
By gabbiewhite12

90.3K 2.1K 620

Could possibly be a trigger warning. It mentions abuse, suicide, sexual assault. More

i can't
i couldn't help
month's later
the hospital
harry pt2
how do i stop it
how do i stop it pt2
I'm sorry
month's later
stephen strange

month's later pt2

954 34 4
By gabbiewhite12

Peter's p.o.v
"Peter what's wrong" i swallow hard and say "i-i can't bre-breath" they said "okay well ummm what happened try to calm yourself down" i said "ho-how" they said "think of a memory that made you happiest."
A few minutes later i finally let a shaky breath out and the person on the phone said "you good" i say "yes thank you it's just" they said "you have to explain yourself peter okay tell me when your ready" i say "okay thanks i'm gonna go though okay so i'll see you tomorrow at school right" they said "what peter i'm older then you i've already graduated" and then i realize who i called i quickly hang up and sigh and lay my head down on the steering wheel.
I called steve "hello" i said "could i actually stay the night" he said "yeah of course" i say "okay i'll be over in like 5 minutes" he said "okay see you in 5 minutes" and then i hung up and drive over there. I walk up and knock and bucky opened it with a warm smile on his face i try to return it but it's failed attempt.
I slept on the couch but before going to sleep i turn my phone completely off not wanting a call from wade or tony and definitely not stephen from tony's phone.

The next morning i wake up to the smell of pancakes.
I sit up and stretch and bucky said "good your awake you're pancakes on the table" i say "thank you" he nodded and then i get up and grab the syrup and then pour it on the pancakes and then eat them.
I say goodbye to them both and then leave for school. When i get there i see michelle i get out of my car and she smiled and waved me over and i do and i said "i'm so sorry i didn't call you last night something went on and it's just" she cut me off and said "peter it's cool okay" i nod and let a breath out and she said "is everything okay though you look a little lost" while motioning towards her head i say "let's just say it was a very very long night" she nodded and said "do you wanna talk" i nod no and say "at least not right now" she nodded and said "let's go to class" i nod and then we walk inside the school and go to class which was the highlight of my day since after school really sucked.

After school

I walk inside the house and see it's empty.
Thank god. I start to walk to my room but then heard "peter" i stop and don't move and then saw stephen he said "i'm really sorry about last night if i knew what happened to you in the past i wouldn't of done it" i look up at him and then tony walked over and put a hand on my shoulder but i pull it away.
I say "you told him" tony said "peter it's better if he knew" i yell "what the hell makes it better if he knew so he wouldn't do it again he shouldn't of done it in the first place" stephen said "peter i've apologized multiple times i didn't mean to it's just you have been acting like a 2 year old ever since i moved in" i yell "because you shouldn't be here you" tony said "peter stop that okay he's staying for good and you better get used to it okay he is going to be your step dad" i yell "no all he'll be is the guy that ruined everything" and i push him away and run out of the house.
I get in my car and drive away i stop far enough away so they wouldn't find me. I pull my phone out i felt tears in my eye's i call m.j

"Yo parker" i sigh it was shaky and she said "peter is everything okay" i said "i left wade because i was a terrible boyfriend and just dragged him down and he deserved better" she said "peter" i say "i guess i'm just no better then my past relationship" and then hung up and leaned my head on my steering wheel finally letting myself cry.
My phone rang over and over again.

