Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

11 0 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"So your brother all of a sudden just started hating Julian?" Alyssa asked as Weston handed her a slice of pizza.

"Pretty much, but he literally didn't do anything wrong. All j did was made a joke and Tanner randomly got offended by it."

"What did he say?" "He said that I was a great kisser and that he should try it some time." "Why is that such a big deal to him? He was clearly joking around."

"You know, if Tanner doesn't want a turn, I'll take his." Weston laughed. "And I'll smack the hell out of you if you don't shut your mouth." Alyssa fired back.

"My point is that he shouldn't get upset with me because I'm with Julian now. I've never got upset with him about his relationship status. Like how would he feel if I told him to break things off with Camila because she's on the team?"

"You have a point, but I think he wants to protect you. I mean your dad hasn't really been there for you so I think he's trying to take that role over."

"Well I guess when you put it like that it makes sense."

"Where is Julian anyway?" "the boys had another game.""they won with all of the guys being hungover?" "I guess."

"So does your mom know that you guys are together?" "No and she can't know. I don't think she would be okay with her daughter and her boyfriend sleeping in the same house."

"Weston sleeps over at my house all the time and I sleep at his all the time." "Do your parents know?" "Mine don't, but his Dad is all about "get it tonight son"."

"That's weird, but I can't say that I'm not surprised."

"It is weird, but they get me all the things I need." Weston said taking a drink from his cup.

"What kinda things do you need?" "Condoms, lube, really anything to make hooking up more interesting."

" mom doesn't even know that I've had sex. She thinks that I'm her innocent little girl who comes home right after practice to study."

"If you keep doing that, you should be fine. Does she know that your brother and sister fuck around?"

"No, she's just clueless, but that's her problem. If she wanted to put security cameras in the house to spy on us than she would, but she thinks we're too innocent."

"That's what my mom thought until she walked in on us freshman year."

"You've dated since freshman year?" "Not Exactly." Alyssa chimed in.

"Yeah, we were rebounds for each other at first, but then the "relationship" got serious quickly and then you know the rest." Weston laughed.

"Have you ever gotten into any serious fights?" "Yeah, but we always know how to fix the problem." "By having sex?" "Exactly."

"What was your biggest argument about?" "Some girl from our travel team attempted to get with Wes and I got upset because he kept responding to her when I told him not to." Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"Why did you keep talking to her?" I laughed.

"I would've felt bad if I ignored her." He laughed back.

"No you would've felt bad if you didn't take a chance on her." Alyssa argued.

"You're right, but look at us now. If that wouldn't have happened, maybe this whole relationship wouldn't be the way it is now. You know that you're my ride or die and that I absolutely love you." He said kissing her. She immediately kissed him back and I realized that even the longest relationships aren't the best relationships.

"Hey Guys I'm still here." I waved in their faces, but they paid no mind to me so I went to the bathroom.

As I washed up, I started to notice a hickey forming on my neck which would lead to more problems with Tanner.

I don't know why I'm questioning my relationship so much when I already know that I'm in love with Julian. Was it the fear of my sister being mad or was it peer pressure that I would feel when I got back to school?

As I walked back to the table, I noticed that the waitress brought more food.

"You're back." Alyssa laughed. "Yeah, I didn't want to interrupt your PDA session or be the third wheel." "That's okay, everyone else got a show."

"So back to my questions, what's the most symbolic thing in your relationship?"

"Good question, this." Weston said pointing to a flower tattoo on his forearm.

"What's so symbolic about it?" "Well Alyssa and I got this same tattoo, but she got on her upper rib cage on her side so her parents couldn't find it that easily. As I said, my parents don't care what I do."

"When did you get them?"

"Summer before junior year. We went to Hawaii together without my parents knowing, so we saw this really pretty flower and he put it in my hair and reminded me that I was beautiful just like the flower." Alyssa blushed.

"I did tell her that." He joked

"Well now it's my turn to pee, I'll be back." She joked walking away

"Get married already." I joked

"I wish, but life isn't that easy. Her parents don't necessarily agree with us being together. They don't like that I have tattoos or that my hair is bleached, or really anything I do."


"Alyssa's family wants her to be with someone like her. They want her future husband to be Rich, respectful to everyone, not a partier, and just a good person overall and I'm definitely not any of those things. My family makes enough money to get by, I get ticked off easily, I Party a lot, and I have that "bad boy" reputation."

"Have you ever met them before?"

"Yeah we just usually pretend that we're partners for projects and they tend to believe it, but I know that I'm not their favorite person ever."

"Why, What did you do?"

"Nothing at all, but her Dad threatened me and told me that he would cut my throat if I ever made a move on her, but I've made lots of moves and that hasn't happened."

"Does Alyssa know about that?"

"Yeah, but she has to pretend to be a perfect daughter. Her older sister is messed up and no one knows where she is and her older brother is in his sophmore year of college so her family never sees him. She's literally an only child at the moment, but she takes advantage of it."

"So her parents basically want her to have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect grades, and a perfect personality?

"Yeah, but I already think she's perfect despite what they think. She doesn't need to change anything about herself other than her attitude. She's always down on herself because her parents are always expecting more."

"That's sad. What do your parents think of her?"

"They love her and she loves them. They think that she got me out of my dark place especially when I needed someone the most."

"I'm back!" She said skipping back to the booth.

