The new girl

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Caleb's POV~

"Yeah your right, you are a loser." I quickly whipped my head around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. There stood a beautiful girl with beaming red hair and bright blue eyes standing on the balcony next to Gatens. I realize I have been staring for a while not paying attention to the small "hello" she gave me.

"O-oh Umm sorry" I said feeling embarrassed

"It's alright." She said while smiling. "But why are you yelling? And what are you yelling about?" She giggled. I turned to my friends who were standing on the other balcony obviously trying to control their laughter. I simply glared at them for making me do this.

"My friends..." I started and motioned my hand towards them. The girl looked at them sending a warm smile their way in which they smiled back.

"They dared me to run outside and yell that." I finished. The beautiful girl giggled again making me feel butterflies inside.

"Well that was quite funny! What's your name?" She asks me

"Caleb, yours?"

"Sadie" Sadie, what a beautiful name.

"What are your names?" Sadie asks referring to the gang.

"I'm Noah, this is Gaten, Millie, and Finn." Noah says pointing to each of them.

"Hi!" Sadie responds. "If I may ask, why do you have a shaved head? Not to be rude." Sadie asks Millie

"No it's fine, I get asked this a lot." Millie laughs, "you can't tell anyone but we're all in a show called stranger things that's premiering in the summer and I had to shave my head for the roll." Millie finishes.

"Ohhhhh, well you are beautiful with a shaved head." Sadie reply's with a smile. God her smile is gorgeous!

"Thanks and I love your hair!" Millie says

"Awww thanks, I can tell we will be best friends!" Sadie says.

Gaten clears his throat probably to the fact that these two girls forgot us boys were even here.

"Oh right them... do you want to hang out with us in gatens condo? I could really use a girl in our group. Sorry boys." Millie asks and then adds the last part with a fake smile towards the boys and I.

"Yeah if that's alright with you guys?" Sadie asks looking around from me to the other boys.

"Yeah that's totally fine!" I answer.

Millie's POV~

We have all been in gatens condo for the past 3 hours watching movies and eating pizza. I don't like pizza so I just had the salad Gaten ordered that came along with the pizza. We all got to know Sadie a lot better and she is super sweet and has a great personality. Sadie and I are currently painting our nails while the boys are playing Fortnite on Gatens tv. (A/N yes I know Fortnite didn't exist then, just go along with it) Finn and I kept sharing a few glances at each other through the painting nails and video game party thing we were having.

"That Finn guy..." Sadie starts. "Do you like him?" She asks with a slight smirk.

"What! No. Ew. Gross!" I whisper yell.

"Mhm" she responds causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"Well you and Caleb keep glancing at each other, do you like him?" I ask now realizing that they were glancing at each other like Finn and I. Wait, why did I ask if she likes him if Finn and I were doing the exact same thing!!! I mentally face palmed myself.

"No but I guess he's kind of cute." Sadie shruggs.

"I just got a royal victory!!!!" Noah yells.

"Shut up you just got lucky!" Finn yells in response.

(A/N guys I have no idea how to play Fortnite cause my mom won't let me play it. She thinks it's a bad influence. Ughhh she's annoying. I get all my facts from people talking about it at school. Anyways just know I know nothing about it so if I say something that doesn't make sense hopefully you'll understand.)

"Yeah well I'll be lucky a second time once I kill you and get you out of the game!" Noah yells back.

"Boys." Sadie says while rolling her eyes making me laugh at the boys arguing over their stupid video game.

Sorry there wasn't much Fillie, I wanted to get some Cadie in there too! Hope you liked it!

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