to catch bugs? If not, close your mouths."

Audible cracks can be heard around us as multiple jaws snap together. As a matter of fact, the only ones who don't seem surprised by my wings is the pack guarding me. "Kla, did you and your pack know?"

"My Queen, it is probably more accurate to say we remember. We were in the palace rotation around that time, so we were privy to some of the more private information regarding our King and his business." He tells me with a small smile as he falls in line with the other's following us back to the house.

"That makes sense. It's not like Abaddon hid his intentions when he began courting me or when we decided to marry. We were quite the scandal back then, weren't we?"

"Yes, my Queen, that's very true. Our King has never been shy about sharing his intentions with others, and it's most likely what started the last rebellion." Kla replies with a much larger smile this time.

"Is it? I always wondered what the cause was. He never told me."

"Mom? What's he talking about?" Yo asks.

Seeing we've reached the house, I say, "Let's go inside and get comfortable and I'll tell you about how I met your father.


FLASHBACK - Approximately 21 Years Ago...

One of my humans is straying from the right path tonight. I've tried to subtly lead them back with whispered suggestions, but it's been non-effective against his stubborn self-righteousness.

Why do humans always think they're right? Especially when they're making the wrong decisions. Where does their false confidence come from? I just don't understand.

Currently, I'm staying close to his side as he creeps down a dark alley in one of the warehouse districts of the city. I'm not supposed to directly intervene in the lives of my charges, because of free will and all, but I can't stand to leave him alone. I might not be able to do anything to protect him from an attack by humans, but at least I can do my best to try to defend him from demonic influences while he's with me.

"Hey, achara." A deep husky voice calls from the darkness ahead.

"Who calls me? Show yourself." I command taken aback as I search the darkness around me.

Echoing laughter rings out in the dark alley, but my human continues pressing forward, completely unaware of what is happening around him. The only sign he gives of even feeling the heavy demonic presence which has suddenly invaded our midst, is a slight shiver and the speeding up of his already hurried steps.

Suddenly, a tall man dressed head to toe in black exits from a small side passage on my left. He leans against the wall, seemingly relaxed as he looks me over. He's shrouded in darkness and I can't make out an of his facial features, but it doesn't matter. I know what I need to know about him. He's hell spawn.

"How do you know my name?" I demand.

"Is that really your name, achara? How droll. Has Heaven gotten so lazy?"

"I don't understand your words, demon, but don't interfere with my human or you'll pay the price tonight."

"Oh, achara, your human means little to me. I don't have time for such meaningless displays at this point in my existence. Humans will do what they always do. They don't need me to meddle in their lives."

"You're speaking in riddles, demon, and I don't have time for them."

"Let me be clearer then, achara. I didn't come here for him, I came for you." After speaking, he steps away from the wall and into the radius of weak light leaking from one of the street lamps. As he turns his face upwards, his masculine beauty is outlined by the faint light and it's almost blinding in its perfection.

Tremors race up and down my spine as recognition of who stands before me fills my mind. If this person wants my human, there will be nothing I can do to stop him. I wouldn't stand a chance against him. I'm a simple Guardian Angel and he's, "Lucifer Morningstar." The words slip from my mouth in a mixture of awe and despair.

"Currently I prefer Abaddon, but yes. That's me." He chuckles, however as my shuddering intensifies, he speaks again, "Now, now, achara. Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. I value beauty too much for that."

"I-I don't understand... w-what do you want with me?" Thankfully, the tremble in my voice isn't too bad as I speak.

"Tonight? Nothing." A smile spills across his face. "I just came by to say hello. Oh, and to tell you I'll be keeping my eyes on you, achara."

Confusion swirls through my brain, making my mouth spill my thoughts out, "Why?"

He doesn't answer though. He just laughs one more time then slips back into the same side street he entered from and disappears.


Three months have now passed since the first night I met Abaddon, and I've kind of gotten used to seeing him. I'll admit the first couple of times, ok maybe more than the first couple, I was completely freaked out, but it's gotten better lately. It's not like he does anything to be frightening, it's really just 'who' he is that's scary.

He usually shows up, greets me, asks about how I've spent my days since the last time he saw me, then leaves. That's it. He still hasn't explained what he wants or why he visits me, even though I've asked every time he's appeared. Actually, it's usually around the time I start asking questions, that he says he has things to do and vanishes.

He might be gorgeous, but he's kind of a jerk.


Abaddon has been popping in to see me for seven months now. After all this time, I've gotten used to him knowing where I am. It's not like he's waiting for me in the same place every time I see him.

