A Change In History (A Future...

By AnimeXLover13

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Gohan is near death when he is faced with a power far greater than his own, and has no choice but to fight fo... More

A Change In History (A Future Gohan Love Story)
Chapter 2: A Hero's Battle part 2
Chapter 3: A Hero's Battle/ Recovery part 3
Chapter 4: The Training With King Kai In Other World!
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday Trunks!!
Chapter 7: Trunks and Vegeta reunited?

Chapter 5: How Gohan Escaped The Battle With The Androids!

977 18 5
By AnimeXLover13

Four years earlier, the young full blooded saiyan Goku died of a Heart Virus, no one was ever aware of. As Goku rested in a bed, family and friends waited for Goku's health to improve. Gohan was near home and could feel his fathers life force slowly fade away. Unfortunately, Goku, the pure hearted saiyan passed from the earth. In disbelief his friends and wife stood near his corpse as his body layed underneath his covers. Sprinting into the house, Gohan didn't make it in time, his father layed motionless as ChiChi his mother, layed on his chest crying. Gohan was in shock and was tearing up as well.

"He's gone. Goku's really gone" Krillin announced.

"Kakarot..... no!" Vegeta says noticing Goku passed.

Shaking his father to wake up, Goku wouldn't budge. Goku's body slowly began to disappear off to the other world, soon the covers Goku was laying under became flat and was spread out evenly around the futon. Since Goku has such a pure heart, his soul is able to go to world of the North kai and stay with him until he is able to be brought back by Shenron the eternal dragon.

As the peaceful months go on, no one had a clue of the merciless androids that will set foot on the morning of May twelfth in South city at ten a.m in the morning.

MAY 12TH 767

Gohan's P.O.V

"Gohan, breakfast is ready!" Mother yells.

"Ok!" the smell of freshly made pancakes drifted to my nose.

Getting out of bed, I walked down stairs over to the kitchen table rubbing my sleepy eyes.

Mother smiles. "How about a nice breakfast for my wonderful son."

"Thanks mom."

Mother placed my pancakes and orange juice in front of me on our brand new wooden table while she prepare more.

Gohan can you hear me? Piccolo questions me telepathically.

Yes. What is it?

Two very destructive Red Ribbon members are destroying South city as we speak, get over here quickly and help us! Bad thing is, we aren't able to trace their life force. I highly recommend we all stick together until we find out what they want and how powerful they are. Piccolo warns.

No life force...how is that even possible? ok i'm on my way!

"Sorry mom, but I have to go somewhere" placing my fork down on the table neatly, I slid my chair away from the table and stood up.

"Oh no you don't Gohan, remember you have to study after this."

"Yeah I know, but honestly mom, Piccolo and the other's need my help to fight these Red Ribbon fighters. I'll study when I get back I promise."

"N..O Gohan."

"But Mother, it's really bad out there, i'm not going to let anymore people get injured. Whether you agree or disagree i'm going" I said jogging back to my room.

Throwing on my purple loose fitted gi, I went to help Piccolo and the others fight. Arriving to the battle field, I accompanied Piccolo, Vegeta, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Yajorobe and Chiaotsu once there.

"So Piccolo, what are they?" I question my friend.

"They're called androids, created by Doctor Gero the crazy scientist, who had also turned himself into an android as well, that's at least what Bulma told us" he explains.

"Alright, enough said. I guess i'll start first" Piccolo said, walking pass the others and I.

"No. You stay put, I'll take them on by myself!" Vegeta bragged tugging on the ends of his gloves.

"No Vegeta, if I need help, you can step in. As for now i'm going first got that" Piccolo offered to go first, but Vegeta didn't approve until after awhile of debating who would go first.

"Fine, be my guest" Vegeta grunted.

Piccolo began to walk towards the black and blonde haired fighters. Watching carefully, the red ribbon fighters descended to the ground, and met eyes with Piccolo.

"So, i'm assuming you came to fight us. If you choose to get in our way, then I'll have no choice but to end your sad life" The black haired Fighter warned.

"Seventeen, he's obviously not going to go easily. Lets makes this quick" the blonde haired fighter said sweeping her hair off her shoulder.

He nods."Yeah sure" he replies back annoyed.

"Hey you guys, maybe we should go somewhere else to begin the battle, I mean this city is in rough shape already. We should take this fight somewhere else don't you think?" said Krillin.

