I Don't do Chic-flicks (Dean...

By BookLoverCoco

433K 10.2K 2.2K

(DeanXReader) Your a hunter. Well on the side, but full time yourown a bar that's on the side of a road in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36(A/N)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(A/N)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
NEW!! Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49- Broken Promise

Chapter 19

10.6K 270 118
By BookLoverCoco


I groan softly, fluttering my eyes open to see the sun was starting to rise. I turn over from my stomach to my back, and see Dean is gone. I didn't forget what took place a couple hours ago, and I didn't regret it. I felt at peace, even if it was just one night with him.

I feel a cool breeze and I sit up, still naked and pull the soft silky cover close. I look over and see Dean standing outside on the balcony. I wrap myself in the covers and slide out of bed, making my way over to him. The bright lights below have me at awe, and I just stare before resting my head on Dean's bare back.
"You okay?" I ask, my tone soft and gentle. Dean turns out and let's out a sigh, my head was now on his chest but he didn't remove me.
"Y/n.....this was a mistake....." He tells me, causing me to remove my head from his chest and look up at him. "I can't get close to people because they always end up dead and I can't loose you." He continues. I back away slightly, my heart starting ache as if it's been stabbed, which I kinda was. I was just another one of his one night stands. I no longer felt the peace I did before, but who am I to push him?
A single tear streams down my face but I smile,"Okay Dean.....it was fun though." I step on my tipping toes, pecking his lips before retreating to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I let go of the cover and more tears have escaped. I shouldn't of had such high hopes. I shouldn't have fooled myself thinking something was there. I sigh, wiping my face and enter the shower, turning it on so the steaming water would hit my back. It was a large shower, too big for me but it was nice. I leaned against the cool shower wall and let my tears fall freely.

I didn't even hear the bathroom door open, I just suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist causing me to stiffen.
"I'm sorry." I hear a familiar voice whisper, it was Dean. His lips traveled from my neck to my shoulders, causing my body to melt into his arms. I turn, but no ones there. It was all in my head. I sigh, washing myself before exiting the shower.

I wrap myself and my hair in a towel, and exit the bathroom, Dean was sitting on the bed finishing getting dressed. He looked up at me but I turned away and quickly went over to my duffle back, dropping my towel and getting dressed. I didn't care if he saw me, he saw me last night what's the difference. I slipped on undergarments, only panties before slipping on a navy blue dress, it was up to the knees and loose at the bottom, but was tight on my upper part of my body. It had capped short sleeves but it was like the bottom, loose and had a soft, gentle material. The back was open, all the way down to my waist. The front showed little cleavage, just enough skin to show off my new necklace besides, the back made up for it. I than slip on some beige heels to tie the outfit together.
"Why so dressed up?" I hear from behind me.
"Gabriel and I have reservations at this brunch place. We kinda found a case and the family owns that place, so we're gonna snoop around there and see what we can find." I inform Dean, my back still facing him.
"Need help with the case?" He asks. I turn around to face him and smile tightly.
"No I think we're good besides, we only had reservations for 2." I walk back into the bathroom, to do my hair and makeup. I tie my hair into a loose fish tail braid and do a simple makeup look before exiting the bathroom. Dean was all dressed up like last night, causing me to feel a burning sensation in my lower area, but I ignore it. I grab my beige handbag and phone.
"What room are you and Sam staying in?" I ask.
"Two doors down from yours, to the right." Dean informs me, his eyes traveling up and down my body. I nod, exiting the room and make my way to their room knocking.
"Ugh it's too early for this." I hear someone mumble. When the door opens I see Sam in his sleep wear, but clearly he had a hang over. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Is Gabriel up?" I ask.
"Uh yeah come in." Sam mumbles, standing aside letting me in. Gabriel came out of the bathroom in a nice suit, I'm surprised he's awake so early without me forcing him.
"As always you look stunning." Gabriel smiles, kissing my forehead. I smile,"How was last night?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. My smile falls, and he instantly notices but before he can say anything Dean walks in. I clear my throat and smile.
"Come on, let's not keep the rich waiting, besides they allow people to drink early in the morning. Sounds like my type of people." I giggle, but Gabriel could tell it was fake. But he doesn't say anything he just smiles.
"Okay my good lady." He says in a funny accent, offering his arm which I gladly accept.
"Bye guys see you later, and Sammy get some pain killers and coffee in you." I chuckle before we leave.

