Attack On Titan Boyfriend Sce...

By KittyWritesStories

250K 3K 1.6K

Love the boys in Attack On Titans? Wanna have short scenarios that some couples get like "First kiss" and "Wh... More

Note before we start
He goes to my school! 0.0
When he asks you out! <3
Valentine's Day (-*-)
Your first kiss!!! ;*
When he accidentally hurts you XD
When he sees your Halloween costume
When he meets your parents *-*
When he's sick/sore
When he cheats on you
When he sees you with your new bf
When you get back together!!
When he gets scared
When he sees you in a dress

How you guys met :D

31K 361 267
By KittyWritesStories

This is about you meeting these cute boys and how well it went. ;)


You are going to the cemetery to visit your passed grandfather with your sister when you see a boy tearing up holding a bouquet of flowers and sticks? You place your Japanese flag and bouquet on your grandfather's grave and come visit the boy. You bow down which catches his attention. He wipes his tears away "Umm do you need something?" "Oh I'm just paying my respects " You smile which causes him to blush. You look at the picture of his mother, "She must've been a smart woman." The boy started laughing. "Did I say something wrong?!" "Oh no it's just funny she was a weird mother." We both smiled. "Oh I'm (y/n)" " Hello, my name is Eren." We handed each other our phone numbers and left. " (y/n), who was that guy?", my sister had asked "Oh I don't know but, I think we will see him again."


You were studying at the public library for a huge math exam. "God, I hate math!" You started messing up your hair in frustration. Without knowing it you caught many unwanted attention even of a certain blonde boy's. "Um, hello do you need help?" You looked up at him in embarrassment. "Oh umm sure" He started laughing which confused you but, at least he was able to help you. "Oh, so if the number isn't a perfect square you just find the prime factorization and any number that appears two times you place it out of the square root?" "Yes, exactly you'll totally ace the exams now" You smiled in relief and hugged him. "Oh thank you thank you!" "Shhh!" "Oh, sorry" He laughed which made you blush. "Hey, um can you help me with my history exam next Monday?" You gave him your number and address "Of course, I'm Armin". " Oh, I'm (y/n)". You both left and your parents always wondered "When did she start loving the library?"


You were riding your bike around the park when all of a sudden at a turn you bumped into someone! Your bike had flipped over causing you to fly in the air. You screamed. Oof! "A-ow", you whined. "What happened?" You sat up and saw a boy on you. "Ahh!" You pushed him off. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He was blushing so much which caused you to laugh. He was confused but, got out a med kit from his backpack. "Here let me help you." "Oh, thank you, but do you always carry a med kit around?" "Oh, yeah my mother is so protective of me." I smiled and he helped lift me up. "Wow, I can walk perfectly!" "Yeah, this is one of the best kits I got." You thanked him but, looked at your broken bike. "Oh, my uncle works at a repair store and it isn't far from here." "Oh, its okay." "No, I insist it was my fault for not looking. This is the least I can do." He really seems like a sweet guy. "Well, thank you how much do I have to pay?" "Oh, well um all I need is..." he seemed shy which got you thinking that he is pretty cute. " Your name and number" You blushed and gave it to him. "Oh, well (y/n), I'm Bertholdt and we should get going now." You nodded and you both walked to the store.