"Look Baldy, why don't you just keep quiet, we don't need all your annoying comments" Vegeta then focused his attention back towards Piccolo and the other fighter known as Seventeen.

"But Vegeta, don't you think you should be more sensitive to the people here!?!" I questioned the saiyan named Vegeta.


He doesn't even care...not even one bit?

"Piccolo, it's best if we go somewhere else to fight, we'll just put everyone here in danger!" Tien shouted.

"Awh man, really, I just want to get some food to eat" Yajorobe said patting his large stomach.

"Yajorobe I really think you should consider-" Yamcha said pausing at the end of his sentence.

"CONSIDER WHAT!?" He yells back.

"Losing weight, like you know....train more" the other's began to laugh as Yamcha was trying to say Yajorobe should lose weight.

"Alright you guys, we should get a move on" Piccolo says back to us.

Piccolo's P.O.V

"Hey! follow me!" I shout to get their attention.

"Hmmm, where to?" Seventeen questions.

"Just follow ok!"

"Fine. You can choose where you want to die" Seventeen smirks.

"We'll see about that."

Leading the red ribbon fighters away from the city, the other's and I flew over many miles before landing in a safe spot.

Alright, here should be good.

Descending to the ground, I could tell I was about to begin what was going to be a long hard fight. Standing with my dominate leg and arm in front, seventeen began to roll his sleeves to his elbows and stretched his legs and arms as well.

"Alright, LET'S GO!" I charged seventeen with a straight ki blast.

Moving off to the side, the black haired male began to trade punches with me either from face or to body. Uppercutting him in his jaw, he flew into the air. Disappearing then reappearing in front of his flying body, I hit seventeen with my closed fists just below his chest. Tucking into a ball, Seventeen placed one foot on the ground to catch his body from crashing into the ground. Ascending back in to the air, seventeen's speed was undetectable. I began to look around, but could'nt find him.

"Hmph. And here I thought it would be more fun than this, but I guess you're all weak" seventeen said crossing his arms.

He's just trying to make me think that he's ten times stronger. Maybe he is maybe he's not, but i'll never find out if I just stand here looking like a lost child.

"Seventeen, let me fight, you're wasting my time" the female fighter demanded.

"Nope not yet, you'll get your turn alright!" Seventeen shouted to his partner.

"Whatever" she says sitting on a bolder playing with her blonde shoulder length hair.

Seventeen smirks. "Shall we begin again?."

A little sweat dripped down on the side of my forehead, clenching my teeth together, I decided to raise the stakes higher. Powering up, the ground began to split, and rocks would rise up near my face. Placing my hands up to my forehead, I was using the young saiyan boy Gohan's Technique.


Aiming the blast at Seventeen, he went straight through punching me in the gut, my eyes grew large. Dropping down to the ground, he grabbed onto my purple gi, the black haired android punched me countless times in the face. Bringing up my right arm, I fired blasts to his face, he advantually let go. Standing back up to my feet, I fired the special beam canon, his body layed on the ground. Suddenly I felt a small tap on my shoulder and was kicked in the stomach.

Vegeta's P.O.V

The namekian Piccolo's power level dropped down to zero, he was dead. Everyone was in disbelief to see him fall before our very eyes.

"PICCOLO!" Gohan the son of kakarot yelled after seeing the defeat of his mentor fall. Running towards the direction of the nameks body, I grabbed on to his arm pulling him back.

"Look idiot, it was a deal if your little green friend was defeated, I would have my turn got that!" I yelled at the half Hybred named Gohan.

"Let me go Vegeta!" Gohan said trying to pull back.

"Gohan stop, if you go you'll be killed as well!" Krillin began to pull him back.

"Just let this fool Vegeta go for now, he's insane if he thinks he can beat them" Krillin the bald guy in an orange gi tried to whisper to Gohan.


Krillin squeals.


Throwing Gohan aside, I flew over to the female fighter who's name was still unknown, I chuckled a little.

"Well, well. Now it's my turn" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't think i'll be easier than the green man, I am Vegeta, the prince of all saiyans."

"Ooh I'm so scared, the prince is going to kill us, what a joke" the female fighter snickered.

"I am the best of the saiyans, I rule them, and no junk-yard robot trash is going to defeat me. How pitiful."

