(Postponed) A True Bolt Of Li...

By H27_Venom

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Y/n, a boy who got caught up in the business of killing, soon it turned from killing humans to... well this m... More

Where do we begin?
Targets found
Seeing the Terrifying Truth
Helping the Target
Elemental Dragon God
Blood Promise
A Dragons Rage
Shattered Trust
I meet a hero


280 2 0
By H27_Venom

You walked out with Rias the next day and saw Asia playing around with a small dragon."Hey where did you get that?" You asked sweetly. The Dragon turned to you and looked wide eyed. "Dont do it.. they dont know." you mouthed. The Dragon nodded and flew around playing with Asia. "His names Rassei, isnt he adorable!" Asia said rubbing her nose against the dragon. You smiled. "A sprite dragon correct?" You asked, Asia nodded smiling. "You were gone for days Y/n... three days." Rias said, you turned stunned. "What the hell did you say!?"You asked thinking you had misheard. "Three days." Rias repeated, you looked to the sky. "Dammit Zeus!" You yelled,they had transported you back three days later! You could have done so much more if they had dropped you back at the same day! "We had to get everyone else's familiars so we went.... sorry." Rias said, you smiled. "Dont worry about it." You said. "Hey I didnt get one either." Issei said leaning on your shoulder. "Because you were being a perv." Koneko said from behind you both, you laughed slightly as you walked to the car and drove to the location, Rias snapped as you got out of the car and it disappeared, teleported somewhere else. "Everyone grab your bags." Rias said, you held yours over your shoulder and watched as she teleported 4 giant bags in front of you. You grinned and grabbed the largest before Koneko could and ran up the hill, stopped turned around and ran back down the hill, you turned and smiled. "C'mon Issei you can do it!" Rias cheered, they all cheered, you ran up to Issei and held his bags slightly, just enough to keep it relatively heavy.  Then at the end you let go and passed Issei on the right. "Good boy Y/n." Rias said patting your head. "Bark bark." You mimicked. Rias giggled slightly and Issei passed the finish line. "Nice job Issei!" Rias cheered, you frowned. "How the hell is she supposed to win if she cant even train this kid.... I might have to break a few rules." you thought smirking. You trained everyone that day, on everything from physical structure to mental mindset. 

When you started working with Akeno, Issei, and Asia things quickly got out of hand, Asia learned to use magic quite easily. Showing a green orb in her hands. "Nice Job Asia! Issei, could you try to do something like that?" Akeno asked. "Does it have to be a element?" Issei asked. "No, it can be anything your thinking of." Akeno said shaking her head. You felt your hairs stand on end and held a large fireball in your hand. "I would steer clear of THAT while Im around Issei." You said knowingly, Issei's face dropped and he hid behind Asia. "What was he thinking of Y/n?" Akeno asked turning slightly, her 'Ladies' swinging with the momentum. "Nothing, dont worry about it Akeno." you said blushing and looking to Issei with a look that said "I will kill you" Issei seemed to understand as he looked away and you smirked. "DAMN RIGHT PERV! BACK OFF!" You shouted in your mind triumphantly.

