Supernatural x reader one sho...

By diamondwolf929

5.6K 102 10

Requests are open and encouraged, I'm as imaginative as a rock so please request. It'll mostly be Sam, Dean... More

The Arguement Dean x reader
Numb and pained knee. Castiel x reader
Not quite human Sam x reader x Dean
Drunken confession Drunk! Castiel x Dean
Laser tag Gabriel x Reader
I just want some pie (Jack x reader)
Marry that girl Sammy (Sam x Reader)
I will protect you but for now lets just eat sweets (Jack x reader)
Charlie Bradburry x Female! reader
What they do for you for valentines day
Authors Note!
I only see him! Belphagor x reader
A/n (again)

Driving lessons Dean x reader

349 13 0
By diamondwolf929

I stood there smiling like a complete idiot. I somehow managed to talk Dean into giving me driving lessons. I knew though if I crashed it, I would be dead and won't be coming back.

"Alright Y/n.... how did you ever get me to do this?" Dean said with dread in his voice. I laughed at his fear. "Dean don't worry. I'm a big girl." I jerked my thumb toward myself.

"That's not what I'm worried about, I know you would be ok. But if you crash Baby , I will murder you." He threatened. "Trust me, I know." I said. I held my hand out towards him.

He stared at me for a second, then he sighed and handed me the keys to the impala.

I got in the drivers seat while dean sat in the passenger seat.
"Tell me what you know." He said looking at me.
"Easy, I pop these babies into this," I jingled the keys a bit before putting them in the key thingy. "Then I turn i-" I stopped talking as I tried to start the car but it wouldn't start.

"I swear I didn't break Baby yet!" I panicked. "You have to press the breaks first Y/n..." Dean said facepalming. "Oh..." I said looking at the pedals. I pressed one and turned it. Then it started.
I threw my hands up and cheered a bit. "YEA I DID IT!" I cheered. I looked at Dean to see him staring at me.
"Alright so keep that in park while I explain some stuff to you." Dean said pointing at the transmission thingy thing.

I nodded and looked at him. He stared back at me. It was just us staring at each other for a bit.

I've known him since we were kids, my dad would drop me off with him and Sam while our dads went hunting.
I did end up growing feelings for Dean, though I never had the guts to tell him, and that's one of the reasons I got him to teach me to drive. Although I'm more clumsy when his direct attention is on me, I also am better at anything when he's around.

"Alright so, you only use one foot for the pedals not both," he said looking away and pointed at the pedals. It took me a second but I looked down to see where he was pointing at.

"Wait why do I use only one foot?" I asked. "Because you do," He said holding his hands out. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back weakly.

He explained more stuff to me about driving until he finally let me actually start driving.

I pushed lightly on the gas as we began to drive. He would remind me to keep my eyes on the road, the signs, or the thingy that showed me how fast I was going.
"I want you to actually stay in the speed limit cause I don't trust you." He said.

I saw something fly past the window so I turned my head to only see a bird flying. I smiled.

"Y/N EYES ON THE ROAD!" Dean yelled at me. I turned my head back quickly.

Suddenly in my view, a coyote ran into the road and looked at the car. "Don't sla-" Dean began to warn me but didn't get to say much before I slammed on the breaks as hard and fast as possible.

Dean flew forward but caught himself on the dashboard. "Fuck. I was going to say 'don't slam on the breaks'" Dean said in a low voice. He glared at me that sent shivers down my spine.

The coyote ran out of the road and I began driving again.

We were out driving until we finally got back to the motel.
"Though you almost killed me and Baby, you did decent I guess." Dean said. I smiled "and I also didn't crash Baby sooooooo I'm not going to get murdered by you, right?" I said smiling.

He sighed. "I'll think of it." He shook his head.

He went over and laid on the bed. I walked over and laid down next to him. "Thanks Dean." I whispered as I wrapped my arm around him.

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