The road trip

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As they drove along dean quietly turned on an AC/DC tape the tiny angels still sleeping soundly until they heard Gabriel start to whimper Sam looked back at him kindly "what's wrong gabe" "my seat is soggy " he whispered embarrassed hanging his head. "Dean pull over I need to change Gabriel" they pulled over thankful no one else was in the road Sam quietly got out and opened the trunk he quickly grabbed the diaper bag packing full with stuff he thought they may need extra clothing diapers and pull-ups food and also toys they could play with on the trays of their car seats he grabbed one of the extra car seat covers dean had insisted on buying for this very reason then grabbed the pillow pets too "gabe come here baby I'm gonna give you something but you have to stay quiet so your brothers can sleep ok " he nodded his head slowly tears and snot dripping down his face Sam changed him out of the over sized shirt into a diaper and clothes that actually fit " I no want a diaper " gabe complained hugging his stuffed dog "it's just while your asleep" Sam reassured him. He nodded sleepily then changed the car seat cover before laying the already sleeping baby into the car seat and got back in the car nodding at dean as he pulled away the angels only slept for about two more hours before cas started screaming and crying waking up the other toddler angels started screaming as well "SAM" dean yelled above the toddlers "make 'em stop" Sam quickly climbed into the back seat as best he could "what's wrong" cas blubbered out words that were barley audible "hungwy " was all Sam heard so he tapped dean "we need to stop and eat " " we're not stopping " dean said "and that's final " Sam knew that when he used that voice there was no arguing so he pulled cheerios and baby food out of the diaper bag and pulled three plastic spoons out of the side pockets along with sippy cups filled with apple juice he set the sippy cups in the little cup holders on the car seats the angles stopped crying when Sam poured them each a small pile of cheerios onto their trays they started munching on them as the looked at Sam expectantly as he opened the jars of baby food also placing those on the trays he put the spoons in and gently pushed Balthazar's hand away he began to feed the children trying to do it quickly because his legs were cramping after he fed them he made sure they Could reach their pillow pets and got put out some other toys they could play with on their trays he also poured some more cheerios for all of them and climbed back up to the front seat the toys kept them busy for a while until cas voiced a request for Balthazar "balthy needs to potty"! He shouted "we're not stopping he can hold it" dean grumped in the front seat Balthazar had not yet been changed into a diaper or pull up "dean come on he's a baby " " there's no where to stop anyway" Balthazar squeezed his legs together and whimpered trying to hold it but he couldn't he cried as he wet the car seat below him Sam glared at dean as he again climbed into the back and unbuckled Balthazar put a diaper on him and clothes he changed the cover of the car seat and strapped him back him "i's sowwy" Balthazar cried "it's okay little one it's dean's fault " he said glaring at his brother who just rolled his eyes he felt a tug on his sleeve looking over it was Gabriel "I stinky " he said that when Sam decided to just Change all of them they all needed it anyway he made sure they didn't need anything else then climbed back into the front seat "dean I'm gonna drive " he said " no " dean said " yes you need sleep" dean grumbled as he pulled over and switched places with Sam but not soon after he fell asleep to the sound of the toddlers gurgling and laughing it was about 2:00 in the afternoon sam had been driving for 24 hours straight dean had changed the diapers and fed the kids and soothed them when they got anxious but he was still tired and grumpy "Sam im driving" he said they switched places and Sam fell asleep everything was quiet for a while the toddlers were asleep as well cas stirred "de" he said sleepily "what's up bud" he said in what he hoped was a soothing tone "I want out " he said kicking his little feet "we're two hours from Bobby's you can get out then cas didn't like that "I want out now" he screamed startling his brothers "castiel Winchester stop with that right now or so help me I pull this car over and put you over my knee" that shut cas up dean didn't know why he had called him Winchester it was habit he guessed cas pouted in the back seat while his brothers played with the toys on their tray when they got to bobby house Sam started getting the kids out of the car cas ran to the house away from dean "hey cas " bobby said the others followed it didn't take long before Balthazar tried to get into the booze cabinet "no Balthazar" Sam said grabbing him and putting him back on the ground his pants sagged he needed a Change and Sam knew they would soon need to start potty training

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