By sailor__mars

15.3K 436 25

"Angel, oh oh oh. Knew you were special from the moment I saw you." {angel by the weeknd} in which the younge... More



156 8 1
By sailor__mars


Adelaide sat in the back of Lydia's car, rolling her eyes every time Jackson spoke. Lydia and Jackson had been arguing about what movie to watch. Jackson choosing 'Hoosiers' and Lydia choosing 'The Notebook.'

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever. It is the best sports movie ever made." Jackson argued, Adelaide rolled her eyes for the hundredth time and said, "Actually, The Sandlot is, and I don't care what movie is being chosen, I just want to get out this bloody car."

Adelaide pushed Jackson's seat and exited the car, walking towards the entrance of the movie store. She began to look around for "The Notebook" until five minutes when Jackson walked in and began to trail behind her. A metallic smell came to Adelaide's senses and she halted, covering her mouth. Having control of her thirst can be difficult at times, but it's been a while since she had an actual drink from someone. Jackson bumped into her and saw her reaction. Confused, he looked and saw shoes sticking out of one of the isles and began to talk towards it.

Adelaide heard a noise and began to look around, seeing something fast run through the isles. Quickly, she grabbed Jackson and began to run towards the exit, "Jackson, let's go!"

Jackson hid behind an aisle of movies while Adelaide was pulling his arm, whispering harshly, "For bloody sake, Jackson! You're going to get yourself killed!" Jackson pulled her next to then as the beast runs through the isles, knocking down the shelves one by one.  Jackson then pushed Addy aside as a shelf collapse on his back. She then suddenly gets thrown across the store and sees the beast gets dangerously close to Jackson. Adelaide vamp speeds and throws the beast out the store, hearing Lydia's screams. The girl lifts the shelf and picks up Jackson.

His breath heavy, he says, "What the hell was that?! How did you-?"

Before he could get the words out, Adelaide compelled him, "It was a mountain lion that attacked the worker and nearly attacked us. We got away just in time."  Jackson nodded his head nonchalantly until he screamed and ran to check on Lydia, Adelaide doing the same.

"Lydia! Are you okay? The police are on the way!" Adelaide said, pulling Lydia close.

"I- I- What was that? Are you guys okay?" Lydia asked sobbing.

Before Adelaide got to answer, Jackson said, "It was a mountain lion, it nearly got the both of us."

Adelaide stood next to Lydia's car with an annoyed look on her face and her arms crossed. She then heard, "Woah is that a dead body?!" She smiled at the boy and he stuttered, "Oh- Ad- Adelaide you're here," he awkwardly laughed. "Oh! Are you okay?"

Once again she smiled, "Yes, Stiles I am fine, Thank you. What are you doing here?"

Stiles stuttered a bit, "Uh- my dad is the sheriff."

The Original glared at Jackson as he's yelling at Stiles' dad, "He's such a prick"

Stiles laughed, "You got that right.

Adelaide giggled, she tilted her head, hearing two familiar voices. She snuck a glance at the roof, seeing Scott and Derek.

"It's not nice to spy, Derek," She said quietly, looking at the man. Adelaide smiled when she heard him chuckle a bit.

The next day at school, Adelaide saw Allison walking down the hallway. She began to walk up to Allison, who was at her locker when balloons fell out.

Adelaide chuckled, "Happy Birthday?" 

Allison sighed, shoving the balloons in her locker, before she could say a word, Scott walked up to  the two and asked, "Is it your birthday?"

Allison stuttered, "No- no, I mean, yes. Please don't tell anybody? I don't even know how Lydia found out."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want people to know. Because... I'm 17."

Adelaide furrowed her eyebrows, "That isn't so bad. You had to get held back because you moved a lot, right?"

Scott nodded his head, seconding the girls answer.

Allison smiled and kissed Scott. Adelaide looked around awkwardly, can't help but to feel like she's interrupting something.

"What was that for?" Scott asked, smiling.

"For literally being the first person to ever make the correct assumption. Everybody's always like, "What, did you get held back?" "Did you ride the short bus?" Or, "Did you have a baby?" Adelaide looked horrified at Allison's response.

Scott, appalled, asked, "That's what you hear on your birthday?"

