Unexpected Fire

By one2manyOTPs

18.9K 449 62

David's been having these feelings and dreams and thoughts about Regina. He is trying to hold back because he... More



1.3K 37 7
By one2manyOTPs

Regina's POV
I wake up to my alarm and I roll over to quickly stop the loud noise. I get up and get dressed in a black jeans skirt with a Louis Vuitton belt and tuck in a long sleeve white shirt. I lotion my legs and put on stiletto knee high black heels. I just might break an ankle these are pretty high. Pray for me.

I do my makeup and a red lip today because I haven't in a while and it's a signature look. I go downstairs to cook breakfast. I grab the egg carton and then open it I see a note. Note? What the hell! I set the carton down and grab the note.

Dear Regina,
Your probably wondering what the hell a note is doing in your fridge well I wanted to warn you before something bad happens. Stay away from David or I will hurt him
Love, anonymous

I scoff and throw the note away and continue making Henry breakfast. My front door opens and I see David walk in. He comes over to me and goes to kiss me but I put my hand up and he kisses my palm. "How rude" he says and goes upstairs to take Henry to school. He's been doing that a lot. Taking Henry to school and then picking him up too.

The next day*
Another day of work and I wake up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth when I see there's a note taped to my mirror. I grab it and it says;

Hi Regina,
It's me again and seems like you didn't listen. I'm warning you again stay away!
Love, anonymous

I don't think anything of it and I continue with my morning routine and I go downstairs to make Henry breakfast like I do every morning.
The front door opens and I am assuming it's David because who else would walk into the Evil Queen's house unannounced besides a dumb Shepard with a death wish.

He kisses my cheek and I can't help the smile that comes across my face at the small gesture. He sets his hands on my hips and then the note pops into my mind and my smile fades. Is this true or is someone just messing around with me. But they know about David and I. What if he/she/it tells Mary Margaret. That would be terrible for all of us. And embarrassing for Mary. God damn!

"What's wrong" I feel his hot breath on my neck and I quickly move and turn around to face him.

"Nothing" I swallow hard. He grabs my hips pulling me close and pecks my lips. I grab his face to kiss him back and then I set my hands on his chest playing with a button. Once we part for air I use my magic to get a makeup wipe. "Don't move" I say holding his chin so I can wipe my lipstick off his lips. He just kisses me again and of course I kiss back and then eventually I take my lipstick off too and settling for some cinnamon flavored chapstick.

I walk to granny's with David and Henry and I see Snow with Neal. "Hi David" she pecks his lips and I look away. "Mhm you taste like cinnamon apples" I blush, that's the flavor of my chapstick. Damn!

"I should be heading to work" I say walking out without another word to anyone. I get to my office and I see a small note on my desk.

Hi Regina,
Seems as you didn't take my threat seriously, now you must pay!
Love, anonymous

I hear crashing and I look around afraid. Then I hear yelling and I run outside to see David laying in the middle of the road. I quickly run over to him and get down on my knees. "David David" I shake him and he's not waking up. I put my two fingers on his neck and I feel his pulse but it's very very light. I poof us to the hospital and then I see nurses rush outside to put him on a stretcher. His arm is bleeding so badly. "Please don't let him die" I whisper to whale. He nods and runs off and sigh and run my hand through my hair. This is because I didn't listen. Damnit! I grab my phone to call Snow. "Hey uh can you come to the hospital" the line ends and I'm guessing she's on her way.

I see Snow, Emma, and Henry walk through the doors with a concerned look on their faces. "What's going on" Snow says. "David he uh- I don't know but I heard yelling and then I went outside and David was in the road like half unconscious and bleeding" I say stuttering. "Is he okay" I shrug and Henry grabs my hand. "He's gonna be okay mom" he whispers. "I-uh I really hope so" I mumble.

We've been sitting here for like two hours and I am actually freaking out. I see Whale walking towards us and I can't tell if it's good news or bad news but I'm scared. I stand up and so does Emma, Snow and Henry. "It wasn't too bad some broken ribs and a broken arm he's fine, in a lot of pain but he should recover soon" I sigh in relief. "Can we see him" Emma asks. "He asked to see Regina and Henry but I'll be back" fuck! Snow already hates me and now David does this. Damn!

Why did he say me now Mary is never going to stop with the rudeness and I'm tired of it. "Yea everyone can come back" Whale says. We nod and walk to his room. Snow runs to his side and grabs his hand. "Are you okay" she asks. "I'm fine where's Regina" is he crazy! Snow and Emma move out the way and I walk over to the side of his bed. "How are you feeling" I ask putting hair behind my ear. He reaches for my hand and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. "Like I've been hit by a car" he says and chuckles very lightly. "I was so scared" my voice failed me when it cracked. "Hey hey I'm okay" I shake my head and wipe a stray tear from my cheek.

"This is my fault"

"Regina how could this be your fault"

"Someone warmed me that if I don't stop with" I pause hoping he understands. "It was gonna hurt you" he squeezes my hand.

"That's not your fault"

"How, you were almost killed because of me David"

"But I'm not dead. I'm alive and I'm okay"

"Who did it" I ask feeling anger boil inside of me.

"Regina I-I"

"I know you know David"

"It's was Gold, please don't do anything you will regret"

"Oh I won't regret it" there's a knock on the door and I see Gold. The nerve! He walks in and I smack him hard. I hear a gasp and I smack him again. "Are you kidding me! You run him over and then come in here like nothing happened!" I yell.

"Someone has my dagger and forced me to, now I know why you and prince over there are so friendly" he whispers in my ear.

"You tell anyone I will rip out your heart" I growl.

"Calm down EQ, she just wants to see you and David" I look and he's sitting up looking at me with a disappointed face because I smacked and threatened Gold.

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