"Yay I got tickets for the hot springs this weekend! I'm so excited to go!"

~~~ few days later

"Connie, are you sure we should be doing this?" "C'mon Jean stop being a baby, look at all the cute girls there!" The boy had sighed knowing how much a pervert his friend is. "Okay, hand me the bag." "It's heavy what is it?" A bunch of cameras spilled out. The hazel haired boy sighed.

"Ahh, it feels so relaxing in here." "I know right? How about you ,Mikasa?" "Mm, yeah." "C'mon, Eren will be okay stop thinking about him." "Haha, my name is (y/n)" "I'm Sasha and of course this is Mikasa." "Well, I'm gonna leave now it's nice meeting you two!" As I got my towel and left off I saw a boy walk away which seemed depressed. "Hey!" He looked at your direction and blushed. He had ran away! You thought did I scare him? You finished getting dressed and ran out. You saw him on a rock. "Hey, what's wrong?" He sighed and eyes to see his friend peeking through the window. "Aww, a pervert well hey watch this." You grabbed a rock and flicked it directly at the boy which caused him to drop the camera, having it broken. You both laughed and hid behind the building. "Wow, you are an awesome aim but, he has more cameras." You laughed and picked up a pack of rocks. "And, we have more rocks." He smirked and picked up one. He aimed percisely which made the boy drop another camera. "Isn't this a bit mean?" "Well, not really he deserves it for being a pervert and you are laughing!" You both chuckled and continued messing with the boy. "Hey, my name is Jean." "Oh, I'm (y/n). Hey let him have one camera." We stopped and left off. "I hope I can see you again." "Well, I actually have more perverted friends who need to be taught a lesson. Wanna join in? Here." He gave me his number and I agreed and we went our seperate ways.

"Jean where were you I kept dropping my cameras man! At least I saved one." "haha, whatever let's go". "Wait, I need to do something, Jean but, I'll meet you back later." "Okay then see ya."


You went to the gym to exercise even though you despise working out, but you felt like you were getting fat. "Here I am." You were in shorts and a tanktop. You went onto the treadmill first and put on some music. Then, you looked and saw a group of people doing some dance on a treadmill! You heard the lyrics "Oh here it goes again". (This is a real dance on treadmills and an actual song check it out) When they were done you started clapping, but forgot the treadmill was on and fell backwards. "You were caught by a man with gray eyes." "I'm so sorry! Oh, you were one of those guys that were dancing." He sighed "Yeah, be more careful next time." Wow, isn't he Mr. Grumpy Pants. You went to a empty lot in the gym and turned on your stario. It blasted "Romeo and Cinderella." It was Japanese but, whatever. You were also a very good dancer and of course were dancing and dang people were amazed. When it ended everyone clapped and the other crew from earlier applauded you except for the gray eyes boy. You didn't care but, you did achieve to lose a few calories. When you started packing you went up to the guy "Hey, look sorry if I did anything wrong to get you mad, but thanks for saving me earlier. I could've hurt my butt then." He smirked "whatever, no problem." You thought, seriously whatever? When you left you thought, he maybe be very aggrivating, but he is pretty good looking and those eyes. (Yeah this is different from other, but he's Levi what do you expect?)


(This is the same story with Jean but, the afterwards affect of whhy Connie didn't leave right away.)

You saw the 3 girls hitting it off while you were at the corner of the room unnoticeable. When the other girl left Mikasa and Sasha saw you. "Hey comeover here!" You sighed, but swam over there. "Hey what, ya be doing over there? My name is Sasha and this is Mikasa." "Hey, my name is (y/n)." "Awe well, don't you sound shy don't worry nothing to be afraid of, well except Mikasa she is a scary chick haha!" Mikasa punched Sasha in the elbow. While they started arguing to you saw a camera from a distance. Tch pervert. He was surprised and dropped his camera. Then he kept dropping other cameras. Was it from you or something was going on. You went to go change to see what was going on. You hid behind a building, seeing two boys talking as the same girl you saw earlier left. The bald boy had seen you, and told the other guy "Wait, I need to do something, Jean but, I'll meet you back later." "Okay then see ya.". That's all you were able to hear. When the other guy named Jean had left the boy had started walking up to you. "Hey, umm I guess you saw me spying on you." He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Yeah, but I can tell karma got you." You looked at the bag full of broken cameras. "Umm, you need help there?" "Oh, it's okay, you aren't weirded out?" "No, trust me my brother is like the pervert king, so I'm used to this honeslty." He started laughing. "Well, then um sure." You both went and picked up the scraps of some cameras. "Hey look some are actually working still I think I can still help you get the photos you had shot. While you were working the boy was surprised just looking at you. "Got it! Here." You handed him the photos he shot before the camera had exploded. "Woah careful! You okay?" "Yeah" You were in his arms staring at each other. "Oh I'm sorry!" You both said in unision seperating from each other. "Well, I gotta go. Thank you." "Oh wait here. I can fix those cameras for you just call my dad's office." You handed him a phone number and he thanked you. You both left and you giggled. "That's some weird pervert."


You had to help your best friend by taking her spot to babysit many kids with someone else. It was annoying cause there were like 20 kids and that person is late whoever he/she is. "Hey, c'mon lets play tag!" They all cheered and I was 'it'. I tagged a kid then ran to a corner letting them having fun. "Hello?" You went to open the door. "Umm, I here to help babysit with (y/n)." "Umm, hello yes that would be me and who are you?" "Oh, I'm Erwin." Oh, so this person is my partner that's nice. "Well, Erwin you are late." "Oh, I'm sorry I had to buy some snacks for the kids." He held up a bag of fruit snacks and little baby snacks and juice boxes. "Ugh, fine come in." He saw the kids play tag and joined in right away. "Fine, make me clean up the snacks." He actually didn't look like the type to babysit kids but, he looked like he was having fun. It actually looks cute. I meant the kids not him! Snap out of it! "Okay, kids snack time!" "YAY!!" They all cheered and grabbed a box and some snacks. "Well, looked like you had fun." "Haha, this is actually my first time, but I have to deal with monkeys at where I live so I'm used to this." I laughed "Well, that's good haha." I gave him a juice box and we chatted while the kids made a huge mess. "Okay, you can go play with them I'll clean up." "Oh, it's okay I think you can handle them more than I can." He smiled "Look just cause you are a lady doesn't mean you have to clean up after them here." He handed me a bag of necklaces, "Go have fun." I smiled and went along with it. After a while we had to leave and the kids went to sleep. As I drove home I was gonna throw the bag out but, felt a peice of paper. I opened it up and it had a phone number. I blushed and left keeping the paper.


You had to go fishing with your father which you were not excited to go to. He promised that it wouldn't be boring, but you thought otherwise. You guys packed up and you left right away. After hours you finally reached your destination. God, the sun was blazing on you no joke! Thank god you put on sunscreen and wore shorts and a tanktop. We started fishing right away and unfortunately you barely caught anything while everyone else around you got a bucket full, even your own dad almost filled the bucket! You grunted and sighed. "Oh c'mon you can do it!" You turned around and saw a blonde hair boy cheer for you. You laughed, but felt a little embarrased. "Hey, you need help there?" You nodded which made him chuckle. "Here is the trick I learned... After a while you got the hang of it and caught fish quickly which amazed your dad. "I thought you didn't like fishing!" "Shut up ,dad!" The boy smiled ,"Hey my name is Reiner and yours?" "Oh I'm (y/n) thanks for teaching me how to fish properly, god I was clueless." He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh of course no problem." You guys took a break and went to a shaded area.."Do you live near here?" "Actually, I live a couple hours from here." "Oh, wow me too!" "cool". We talked then we had to go. "Ready to cook all these fish ,sweetie?" "Yep!"

Sorry these are so long I wanted to make it interesting!

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