Fallen Families

By sierreareads

193K 4.1K 669

Can a one night stand with a old friend lead to something different years later? The secrete Of Chris Evans a... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 6.

6.5K 142 28
By sierreareads

Posting once a week now guys.

Vanessa left early the next morning, with a head ache herself. She couldn't quiet grasp onto the fact that she a aunt, much less her sister was a mother. It was all so much she needed to lay down for a bit.

Back at Chris's house, Scarlett laid on his couch staring the blank ceiling. Chris watched her all day as she made little to no movements.  So he took the chance of walking up to her and asking what was the matter with her. 

"Chris, i continue to think more and more everyday. It's like a thought in mind that never fades." Natasha sighed and turned her body to look Chris in his eyes. "do you think that we did the right thing that day?" She asked.

"you have asked me this many times before Scarlett."

"yeah but you never seem to answer my question. How do you think life would have been if we kept her? If i wasn't strong enough to give her up?"

"Well i am thinking things would have certainly had changed." He said. "well we would be out of the spotlight more, or we would do what Gywenth does and keep her out of the spot light. We would probably not have seen as much as pf the world because we wouldn't want to be separated with her."

"do you think we would have been as happy?" She asked. Chris took a moment before shaking his head no.

"no.  i actually think we would have been happier." He said "and i think things between you and i would have been a lot different." He said cautiously. Chris has always had a certain set of feeling towards Scarlett but she never knew what they were. But he does know, that one day they will marry. He was sure of that.

Scarlett looked at Chris before asking ."how so?"

"well i think we would have been a lot closer and maybe more." He said. Nothing happened, but they sat there staring into each others unforgettable eyes.


"Nikki you aren't asking to me to find a lost puppy, you are asking me to find your parents. The parents you yourself know nothing about!" Ava cried out. She was freaking out during home room and was trying to understand how she of all people can find Nikki's parents.

"Then i will figure out somethings. Ill look through my adoption record. My birth certificate for example will have their names on it."

"And how are you going to do that without gathering any suspicion?" Ava bugged, Nikki groaned in annoyance.

"why can't you just agree to my plan?" she asked Ava.

"Because most of the time your plans ether get me hut or really in trouble. one of these days we will go to jail with one of your plans."

"Well it will be the best time in jail."


A few hours later.

"You know you have barely spoken to me all day."

"Well what do you want me to say Scarlett?" Chris asked, Scarlett was taken back by the tone of his voice. "we have kept this secrete for almost 13 years Scarlett, one drunken night and everything we agree on goes out the window?" he asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"You are the one who told her!"

"No i wasn't you were! So stop acting like the victim Scarlett."

"What are you talking about?" she asked her voice was a bit shaky but she quickly changed that so he wouldn't see her weakness. He was her best friend, but she never showed weakness to anyone no matter how close you are now. Be careful who you trust, the devil was once a angel.

"Scarlett, you act like a victim in all of this. But lets be honest here. You are the one who chose to give her up! i wanted her, but if you go back in any of our conversations you are the one who said you weren't ready. you tried to convincing me that i wasn't ether. But i wanted her. and then you do the same thing every year. You act broken! and i am tired of it. you think the world has to pity you. Did you even stop to ask how i was doing? I never got a ' hey Chris how are you feeling' Not everything is about you." he tried to been rude, he yelled at her like no one has ever yelled at her before. But she wasn't angry.

She looked at Chris and didn't see someone who was trying to be a jerk. she saw a broken man. For the first time she wasn't thinking of herself. For the first time so recognized the pain in Chris's eyes.

And when the tear fell from his face, she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. he gladly excepted the hug. And for the first time Chris cried about his lost daughter. He cried pulling Scarlett closer to his body. He had kept it in for so long now that it was coming out it hurt more then anything in the world.

"I am sorry." She spoke sadly. "i should have asked you how you were doing." She sadly admitted. "i was a jerk."

"You were hurting too. i am sorry i yelled." He said. he had his face in the crook of her neck.

"no, i needed it. I should have been there for you. i was being selfish." She said and looked down. Scarlett then took a deep breath and looked at Chris. "I think it's time, but if only you are okay with it." She said.


"We need to find our daughter Chris. Look at us we are falling apart." She said.

"Scar, she has a home now. We can't take her from there. it's not fair." Chris said.

"i know. but what if we just go and find her. get to know her? If you don't want to then i totally understand." She said, hoping he would say yes. Chris thought about it looking at Scarlett. he really wanted to see her, but what if she was happy? What if they mess up her whole life?

"Scarlett if we do this the whole world will know what we have been trying to hide for years."

"well maybe this Secrete was meant to be told. Now one can fit in if they don't know where they came from." She pointed out. Chris nodded. If he were adopted he would want to know his parents.

"i wanna do this." he said confidently pulling away from Scarlett. There faces were both stained with tears.

"really?" She asked.

"yeah, let's find our daughter."

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