After crying my chest hurt and my eye's felt extremely dry and my nose was running.
I wipe it with the sleeve of my hoodie and then pick my phone up and call m.j back.
She said "oh thank god your okay i was worried i was about to call the cops or someone i thou-" i say "i know i'm sorry it's just nothing i'm sorry i worried you" she said "it's okay are you okay though" i said "yeah just needed to get that out of my system" she sighed and said "good anyway do you wanna hang out" i said "sure i'll be at your place in like 10 minutes" and then said "cool that i'll be waiting outside" i hang up and then drive over to her place.
I park and she gets in.
That night she talked most of the time which i was great full towards and i think she understood that. When it was dark out i dropped her off at home and she said "i'll see you at school tomorrow right" i nod and say "yeah see you tomorrow" she smiled and then walked inside and waved goodbye before closing the door i drive home and park and get out and walk through the front door and heard "peter" i just walk to my room and shut and lock the door and then go and plug my phone in and then grab my laptop and turn my music up all the way. I was exhausted and i lay down and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to my music off. I sigh and then heard incoming coming from my door and stephen saying "peter get up" i don't say anything.
I get up and get dressed and grab my phone and headphones and grab my bookbag and take a pill and swallow it and then put my headphones in and turn my music up all the way and then unlock my door and leave the house.
I make it to school and see michelle and i get out and jog over to her and we walk to class together. At the end of the day she said "you wanna hang out in the meeting room" i nod and then we walk there.
We spend most of the day there i helped her with her math homework even though she knew how to do it but math makes me feel better so she let me help. I drive her home afterwards and we do our usual and then i drive home and at the front door there is a package and i look at it and see it's a crib but why would they need a crib.
I walk through the door and instantly hear "pettta" i stop and then look down and see a little boy. He was hugging my leg and tony walked out and said "peter this is harley" he walked over and picked him up and he said "harley this is peter" i just keep stareing at him and tony said "me and stephan were going to talk about this with you this morning but you had your headphones in so we couldn't" i just kept looking and harley smiled at me and i finally said "so that's it" he said "what is" i said "i've seen this happen before tony" and then i walk to my room and shut and lock the door and call steve.
He picked up and said "hey kiddo what's up" i say "could i stay with you and bucky for a while" he said "of course but why" i look at my door and said "no reason i just feel like i never get to see you anymore" he said "oh okay well yeah of course you can stay with us" i say "okay i'll be there in a few minutes" he said "okay" and then i hung up and shoved clothes in my bookbag and my laptop and my chargers.
I walk out of my room right into stephen and he was holding the stupid kid. Stephen said "peter glad to see your home" i said "yeah well i'm leaving" he said "what no we are having a family dinner tonight" i said "well then that wouldn't include me anyway" he said "what of course it does your my son" i yell "i'm not your son" and harley started crying and stephen said "nice going" tony walked over and said "what's going on in here why is harley crying and why do you have your bookbag" i said "i'm going to stay at steves" tony said "no you are not" i said "yeah i am" i turn around but tony grabbed my bookbag and it pulled me back and i turn around and see harley laughing and stephen smiling.
I get up and say "you know tony for a genius you are really stupid if you don't see what's going on here" and stephen said "what exactly is going on here peter" i say "you your what's going on moving in adopting a child using the same fucking last name" tony said "language" i just laugh and said "you two are fit for each other because your both oblivious to the fact that you two don't love each other for gods sake stephen your tony's rebound and tony your just a warm bed to him" and then turn around and start walking away and stephen said "if you leave then don't come back" i stop at the door and i could just imagine stephen smiling at me thinking i won't leave.
I open the door and walk out and grab the crib box and then throw it at them and "the crib came" and then i walk to my car and drive to steves.
I knock on the front door and steve opened it and we hugged and then hung out on the couch.
I was pretty quiet and then when the sun was down they went to bed and i stayed on the couch watching the tv but not paying attention.

The next morning i wake up on the couch and then grab my bookbag and phone and headphones then write a note and then run downstairs to my car and drive over to m.j's.
She looked surprised to see me and said "what are you doing" i said "driving you to school what does it look like" she smiled and said "okay then" and then climbed in and we drove to school. We parked and got out and we walked into school and walked to my locker to grab something i forgot to grab yesterday after school.
The day pretty much was like yesterday even the math homework part but today is friday so we don't have school for the next two day's which is gonna suck since it's literally the only place where i'm genuinely happy anymore. Michelle looked at me since i spaced out but then snapped her fingers and said "you still with me" i smile and say "yeah anyway what's up do you need help" smiled and said "no i'm finished" i nod and said "do you wanna hang out" she sighed and said "trust me peter i would if i could but" i cut her off and say "it's cool your busy i just thought i should ask i just really don't want to go back to my dad's" she said "well then maybe in like 2 hour's i can go out for ice cream if you want" i said "i don't want to ruin your plans" she said "you won't it should be over by then" i say "okay if you say so" she smiled and nodded and then i drove her home and she didn't wave goodbye at the door she just shut it.

