The Mysterious Girl

By LiaUchiha_NoLife

76.7K 1.6K 292

(COMPLETED) "W-What's wrong with your hair!?" He stuttered while pointing to my hair. I glared at him, pulled... More

Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Girl
Chapter 2 - The BadBoy
Chapter 3 - And then they met
Chapter 4 - The reveal
Chapter 5 - The sleepover
Charecter Info
Chapter 6 - Dodgeball! And a hidden ability?
Chapter 7 - A prodigy?!?
Chapter 8 - The buddy project
Chapter 10 - The party
Chapter 11 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 12 - The Rescue
Chapter 13 - My Return
Chapter 14 - Sleepover at the school!?!?
Chapter 15 - Goodbye
Chapter 16 - Settling back in
Chapter 17 - The Reunion (1)
Chapter 18 - The Reunion (2)
Chapter 19 - Long Time No See
Chapter 20 - Is this a proposal?!
Chapter 21 - Why is Titanic so sad!!! (Bonus part at end)
Chapter 22 - The First Date
Chapter 23 - Kidnapped again
Chapter 24 - Feel the feels!!
Chapter 25 - Last Chapter
1K 😱😱😱
I got tagged :P
I once again got tagged :3

Chapter 9 - We're Back!!

1.8K 46 9
By LiaUchiha_NoLife

(I suggest listening to pandora while reading Wattpad. Pandora's timing is perfect...sometimes.)

Violet POV

Yesterday I received a text from Taryleen saying there were new kids coming to our school. Me, being me, am not very excited. I just really hope these new kids aren't like Amber. That would suck! Oh right, Taryleen also mentioned the new kids are going to be freshman. I'm a senior so I doubt they will pick on me, but you never know.

I just finished eating my breakfast. I head outside and start walking to school. Today I'm wearing some baggy sweat pants, a grey t-shirt,  my black hoodie, and my black and white converse. I don't wear any make-up to school because I know I'll just be picked on for it.

*timeskip: at school*

I see Taryleen and the guys and I run up to them. "Hey guys!" I smile. "Hey Violet!" Everyone says simultaneously. "So Taryleen, did you spot the new kids yet?" I ask her, trying not to sound too bored. "Hmm, oh not yet...wait i think that's them over there?!?" She says pointing in the direction of two girls. "Oh hey it's my sister Angela, and Cousin, Daisy!" Ryder explains. I forgot Angela, Ryder's sister, and Daisy, Taryleen's sister, are now going here. "Let's go say hi!" Taryleen squels.

"Daisy!!!!" Taryleen shouts. Pretty sure the whole area could hear her. "Oh, hi Tary!" Daisy says, beaming with happiness. I look over at the two girls and for some reason they look familiar. "Violet!" I turn my head to look at Ryder. "Uh, y-yes?" I stutter. Surprised because I had not noticed he was calling out my name. "I was calling your name for a while!" He sighed. "S-sorry! What did you need?" I asked him. "Well I was saying this is Shayna and Brianna, the NEW kids." He made sure to emphasize the new. "Nice to meet you, my name-wait....Sh-Shay...Bri!" I stutter, tearing up. "V-Violet." They say together. 'Of course they would say it together, they are twins!'

I ran up to them and engulfed them in a hug. Everyone stares at me confused and I say. "Guys, these are my twin sisters. Shayna Winters and Brianna Winters." I say and burst into tears. The guys looked shocked to say the least. And the girls were grinning like Cheshire cats.

I release my death grip on my sisters and ask them what happened. "Well, after Mom and Dad left you at the orphanage," Brianna started. "We were kidnapped, by a man named Sam." Shayna finishes. "So your telling me, this whole time, you guys were kidnapped?!?" I say slowly making sure my voice doesn't crack. "Y-Yea." Brianna says.

Shayna must have noticed the absence of my bright hair and asked, "Sis, why are you covering your hair?" "Because it's ugly, and only causes people pain." I whisper, hoping nobody heard me.