Next you started physical training, while Issei was busy with Koneko, you sparred with Kiba. "This is just training Y/n, relax." Kiba said after you sprinted behind him and struck his knees. "Train to win, fight to kill." You said stepping away. "Well if thats how you want to train, I want to see what a champion can do." Rias said as everyone gathered around. "As you wish, my master." You said taking a single step forward then sprinting into Kiba, who barely had time to lift his sword to block. You pushed off and landed, letting out a single breath. Then you sprinted again and again, until. Kiba caught under your leg sending you flying. You hit the ground and looked up to see Kiba's sword at your throat, you lifted your hands. "A fair win." You said as you stood up and dusted yourself off. Rias walked up and hugged you. "You fought well, c'mon lets go..... Y/n, what is that?" Rias asked looking to the side, you looked as well to see a wolf approaching, it looked like it had white bolts of lightning flickering off as it approached. Akeno raised her hands and prepared to shock it,  you felt the danger and jumped in front of her before the wolf let out a huge bolt of lighting, your armor collected it and you let it loose in the air. "A Raiju, that is a Raiju." You said facing down the Lightning wolf. Its roar was thunder and it sped like lightning. Slowly the wolf turned to face you alone. "Is that what you wish?.... everyone back away from me." you said understandingly. Everyone did as they were told and you growled at the wolf, it sent forth a bolt of lightning, you caught the bolt and sent it up in the sky, then sent your own at the Raiju, the Raiju jumped to the side, you smiled moving the lightning to the side with it. It hit the Raiju and a huge cloud of dust gathered. "Elemental 1 Raiju 0." You said smiling and turning. "Y/n!" Rias called, you turned and caught the charging Raiju by the scruff of its neck. "Accept defeat!  There is no need for loss of honor today!" You yelled, setting the wolf down and patting its neck. You turned and walked away. Hearing footsteps behind you. Rias laughed as you walked around the house and then sprinted off. The Raiju following you all the time, then you turned a corner and laid against a wall, the Raiju came running out and looked out, he ran around the corner wondering. Slowly you began to creep up behind, the Raiju turned its head and spotted you, its tail wagged from side to side. It jumped from side to side as you approached. "Alright! I get it!" You said bending down, the Raiju ran to your side and sat in front of you, the blue electricity running down its sides, its bright blue eyes shocking. You slowly stroked the Raiju, it barked like thunder and you placed a finger to your mouth. "Shh, quit it. You'll get us both in trouble." you said smiling, the Raiju turned its head then all at once turned into a German Shepard. It barked a normal bark at you, its bright blue eyes the only thing that could assure the Raiju was still itself. "That'll do, now do you really want to stay with me?" You asked rubbing the brown fur of the dog, it barked loudly and spun in a circle. You laughed. "What a smart Raiju.... Rias! CAN WE!" you asked pleading, the Raiju looked at her with the same expression. "You know, I like it, go ahead y/n.... although, could you make it your familiar?" Rias asked, you looked to the Raiju, the raiju seemed to nod and you smiled. "I think it wants to stay with me, but why?" You wondered. "Is it not obvious Drákos Theós?" A voice asked, you whipped around and faced a familiar man. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" ISSEI asked looking to the man who had appeared next to him. "Bow your head Issei. Lord Zeus, I wasnt expecting you to come back this soon." You said dropping to your knee. "Drackos Theos.... what does that mean y/n?" Rias asked suddenly. Your blood drained slightly, you glared to Zeus. "Μη αναφέρετε αυτό το αίμα στους φίλους μου, δεν χρειάζεται να το ξέρουν." you said coldly (TRANSLATION! "Do not mention that blood to my friends, they have no need to know." ) Zeus raised his hands. "My apologies Elemental, I would not wish to insult you." Zeus said. You smiled. "Now, Why would this Raiju wish to stay with me?" You asked, the Raiju brushing against your hand. "It found its Rajin, its god of lightning." Zeus said simply, the Raiju barked loudly and jumped around. "It will protect you without fail, a extremely rare companion, and no better exists." Zeus explained. You smiled, then with a flash, the king of gods disappeared, leaving a black mark where he stood. "Well, I think we need a better name for this Raiju, as Raiju doesn't fit him very well." you said breaking the silence and bending down, the Raiju ran over and began licking your face happily. "Pfft, stop it Spark! Spark! Thats it!" You said standing straight, the Raiju growled, unhappy with its name. "What? Bolt? Rod? Ray? Badass lightning wolf?" You asked, the Raiju growling at each one. You looked at it for a while, it looked back,as if knowing something. "You couldnt know, that was so long ago." you said pulling out a photo, it was of a old hunting dog you and Jack used to have, you had to sell it when you started working as an apprentice but had never forgotten  your childhood dog. "Duke?" you asked (Yes this is the name of my childhood dog, just got another and name him Duke Junior, or DJ for short) The Raiju spun around happily, you smiled and put the photo away, then reached up and picked up Duke, he growled slightly but seemed to be alright with your touch. You walked over to Issei. "Can you chase him? he needs to get chased." you asked, Issei's smile dropped and he took off. "May I?" You asked looking to Rias, she laughed and gave the go ahead, you placed Duke down and looked to Issei. "Ready? Set? Go!" you said letting Duke after Issei. You watched as Issei ran as fast as possible, Duke ran up and tackled him and dragged him back. "8.9 seconds." you said looking at your watch, Duke released Issei and walked over to you grinning happily, his tongue on the side of his mouth hanging lazily. "Good boy Duke! Good boy!" You said rubbing his side. "Ahem, I think its time for me to start dinner, Issei if you could help, Asia as well." Akeno said annoyed, they all walked inside as you played with the dog happily as can be, hours went by before you finally heard. "Y/n! Dinner!" Rias called, you pushed Duke off you and ran inside taking off your coat. Duke walked beside you panting slightly. 

"Give that filthy thing a bath or keep it out of the house." Akeno said pointing to Duke. Duke however approached Koneko and barked, jumping around. "Get out of here pooch, nothing for you." Koneko said coldly, Duke barked once more then turned around and laid his head on your leg as you sat down to the enormous serving of potatoes and Onions. "What the hell? I've never seen you make this much Akeno, everything alright?" you asked looking to her, she ignored you and sat down eating. "Akeno? Well then, Issei peeled to many and we would have to throw them out if we didnt make them into food." Rias said surprised by her best friends attitude. She sat next to Akeno and spoke softly, until Akeno shook her head, Rias kept asking her something before she finally snapped. "Im fine! just leave me alone!" Akeno said slamming her fork on the table. You looked to her and then looked away eating your potatoes and passing some to Duke, he liked the onions but wasn't completely sure about mashed potatoes, he kept trying to eat them like a solid but couldn't manage it, you made sure to steer away from mashed foods from then on. Everyone was eating fine until you caught sight of Issei leering at Akeno. You dont know why you did it, but you did. "GOT A FUCKING PROBLEM ISSEI!" You growled standing up. Everyone was surprised by your outburst. "Y/n! What is with you today! This is the second time you've snapped at Issei for doing nothing wrong!" Akeno said glaring. "As if! Fucking perv is slobbering all over you!" You said without thinking. "As if you have any right to yell at men who find me more important then a damn dog!" Akeno shouted, you saw a tear fly from her eyes and took a step back. "Aki, I do think your more important, I just thought that Duke needed to be attended to first." you tried to explain, Akeno turned her chair on the ground and stormed off.  You glared at Issei. "I fucking catch you doing that shit again, Rias wont have anything left for her to reincarnate. Got me?" you asked deadly serious. "Y/n, do not threaten him!" Rias yelled, you looked to her. "Taking the fucking pervs side? Jesus Christ, just because he's a dragon you think he's tough shit!" You said, then infuriated, you finished the rest of your food and stormed off. Duke on your heels. 

