
By Its_happywave

4.6K 164 3

[FINISHED ON DECEMBER 8, 2018] Being a goofy man, Dave didn't expect that he will actually had an awful break... More

From The End of The Road
The Fighters
The Foo
Foo Fighters
This Is A Call
Do You Even Remember?
Ain't It The Life
Mom's Wisdom
There's Nothing Left to Lose
Around The World
Around The Word - 2
Around The World - 3
Around The World - 4
Off The Map
Off The Map - 2
Tired Of You
All My Life
In Blum
The One
New Story
I Will Be
Stranger Things Have Happened
Alone + Easy Target
One By One
All My Life
Pals and Else
I'm In The Sky Tonight
Done, Done
Up For Another
Come Alive
Cold Day In The Sun
Best of You
Miss The Misery
I Should've Known

What Happened at Slane?

46 2 0
By Its_happywave

Ireland, 2003

I'm just eating my early lunch because it would be the last food I eat before the show. People are walking here and there but all I noticed was Flea and his weird suit. "What the hell is that?"
"A suit?"
"Haha, I know.. I mean, what's that skeleton thing?" He then looks at his own suit and giggles. "I used this on Halloween when I walked around neighborhood. Love this suit. Clara hates it."
"Oh, so you try to pissed your daughter?"
"Hahaha. Pretty much."

"Where's John?" Both me and Flea hear Anthony calling out for John to some crews. "What happened?"
"Tony? Possible needs John for his vocal training."
"He did that?"
"Yeah. Especially with a huge show like this. But John probably out for food or something. He said he was craving for Italian food today." Flea then gets up, "I need to go. Anthony will going nuts if no one helping him with his training."
"Yeah, sure." With nothing to do anymore, I continue eating my meal alone. I'm pretty sure Taylor is having a rest somewhere with Chris and Nate. Aubrey is nowhere to be seen, but she told us she's out for a walk. I'm sure she needs that, she needs a trip and not a working vibe like what happened here. "Hey Dave." I almost spill my food when someone poke my back. I know that voice. It's John. "Oh, hey. What's up?" I put my food and look back. His face is very serious. Like he just saw aline or ghost. "Can Not here. And could you bring Taylor too?" Without any words, I stand up and follow him. "I don't know where Taylor is, you want me to find him?"
"Well, if he's not around, I guess we should go with two of us." We go outside with not so many person around. I don't know what's it about, but by the look on his face, I know how serious it is. And that is scary.

"So, what's the matter?"
"I...I saw Aubrey when I was looking for food. She was walking alone. So I went to say hi. But..she was kinda avoiding me. I had no idea at first but then I noticed she was hiding something in her bag. Like she was afraid if I found something...."
"Wait, please don't tell me she owns drugs."
"No, no. It's not drugs or something like that. Well I couldn't see what it is so I asked her to have some tea with me. We did. But seems like she tried to finish her tea fast so she can leave. Which she did. I didn't find what she was hiding. But... I guess she left a bill or sort of." He pulls out a paper or bill, and put it on my hand. "If I'm not mistaken Dave, did she just buy a gun?" I know what I see. It's indeed a gun. "Did she ever tell anyone if she worries about her safety or something?"
"No, she didn't. Which is why I'm surprised by this. Are you sure this is hers?"
"Positive." I honestly don't know what's the issue. If she really worries about her safety, she should've just tell us. What she's going to do with the gun? "Okay..umm.. thank you John. I... really appreciate your concern, but it might be nothing.. I guess. I'll tell Taylor about this."

We separated way and I think I should go to Taylor immediately so we can figure out the issue. Maybe she told him and I just have no idea. Who knows?
I go to our backstage room and there are Chris, Nate and Taylor rest their head while chilling with some drinks. "Hey Dave! Where have you been?" Chris see me first and then followed by Nate and Taylor. "Yeah, I thought you just eating a meal. Why took so long?"

"Uhmm. Can we talk for a minute Taylor?"
"Why? Just talk here." I really don't wanna do this in front of Nate and Chris. "In private Taylor. I mean it."
"Oh, okay." I'm sure he can see the serious tendency on my face so he gets up and listen to my words.