The girl yawns. "Yeah yeah, this is so meaningless of you to rant about your boring people you call saiyans, no one is here to listen to this awful story of yours" she says annoyed.

"My stories aren't meaningless! SINCE WHEN DO YOU KNOW OF MEANINGLESS?!."

Gohan's P.O.V

They'll pay for what they did to Piccolo.

While Vegeta was still arguing with the lady with blonde hair and blue eyes, the other male fighter was trying to do a sneak attack on Vegeta.

"VEGETA LOOK OUT!" I yelled racing over to him.

"WAIT GOHAN!" Krillin yelled.

Flying my fastest to Vegeta, I head butted seventeen into his side. Seventeen crashed into the mountain ahead with in seconds after being hit.

"MOVE IN!" Tien yells.

Storming over to Vegeta and I, I tell them all to stay back. Disobeying my order they all still came standing side-by-side.

"We're are a team Gohan, I don't care how hard we have to try to defeat these monsters, in the end we are all a team that is in it to win it" Yamcha says with a serious face.

"Yeah!" the others began to cheer to honor Yamcha's bravery.

"Will you guys quit the jokes, what difference would you guys make fighting them, you're all weak" said Vegeta turning away from the young woman.

"What difference will you make Vegeta?" the blonde haired fighter says punching Vegeta in his face.

As Vegeta's body went flying, he went into a backflip joining both his hands to create a ball of energy. Throwing the energy wave at her, smoke and dust filled the air, the other's and I waited for the smoke and dust to clear to see where she had been. As we squint our eyes, a very faint figure appeared, seventeen was heading for the saiyan Vegeta.

Disappearing then reappearing behind Vegeta, seventeen kicked the back of Vegeta neck causing him fly into the mountain.

"Vegeta!" I yelled after Vegeta crashed into the mountain.

"Incredible seventeen" the girl claps.

"Thanks eighteen, it wasn't much" he says wiping the tip of his nose with his index finger

"Weak utter less people they are, dropping like a fly and I wasn't even trying" seventeen bragged.

Looking over to our left, piles of rocks began to fall as Vegeta lifted his hardly wounded body. Streams of blood ran down his forehead and the side of his mouth.

"Look you guys, he got up!" I say surprised.

"Is that all you got?" Vegeta says limping back over to the androids named Seventeen and Eighteen.

Turning into a super saiyan, Vegeta's hair color changed into a golden blonde and his eyes were blue. In this transformation Vegeta is a super saiyan, his legs and arms are increased in size as well as the rest of his body and powers.

"Well this is it you guys, Vegeta is all we have left" Tien says grinding his teeth together.

"Tien i'm scared. Do we help Vegeta? or do we just watch him fight?" Tiens best friend says worried.

If we try to step in, Vegeta would be angry.

"Yeah me too" Yajorobe says hiding behind krillin.

"You guys what happened to that team work attitude? Yeah Piccolo died..but we still have vegeta" Krillin says resting his fists on his hips.

We all look down to the ground. "Well this might be the last time we might get to laugh you know.." Krillins says sadly.

"We came so far thanks to Goku, now that he's gone, I don't feel too safe now. Every time you're with Goku you get that feeling that you're safe and can have a good laugh" Goku's best friend Krillin said admiring his close friend.

"If only dad were here, Piccolo would still be alive."

"FINAL FLASH!" I hear Vegeta yell.

"GET DOWN!" I tell the others, dropping down to the ground we quickly covered our heads to protect ourselves from the blast.

Releasing the massive ball of energy, Vegeta then told eighteen if she wasn't scared to stay were she was and don't move. Standing in the same spot, eighteen folded her arms one over the other. Debris from blast scattered the air, the smoke began to lighten up and soon we could see what was left from the blast.

Everyone's eyes widened once we saw eighteen still stood where she had been standing the whole time.

"What the! I could've sworn I hit her. No way she could've survived that" Vegeta says shaking.

"Nice. Its almost tickled" Eighteen says stretching her neck side to side dropping her hands to her thighs.

"So Vegeta, when is warm up over?" she asked Vegeta.

Vegeta looked overwhelmed that the Blonde haired fighter called their match a warm-up.

"W-warm up" Vegeta says angrily.

"It-its was just a warm up she says, I don't like where this is going" Yamcha says standing back up to his feet scared.

"This isn't good you guys, if she thought that was a warm up, then we're in for a suprise" said Krillin.

