Acatalepsy; auston matthews

By brendan-gallagher

118K 1.8K 431

Acatalepsy is the idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything. Yet after he met her there was not... More

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• twenty-one •

3.6K 72 29
By brendan-gallagher

It's hot and I don't have AC and I'm melting.

enough about my first world problem though!

Auston texted Jessica when he landed and asked if she'd like him to pick her up, which she replied no too. She had a car now, she didn't tell Auston yet because she figured he'd be surprised she bought one.

She stopped along the way while she waited in the Tim Hortons drive thru. She order coffee for the two of them and a box of timbits. The chocolate ones were her favourite so she had a few extra of those in the box.

When she pulled into the massive parking lot for the building in front of her she hoped she had gotten the address right. She parked her car and headed up to Auston's apartment once she was positive this was the right place.

As she admired how new and shiny the entire building appeared. The windows surrounded the building with the early eight am sunlight illuminating the lobby. Despite it being sunlight, it was that cool spring sunlight, where it doesn't make you feel too hot yet since the sun isn't high in the sky. Even though the beauty of the quiet, sunlit lobby put a smile on her face, it also made her feel more self conscious about where she lived in comparison to where he lived.

She shook the feeling away and waiting for the elevator. It was a short ride to Auston's floor, not because he wasn't a top floor, but because the elevator itself was incredibly fast.

She stepped off slightly nervous. The game had a horrible ending and although they talked last night and this morning, Jessica was worried she was intruding in his life.

"he's your boyfriend you idiot," the voice inside her head rationalized. "it's normal for you to care about his wellbeing."

Taking a deep breath her knuckles hit the surface of the door gently while she balanced a tray of coffee in her other hand, the timbit box was cradled between her body and her arm.

"It's open!" the faint voice from inside yelled. It was Auston's, but he must have been far from the door with how quiet his voice was.

She hesitated for a moment before she opened the door. It's not like she could just leave now, she already knocked.

Stepping inside she hit a wall of air conditioning that felt great in comparison to her apartment where the AC was broken. She noticed a table where she set the coffee and timbits down so she could slip her shoes and jacket off. It was a fairly cool morning so Jessica had slipped on a coat; she would rather end up being too hot than too cold.

From down the hall she heard Auston on the phone, probably with family or his parents. He was quieter and seemed to be arguing. She could here him getting agitated and snapping in spanish; though he had been slipping between english and spanish the whole time, she heard him getting more annoyed and upset.

"Look, I love you and you're amazing but I'm not going to argue about this with you anymore," he was pacing down the hall and smiled towards Jessica. "I've had a long 24 hours, I'm tired and I don't want to yell. Can I call you later tonight to talk?" He had a pair of track pants on and a white tee shirt. His hair looked slightly damp from where Jessica stood, he probably showered . "Okay, I'm sorry for yelling. I'll call you after I get a few more hours of sleep- No, that's not why-" he took a deep breath. "We'll talk about that later yeah? Okay. Love you."

He hung up the phone with a sigh and noticed Jessica was holding coffees. "Thank you. I need one of these," he ran a hand through his hair. The bags under his eyes were prominent and he yawned as Jessica handed him the one that was his. Auston leaned over and kissed Jessica before turning towards his couch. She stood there a little surprised before remembering that's normal things couples do, greet each other with a kiss.

"Who was that?" she asked him. Following him to the couch.

"My mom," he collapsed onto the . He set the coffee on a tabbl; where Jessica also placed the box and her drink. "She's concerned about my life I guess, which is nice that she cares but-"

"you want some space probably," Jessica assumed. He nodded.

"I love her, she's a great mom and super caring," he yawned again. "But I think she's scared to let me grow up in all honesty. Like I'll forget about her- which I'd never do."

Jessica pouted. "All parents biggest fears must be their kids not staying in contact."

Auston sighed and closed his eyes. Neither spoke, but Jessica knew he was still feeling horrible about the game, and probably his performance as a whole.

"I just don't understand what happened," he mumbled in reference to the game. "We were winning."

Jessica leaned over and wrapped her arms around his side, pulling him in for a hug. There was nothing she could say so she just let him know she was here. After a few seconds Auston wrapped an arm around her to return the gesture.

"We all thought we had them," he mumbled. "We really did- we had every chance to win and blew it." His voice cracked and it was clear he was more devastated than Jessica previously thought.

"Today we can do whatever you want," Jessica pulled back and looked her boyfriend in the eyes. "If you wanna go workout, we can do that. If you wanna eat a few tubs of ice cream, well I'd vote for that option over working out. We can even just sleep or watch tv, whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" he asked with his eyes lit up a bit more. He resembled a small child who was told he could pick out a treat.

"Yes Aus," she replied. Both only had a few hours sleep and one had slept on the floor of his hotel room.

"Can we actually just lie down?" he asked. "I'm too tired to go anywhere."

Jessica stood up and took his hand pulling him off the couch. "Let's lie down then."

Auston tickled her sides as he walked behind her down the hallway. There were a couple rooms all with doors closed, "Pick the right door and I won't tickle you."

She stared for a moment deciding that the one door had to be the bathroom. She stepped towards the door and felt Auston's finger graze her side, making her second guess herself. Picking the other door she opened it to reveal a large king sized bed, with a massive duvet.

"I thought you would pick the wrong room," Auston joked.

"You tipped me off at the last second," Jessica laughed and watched Auston land on the bed. Lying down next to him she pulled the duvet over them both. "This bed is heaven. It feels like I'm on a cloud."

Auston yawned before he chuckled turning onto his side to face Jessica. He barely kept his eyes open, "It's basically a cloud instead of a mattress."

Jessica smiled and faced the towards him as well. This was the second time they were sharing a bed even though they hadn't had sex. It made Jessica question why he would go this long when he could definitely find someone hotter.

The thought faded as they lied together, falling asleep at quarter to 10 in the morning.

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