You were on top of the house with Duke, he laying beside you as you watched the moon, for some reason you always liked the moon, maybe it was the hope it symbolized, that even though darkness comes their always was light, maybe, but you didn't know. Suddenly you found yourself on guard, something was wrong... something had entered the area. "Who's there!" You demanded, no response came. You felt the entity jump to the roof and you jumped to your feet, Duke wide awake looking into the darkness. "Easy Elemental, its just me." A familiar female voice said, you sat down laughing at yourself. "Duke, sit, she's a friend." You said as Artemis approached and sat beside you. "Dont you have a group of huntresses to deal with?" you asked looking to her, she laughed. "They can deal without me for one night, I thought I would see how you were doing, so how are you doing back in the mortal world?" Artemis said sitting next to you, on the other side of Duke. "Just peachy, Rias takes the side of a fucking perv over me and Akeno thinks that I care more about Duke here then her.... I wish she knew." You said looking into the moon. Artemis laughed slightly moving to your other side and sighing. "My Huntresses would wish for me to never be near you, they say you have a magic around you.... something from Eros, I just think they see something in you." Artemis said watching the woods nearby gently shift, then she turned her beautiful eyes staring straight into yours. "Why do you stay? You know the gods would welcome you to Olympus, or you could even travel with me and my Huntresses, they wouldn't try anything stupid.... I think." Artemis said scratching her cheek awkwardly. You smiled and watched the moon for a minute before you responded. "Its because of who I am with her." You said looking down to Artemis, she looked back just a little confused. "I dont think I quite understand?" Artemis said with a questioning look. "I mean, ha ha, I was always this strong silent type, quiet and deadly, not speaking to someone unless I absolutely needed to.... but ever since I met her, I melted, becoming a social person who has emotion, who cares about something other then the next contract." You said laughing slightly, Artemis just stared at you. "I know, idiotic right? A Elemental feeling emotion, what the hell is wrong with me?" You said standing up, a gentle hand pulled you back down, you looked at Artemis with surprise, she held your hand against her chest, her soft leather tunic brushing against your skin. "I dont expect you to understand this either, but I feel an emotion when Im around you.... A emotion I cant explain, one I have not felt for a long time.... not since Orion." she said quietly, you blushed a dark crimson and stayed completely still. (Mythology nerds forgive)  Then suddenly Artemis turned and pulled you close, and put her lips against yours. You didnt move, you allowed yourself to melt into it, placing your hands around her hips and pulled her closer, she let you out of the kiss, smiled and sat back. You heard a loud strike of lightning. "Ahh dammit, I forgot about him." Artemis said glaring straight ahead. "ELEMENTAL!" A booming voice called. "Oh shit." You said turning to face the extremely angry Zeus. "I TRUST YOU INTO MY COUNCIL AFTER YOU DISAPPEAR! AFTER YOU MURDER SO MANY OF THE CHILDREN OF GREECE! THEN THE NEXT DAY YOU KISS MY DAUGHTER!" Zeus said stepping forward, Duke jumped away, clearly knowing to stay out of this matter. You back to the edge and felt your hand fall over the edge. You looked down, then looked back to Zeus. "Father! It was I who initiated the act! Do not blame him for my act!" Artemis said stepping in front of you. Zeus stopped amazed. "You? But why? I thought you swore you would never love again?" Zeus asked confused, his anger melting, replaced by confusion. "Isnt it obvious! I've fallen in love again! And this time Apollo cant take him away!" Artemis cried, silver tears running down her face. "Artemis...." You started, you stood up and reached for her arm, but she turned and ran off, jumped off the roof and into the woods. Zeus looked at you. "What magic do you have? Thousands have tried for my daughters heart, but you receive it? Even one of your creators doesn't know what you are." Zeus said turning  and in a flash, you were left alone atop the roof, starring into the space where Zeus had just been. You felt a rush of emotions, most of which were confusion. Duke flew back and changed into his dog form, looking at you confused. "I dont understand women buddy." You said standing and jumping off the roof, you entered your room and fell onto your bed, Duke jumping up and adjusting so he could rest comfortably, you scratched his ears as you fell asleep, images of Akeno filling your mind. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes, everything, but then they were interrupted with images of Artemis, her gorgeous eyes, her amazing hair, her perfect body, the sweet taste of her lips. The feel of her amazingly soft skin, and finally the image of her tears flowing from her eyes. You laid awake for hours thinking about it until finally exhaustion took over, and you fell asleep.

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