New High School

By Greekromanfan

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New High School
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

219 10 5
By Greekromanfan

Annabeth’s POV

I pulled myself out of my warm bed reluctant to leave! Why must I leave? Cause I was starting the first day of high school at Lakeside High school. I showered and pulled on my favorite outfit…dark wash skinny jeans, my owl over the shoulder shirt, grey flats, my owl earrings, and the seashell bracelet Percy gave me for a gift during the summer! I hope he doesn't do anything stupid when I am not around. 

I shot out the door! I was so anxious I almost ran all the way to school! Pushing open one of the double-doors at Lakeside High school, I made my way to my locker through the crowded hallway and opened it. As I started putting the books in, I overheard two girls having a conversation two lockers down from me. I leaned closer to hear what they were saying

"Did you see the new kid that transfered?"

"OMG Totally. He's so dreamy and good looking!"

"So much hotter than Drake Coline!"

"I know! He has this messy, jet black hair! The perfect tan, perfectly defined muscles, and you can tell he has washboard abs even though he has a shirt on!" 

“Oh and that amazing smile of his. I felt like i was going to faint. Also, his eyes are so hypnotizing that you could just get lost in them!”

"He accidently bumped into me when he was looking for the office. He was asking if i was okay and helped me up. He was so sweet."

"The best part is that he will be in our homeroom!"

The conversation faded as the two girls walked away down the hallway and I shut my locker door.

'New kid, huh?' I thought 'doesn't matter, he's got nothing on my boyfriend. Percy jackson.'

I was shaken out of my thoughts when, a hand slammed into the locker next to mine. I looked up to see the face of Drake Coline, the wide known school player. he think its cool to ask out girls, dates them for a week and then find another girl to date.

"Hey there babe, want to go out to the movies with me on Friday?" Drake asked, as he winked at me with a smile.

"No, go away. I have a boyfriend Drake." I growled at him

I was the only girl at school who hadn't fallen for his looks. Drake kept hounding me , and constantly asking me to go out with him, but I keep refusing him every time. He just didn't seem to get it through his thick head that I wasn't interested in him. Or that I had a boyfriend either that was alot better than him.

"You know, I'm starting to think that this 'Percy Jackson' isn't even a real person." said Drake as he put air quotes around Percy's name.

            “Even if he wasn’t real, he would till be better than you any day.” I said as I turned to walk away from him, but stopped when I saw who had enter the hallway. A guy 6'4" with messy, jet black hair, sparkling sea green, and that goofy smile that always makes me smile. He was wearing a dark blue pull over with faded jeans with some black converse. 

It was my boyfriend that I love so much. Percy Jackson was here at my high school!

Guys let me know what you think of the chapter please and thank you so much for reading

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