Usually, I'm out spending time watching over one of my humans and he just appears along my path. He never obstructs me from doing my job and he never messes with my charge. In fact, he's usually the perfect gentleman. There was a time when I was very afraid of him, but now I'm not sure what all the hype is about.

He comes by three to four times a week and we talk while he accompanies me on my rounds. He tells awful jokes which I pretend to laugh at, and he smiles when I tease him about it. He has a beautiful smile.


There have been no visits from Abaddon for almost a week now, which is highly unusual since lately he appears at least once a day. You never know how much you've come to depend on something happening, until it suddenly stops, and you're left to wonder what's going on.

After ten months, I've gotten accustomed to talking to him and spending time with him, and now abruptly he's vanished. I feel like I might actually be missing him, a teeny tiny basically not worth mentioning itty bitty bit. Maybe a little more than that if I'm honest.

Hmm. I wonder if I could find him for once. I teleport to find my humans every day, why can't I find him the same way. He's a demon, but it should still work. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? I mean if it doesn't work, no one will know but me, and if it does work... well I'll think up something to say to him when and if it happens.

Concentrating, I close my eyes and picture him. I instill an image of him in my mind and focus on it. Without warning, my body shifts, and I'm pulled into an area of complete chaos. There's a war raging around me.

Why did my powers bring me here? Calling my sword, it appears in my hand blazing white light, as I look around to get my bearings and try to understand what's going on.

We seem to be in a gigantic abandoned warehouse. The fighting is brutal and all around me. However, looking around I see only demons fighting other demons. There are no angels involved in this conflict as far as I can tell. I gasp in surprise as full understanding of the situation sweeps over me – a rebellion. Someone in Hell has formed an uprising and Abaddon has been busy putting it down.

Holding the area around me secure, I scan the battlefield trying to find him. When my eyes finally lock on him a sigh of relief escapes me, but it's quickly followed by an 'oohhh' of wonder.

He looks magnificent. His large battle sword is flaming bright reds and oranges as he wields it without mercy, striking down his opponents one after the other. He's cutting a swathe through the enemy's lines as he heads towards a knot of what looks like high ranking demons about 40 yards away from his location.

Following his movements, I see when the front lines close behind him, encircling him within the enemy ranks. He's still winning every confrontation, but I don't know how long he can continue moving forward with his back unprotected.

Almost as soon as that thought settles in my mind, I see the enemy fighters realize the same thing. He's only about 20 yards now from the cluster of fighters he's trying to reach, but I'm uncertain he's going to make it.

Then the moment I'm dreading, happens. Time almost seems to slow as I watch a demon turn towards Abaddon's back and raise his sword to strike. My powers kick into action without my conscious thought, and when that enemy sword descends, mine is there to block it. Our blades scrape against each other and red and white sparks flare out spectacularly from the contact.

Dispatching my opponent quickly, I turn to find the man I just saved staring at me astonishment. "What are you doing here?" He questions as he lunges past me, defending my back.

"Saving you from a sword through the spine." I answer smugly doing the same for him.

"Pfft, I knew that guy was there. I had it under control."

"Really, so almost getting stabbed is what you call 'having something under control'?"

Stopping to stare at me, he says, "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."

"Are you really flirting with me? On a battlefield? In the middle of a war?"

"War? This isn't a war. This is a tiny little uprising. I'll have it put down before dinner." He pauses regarding me for a second before asking, "Is it bad if I say yes, I was flirting?"

"No. Plus, I'd finally have my answer for why you've been coming to see me for ten months."

"It really took you this long to figure it out? I kind of thought it was obvious." He states sarcastically.

"I don't even know why I'm helping you." I tell him, but a smile escapes my control, crossing my lips, and takes the sting from my words. His answering grin lets me know he noticed. He starts to speak, but I interrupt. "Shut up and finish this already."

"Wow. Bossy. I like it." He snarks with a smirk. "Oh, by the way, you're helping me because you like me. You're just not ready to admit it yet. But that's ok, because I'm a patient man."

Sputtering in indignation, I teleport back to the edge of the battlefield to wait. It doesn't take him long to finish the fight and strike down or capture the leaders of the revolt. Calling his legions to him, he conferences with what I assume are his commanders, then startles me seconds later when he appears at my side.

"Hungry?" he asks casually.

"Starving." I reply.

His stunning smile crosses his face and he flashes his white teeth at me as he says, "Have dinner with me then."




So here's a little history/backstory for you. Hope you thought it was fun & interesting.

Sneak Peek:  Saturday will start an almost 4 whole chapter stretch of ForthBeam! 

See ya Saturday!!  :-]

05.31.2018   5:55 pm  US CST

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