Powering up, Vegeta disappeared behind her grabbing on to her head smashing it into the ground. lifting up her head, Vegeta began to run her face through the large boulders of rock. Eighteen immediately grabbed into Vegeta's arm swinging Vegeta into the air. Throwing destructo discs along the way, Vegeta moved out of the way of one of the discs, but the other disc cut Vegeta's right cheek. Speeding over to Vegeta, she threw a punch only to have Vegeta catch her arm, tossing her into the air by her arm, Vegeta began to use the after image to move around quickly. Kneeing her in the stomach then hitting her back eighteen soared to the ground quickly. Recovering quickly eighteen dashed over to Vegeta and had kicked Vegeta's left arm causing it to break. Vegeta's scream filled the area as he fell to the ground in great pain.

"VEGETA!!!" we all yell flying over to him.

Oh no, Vegeta's hurt and he was our last chance!!

Screaming in pain, eighteen began to crush Vegeta's badly dislocated arm with her foot. With in seconds Vegeta's energy is back to his normal state and is laying on his back holding his arm.

"You've done enough damage already! why are you hurting people!!" I question eighteen.

"Simple, I love to kill others. And I thought that was easy to figure out" She answers back.

"That's enough, now it's my turn" Tiens says removing his white T-shirt.

Powering up, I rushed over to the android before Tien tried to leave.

Walking up to android eighteen, I could hear the small pebbles of rocks get smashed by my feet as I slowly walked over to her. Turning my head, I notice Vegeta laying a few yards away holding onto his broken arm just barely conscious.

"Look kid, you're no match to neither eighteen or I so I recommend you to just hide tail it out of here while you still can, unless your willing to die as well, which is fine by me" seventeen said crossing his arms.

"No way, we haven't even began."

Seventeen raises an eyebrow then turns to his partner and shrugged his shoulders. Running at me, the pair attack as one and was moving at incredible speeds. Disappearing into the vast sky, I began to fight each android individually. From behind I was kicked in the back of the head which caused my head to jerk foward onto the knee of seventeen.

Krillin's P.O.V


"LET'S GO HELP HIM!" Yamcha says flying off ahead of the group. Following close behind, Tien, Yamcha, and I surrounded the pair and fired blasts at the androids.


"Earthing's I swear. Can they get any dumber?" I hear seventeen whisper.

Attacking the gang one by one, in a blink of and eye Tien and Yamcha were knocked out on the ground.

"TIEN NO!!" Chiaotsu screams horrified.

"YAMCHA! OH MAN THIS IS MESSED UP!!" Said Yajorbe as he and Chiaotsu watched from the side lines.

Gohan's P.O.V

Looking over to where Vegeta was laying, he was gone. Looking up behind the androids there he was quietly forming a ball of a destructible energy blast. Looking down at me, he gave me the look of; "Distract them."


"What a rude kid, I guess he's just so impatient to die don't you think eighteen?" Seventeen questions.

"Beats me" she says back.

I hope this works.

As we began to battle once more, Krillin tagged in and fought off seventeen while I had eighteen. Throwing punches and kicks, eighteen grabbed hold of my ankle and swung me around in mid-air before releasing her grip. Forcing my hands in front of me, I caught myself from crashing into the ground by going in to a front tuck. Spinning back around, I flew back up to eighteen with a leg swing. Punching back at me, I began to block her attacks.

Looking over to Krillin, he seemed to be keeping up his own battle.

"BIG BANG ATTACK!" Vegeta screams.

Punching eighteen in the face, I grabbed krillin and the other's out of the way of the blast.

"OH NO, I THOUGHT VEGETA WAS DEAD!" Eighteen says paniced.

Releasing the blast on both the androids, a loud bang shattered our ears. Falling a few yards down to the ground,Vegeta started breathing heavy.

"Is it over now?" Said Krillin.

"I hope so" I said softly.

After the smoke finally cleared up, I didn't see any of the androids.


Going over to my dead best friend Piccolo, I kneeled down starring at him sadly.

"Good bye Piccolo, i'm sorry it had to turn out this way."

Turning around, Krillin was shaking hard.

"What's the matter Krillin?" I questioned him.

"THERE'S JUST NO WAY!" He says looking up. Looking up, the androids were still alive.

"Ve-ve-vegeta they're still alive!" I shout over to vegeta who was still breathing hard.