Allison nodded, "Oh, yeah. All day long."

An idea clicked in her head, "why don't you both skip? I'll cover for you."

Allison looked at the Original, unsure, "Skip class?"

Scott agreed, "Yeah! The whole day."

Allison, still unsure responded, "Well, you're asking someone who's never skipped one class to bail out the entire day, and I don't-"

Scott cut her off, "No, see, that's perfect! If you get caught, they'll go easy on you."

Adelaide smiled and shoved the duo a bit, "Go!"


Adelaide sat next to Stiles in Chemistry, bored out of her mind listening to Mr. Harris speak, "Just a friendly reminder-- parent-teacher conferences are tonight! Students below a C-average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment."

He looked around the class, asking, "Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

Adelaide glared at him as Jackson walks in the class, looking distraught.

"Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know. That goes for you as well, Miss Mikaelson."

Adelaide gave him a thumbs up, he continues, "Everyone, start reading chapter nine."

Adelaide began reading until Mr Harris once again spoke, "Mr. Stilinski, try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book."

Adelaide looked at Stiles next to her before rolling her eyes. She continued her reading before hearing Stiles lean forward on the desk to talk to Danny, his teammate.

"Hey, Danny," Stiles whispers, "can I ask you a question?"


"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"


"Can I ask you another question?"

Danny sighed, "The answer is still no."

"Do you know what happened to her, Jackson, and Addy last night?"

Adelaide looked shocked, she didn't expect for him to give her a nickname.

Danny hesitated before responding, "He wouldn't tell me."

Stiles, surprisingly, says, "but he's your best friend." He thought for a second before saying, "One more question."

Danny says impatiently, "What?"

"Do you find me attractive?"

Adelaide snorted, covering her mouth before returning to the reading, as Stiles leaned forward more, falling out of his seat.


Adelaide walked by the Boys' locker room, halting as she heard Jackson stutter, "I-I don't know know where Scott is.."

She waited for whoever he was speaking to - to respond. It was Derek, "I'm not here for Scott, I'm here for you."

Jackson stammered, "Wh-Why me? I-I didn't do anything."

Adelaide walked in, seeing Derek smile, knowing he's scaring him, "No, but you saw something, didn't you?"

Jackson backed up anxiously, "No, I didn't see anything."

Derek slowly walked towards him, "What was it, hmm? A mountain lion?"

Adelaide cleared her throat, "If you wanted to know, you could have asked me, Der."

Jackson stammered, "I didn't see anything, I swear. I'm not lying."

"Tell me you didn't see anything. Slowly."

Jackson calmed down a bit, "I didn't see anything. I'm not lying."

Jackson's nose began to bleed, Adelaide turned away quickly as the veins from under her eyes started to emerge.

Derek looked at his nose, "One more thing, you should really get that checked out." Before walking out of the locker room, pulling Adelaide with him.

As the duo walked out of the school, Derek walked Adelaide to her car, "Are you okay? When was the last time you fed?"

Adelaide inhaled deeply, "it's been two days, I haven't had time to get blood bags,"

Derek gave Adelaide a stern look, "So you decide to come to school, where you can lash out and kill the entire school population?"

Adelaide rolled her eyes, "unless you would like to be my lunch, you better leave."

Derek took a step back, "I'll check on you later. Go feed."

She glared at him, "Watch your tone, I may look young but I still have a century over you."

Derek smirked before going to his car.


After finding someone to feed off of, Adelaide walked into The Hale House, watching Derek work out. She let out a low whistle, "who knew you'd be ripped?"

Derek rolled his eyes before stopping half way through his push ups.

Adelaide listened to her surroundings, "He wants us to wait,"

"So I've been reminded to death."

She recognized who the voice belonged to, none other than Kate Argent. She felt her fangs come out, slowly walking to the door before Derek gripped her wrist.

"And that means we're not allowed to kill him."

"But that doesn't mean we can't say hello!" Kate says as she kicked open the door.

Adelaide vamped her and Derek upstairs as one of Kates hunter friends spoke, "No one's home."

"Oh he's here," Kate said, "he's just not feeling particularly hospitable."

A hunter checked, "Maybe he's out burying a bone in the yard."

