The dummy's dummy (mafia AU)...

By Garetson_Prick

4.1K 82 24

I sincerely do not own the dummy's dummy ofcourse it belongs to mochamura, but the AU story is mine... I love... More

part 1
Part 2 (The Bakery)
Part 3 (The little present)
Part 4 (You're a what..!?)
A little new's
Part 6 (options?)
Part 7 (got to clean up)
Part 8 (Bonus story)
Part 9( smile for me)
Part 10 (pictures)
11 (little news)

Part 5 (a problem and language)

300 7 4
By Garetson_Prick

(I lied... also the picture on top was way too cute on google. I couldn't resist.)

Paris's Pov
After yesterdays incident I started becoming overprotective on Yumi, well who knows what will happen today? Yumi's so called young parents the Wright's family is hanging out in my apartment right now, I throw myself into my bed looking at the open window, it was very sunny indeed I can't even tell if it's early in the morning or is it already afternoon...
"Tick tick the clock's are counting..." I mumbled looking at the window to the ceiling, I suddenly feel the urge of danger in me, oh great...

Nora's Pov
I suddenly heard loud foot steps no running, Paris then quickly went out of his room wearing a black tuxedo? He grabbed the three of us
"How are you!?-" my words we're stopped when he suddenly opened the front door rushing out of the hallway.
"Don't hate me for this, close your eyes." He said turning on the hallway, I could hear faint yelling of Paris's name, was he WANTED!? Me and Atsuko held Yumi tight making sure she wont get hurt.


I heard glass breaking did Paris just use his body to break it!? What is wrong with this person!? Is he insane or just MAD!? I kept holding Yumi tight, this is getting scary every second of it is getting scary!

Paris's Pov
I kept running and running until we were almost infront of a bakery? Wait I remember this place.
"So I might want to ask you a favor." Atsuko and Nora were huffing for air, was that too much? Yumi seems to be fine.
"YOU'RE INSANE!!! You hear me!"
"Err..." I didn't know what to say Nora is sure mad as hell while Atsuko was trying to calm her down which worked.
"Ok, so I need you to stay inside this bakery while I take care of a problem."
"Fine, but be quick..." Atsuko agreed my favor but before I could reach for my gun.
I was shot at the side of my head, did they just hire a sniper, they're dumber than I thought, I laid pretending to be dead on the ground, until.
"Finally we caught this asshole." It was a mob boss, the first mob boss that I will kill, I quickly took my gun and.


"I guess a problem is a problem..." I ended my words with a menacing laugh looking at the dead body which had a hole on his head, oh boy there's a radio in his hand.
"-krssshh!!- BoSS dO yUO HeAR ME!?" Oh my it was his hired sniper, I look up to see him faced back.
"-Krsshh!!- Yo BOsS!? ArE yOu THerE!?"
"He certainly isn't my dear foe, why don't you take a look for yourself..." I kept looking at him on top of a building 'til he turned around to look down...
"I'm not easy to kill sweetheart..."
"Krsshhh!!- whAt THe FucK!!! HE wAS GoNNA PaY mE miLLiOnS!!"
The hired man was yelling over the radio now, how annoying.
"Listen here my dear foe, i'm Paris, if you can kill all the other members that this idiotic man has, i'll consider giving you the millions that this man wouldn't actually dare promise."
"-krsshhsh!- aRE YoU seRiOUs? IF yOu arE, i'LL Do iT!"
"Do it now..." the man was no longer on the building, looks like hes on the move.
"Eyy! Do you know this old woman?"
"Hm?" I turn around to see.
"Lily?" But she had a little difference in how she was.
"Well I guess you met my twin sister."
"She has a twin?"
"Come on in! The money you gave Lily was actually enough for her to get a job! For that she wanted to thank you for letting you get anything for free in this shop!" I then went inside to see Yumi eating a pastry.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Serious indeed my new friend."
"Excuse me, you Paris sir?" A man wearing a black shir, black pant, black shoes and a black hat.
"Depends whose asking?"
"Do you watch fucking HAMILTON MUSICAL!!?" Everyone suddenly gasped for some reason, Iris was even covering Yumi's ears.
"Oops. My bad." The man said covering his mouth with both of his hands.
"It's fine, just watch your language next time."
"Oh ok, now wheres the millions you promised me?" I gave him a comfused look before saying.
"What millions? I don't even know you."
"Hired sniper." I was in my thoughts for a bit.
"Oh~ it was you from the radio~"
"Uhh... yeah, give it to me now."
"I dont have the idiotic mans wallet y'now."
"You mean the dead corpse of my original boss still had his wallet!!?"
"DON'T YELL." I gave him a pissed glare, which made him shut his own potty mouth.
"Can I just have everything the man has?"
"I don't care, go do it, just leave already." The man then left without a word, he must be going to the man who I just killed, hmp gold digger, I look back at Yumi who was being taught by the wright's family and Iris, they must be teaching her words.
"Ok Yumi now say food. Food~" this was now looking fun.
"Fo-fu-fa..." Yumi was trying so hard to say it.
"You can do it, you almost have it Yumi." I said giving a warm smile, a woman then came in, it looked like a business woman though.
"As usual sweety." The woman sounded stress.
"Sorry, we're out of coffee." The woman grunted in frustration stomping out of the bakery leaving only one word.
"FUCK!" The woman yelled loud enough to make Yumi hear it even with hands covering her ear.
"fuck..." all our attention went to Yumi.
"Oh my-..." I tried holding my laughter back as this could really cause Nora to snap and start hitting me.
"-snirk- n-no Yumi it's supposed to be food not -snicker- not supposed to be---" I started laughing out loud, Yumi saw this making her probably think that fuck is a word used to make someone laugh.
"FUCK!" Yumi yelled.
"Bahahahhahabahahahahaha!!!" I kept laughing it was just too funny not even able to surppress my laugh anymore.

No one's Pov
Paris still kept laughing which made Nora snap.
"Why are you laughing!? You think it's funny teaching a five year old bad words!??" Nora yelled.
"Sorry, sorry, it's just y'now
-snigger- unexpected..." Paris answered this time he really was trying hard holding his laugh.


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