Give Me One Chance (Ziall/Lar...

By TommotheHomo

329K 6.3K 1.8K

Niall is one of those kids who has his own little group of maybe one or two friends. Zayn is the 'badboy' bul... More

A/N 6/29/13
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

16.9K 348 186
By TommotheHomo

*Niall's POV*

When I saw Zayn at the office, I honestly don't know why I did what I did.

I just kept smiling at him and when we shook hands, his hand felt so warm and perfect in mine. It was the single most perfect moment of my life.

When he left, the appointment continued as normal and before I knew it, I got to go home. 

I wondered what Zayn would think. About my therapy, I mean.

Would he ask his mom why?

I doubt it. It's not like he cares.

I sighed and when I reached my house, I opened the door and went straight to the fridge. Steve has given me food privileges until my check ups at the hospital are over with. He doesn't want the hospital to think he doesn't feed me. 

Well he doesn't and I'm already well underweight so I don't see why it makes a difference now.

I grab some food and pour myself a glass of orange juice. Steve probably won't be home anytime soon. He stays out later than usual now days. I think that since he can't hurt me at the moment, he finds other people to take his anger out on.

I'm seriously bored right now and it's barely two.

Maybe I could go to Louis' or something. Yeah that'd be fun. Just pop in on him by surprise.

I gobble down the rest of my food and and leave towards Louis' flat.

I get there in about fifteen minutes and I test his doorknob.

Haha! It's unlocked!

I smirk and fling the door open.

"SURPRISE LOUIS!" I yell, but then I freeze at the sight in front of me.

Harry and Louis laying on the couch. Harry's hovering over Louis, making out with him.



*Nobody's POV* (Less reading for you and less writing for me. I didn't want to have to write the same thing in two different POV's like before. That's boring.)


Harry stood, leaning against the wall in the back of school.

Maybe he won't show up, he thought, tapping his foot impatiently. He was supposed to be here almost twenty minutes ago.

Oh! There he is! Harry straightened himself out and attempted to fix his hair.

Louis walked over to Harry and stood next to him.

"Where've you been?" Harry asked staring at his feet.

"Well Zayn beat Niall pretty bad today. I had to make sure he was okay. What do you want Harry?" Louis said facing Harry. That came out colder than he intended it to.

"W-well I... I just wanted to talk to you about.....y'know." Harry mumbled, his cheeks tainted with a small blush.

Louis knew exactly what Harry was talking about. He blushed too, remembering what had happened.


Abby had dragged Louis to a gay fair saying 'he should be amongst his people.' 

Louis sighed and walked around aimlessly while Abby talked to a gay couple, fangirling over how cute they were and that they were her new 'ship.'

We're definitely not as alike as Niall thinks we are, Louis thought with a smirk on his face, walking past some booths selling things Louis had no care for.

Then he spotted it. That curly head of hair and piercing emerald eyes. Staring right at him.

No way. Why is Harry here? Louis thought quickly turning around and going in the opposite direction from where Harry was standing.

Harry had decided to go to the fair voluntarily, thinking it would be a good way for him to meet someone special.

Harry was gay but he'd always had trouble meeting a potential boyfriend.

He'd always compare them to Louis. 

Every since he say that sun-kissed tan, those ocean blue eyes that he could just drown in, and that light brown perfect wind-swept hair, he'd never been able to stop thinking about him.

Harry quickly ran behind the booths and cut across to where Louis was and jumped out in front of him.

Louis jumped back a bit, surprised. 

"Hi." was all Harry said.

"Hi." Louis said cautiously.

"I wanted to talk to you. I'd seen you around school but we never actually talked." Harry said, stepping closer a bit.

"Yea, that's because you've always been busy hurting my best friend." Louis spat, taking a step back.

Harry sighed and grabbed Louis arm and pulled him to the back of the booths, wanting this to be private.

"What're you doi- MMPH"  

Louis' voice was muffled when Harry crashed his lips to Louis', swallowing his words.

Louis struggled a bit, but slowly melted into the kiss.

Sparks fly in a thousand different directions and warmth pooled in Louis's stomach.

Harry's lips were soft but firm at the same time. Just...perfect.

Louis' were soft and surprisingly feminine, but you could still tell the lips were a male's.

(A/N AGH that was dumb wasn't it. I suck. D: )

Harry's tongue grazed Louis' bottom lip, asking for entrance, but Louis, being the stubborn little donkey he is, kept his mouth shut.

Harry bit Louis' bottom lip hard and Louis gasped, and Harry invaded his mouth.

Their tongues fought for dominance and Harry won, exploring Louis' mouth, slowly and teasingly.

Louis pulled back first, panting. "What....was that?" Louis said in between breathes. 

"I don't want you to think I'm like them, Louis. I don't want to hurt people but I don't want to get hurt either." Harry said, staring into Louis' eyes.

"Harry just say no. It's not that hard! Just two letters."

"No Lou! You don't understand! If I say no, how am I going to be able to protect you?!"

"I don't want your protection Harry! I never asked for it! I can defend myself!"

"Against six guys?" Harry said with his eyebrows raised.

Louis froze. He sighed, remembering what Harry had done for him after Louis had kneed Josh and some others in their 'areas.'  They were going to jump him with even more guys, but Harry had stopped them and said Louis was 'off-limits.'

"Harry I already thanked you for that! But I never asked for you to do it. I'll be fine! And if you told them no, I would gladly consider dating you!" 

"Y-you'd date me? So does that mean you like me?" Harry said, hope shining in his eyes.

"Um........" Louis had just realized what he'd just confessed. He pushed his glasses up and stared at Harry. "I would. But you have to face them, Harry."

"Louis! where are you!?" Abby yelled.

Louis turned and left Harry standing there, conflicted.

