Angel Toddler adventures

By onlyknows

1.6K 45 3

When the angels cas gabe and Balthazar get turned to toddlers Sam dean and bobby have their work cut out for... More

The road trip
Introducing potty training
Without dean
Nightmares happen
Sick as a toddler
A trip to the store
Food poisoning
Poor baby angels
After naptime
The new babies

The witch

238 6 0
By onlyknows

The  witch muttered a spell under her breath and directed it toward the angels who were trying to help the two winchesters they shrunk suddenly their clothes in piles around them "what the hell" dean yelled as he noticed the now toddlerfied angels cas looked up at dean with his big blue eyes " I believe the witch has done something to us" " yeah your toddlers " Sam interjected "um I think we need supplies" dean said looking down at Balthazar the witch laughed Sam shot her in the head without looking. Castiel jumped and started to tear up dean quickly bundled up the little angels in their shirts that had formally fit picking up cas and Balthazar as Sam took Gabriel into his arms "Samquatch" he giggled grabbing sams nose " dean what's happening " cas cried as his stomach grumbled " am I sick " " no cas your just hungry" " angels don't require food" castiel crossed his arms " ok we need a list " Sam said while gabe squirmed in his arms " lets see car seats clothes pull ups diapers or underwear " " i don't just get all three " " ok food diaper bag and we should call bobby " Sam concludes "agreed " dean said struggling to keep Balthazar under control in his arms cas just stared up at him " I don't believe we will need diapers " gabe grouches " we'll see " dean laughs they load the small angels in the car and try to find a walmart as they drove into the parking lot Sam looked back the angels their eyes drooping "de what's happening " Balthazar said yawning " your falling asleep " he smiled " I don't like it it's scary " cas whimpered "it's ok buddy just let it happen" dean reassured him as he picked him up out of the car it was about 8:00 at night as they went into the store Sam grabbed a cart and set a sleeping gabe into it dean still holding the other two angels cas's eyes sprang open his little wings under his shirt fluttered trying to curl about him defensively "what's happening " he started to cry dean felt liquid run down his side he immediately understood the toddler angel had wet himself and apparently they didn't know about using the bathroom cas continued to cry clutching dean shirt with his small hands "Sam we have a situation" Sam looked back at his brother grimacing "ok diapers and pull ups" he said sighing "excuse me" they turned to see a small woman a pull up in her extended hand "it looks like you need this more than I do " she smiled a shy smile her son on her hip "thank you so much " dean thanked her profusely before she walked away he handed Balthazar to Sam as he helped cas into the pull up still crying but quietly now " I don't need this " he said hiccuping "apparently you do " dean said pointing to his side as he picked up cas again Sam set Balthazar next to gabe both still asleep somehow cas buried his face in deans shoulder trying to fall back to sleep still hiccuping and breathing heavily from the crying bit fell back asleep as Sam and dean shopped the got car seats a triple stroller and other stuff they may need clothes diapers and pull ups Disney movies toys and baby food something caught deans eye as he went over to it he smiled it was a bee pillow pet knowing it would be perfect for cas he also picked air a bear for Balthazar and dog for Gabriel they checked out soon after "they are so cute " the cashier said " new in town " Sam nodded "are stuff got lost at the airport so we had to by all new stuff " he handed her the money and started for the car Sam and dean layed down the toddlers in the front seat while they set up the car seats ounce done with that they gently layed the three toddlers in their individual seats they didn't change them yet cause they didn't want to wake them then the started driving to bobbys dean had went ahead and called they were five states away however and they knew it would be a long trip

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