The Clean Up Crew. A Magcon F...

By dancingdani5

2.6K 24 2

Danielle, Courtney, and Sara always dreamed about moving to Los Angeles California. Finally, after saving eno... More

The Clean Up Crew
The Worst Surprise
Things Are Starting to Get Messy
The Date
The Plan
I Want You
The First Time
The Concert
The After Party
Watch What You Drink
I Promise
Getting Caught
To Close for Comfort
My Hero
The Visit
The Eviction
The Worst Visit
Infatuation or Love?
The Confession
Things Are Getting Messier
The Last Time in LA

The First Day

241 6 0
By dancingdani5

"Yeah that's awesome! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. He started walking away, but then I thought of all the possibilites of which boys would actually be in the house. He didn't give me an address either, or when we start, how the hell are we supposed to be the cleaning crew if we didn't know where he lived or what time to go in?

"Wait, Matt we need to know when to go over and where you live," I said as I ran over to him. 

"Let me text it to you," he said as he pulled out his phone. I took it and put my number in, he texted me the address and we start tomorrow at eleven. 

"Thanks again, this means a lot to us," I said through a smile. 

"Anytime, see you tomorrow," he said through a smile, and walked away with Shawn and Nash. I took a deep breath, and walked normally to the girls, I felt the smile on my face reach from ear to ear.

"So we start tomorrow, and he texted me the address," I said through the huge smile. 

"Okay, um what do we wear?" Courtney asked.

"I don't know, but luckily we are at the mall. I'm sure a nice pair of vans or Nike's would be good to wear as shoes," I mentioned.

"Yes! And some yoga shorts from Victoria's Secret!" Sara exclaimed. She's totally obessed with that store.

"Or the cropped ones, some people's butts hang out of them," Courtney mentioned through a laugh looking directly at me. I let out a small laugh.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We have to shop for clothes!" I exclaimed. We ran to Victoria's Secret first and basically bought all of the cropped yogas and yoga shorts. 

"So who do you think lives in the house?" I asked.

"Well, I'm guessing that Nash and Shawn do," Sara said. The three of us laughed together at that one.

"No shit Sara! There has to be more boys there if he said that its pretty messy," Courtney said as she picked up a cute pair of yoga pants with the galaxy print on the band of them.

"Courtney get them! They're so cute!" I exclaimed, "Do you girls think that Cameron lives there?" 

"Maybe! Do you think Aaron does?" Sara asked.

"Probably! What about Taylor," Courtney asked through a smile. 

"Well, you're the luckiest out of all of us, so he's most likely going to be there," I said through a laugh. We moved on to other stores, buying so much, maybe to much. It was a struggle to even walk since there were so many bags. 

"We really did shop until we dropped!" I said through a laugh as I plopped down on to the couch of our apartment. The girls started laughing, and I got up quickly, I realized we didn't pick rooms yet. I needs to get to room with the biggest closet since I did bring three suitcases worth of stuff. I ran past Courtney and Sara, and checked  the bedrooms closets. All of them were small. I looked in the last bedroom, the closet was huge and had its own bathroom. I figured since I am the oldest, I should get it. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and threw it in the room. 

"That one is mine bitches!" I exclaimed and ran to the doorway. They rolled their eyes and laughed at me. Courtney took the bedroom to the left of mine, the closet was pretty small but it already had a tv in it. Sara took the bedroom to the right of mine, the room was average. The apartment was more like a penthouse, but we all called it an apartment. I looked over at the desk in the living room and realized we need to get ready for college soon. 

"After we finish settling in, we need to pick colleges," I mentioned to them. I'm sure they forgot. 

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about that! You're right!" Sara exclaimed. After many hours of hanging clothes, listening to music, and tiring myself out even more then I already am. I finally finished settling in to my room. I took a deep breath and plopped down on to my soft bed. 

"Finally! I thought you'd be in here for weeks putting those clothes into the closet," Courtney said through a laugh.

"Ha ha ha, very funny. What are we doing for dinner?" I asked. I looked down at my phone, it was already eight. We never usually eat this late. 

"Chinese tonight?" Sara suggested. Courtney and I agreed and we ordered our food. We decided to wait in the living room for it, so I put on "Someting Borrowed" one of our favorite movies to watch. The doorbell finally ran for our food, we ate at around ten since it was a Saturday. I went straight to bed, exhausted. 