What was he supposed to do? He loved Louis but he didn't want to be beaten senseless.

After that, they'd only ever stolen glances at each other and if they got  bold, they'd occasionally walk past and 'accidentally' brush their hand together. Harry was still trying to muster up courage to stand up to them, but it would take awhile.


"What about it?" Louis said, still blushing.

"I-I thought that maybe we could secretly date. I miss you a lot Louis! You can't deny what happened at the fair! I know we both felt it. Just until I can get up the courage to face them. It'd you'd be easier with you by my side anyway! Please Louis?" Harry was literally begging right now but he didn't care, he just wanted Louis. Nothing else mattered right now.

"........I guess we could but only because I missed you. But you still have to stand up to them or this will be over okay?" 

"Okay Louis. I promise." Harry squealed with joy and smashed his lips to Louis'.

It's been months now and it still hasn't happened. Louis knows he should remind Harry of his promise, but he would have to end things between them and Louis knew he would miss Harry. So he never mentioned it. 

But he still expected it to happen, sooner or later.

$BACK TO THE PRESENT$ (where Niall opened the door. sorry if it's confusing)

And that's how they got here. 

Niall sitting on the couch across from them, with a big grin on his face.

"Sooooooooooo." He said, happily. He wanted the deets now.

Louis groaned. "Niall. Don't. Not right now. We were kind of in the middle of something."

Harry was surprised that Niall was fine with this. Harry had hurt him more times than Harry cared to count but, there Niall was. Just sitting there, grinning like a madman.

Harry took Louis's hand in his and that just made Niall's grin wider.

"Nope.I wanna know now. If you really wanted some privacy you would have locked the door Tomlinson." Niall shot at Louis, still grinning.

How do his cheeks not hurt yet?

"Fine." Louis gave in. He squeezed Harry's hand once and went to the kitchen to make some tea.

Leaving Harry and Niall alone.


"So who else knows about you guys?" Niall asked.

Harry just stared at Niall. He expected an awkward silence.

"Well no one, except you now I guess." Harry murmured quietly.

"Well you guys make an adorable couple." Niall said with a warm smile.

Niall's nice. How did Harry even hurt him before?

"So you're okay with this?" 

"Well, yea. I figured it would happen sooner or later by the way you guys would stare at each other, but I thought Louis would at least tell me."

"Sorry Niall! You're not exactly known for keeping secrets!" Louis yelled from the kitchen.

If only you knew Louis, Niall thought sadly.

"Whatever! At least I can say I was right!" Niall said, bringing himself out of the dark corner in his mind.

Harry chuckled softly at them, but he felt guilty.

"Niall... I'm sorry for wh-" Harry started.

"It's okay Harry. You guys beating me up wasn't really the worst part of my day." Niall whispered as Louis walked back into the room. Niall gave Harry a sad smile and took the tea that Louis handed to him.

He knew Louis hadn't heard that or else Louis would have pushed, making Niall want to break down and tell him everything.

But he couldn't.

Harry, however, heard Niall loud and clear. He was puzzled.

What could be worse than getting beat up at school everyday?


*Niall's POV*

I left Louis's apartment when they finished telling me everything and started making out again.

I'd rather not watch my best friends face getting eaten off, thanks.

It's only seven now and I'm bored again.

 Maybe I could take a nap or something.

I have school tomorrow anyway and another appointment.

I hope Zayn won't be there this time.


*Zayn's POV*

I was still thinking about why Niall would need therapy. 

I want to ask mum but she decided to go back to her hotel room after her appointment with iall.

Jetlag, she said.

I sighed and flopped down on the couch.

Why would Niall need therapy?

Was it because of me?

No, he seemed to stop caring about me beating him up, He seemed...numb to it now.

Then what could it be?




"MMMMMMH." I groan.

"ZAYN! WAKE UP!" they yell, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut" I grumble, shaking whoever it is off.

I look up and see Mum standing there with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Hi Mum." I mumble, rubbing my face.


Why is she yelling?

"Mum! What're you talking about?" I'm so confused right now.

"Niall! He's that boy you were talking about earlier isn't he?"


"" I mumble staring at the ground, like it were the most fascinating thing in the world.

"'I'm not stupid Zayn. I saw the way you stared at him." She said smirking.

"Okay! Yes! It is him! ...................Why does he need therapy mum?" 

She sighs and sits down. "Well I haven't really gotten to talk to him about that but from what I've heard, he tried to hang himself because  he was bullied at school, but talking to him, I don't think he would do that to himself."

"What do you mean?"

 Niall tried to kill himself? Because of me?

I'm  terrible.

"The bruises on his body were way to heavy and strong to come from you. The doctors suspect his step-father but so far he's done nothing to make this a police case. That's where I was just now. At the hospital talking to his doctors."

I'm shell-shocked. So Niall's step-dad hits him?

"So after talking to them, I'm pretty sure it was Niall's step-dad who tried to strangle him and then said Niall did it to himself." Mum rambled on.

"WHAT? Mum! If he tried to kill him then Niall shouldn't be living there! What if he tries something again?!" I exclaim, jumping up and yelling at her.

 "Sweetie, there's nothing we can do for him right now. We have to wait until he admits it in our sessions or Steve's caught in the act." She grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug.

Mum's hugs always comfort me. They're like my own little retreats from life. So warm and inviting. They never fail to make me feel safe.

Mum and I talked a bit more before she left.

She said Niall's mom died on Christmas and Niall's brother left for uni, leaving Niall to face Steve alone.

I wonder if his brother knows.

I want to get Niall out of there.

But how?


I can invite him and try to get to know him there.

Maybe Louis would come too. Harry'd be happy with that.

But what if Niall doesn't want to talk to me?

Well I can only hope he'll let me.

All I want to do is help....






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