We get to the elevator and it's silent for awhile.
"Okay, spill it." Gabriel says.
I sigh, leaning against the elevator wall,"We had a great night okay? And than when I woke up he said this was a mistake and it can't happen again because he's scared I'll die." I inform Gabriel.
"That bitch." Gabriel growls. I rub Gabriel's arm to calm him down, even though I wouldn't mind him kicking Dean's ass.
"It's okay Gabe, let's just do this case and than take it from there." He nods and finally we reach our floor.

We make our way outside and hail a taxi, getting in and make our way to the brunch location.

-1 hour later-
The brunch was outside in a garden, near a golf course. Damn was it hot.

"Omg y/n you haven't been to the Trump hotel in D.C?!??" One of the rich snobs, Jessica asks me. I smile tightly and shake my head.
"I'm sorry I can't say I have I've spent most of my time in Europe." I lie. For an hour I've been gossiping with a bunch of girls, while Gabriel pretends to be my father and talk golf with the older men.
"So tell me....is it true some girl died here last week?" I ask, trying to pry details.
"Yeah, poor Kasandra but she was involved with all types of drama and rumor has it she was into witch craft." Jessica informs me.
"Oh my gosh, really?"
"Yeah, for the last month she's been like staying inside, rambling about a ghost after her and than she start doing ghost boards and crap like that." Jessica rambles. "Ghost aren't even real, so was a real nut case."
"Yeah, she sounds like it." I mumble. I look over and see a group of guys, one had his eyes directly on me. He had brown hair, slicked back, hazel eyes, pretty tall and in a nice beige suit. I won't lie, he was attractive. I guess he noticed me staring cause he smirked before nudging his friend next to him and they made their way over.
"Oh crap that's Tyler and Jake, don't do anything stupid." Jessica whispers nervously. I arch my brow at her before I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn and I'm met by a pair of hazel eyes, burning into me.

"You must be new here, id remember someone as beautiful as you being here before." His voice was cool, and calm causing chills to go up my spine.
"This is y/n, she was born in New York but spent most of her time in Europe." Jessica informs them. I smile and offer my hand.
"Pleasure to meet you." I say softly. He takes my hand but kisses my knuckle, looking up at me through his lashes.
"The pleasure is mine. My name is Tyler. Tyler Reeves." He informs me.
"Well Tyler, mind showing a girl where she can get a drink around here?" I ask in a seductive tone. His smile widens and the fire in his eyes flicker.
"Of course." He responds, placing his hand on the small of my back. Before he can lead me away I hear someone calling my name. I look over and see Sam and Dean. Fuck. Dean jogs over to me, his smile wide, but his eyes burning with anger once he sees Tyler's hand on me.
"Honey, I told you to wait I had an important meeting this morning." Dean says, pulling me away from Tyler.
"Honey? Last time I checked we broke up yesterday because you wanted to sleep with a hooker now if you'll excuse me Tyler is gonna go show me where a girl can get a drink." I snap, pulling away from Dean and linking arms with Tyler. Tyler smirks and shrugs.
"A girl gets what she wants." He says in a smooth tone before taking me inside. I follow him into an empty kitchen and he instructs me to sit on the cool, metal counter which I do. He walks over to the fridge and pools out a bottle of champagne. He pours me a class which I gladly accept.
"So tell me about the girl who...ya know. Was killed." I ask.
"Oh her, she was my girlfriend well ex now." He says, his voice still calm.
"You don't seem upset about it." I say curiously.
"Well let's just say she was a little dry, in life and especially in death." He smirks. He's a vampire..........fuck I don't have anything. Before I can say anything, he's between my legs and his hands are trailing up my legs, lifting my dress. "But you......you look moist.....nice and tasty." He smirks, beginning to place kisses on my neck. I try to push him away but he grabs hold of my wrists, pulling me off the counter and on the floor.
"Get off me!!!" I shout at him.
"Why I want brunch and a show." He growls, showing his teeth causing my eyes to widen. I squirm underneath him, kicking as much as I could but his grip was too tight. He slams my head into the floor, causing it to bleed. "Be quiet!!!" He tugs on my dress, ripping the gentle material and exposes my chest. I begin to tear up, and call for help but he covers my mouth. He than reaches down for my panties tugging them off, and than begins unbuckling his pants. I'm able to get loose and punch him but he grabs me again, and slaps me hard across the face, they'll probably be a mark. My tears are coming out fast as I try to scream and push him off. But before he can move, I look up and see his head gone. His body goes lip as it falls on me, which I quickly push off. I was now covered in his blood, but that was the least of my concerns.
"Are you okay?" I hear Dean ask. I'm shaking at this point, and try to cover myself. Dean takes off his jacket and wraps me in it before picking me up bridal style. "I got you." He whispers. Sam and Gabriel run in, seeing the body and than seeing me.
"Was he going to?......" Sam began but than saw my torn clothes and my pale face and instantly answered his question. Gabriel snapped his fingers and the body was gone, so was the blood and mess.
"Let's get her back to the hotel." Gabriel says. Dean tosses Sam the impala keys and Gabriel follow behinds Dean and I. I was still shaking, and I didn't want to let go of Dean.....Dean jogs to the car so no one sees and he slides into the back still holding me while Gabriel is in the passenger seat.
"I shouldn't of let her out of my sight." Gabriel whispers.
"You didn't know..."Sam tells him. The car than grows silent and I burry my face in Dean's chest, wanting this all to be over.