I make it back to steve's place and when i get there i see the infamous tony stark car.
I walk upstairs and into the already open door to see steve and tony and bucky and stephen and harley all sitting in the living room. I just roll my eye's and walk to the kitchen and tony said "peter get in here right now" i get a glass and get water and then heard bucky say "kid" i walk in and i knew it annoyed tony and i saw steve trying to hide a smile.
Tony said "your coming home with us right now" i said "shouldn't you talk that over with you fuck buddy" tony looked shocked and bucky was smiling and stephen said "peter stop with th-" i said "no i'm gonna have to cut you off right there buddy because i know you've asked multiple times for to quit with this supposed attitude i have but here's the funny part have i ever listened to you no will i ever listen to you that's a giant no" tony said "that is no way to talk to your step father peter apologize right now and then grab your thing's and we are leaving and you are grounded" i just let a breath out and simply say "no" and then tony got up and said "peter so help me god you get your thing's and come with us" steve stood up to and said "he said no leave it at that he clearly doesn't want to stay with you and that old dude" tony just laughed and said "okay peter you wanna know the real reason why the marriage ended" steve said "tony" tony said "it's because your father here was having an affair with old bucky right here it has been going on since you were put into the hospital after trying to kill yourself" i don't say anything i just feel my stomach turning and i kind of felt sick.
Steve said "tony get out right now all of you get out" tony said "good luck" and then they left.
Steve walked over and said "peter"softly and then i felt the scars on my wrist. How could he just say that like it wouldn't bother me or it wouldn't effect me.
"Peter buddy you still with us" i finally say "you cheated on dad" he sighed and said "i was going to tell you when i thought you were ready" i just say "i'm gonna go" while pulling away i grab my bookbag and then walk downstairs and get into my car and then drive away i park at ice cream shop and walk inside and see wade sitting by himself.
He slightly smiled at me and i walk up to the counter and order my usual and then walk over and sat down across from him he looked surprised to see me but said "hey" i swallow hard and say "hey" he said "are you feeling better" i remember the other night and say "not really but when do i feel okay anyway" he smiled and nodded and i said "but sorry i was just freaking out and called the first person that came to mind an-" he said "you don't have to apologize peter i've known you long enough to know that you freak out a lot" i nod and say "yeah that's true" then it went silent for a few minutes.
That is until i finally bring up the topic that i knew we both needed to talk about.
I say "i'm really sorry wade" he looked concerned and said "for what" i sigh and said "i just i ghosted you and we never even officially broke up and it's just i'm so sorry" he reached over and grabbed my hand and said "peter it's fine you were going through a lot and so was i anyway it all worked out we both are in relationships and happy" i i give a confused look and said "what" he said "the girl you were with the other day" i think back and say "oh no no no she's not my girlfriend she's just my friend well my best friend well my only friend" wade smiled and said "so who is the lucky girl" he said "guy actually and his name is christopher" i smile and nod and then my phone vibrated and i pull it out to see a text from m.j saying she can't make it i sigh and wade said "everything okay" i say "yeah i was just supposed to hang out with michelle but she's busy" wade said "i'm free till 7 tonight" i say "it's fine i don't want to bother you i'm perfectly content sitting in my car listening to music" wade said "it's really not a big deal peter" i nod and then say "okay."

Me and wade hung out at entire day and i was smiling and sometimes even crying from laughing so hard.
God i missed him i'm suck an idiot for being a dick towards him.

When the sun was down he looked at the clock and said "i've had a really good day peter but i have to go" i nod and say "do you need me to drop you anywhere" he told me where and we said goodbye.
I hang out in my car for a while in a closed down store parking lot listening to music. Until 3 and my phone rang and i saw it was tony i answer and don't say anything.

"Peter your dad called and asked if you were here where are you" i still don't answer.
He said "peter are you there answer the question do you need someone to come pick you up i can get stephen to do it."
I hang up and turn my phone all the way off and then start to drive somewhere. I ended up sleeping in my car in the school parking. I wake up to knocking on my window i open my eye's and see michelle smiling an annoying smile.
I climb out of my car and she looked worried and i said "what" she said "you slept in your car did your dad's kick you out" i said "no at least not steve it's a long story though" she nodded and then i sigh and then say "i'm sorry" she said "for what" i said "i've been a bad friend for the past couple of day's an-" she said "peter i love you but seriously shut up okay" i say "i'm in the mood to get drunk" she said "you're not old enough" i said "when has age stopped anyone" she smiled and i said "i know where we can get some too i just need to be nice to satan" she said "is it really worth it" i nod and say "i need it that bad" she nodded and then we walked to class together.