I woke up at around nine, I went over to Courtney's room and jumped on her bed to wake her up. At first she groaned.

"Wake up! We're maids today bitch!!!" I exclaimed through a laugh and ran over to Sara's room and yelled on the top of my lungs.

"Wake up! We have to be cleaning ladies today!" I yelled so loudly that my voice cracked. She woke up as soon as I said cleaning. I ran over to the kitchen and made pancakes for the girls, since I took cooking my junior year of school I guess I'm the closest one to chef out of the three of us. We ate together and I went to get dressed. I decided to wear a red and white baseball tee from Victoria's Secret with black cropped legging yogapants, a pair of black and white vans and a red bandana in my hair. I applied a little foundation and some mascara. Then I realized that we needed to buy cleaning products since the maids usually have their own stuff. I brought my car down here too, so it can be easier to travel around. 

"Come on girls, we need to get cleaning products!" I yelled. Courtney came right over, she had on yoga shorts, a pair of Nike's and a v-neck and a white bandana in her hair. I can't believe we get to meet the rest of the boys dressed like this. Sara had on a similar outfit to Courtney. I grabbed my car keys and some money so buy the cleaning stuff. We arrived at a general store and grabbed everything in the cleaning aisle. I looked down at the clock, and its already ten forty five. We're going to be late for our first day. 

We arrived at the house, at around eleven fifteen. 

"Are you guys ready?" I asked nervously. The thought that maybe Cameron was in there shot through my mind and down to my stomach. Sending butterflies in there. 

"No! I don't want Taylor to see me looking like this!" Courtney exclaimed through a laugh.

"Well, if we become friends with them, then we can hang out with them and they'll hang out with us," I squeeled. The girls started laughing and we got out of my car and walked up to the front door.

"You ring it, I can't, I'm shaking," I whispered to Courtney. She rang the doorbell and finally Matt came to the door.

"Hey! You finally showed up, come in I'll give you a tour of the house," he said through a smile and opened the door wide. All of us dropped the cleaning products on to the floor near the door and followed him. He showed us the kitchen, which was a total mess. There must have been food laying there for days. We went into the living room, and there he was, Cameron. Just watching tv, and he didn't even look over at us.

"Cameron, I hired these girls to clean the house," Matt said pointing over to us. He looked directly at me, and said nothing.

"Hi, I'm Danielle," I said nervously. His brown eyes scanned over my body, but he never answered me. 

"Why would you invite girls you don't even know to clean the house?" he asked still looking at me, then he finally looked over at Matt, whom he's been talking to.

"I felt bad that they didn't have jobs, stop being an asshole. Besides, this house is disgusting," Matt answered. He walked away and Courtney and Sara followed him. I just looked over at him one more time, he is even more gorgeous in person then looking at him through a cell phone. He just went back to watching tv, his feet on the couch. I quickly went back to the tour of the house. He showed us the bedrooms, Taylor was in his sleeping still. Courtney smiled at the sight of him. Nash was on his laptop laying in bed, he shared the room with Cameron. They room was by far the messiest one. 

"Hey Danielle!" He said through a smile, he shut his laptop and got out of bed. I smiled and waved at him. Then we continued to the next room, Aaron and Shawn. Their room was the cleanest. Aaron was watching some movie on the tv. 

"Hey, these girls are going to be cleaning our house," Matt said quickly. He must have wanted to finish the tour so we can start. Aaron smiled at Sara, but we needed to start cleaning now.

We started in the kitchen. It was pretty disgusting, but they are boys. 

"Is it just me or did Cameron seem like a total asshole?" I asked.

"He did, but Nash was totally flirting with you Danielle," Courtney said through a laugh.

"No thanks," I said as I picked up the food on the floor and put into a trash bag. 

"This is so disgusting," Sara said as she started by cleaning off the stainless steal fridge. We finished cleaning their kitchen at around three, and we were starving. 

"Danielle you got pizza sauce on your new shirt," Courtney said through a laugh as she pointed to the huge stain.

"Ew!! You have it on yours too!" I said through a laugh. The pizza looked like it was a few days old. The smell of the room was already making me sick. 

