Olive Branches

By Jenna__Rose

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Skylar Pearl Gray is a single mom, she and her almost one year old son Nico live in New York. Two years after... More

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By Jenna__Rose

You know how I said nothing can go wrong. Well I was wrong. Well let me tell you what happened.

I was sleeping, Elijah kissed me goodbye and went to pick Nico up. 20minutes later when I was sleeping again, I got a phone call saying Elijah has been in a car accident. Some truck driver wasn't careful, he was texting and eating and driving. Elijah tried to maneuver out, but then one other car came and they squeezed him like a sandwich.

Why? Why always when things starts to look good or I am genuinely happy, this happiness is taken away from me?

Right now I am sitting in a waiting room for doctors to tell me how is he. I informed his parents, well his mother, since hospital called me. Apparently I was his emergency number and I told doctors I am his fiancée.

What? They wouldn't let me through if I was just some girlfriend. At least that is what happened to Lily one time. So I learned my lesson then.

I also called Lily and Jer, asking them to watch Nico a little longer if I will still be here, waiting. Lily wanted to come to comfort me but I told her she needs to be with Jace and Yara. Jer offered too but I ask him to take care of Nico and besides Lily can't be at home with three children.

Now finally doctor came out of Elijah's room.

"Miss Grey. I have a good news, but a bad one too."

"Just tell me doctor please."

"Well Mr. Woods doesn't have any major problems except three broken ribs and injured left hand and leg. But that will all heal. The bad news is he slipped into coma."


He- he- Elijah is in coma?

I brake down and started to cry.

"I know it's hard for you miss but please calm down. He is showing good vitals so he will wake up. Soon. Eventually. And as I can see you are pregnant so you have to take care of your baby. Don't stress."

I swear to god if he wasn't a doctor. He tells me not to stress, yeah cuz I can just turn off stress by switching the stick. And the one I love wasn't just in a car accident.

I look up and notice Elijah's mother running down the corridor.

"Oh Skylar honey."

"Susan." I hug her.

Doctor explains to her same he did to me, since I can barely talk from all the sobbing.

"You have to be strong for him Skylar. He is a fighter, everything is going to be all right. You have to worry about a baby too and I know Elijah wouldn't want to see you like that."

"Thank you Susan." I know I know she was telling me similar things as doctor but her voice was nice and caring, doctor seemed irritated by my cries.

"Doctor? Can we go see Elijah?"

"Of course, but visiting hours ends in half an hour. You can come back tomorrow again." You see? He doesn't like me.

After Susan convincing him we would like to see him for whatever time we had, he agreed.

He leads us in his room, where Elijah is lying on the bed looking lifeless and all brused up. I almost start crying again but then I remind myself about our little princess.

"Oh Elijah, my love. Please wake up soon." I kiss his forehead quickly and than held his hand for that time I have left before visiting hours end. I am too speechless to say anything else to him.

"We have to go dear."

"Of course. Yeah I understand. Good night Elijah. I love you."

"Bye son. Wake up soon."

"I suggest we take cab Skylar. None of us is capable of driving right now."

"I agree with you. Let me call it."

I quickly call a cab.

"Susan how are you feeling?"

"I am sad that this happened to my son, but I don't want to lose hope. I am sorry Skylar for my husbands behavior he is very old fashioned and blinded."

"You don't have to apologize to me. Not everybody has to like me. Would I be happy if the two of you approved? Of course, but I love Elijah and I care only about his approval."

Cab has now arrived and we both sit in. I gave driver the directions first to pick Nico, then he will take me and Nico home and lastly he will take Susan home.

"Will you come to visit tomorrow?" I ask her.

"Of course, I will bring my husband too if it is alright with you."

"Of course, I will come in the morning so you two can visit him all afternoon. I won't stand in way between you three." I now notice we are in front of Lily's house. "Let me just go pick Nico up."

I ring a bell and Jer opens the door. He engulfes me into a hug.

"He will be fine Sky. I will come visit him tomorrow okay? Be strong for Nico, your baby and him. If you need anything Lily and I are always here for you."

"Momma!" I hear my baby.

"Nico baby, let's go home okay? Jer thank you so much for watching him."

"No problem. Where will you leave him tomorrow?"

"I will go in the morning when Nico is in daycare. Bye."

We sit in a cab.

"Hey Nico. I am your grandma." She smiles warmly.

"Gwandma. Momma what gwandma?"

"Well Nico baby, grandma is mommy of your daddy."

"Gwandma." He smiles, probably because I mention Elijah, and hugs her.

"Momma, whewe dadda?"

"Nico baby, daddy is working. He will be working for a couple of days okay?" His smile faded a bit.

"He really loves him, doesn't he?"

"Yes. The second time I met Elijah, he started calling him dad. I hope he wakes up soon, I don't know how long he will be okay with Elijah being gone." I sighed. Nico has fallen asleep on my lap by now.

"Well dear, we will keep him entertained. What about the day after tomorrow I take Nico to Zoo and you can be with Elijah the whole day." I don't know if I can trust her, honestly. Yes she is nice, but I knew Elijah for three months before I left him with Nico alone.

"Won't your husband mind?"

"He won't know. Look Skylar I know that it's hard to trust me with just babysit Nico, but please do it for my son. I believe the more you will be with him, the sooner he will wake up."
I guess she has a point, okay Skylar time to work on your trust issue.

"Okay. Thank you Susan."

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