Chapter 3

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Annabeths POV

The moment I saw him, standing there in all his Percyness, it felt like my heart would burst out of my chest along with the butterflies in my stomach.

Percy walked over with a purposeful stride and stopped in the middle of the hall. Drake snorted and swaggered over to him. All commotion in the hall had long since stopped. Everyone was watching this showdown.

"And who do think you are?" sneered Drake. Although he had to look up as Percy was two inches taller.

"Annabeth's boyfriend, that's who." answered Percy in a menacing tone.

"I bet a wimp like you can't even move a desk." Drake spat. Even though I could sense a bit of fear in his voice.

'Oh, he's gonna get it now' I thought.

As predicted, Percy narrowed his eyes into a glare that could rival Thalia's. Drake flinched and took a step back.

"Let's see how much of a wimp I am, shall we?" mused Percy.

With that, he twisted his body and thrust his foot outward, effectively kicking Drake in the gut. The blow sent Drake flying back ten feet. He staggered back up and charged like a bull. Percy just smirked and sidestepped the charge. Drake ended up charging into a locker and denting it causing poor little drake to moan in pain. Before he could charge again though, a strict voice tore through the thick tension Percy had built.

"What in the world is going on?" screeched the principal.

All heads turned to face the angry woman. The principal was a strict blonde lady who didn't like troublemakers in her school. Unless it was something good, if you were sent to her office, you were considered dead meat.

"Drake was harassing Annabeth even though she told him to stop." stated Percy.

"No way, he just kicked me for no reason." lied the jock.

"Enough! I will let you off with a warning since you're new, but don't let it happen again." said the principal "And you Mr. Coline, I've had it with your lies. Come with me to my office."

"But-" started Drake.

"No buts."

"Ms. Robertson-"


Drake hung his head in defeat and trudged after Ms. Robertson. As he passed Percy, he gave him the best glare he could muster, which was pretty weak. The moment the two were out of the hall, Percy turned to me and flashed me a smile that made my heart flutter.

'Damn you Aphrodite' I thought as he walked over to me.

"Glad to see you here, Wise Girl" greeted Percy.

I snapped out of my trance and punched him in the arm. Only to wince in pain because of his Achilles curse.

"Ow, stupid curse." I muttered. "Still, what are you doing here, Seaweed Brain?"

"What, I can't surprise my girlfriend?" questioned Percy.

I just narrowed my eyes at him.

"Alright, I got kicked out of Goode and no other school in New York would take me, so I moved over here and rented an apartment." Percy admitted.

"Thought so." I answered.

"Besides, I couldn't leave you over here alone wit da big bad meanies." Percy said the last part in a baby voice.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"And," he leaned over and whispered into my ear "I couldn't stay away from you for very long."

I looked up into his stunning sea-green eyes and smiled. Then Percy planted a soft, sweet kiss on my lips and hugged me. So basically, I felt like happiest girl on Earth. Percy pulled away and laughed at me.

"You should see your face right now. It's redder than a tomato." chuckled Percy.

"Shut up." I said, though I was smiling, and playfully shoved Percy away.

"Hey, it's the truth." replied Percy. "Oh, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as i have you with me. now lest compare schedules."

I took out my schedule and compared ot to his. We almost had evey class together except for our electives. I chose Artiecture and he choose swimming. We even shared homeroom together.

"lets go to class," Percy said.

"Okay, but hold on. Percy hold this for a sec."I said while handing him my backpack.

"Alright, but why?" questioned Percy.

"This." was all I said before I jumped on his back. "Now carry me to homeroom."

"Do I have to?" whined Percy like a 5 year-old.

"I said I wasn't going to your life easy remember?" I said cheekily.

On the way to homeroom, I started pondering about my day. Just minutes ago, I was preparing for a suckish, regular day in high school. Now, Percy was giving me a piggy-back ride to class. Today will be a good day.

Well. Tell me what you guys think. i wont be updating for a while because i will be on vacation for two weeks. Anyway comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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