We finally arrive at the hotel, and in my room. Gabriel and Sam talk outside while Dean takes me into the bathroom, still in his arms. He gently sits me down on the sink, and gently grabs my face eyeing where he hurt me. He gently ran his fingers over where Tyler hit me and it stung causing me to flinch.
"That son of a bitch..." Dean whispers, his tone burning with anger. But I stayed silent. Dean went over to the towel rack, grabbing a small towel and damping it before rubbing off my smeared makeup gently. More tears streamed down my face as everything replayed over and over again in my head. "Shhh it's okay." Dean whispers, cupping my cheek and wiping my tears away with his thumb. "Let's get you out of this dress okay?" I nod and Dean lifts me up onto my feet. He notices my wrists are bruised, and so are my legs. He sighs, and kisses my forehead before helping me slip out of the dress. He was gentle, and he didn't try anything, he knew I was fragile right now. "Let's get you in the shower." I nod once again before he leads me to the shower, still in his suit and turns on the water. He was getting wet, I didn't want him to ruin his suit.
"D-Dean your-"
"It's okay, I can always get a new one." He whispers. I rest my head against his chest, and sigh, feeling safe in his arms. He grabs the soap and begins washing me, removing any of the blood that was on me. Once finished, he turns me around and takes out my braid before grabbing shampoo and massaging my scalp. I wince, as he feels the knot where my head was slammed into the floor. "I'm so sorry." Dean whispers, he was now leaning against me and his head nuzzled in my neck.
"It wasn't your fault." I respond weakly.
"I shouldn't of said it was a mistake because it wasn't, I don't regret a thing we did that night." Dean says. I turn around, surprised by his words. He was was now drenched in his suit. I smile softly, and begin to unbutton his shirt, causing him to look at me.
"I like this suit on you, don't want you to ruin it." I tell him softly. He smiles weakly, and cups my cheek. I lean into his hand, kissing his palm. Once finally finishing the buttons, I slide his shirt off of him, exposing his firm chest. He hesitates but than begins to take off his bottoms till he completely undressed. I hesitate, but stand on my tippy toes and gently place my lips on his. He returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tightly against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile into the kiss.
"I'm promise, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He mumbles against my lips.
I pull away, my smile wide and I nod,"I know."

After the shower, Dean texts Sam to bring him some dry clothes and Gabriel brings me some. It was our last day in Vegas, so we were going to just relax. Gabriel handed Dean and I our clothes and we began getting dressed. I slipped on some black leggings, and a red tank top with a black and red flannel before tying my hair into a pony tail. Dean wore his usual jean, dark shirt and a blue flannel. As I was about to exit the bathroom, He grabs my shirt, pulling me into him and places kisses all over my neck causing me to giggle. We were happy now, and that's all I've ever wanted.

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