I'm alarmed by how many shouts of protest are thrown at me by my friends. "I love your hair! It's beautiful!" "It's like fire then turns into the moon!" "Your beautiful and you don't cause pain!" I look at Ryder because I know he said that last protest. He blushes and looks away. Every person present saw the blush, but decided to tease him about it later. I was about to ask my sisters a question when the bell went off.

*timeskip: lunch*

"Violet!" My sisters yell form across the room. All eyes are now on me. Being focused on my dear younger sisters, I didn't notice the person coming up behind me. They reach for my hood and yank it down. I turn around wide-eyes as I see one of the jocks with their hand gripping my hood.

"W-what's wrong with your hair?!" He stuttered, pointing at my hair. I just shrug, pull my hood back up and walk away. 'Damn! Everyone knows now!'

I walk down the hall to the health room. I tell the nurse I don't feel good and she sends me home.

While walking home it starts to rain. I decide not to look up. Last time it did not end up very pretty. I continue waking, igniting the fact I'm completely soaked.

I enter my house and run upstairs to my room. I change out of my clothes into my warm clothes. It consists of baggy sweat pants, a different sweater, and some ankle length fuzzy socks. I finished all my homework in class so I just binge watch Supernatural and eat to my hearts content.

I wake up laying on the couch. I look at the clock and see it's 9:30 pm. I get up and make myself a sandwich. Quickly eat it, brush my teeth, then go to sleep.

The next day I wake up at 6:30 and start my morning routine. Brush my teeth while taking a shower, dry my hair and change my clothes, I'm wearing a black t-shirt that says 'The real me' on it with black jeans - shorts that end mid thigh. I also curl my red locks and put on some light make up. I put on my leather jacket and my sunglasses. I decide not to wear my sweater since everyone knows what my hair looks like already. I grab my granola bar breakfast and phone staring to head out. I forget my keys for my baby in the house and I turn around and go back inside to get them.

I put my helmet on and hop onto my motorcycle. I zoom down the road to school. I arrive at hell and everyone turns to look at me. I hear some wolf-whistles and feel the glares of the cheerleaders stab my head.

I hop off and start walking into the gates. I stop at my group of friends and take off my helmet. I hear a bunch of gasps and a couple of statements like, "Damn she's smokin'!" or "Is that Violet!?!" But my favorite of all is, "She's such a slut!" Can you guess who that came from? 'Amber.' (Since it's light out her hair and eyes are silver.) I'm about to walk up to her when I see my sisters. My mood automatically brightens and they run over to me. I hear more guys wolf-whistles and I turn and glare at every single one of them. I look at Ryder to see he's doing the same.

Ryder POV

'Horny bastards! Violet is mine!' I shout in my head. I glare at all the guys as they watch Violet walk to us, lust evident in their eyes. Violet stops next to Ryan and smirks. I guess she heard Amber's comment. I'm about to stop her form walking over to her when she spots Shayna and Brianna. Her mood brightens and the two girls run over to Violet. I hear more wolf-whistles and glare at the guys. Violet turns to look at me and smiles. I turn towards her as well and smile back.

'This sure was an interesting Monday and Tuesday!' I thought to myself.

Unknown POV

'Soon Violet, very soon, I will make you mine. You will never escape. You will be with me FOREVER!!!!' I think to myself smirking. Watching my dear Violet's real hair makes me shiver in pleasure. I pause the video and zoom in on her face. (I really flying hate "unknown" also this is a mature scene. It was really hard to write because I was that disgusted. Skip the rest of this paragraph if you want.) Being a man, I have my urges. I put my hand on my "you know what" and start stroking it. Feeling my release, I start stroking faster, until the white liquid sprays all over the screen. Satisfied with myself I clean up and press play on the video.


I really didn't like writing that scene there. It really made me almost throw up! I hope you liked the chapter (except that last part 🤢) I will write the next chapter very soon! Cya!!! 😴 (1354 words)

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