After school

I drive me and m.j to tony's place i say "stay in here okay" she nodded and i said "and if i don't come back then i've been caught and you can have my car" she smiled and nodded and then i get out and walk to the front door and quietly open it and tip toe to the mini bar i quietly unzip my bookbag and put a bunch of strong looking liquids in and then zip it back up and leave. I quickly walk to my car and get in handing michelle the bag.
We drive away and said "i can't we got away with that" i nod and said "i'll still get in trouble once he notices it's gone but i'll be to drunk to care" she nodded and then we pull into the parking lot from last night and then we break open the bag. Her eye's went wide and said "peter" i said "i know" she looked at me concerned but didn't say anything.

Multiple glass bottles later

"Michelle you know freshman year i thought you were weird for following me around" she laughed and said "i wasn't following you" i laugh and take another drink and sit up off the ground the whole world was spinning i smile.
I go to stand up but fall over and i laugh and she said "i think that's enough for you" i push her hand away and say "i'm fine" she smiled and said "because you look so fine" i laugh at that and then sigh. A couple hour's later all the glass bottles were empty mostly by me she didn't drink any she said she would drive home.
She drove me to steves and said she would just walk home i say "thank you" and then i kissed her and then get out tripping on my own feet and then walking up to steves apartment i knock on the front door and steve opened it and looked concerned and said "oh thank god your okay i've tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail" i smile and say "i'm here" steve looked closer and said "are you drunk" i nod and say "wasted" he smiled and said "let's you to bed kiddo" i nod and then we walk inside and i trip over myself and almost fell almost broke a bunch of stuff but finally made it to the couch and i lay down and let a breath out and say "thanks" and then fell into the best sleep i have gotten in months which i knew was because of the little pick me up.
The next morning i open my eye's and then instantly close them. I heard "are you awake" it echoed throughout my head but the voice was familiar it was bucky i don't answer worried if i opened my mouth everything from yesterday would come back up bucky said "okay i'm guessing your awake well it's just me and you kid your dad had to leave for a little while" i nod that hurt my head extremely bad bucky said "last thing i promise just saying there is trash can right next to the couch and two advil on the table for you" i give him a thumbs up and then he messed with my hair and then walked away. I try to open my eye's again which was a terrible idea because it made me throw up i grab the trash can and put basically my whole head in there.
I moan and turn to the inside of the couch and cover my whole body up getting the chills.

I ended falling back asleep.

I wake up to bucky looking scared to death. My eye's were open and i look around and say "what" but it sounded like someone else.
He hugged me and i said "oh god what" he said "you almost died" i said "how i literally haven't moved" he said "you were choking on your own vomit i had to flip you over" i saw "oh" he nodded and then pulled away and said "are you okay" i nod and say "i mean i still have an extremely bad headache and i still fee sick to my stomach but other then that i'm good" he let a breath out and said "good" i nod and then i heard my phone ringing.
I grab it and see it's tony i ignore it and lay back down still freezing and close my eye's.

Another hour later i wake up to the blanket being pulled off.
I quickly jump up and the whole room was spinning and i felt extremely sick and then i saw tony. He looked angry and i don't say anything he said "you peter are in big trouble" it echoed throughout my head and i blink and he said "did you really think you could get away with stealing from me especially that much" i still don't say anything he yelled "god are you even listening to me" and then bucky came in and said "tony just leave the poor kid alone okay he is clearly suffering and you yelling at him isn't helping anything" tony looked at bucky and then back towards me and said "i'll be back tomorrow and i swear peter" and then bucky cut him off by saying "it you lay a hand on him i'll make it my personal mission to kill you" tony just rolled his eye's and left and bucky walked over and "you can go back to sleep now if you want" i slowly nod
1) i'm pretty sure that i'm still drunk
2) i feel like i'm sleeping standing up.
I lay back down on the couch and instantly fall back asleep.

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