Adelaide and Derek rolled their eyes as Kate scoffed, "Really? A dog joke? We're going there and that's the best you got? If you want to provoke him, say something like, 'Too bad your sister 'bit it' before she had her first litter.' Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!"

That made something snap in Derek as he revealed himself, attacking before Kate electrocuted him, "This one grew up in all the right places. I don't know whether to kill it or lick it."

Adelaide remained hidden upstairs, waiting for a good time to help Derek.

"Nine-hundred-thousand volts..." Kate started, "You never were good with electricity, were you? Or fire. That's why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...and, well, maybe we can help each other out..."

Adelaide watched Derek glare at Kate, remaining silent, before she continued, "Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try to catch you. Unpleasant, and frankly, a little too Texas Chainsaw Massacre for my taste, but quite true."

Derek remained silent.

"Now, here's the part that might really kick you in your new balls," she said slowly, "we didn't kill her."

Adelaide listened to her heart beat, it remained steady.

"You think I'm lying?" Kate asked.

Derek says lowly, "Wouldn't be the first time."

Kate feigned innocence, "Tsk, sweetie! Well, why don't you just listen to my heart and tell me if I am, okay?" She said again, "We. Didn't. Kill. Your. Sister."

"Do you hear that? There's no blips or upticks... just the steady beat of the cold, hard truth. Found bite marks on your sister's body, Derek. What do you think did that? A mountain lion? Why aren't we helping each other out? You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along, which is...the Alpha killed your sister. And all you have to do is tell us who he is, and we'll take care of it for you! Problem solved, everybody goes home happy."

Adelaide was about to reveal herself until Kaye spoke again, "Unless... You don't know who he is either."

Kate sighs, "Wow. Guess who just became totally useless?"

Adelaide snarled as she heard Kate electrocute Derek again. She vamp sped down the stairs, feeding off of one of the hunters Kate was with. She threw his body from the air in front of Kate.

Kate looked at the body of her fellow hunter and then around the house once more, "Well, well. Looks like you have a friend here Derek."

Adelaide snatched another hunter; repeating what she did with the first. Kate, looking actually scared, pulled the last hunter she's with and ran out the house.

Adelaide smirked as she watched the two run into her car and drive off.

Derek grunted as Adelaide ripped the chains off of him, "I had it handled."

Adelaide rolled her eyes, saying sarcastically, "oh yeah, you totally did." She looked at him seriously, "Are you okay?"

Derek grunted again before nodding. He looked down at the two bodies on the ground, "You better clean this up."

Adelaide rolled her eyes once again, "Yes, sir."

An hour or so passed and the bodies were cleared and buried in the woods. Adelaide walked back to the Hale house checking on Derek, insisting he stay at her house but Derek stubbornly denied.

"If I could compel you, I would."

Derek gave her a cheeky smile before she left.

Adelaide got into her car and made her way out of the Beacon Hills Preserve. She drove past the school and saw police everywhere. She quickly drove into the parking lot and spotted Stiles. She stalked towards him, checking for any injuries. "Are you okay? What in the bloody hell happened?" She started before looking at the man he's standing next to. His name tag read 'Stilinski' She straightened herself before politely smiling, introducing herself, "Hello, Sheriff Stilinski, my name is Adelaide. I'm a friend of Stiles'."

Stiles dad looked at his son before turning to Adelaide, "A friend, huh? He didn't pay you or anything, did he?"

Adelaide giggled, "No, sir. Your son was kind enough to direct me my first day, he's quite special, is he not?"

Noah chuckled, nodding his dead, "That's my son alright. Please, call me Noah."

Adelaide smiled once more, "Nonsense! My parents told me to always be formal when speaking to anyone," she looked at the time, "oh my! I must be going! It was very nice meeting you, Mr. Stilinski! I hope to see you again."

Noah smiled and nods his head, bidding Adelaide goodnight. He looked at his son, "So that's the girl that's captured your attention?"

Stiles gaped at his father, knowing Adelaide could still hear. His cheeks turned a bright red before directing his own father to the police cruiser next to them.

Adelaide smiled to herself before entering her car and driving home.

Hellloooo!! It' surely has been a while!! I  hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did making it!! Sorry for the very long update!! I hope everything has a great summer break! I'll try my absolute best to update when I can!!!

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