The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
The Black Cat
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
1K Read Special!
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
The Demonstration Disaster
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Goblin
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!


2.8K 35 24
By NiceGameEh

A/N: Hey guys! So this is the teaser I promised! It's just going to be a quick coverage of the after events of your death. Not regarding the others, but you. Also, I'll finally be using a character or two I've teased in the past.

Yami: Well, that's all there is to say so... Yeah! Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

It's been several weeks since Y/N's death. Yang went into a deep depression from the loss of her friend and her arm. Ruby has tried to stay positive and cheer her up, but has not been very successful. Weiss decided to stay in Patch with Ruby, feeling bad for her.

However, unlike all the rest, Blake was not saddened by Y/N's death. She was destroyed by it. She blamed herself for his death and couldn't bare to stay on Patch with the others, since his grave was there. She snuck off to get a ride to Menagerie, unaware that she was followed by someone tasked to protect her by Y/N before his death.

Meanwhile, in an area between space and time, a woman with long red hair and a black and red suit with goggles of the same color sat on a chair. Behind her was a large web with several people dressed in similarly themed suits seen through the gaps. On the woman's chest, a large spider design was seen.

???: Well, it seems this world's spider has fallen. I suppose I will have to intervene. Rouge, could you go wake our friend?

A strange figure, appearing to be a poorly held together substance in the shape of a person stepped out of the shadows.

Rouge: Yesssss ma'am.

???: While you fetch our friend, I'm going to get the other. She'll want to meet him.

Rouge left through a portal, appearing outside Ruby and Yang's home. He walked over the the gravestone that was under a large willow tree. He kneeled down on the grave before falling slowly into the grave. After a minute, the ground started to shift. Then, a black and red clawed hand emerged from the grave.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So there you are! I've laid out the sequel start for later!

Yami: Who was that other symbiote?

A/N: No idea, found it online. But it was what I was looking for, so that's that. I considered using Carnage, but I have a different plan for that one.

Yami: And you'll all find out... Later!

A/N: Yeah, way later. Signing off!


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