Right after we're out from the room, I close the door and sigh immediately. "What's wrong?"
"Did she ever tell you if she worries about her safety or something? Like if someone stalking her..sort of."
"Aubrey? No. As long as I know. Why?"
"She bought a gun."
"Wait, what? A gun? Who told you that?"
"John. He met her earlier today and he found a bill fell down her bag. He also noted me that she acted strange today." I reach for my pocket and hand him the bill. "See? A gun. You need to ask her." He looked confused, more like terrified. "Um, o..okay. I'll ask her tonight. I'll make sure she's fine."

Seattle, 2009

I can't just do nothing about those dreams, it obviously takes me to another event 6 years ago. "Hey, um, guys. Can I leave earlier tonight? I need to go somewhere."

From all of them, Chris is the one that looking at me like he knows what's on my mind. But he says nothing. But Taylor and Nate looked worried. "Is there a problem?"
"No, everything is fine. I just have something to do."
"Oh, okay then. You can go if you really need to go." Nate gives me some kind of permission and I nodded 'thanks' to them.

I just genuinely hope that I'm paranoid and she doesn't do anything that I'm scared about. After start my engine, I drive my way to her cabin. And I don't even care if it's in the middle of the night. I just can't breathe normally if I still don't know what she's up to. I keep calling up her phone but she's not answering. "Pick it up! Come on!" I try my best to stay focus on road and keep calling at the same time.

Mt. Si, 2009

By an hour I pulled at the parking lot and run immediately to her cabin. It's so scary but not because it's dark inside the woods, mostly because she doesn't respond to my call. "Aubrey? You're here? Aubrey?" I can't hear her but I see her window and I know she's in by the lights coming out from it. "Aubrey??? Shit! Please not..." Then I remember the key that I got when I bought the cabin for her. I got the duplicate key, I never want the key but she insisted that I should have one. She said that maybe someday the cabin will be mine. I didn't expect that I will need the key up until now.

I reach my pocket, in between many keys and else, pick the right key and unlock the door as fast as I can. As I finally in, I walk carefully because I don't wanna scare her just in case she's here somewhere. "Aubrey?" That time I see a red fluid at the corner of my eyes. It's on the floor and I thought...this is it. I might see what I scared the most. " please don't." Near that fluid, I see feet but not the body. It's behind a big wooden table. It almost makes my heart stop but not until I find out that the fluid is a sauce.

I go to get her, she's unconscious. Lay by her stomach probably passed out. I flip her and put her head on my lap. "Aubrey? Hey. Please say something." Slow but sure, she open her eyes and I smile widely for that. She's awake. "Oh, god! You scared me."
"Dave? What are you doing...."
"Long story. Let me help you first." I put her on my back and bring her to her bed. "What brings you here, exactly?"
"I... honestly, I got a bad feeling that you're know.... Like do something that you almost do 6 years ago." She takes a deep breath, "I will not. I don't have it anymore though. If I have it, it's a different story."
"That's not funny. Please don't do that."
"Sorry Dave. But seriously, I'm fine."
"Fine? Okay, maybe you didn't do what I thought you do. But you were on a fucking floor, unconscious. How's that fine? A thank you will be good."
"Thank you.. Dave. But really. I'm just tired or something. I was about to eat but then I got dizzy. Not a big deal. I'm having it on a daily basis."
"I'm fine. You know you can't stay here, right?"
"I'll tell Jordyn I'm not coming home tonight."
"No, you can't..."
"I'm insisting. I can't leave you for now after what happened." She looks at me for a minute. "Why did you think that I'm gonna do that?"
"Why you wanna know?"
"Because you don't just coming in thinking I'm gonna shoot myself all of sudden." I don't know if I should tell her about the dream, but I know I can't avoid the question either. "A dream."
"A dream? What dream?"
"Nothing. It's just...." She looks at me suspicious. "I was dreaming you're talking with Kurt and I can't hear what you guys saying. I jumped on conclusion based on that."
"Kurt? Your band mate Kurt?"
"Do I have any other Kurt? Of course that Kurt." She looks down, I think she understand why I was so worried. "Right. You think I'm gonna die the way he did."
"I'm not expecting...but still..."
"I get it Dave. Don't worry, I will not."

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