"Are you girls hungry? We were thinking about going to a diner for lunch," Matt said.

"Yeah, but can we get changed first?" I asked as I pointed to the huge stain on my shirt. He started laughing.

"Yeah, we'll wait for you here," he said and we rushed out the door. I drove back to the apartment with the girls, and we quickly got changed. Luckily, my ombre hair was already straight, so I just touched it up. I grabbed a pair of high waisted shorts and my floral croptop. Courtney changed into shorts, and a grey crew neck tshirt and some vans. Sara wore a muscle tee, and black shorts with combat boots. In a matter of twenty minutes, we finished. Butterflies filled my stomach as we ran back to my car, then my stomach started growling. We finally got there and only Matt, Cameron, Nash, and Shawn decided to come. We went to the diner together, and sat down quickly since it wasn't busy.

"I saw the kitchen, nice job girls," Matt said with a smile.

"Thanks," I answered.

"So, what made you move all the way out here?" Nash asked me.

"Well, we we're just tired of being in a small town, and we wanted to come here. It's beautiful here," I answered easily.  I looked over at Cameron, and he had is phone in his hands, completely ignoring me. I've had the biggest crush on him, since I've seen him on Vine. He's sweet, funny, and gorgeous. I never thought he'd be a total asshole though. 

"Do you mind? That bothers me so much when someone is on the phone at the table," I said with an attitude. He looked at me, and went back on his phone. 

"Cameron, just put your phone down," Nash whispered. He finally put it down.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"My problem? Matt invites three random girls to clean my house. Why shouldn't I have a problem with that? My house is meant for the guys and I to chill," he said with an attitude.

"He did it because we needed jobs, so calm down. We aren't gonna steal anything, we're doing it for money, nothing more, and nothing less," I spat out. 

"I'm sorry," he said, finally making eye contact with me.

"Okay," I answered.

"So, when can you come and finish the rest of the house?" Matt asked.

"Well, whenever I guess. We haven't gotten our school schedules yet," I answered back. Courtney and Sara were just talking to each other. I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

"What are you majoring in?" he asked. I nudged Courtney on the arm and she answered him first.

"Physical Therapy," she answered easily.

"I haven't decided yet," Sara said.

"What about you?" Nash asked looking directly at me.

"Dance, I want to be a dancer," I said. My voice was very low, I know that the Performing Arts field is a very risky job, but I love it. 

"Are you good?" he asked.

"Um, I guess," I said.

"She's amazing!" Sara exclaimed.

"Thanks," I said through a laugh.

"Well, I have to see for myself," he said through a smile. I looked over at Cameron, just listening to the conversation. The food finally came in and I stuffed my face. I looked over at Cameron he was watching me, with a smile on his face. His smile was almost blinding, it was perfect. Everything about him is, except for his attitude. The rest of the time, we just got to know each other, well Nash, Matt, and I did. Cameron was just silent the entire time. Courtney and Sara we're talking about who knows what. We left, and went back to our apartment.

"So you and Cameron hit it off super well," Courtney said as she sat down on to the couch.

"I know right! He's totally in love with me," I said sarcastically. 

"I can so tell!" Sara exclaimed and layed on to the other couch.

"Seriously girls, what am I supposed to do? Seeing him in person, made me just fall in love with him. Just thinking about him makes my heart race. Then talking to him in reality, its like he's totally different person," I admitted.

"I have no idea Danielle, he was a total asshole," Sara said rolling her eyes at the thought of him.

"Well, I saw him smiling at you near the end, maybe since you said something he likes you," Courtney said through a laugh.

"I highly doubt that, you heard him we're just three random girls that clean up," I said, my voice getting lower as I continued to talk. 

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed, we probably have to clean the house again tomorrow," Courtney said as she walked down the pitch dark hallway to her bedroom. Sara went after her, then it was just me. It was already twelve at night, and I was watching tv. Processing everything through my mind that just happened. All the flirting, the gossip, but most of all the argument. The first time I could ever have a conversation with Cameron was an argument. For some reason, the fact that he didn't like me off the start upset me. I laid down on to the couch and just continued watching tv, trying to escape from reality. Then my battle with sleep was over, sleep overcame me in a matter of seconds.  

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