The Baker and The Billionaire

By CountVustafa

192K 9.1K 2.8K

Harry Styles owns a small bakery. Harry hates big business and big CEOs. A big company wants to buy Harry's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The Epilogue

Chapter 17

5.2K 273 51
By CountVustafa





The baker gazed at the blushing man in front of him. How can someone be this beautiful. Those crazy blue eyes were the bane of his existence. Harry fingers brushed over Niall's cheeks, he loved caressing him, all he wants to do is to kiss every flesh on Niall's body. His touches moved to Niall's lips. Electricity passed through his fingers as their skin touched.  He could feel Niall shuddering in his touch, his breath was shaky. He would be lying if Niall didn't look so gorgeous under the sunset. 

"And you suck at telling jokes. And they are the lamest thing I've ever heard. I still love them. Because I..." 


Urrrghhhhhh can I have a bloody moment with him! Harry threw his hands in the air. What a wonderful moment ruined. 

They immediately separated from each other. Both men faced the direction where the voice was coming from. A elderly man in his late forties with white hair and piercing cold blue eyes. He looked somewhat familiar. Harry could feel Niall tensing beside him. Who was this man? 



The ride back from the vineyard was awkward and uncomfortable for Harry. He remained unmoved in the car as the elder observed every single movement Harry ever made. He could feel those cold blue eyes watching his every single movement. 

Niall hadn't spoken a word since he saw his father. There was a starring competition between the two back in the vineyard. But neither said a word to each other. 

They left Niall's car back in the vineyard and took Niall's dad limousine. Harry never felt this uncomfortable before, he wanted to jump out of the car if could. 

"So how are you son?" the man asked his son who ignored him. 

Niall continued starring out the tinted windows. The elder laughed at his son's silence. 

"And who are you?" asked the elder as he sent daggers at Harry's direction. 

This caught Niall's attention and he immediately faced the couple. His eyes darted to Harry who swallowed his breath. Harry could feel Niall practically telling him to say nothing. 

"I am Harry sir" mumbled Harry as he put out his hand to the man in front of him. 

The elder man looked at Harry's outstreched hand and ignored it. "Bobby Horan" he replied. 

"So let me cut to the chase Harry. How much do I have to pay you to go away?" Bobby asked bluntly. 


Harry and Niall watched as the man in front of them took a check book from the inside of his jacket and clicked on the gold pen. Bobby was unfazed by Niall's outburst. He remained calmed and starred at his the curly lad with those cold eyes. 

"Come on Niall. This man, is practically using you for your money. Come on lad, give me an amount" he explained, as he glared at Harry. 

"What?!" Harry was shocked by the accusation. "I don't need money." 

Bobby let out a laugh, "Come on son. Everyone needs money. How much would it cost me to make you disappear."  

"Dad! He is just Nothing else, he was helping me back at the vineyard. Zayn is on vacation and I need an assistant" explained Niall, his voice was trembling.

Harry felt hurt when Niall said he was just a co-worker. The blonde man send him a sorry look. Harry clearly understood what the hell was going on.

The man laughed and folded the check book and tucked it back into his pocket. "Well then. We always need extra help around." 

"Is it true Harry. Are you Niall's assistant?" asked Bobby sternly. 

Harry gulped, everything that this man does was intimidating to him. If Harry could crack under Bobby's gaze he would. 

"Yes Sir" he replied. 

"Well, that was unfortunate. Anyways, your mother wants you back home immediately. She was bugging me all week, she practically threw a pan on my head. Can you imagine that, one of the most powerful man in the business world, scared of his wife. Tale as old as time."

"I have a jet ready to take you back home. You should come too Harry" said Bobby looking at Harry's direction. 

"Alright sir."


They got back to the hotel and though Harry wanted some alone time with Niall he couldn't because Bobby was tagging along his son. He was surprised that the hotel where he stayed at was owned by Bobby. Niall and himself went seperate ways. Harry needed to pack fast, Bobby didn't look like a man who was playing when he said 'be at the lobby in thirty minutes'. Harry had to scramble to get all his stuff onto his luggage. 

In a few minutes Harry was back down at the hotel with his luggage in tow. He met Niall and Bobby over at the corner on the table with a laptop in front of them. Niall typing furiously while Bobby looked on behind him. 

This had got to be the wierdest family ever. 

"Guys, I'm here" muttered Harry. 

The two stopped typing and starred at the curly lad in front of him. Harry was taken aback by how blue their eyes were. Niall was deep and bright blue while his dad's was cold and icy. 

"Come on you two, the jet is leaving in an hour" said Bobby. 

"Where are we going?" whispered Harry to Niall. 

"Young man, I would appriciate it if you don't mumble and speak clearly and loudly" scolded Bobby. 

Harry apologized and looked at Niall who sends him an apologetic look. Talk about your father from hell! 

"Niall, make sure when you're in the plane. You change into your normal clothes. You know how much your mum hates us wearing suits back at home" said Bobby. 

Niall nodded. 

"Are we going to Ireland?"


The plane ride was less uncomfortable than it was back in the limousine. Harry never took a private jet before. This was his first time. That night they drove into a private hanger where the Horan family had a jet waiting for them. 

Harry was seated at the back of the cabin. He and Niall hadn't spoken a word to each other since Bobby interrupted them back in the vineyard. Niall was seated next to his father at the front of the jet. They had the laptop back on and both were starring at the screen in front of him. Probably doing some business or whatever...

They would be arriving in Ireland in a few minutes time. He had to admit, he is really surprised that Niall was this otherworldly rich.

I mean, who owns a bloody jet!?

The plane touched down soon later and Harry didn't expect Ireland to be this cold in the night. He clutched his jacket tighter around his body. 

Damn he was shivering. 

He saw Niall had changed into a blue adiddas hoodie and grey sweats. Bobby into a checkered shirt, a large shearling jacket and jeans. They almost looked normal. The elder had gotten out first, needing to talk to the maintenance or something. 

Now was their opportunity to talk. The blonde lad snuck behind Harry. Hoping Harry wasn't mad at him. 

"Harry are you alright?" asked Niall as he moved closer to Harry. 

The baker shivered as he felt the cold air blew in front of his face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cold" he mumbled. 

Niall sends him a sorry look. Harry looked adorable all red nosed and shivering. Niall wanted to elope the taller man in his arms and make him all warm again. 

"Why aren't you cold?" asked Harry, his voice was deeper and huskier than Niall remembered. It was drop dead sex. 

"I'm Irish. This is Spring" replied Niall, making a wide circle with his hands. The couple laughed, it felt like years since they talked.

"Let me get you something." 

Harry watched as the blonde rummaged through his large backpack and took a long scarf from it. Niall smiled widely as he showed Harry the scarf. 

"This will keep you warm. You bloody English, can't even handle the cold" joked Niall as he monitored Harry to duck to his height. 

The lad laughed and moved closer to Niall's height. Their faces were centimetres away from each other. Harry could feel Niall's warm breath on his face. The blonde wrapped the scarf around Harry's neck and tucked in the excess fabric into the fold around his neck. 

"Done. Now you're all warm!" said Niall happily. 

Harry fought all the temptation to kiss the man right there and then. How could someone be so adorable and cute one moment and all business man the next. 

"Come on Niall. Your mom has been texting non-stop" said Bobby, appearing from no where.

Harry overheard what Bobby said. "Where are we going?" he whispered to the man in front of him.

"You're meeting my family."





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