"What!" He says angerly.

"My clothes are ruined because of you" said seventeen.

Getting back up, Vegeta continued to hold on to his broken arm. Turning in to a super saiyan, Vegeta stood there waiting for the battle to begin again. Taking off the remainder of his black shirt, seventeen tossed it aside and rolled up his long white T-shirt sleeves. Disappearing, seventeen tripped Vegeta with his closed fists. Just as Vegeta was falling, seventeen punched him in his face several times. Grabbing on to Vegeta's spiky black hair, seventeen ran his face through the ground leaving him in a pile of rocks. Placing his hand to Vegeta's face, I could tell Vegeta was about to die. Flying as fast as I could to him, seventeen blasted a huge ki blast at Vegeta, Vegeta's body went flying into the air then hit the ground hard.

"VEGETA!!" Krillin and I both yelled at the same time.

Rushing over to Vegeta, all he could say was; "Tell Bulma and Trunks i'm sorry" afterwards he also passed.

"Vegeta..no, I can't wish you back either, because Piccolo died. I'm sorry" I say shutting my eyes tighly hoping he'd come back, but it wasn't enough he was gone.

Gaining consciousness, Tien and Yamcha were back on their feet.

"Tien, i'm so glad you're okay" said Chiaotsu.

"Yamcha bro, way to stay alive" Yajorobe said coming out from behind a rock.

"Yeah" they respond back.

"My gosh, what happened here?" Tien asked.

"Piccolo and Vegeta are both gone now! and we can't bring them back, because Piccolo died" Krillin tells them sadly.

Pushing piles of rock off of her body,eighteen looked furious.

"My hair is all singed, now i'm mad!" Going up to Tien she blasted a hole right through him, soon after she did the same to Yamcha before they could even defend themselves.



Going up to Chiaotsu and Yajorobe at an incredible amount of speed, she snapped Chiaotsu's neck and threw a distructo disk at Yajorobe cutting him in half.

"CHIAOTSU! YAJOROBE!" Krillin shouted.

"Gohan we got to get away now!" Krillin tells me immediately.

Before we could leave, the pair cornered us, when Krillin tried to fight back they shot lasers into his eyes that went through his head. I started to cry as Krillin's body went flying down to the ground.

"YOU KILLED THEM ALL! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!" I began to power up, I could feel a huge power slowly come forth the more mad I became. I could feel my hair stand up, I couldn't understand where the power came from. All I knew was I has to be enough to take them down.

Powering up to my maximum, I cupped my hand behind me to form a ball of energy.

"KAME...HA..ME.....HA" releasing the blast with very little self control.

Aiming the attack at them both, they had also released a blast to face it. Pushing out more energy, both androids began to slide back.


The next thing I knew was.., I was kicked badly in the neck and was knocked out, it was black and I couldn't see or hear anything. I didn't know if I was dead or alive. I couldn't feel pain or my body.

"Gohan, lets go little buddy, everyone's waiting on you, finish your homework later okay?" Daddy said pulling over a large yellow bag onto his shoulder.

"Who's all?" Mother says laying in between our broken kitchen table tapping her finger.

"We're all" Krillin, Oolong, and Icarus says waiting at the door.

Waking up, it was mid-day both the androids were gone. Standing up, my neck was aching pretty bad and my body felt sore. Looking around the other's bodies were still laying around. I began to dig deep holes for each of them placing them into there holes and covering them up with dirt leaving stones on top.

"Goodbye my friends, we've been through a lot together i'll never forget any of you. You all made me so happy to be here, to know I was welcomed. Don't worry guys, I'll advenge your death so you can all rest in peace" I say to them hoping they can hear me somehow. Tears fell down my face as I headed over to Capsule Corp. to tell Bulma what had happened to them all.

Arriving to Capsule Corp., I told Bulma the bad news about her husband and the other's and how we cant wish them back since Piccolo died. She broke down and hugged me tightly.

"Vegeta" she says crying hard, I patted her back.

Hours later I head home and tell Mother and Grandpa the bad news as well and they both felt bad.

Its been an entire year since the other's past and since we have heard of the Androids. Mother and I continue our life together with grandpa and Bulma is still raising Trunks in capsule corp with her Father and Mother.

Sorry for the long wait, I have been Incredibly busy and have not found anytime to finish this chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy it :)

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