One and Only// Fillie

By milliesangel

37.3K 1.1K 600

Finn and Millie instantly clicked when they met in the audition room. They have liked each other ever since t... More

Before you read...
Exciting news
Table Read
The new girl
The sleepover
First day
I love Him
I love you too
(A/N) What do you guys want to know about me?
The Date
Movie night
Santa Monica
Three ships in one night
Telling the Fans
Saying goodbye
I promise.
Your my whole world
Thats my girl
Movies and Cuddle


1K 34 50
By milliesangel

A/N- thank you FilliesWolfhard for fixing that picture⬆️⬆️⬆️

Finns POV~

Millie and I are currently in bed. Well Millie is sleeping and I'm on my phone. I didn't want to wake her up yet so I just laid here. I then got bored so I decided to text my cousin Rowan for a bit. (Yes Rowan Blanchard) I then realized it's already 11am and we should get up now.

"Millie, baby it's time to wake up" I whisper to Millie with a soothing voice. Her eyes eventually flutter open and a smile appears on her face.

"What are we doing today?" She asks in a whisper

"I'm not sure yet but it's already 11" I respond

"Looks like we slept in" she laughs. I love when she laughs.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower and then I'll be right back." I say while kissing her head and heading to the bathroom.

Millie's POV~

Once Finn got in the shower I sat in bed and watched some TV. Suddenly I heard a *ding* come from a phone. I looked at mine and noticed no messages. I then looked over to Finns which was laying on the bed. I picked it up and the contact read "Rowan". Who's Rowan? I then unlocked his phone with my thumbprint and opened his messages.

Rowan: Hey Finn, I miss you so much!


Finn: I miss you too! I bet I can plan a day to come and visit you!

Rowan: That would be amazing!

Finn: I gtg now but I'll text you later. Bye, love you❤️

Rowan: Love ya too❤️

Who is this girl? Why are they sending "I love you's to each other? Is Finn cheating on me?! I can't believe this! I hear the bathroom door begin to open and I quickly turned his phone off and threw it on the bed. Finn then came out of the bathroom wearing a plain white shirt and sweatpants. He looked hot. Stop it Millie! He is cheating on you!!!

"Finn, who's Rowan" I ask with an angry voice and getting up from the bed.

"Oh, she's my cousin, why?" He asks with an innocent look on his face. FAKE! ITS FAKE! They aren't cousins! I know everything about him and he doesn't have a cousin named Rowan, I think. HE DOESN'T!

"Stop lying Finn! I know your lying!" I yell. His face looks kind of hurt. No stop Millie. Stop feeling bad for him! He's cheating on you!

"I'm not! And why did you suddenly ask about her!" He exclaims

"I saw your texts Finn! I saw you telling her you love her! You can't make up an excuse for that! And NO she's NOT your cousin! You don't have a cousin named Rowan! Stop fucking lying to me!" I yell

"I'm telling the truth! She is my cousin! Why don't you believe me? Why don't you trust me? WHY WERE YOU LOOKING THROUGH MY PHONE!" He yells back


"I can't believe you would ever think that! I can't believe you don't trust me! You know what, maybe we shouldn't be together since you can't trust or believe your own fucking boyfriend you bitch!" He exclaims. There's now silence.

"Mil-" He starts with a regretful looking face. I cut him off because I can't take this anymore.

"Save it Finn. I'm done! We're done!" I exclaim while taking the promise ring off of my finger, slamming it on the ground, and running out of the penthouse. I'M DONE WITH HIM!

I ran outside and pulled the hood of my sweatshirt over me to hide my crying face form the paparazzi. I can't believe I did that. No Millie! He cheated on you and called you a bitch! He should be the one that's feeling regret! Not you! I then ball my eyes out and sit on a bench on the sidewalk.

"Millie?" A voice that I hate so much calls out. I look up and notice it's Jacob in his car.

"Yeah?" I ask. I would of been harsh and said "what" but I already let all my anger out. Now it's time for sadness.

"Why are you crying?" He asks. Not in an annoying or rude way, but in a kind way. Wait. That's a first! Jacob being kind?

"Finn and I broke up" I tell him. I notice an evil smile appearing on his lips but it quickly is goes away when he realizes that I could see.

"Do you want a ride anywhere?" He asks me. You know what! Screw it!

"Sure, can you take me to Sadie's?" I ask while hoping in the passenger seat.

"Mhm" he replies with a smirk.

We then arrive at Sadie's and I went up to the penthouse door. I knocked a couple times but then realized that they're not home. They must have been on a date. At least Sadie has someone she trusts. I sigh and head back to Jacobs car.

"She's not home" I say while getting into the car.

"You wanna come to my place" He asks. I don't care anymore at this point. I honestly would rather just die then do anything.

"Ok" I simply respond

We eventually got to his house and he takes me inside. It was pretty big actually and I'm kind of jealous. Maybe someday Fi-. Nope Millie! You guys are done. He cheated on you. He cheated on you. He cheated o- but maybe he didn't. Maybe we was telling the truth. Maybe I was a bitch. Maybe Rowan is his cousin. Well if they are cousins she'd probably be famous as well. I wonder if Jacob knows anything about her.

"Hey Jacob?" I ask while getting up from the couch.

"Yeah?" He responds

"Do you know any girl by the name of Rowan who's potentially famous?" I ask

"Oh yeah, she's a bitch! Rowan Blanchard's her name. She's Finns cousin. I honestly feel sorry for her, you know having an assh-" I cut him off my running to the door. He then catches me while pinning me to the wall. He grabs my hand and holds them above my head.

"Where you going babe?" He asks with a flirtatious voice.

"I'm not your babe and I'm going to apologize to Finn" I can't believe I didn't believe him. I do trust Finn! I love him! Why didn't I believe him? He probably won't take me back. I'm such a bitch! I tried to get out of Jacobs grip but couldn't. He then picks me up and takes me upstairs to his bedroom. Oh no no no no no.

"Let me go you asshole!" I exclaim. Hey then pins me to his bed and begins kissing me all over my neck and collarbones.

"Finn! Finn! Finn! Help! Someone help!" I yell hoping anyone could hear me. Jacobs window was open so maybe someone could.

"No one can hear you, you bitch. Shut the fuck up and stay still!" He yells while taking of my shirt.

"Stop it Jacob! STOP! FINNNNNN!"


Please don't hate me! I couldn't think of anything else to write😕

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