"Here's to us being dumb teenage kids who don't know what the hell is going on, but are still making it." Weston said taking out his flask and passing it around. As soon as it was my turn I took a nice swig of Hennessy and swallowed it hard.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I asked. I immediately saw Weston wink at Alyssa.

"Well I guess that's my cue to leave. I'll see you guys in the morning." I said heading back to my room.

As I was walking back, I noticed that the team bus was back so the boys were already back.

As I walked into the room, Tanner was walking out.

"What were you doing in my room?"

"Listening to Julian tell me how much he loves you. I was wrong about him and I should've never assumed anything about your relationship with him."

"It's okay you were just protecting me. What did he say?"

"Why don't you just ask him. I think it'll sound better if he tells you."

"Thanks, love you and have a good night." "Love you too." He said as I walked into the room.

"What did you do?"

"I did what I wanted to do. I fixed things with your brother because I couldn't stand him being mad at me or thinking that I wasn't good enough for you."

"Give me an example of what you said."

"Well one thing that I mentioned was that I knew you were the one for me as soon as we stepped onto that soccer field that night."

"Really?" "Yeah, we have so many things in common and I love that so much about our relationship."

"Me too." I said getting on my toes to kiss him.

"Woah what did you do tonight?" He said pulling away.


"Because your lips taste like Hennessy which makes me crave you even more." He said bringing my body close to his.

"I hung out with Alyssa and Weston and let's just say that he had a flask on him."

"Lucky you. I'm literally about to fall asleep."

"Oh yeah, how did your game go?"

"Good we won 5-3. We play in the championship tomorrow against the 2 seed in the preseason poll."

"Sounds tough, but I think you guys got it."

"I don't think so. We play Summerville Prep."

"Damn, well I think you just gotta make sure that Danny doesn't let them score."

"Yeah, he's gotten better though. He's literally our only way we can win."

"What about scoring?"

"That goalie is tough. His name is Kalin Clarkson. We played travel together and he's going to Stanford."

"Oh wow, should I even go tomorrow?"

"Not if you wanna see our asses get beat."

"Great than I'll be there." I laughed as my phone started ringing.

"Someone is calling you!"

"No shit, I can hear the phone. It's actually a FaceTime from Allie though." I said picking up the phone.


"Yeah your baby is driving me crazy."

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember your psychology project with your little baby."

"Oh my gosh, I forgot about that. How's the baby?"

"Yeah how's Julian Jr." Julian said laying next to me.

"He's fine, but he clearly can't wait for his Mommy and Daddy to come home."

"Please, I'm sure he can wait until the project is over." I joked.

"Oh no, once you're back he's all for you guys."

"Hey who are you talking to?" A voice in the background said.

"Oh it's just Morgan." Allie laughed and then Noah came to the camera.

"Hey Morgan Long time no see. When you get home we need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Julian said coming from behind me.

"Nothing, Morgan just text me when your back in town." Noah said disappearing from the camera.

"So why is he at your house?"

"He's failing Physics and he asked me for help, but I should probably go. See you soon." Allie said ending the FaceTime.

"They're definitely hooking up ." Julian said as he laid down on the bed next to me.

"No, he actually told me that he desperately needed help with Physics, plus she likes Miles."

"She does?"

"Shit, I wasn't supposed to repeat that. Don't say anything to anyone about that, okay?"

"Okay, but we're good friends so he's gonna find out eventually."

"Yeah after we graduate."

"Why don't you wanna help your best friend?"

"Because she wants to do it on her own and I need to talk to her because Noah shouldn't get in the middle of that."

"Why do you say that? Are you somewhat jealous that she's with your ex?"

"No not at all. You know that I don't like him I like that."

"Well he was your first love if I'm not mistaken, so you still probably have some feelings for him."

"I still do have feelings there but, the feelings that I have for him are not the same feelings that I have for you. I fell out of love with Noah, but I fell back in as soon as I knew I loved you."

"I understand that, but I see the way he looks at you. He still loves you and that's something that's always gonna be in the back of my mind."

"You don't have to worry about him. He's still pretty heartbroken about the whole thing, but I've told him on multiple occasions just to move on. Just because he hasn't moved on doesn't mean that I haven't and you know that."

"Are you sure that I'm not some sort of rebound?"

"Not at all and I don't know why you would say that. I'm over Noah and you're over Victoria so I don't know what this has to do with rebounding."

"You're right.., just forget what I said."

"Julian what's bothering you?"

"I heard a rumor and I don't know if it's true or not, but I just wanna focus on this tournament until I find out the truth."

"Does it have to do with our relationship at all?"

"Maybe just a little, but it's something that I'm prepared for."

"Whatever you say." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Look, it's nothing that you have to worry about. It's all shit that I did in the past." He said stroking his fingers in my hair.

"You told me that you weren't a bad kid in the past, but somehow things always seem to come back and hurt you."

"Yeah I know, but I've moved on from the past and I like where the future is heading." He said intertwining our fingers.

Right after there was a knock on the door.

"Hey there's a party on the 13th floor if you and your girl are interested." Some boy from another team said standing at the door.

"Thanks man, but I think we'll pass."

"Oh c'mon man, it'll be fun."

"Nah I'm pretty gassed, but thanks for the offer." He said closing the door right behind him.

"Who was that?" I asked sitting up.

"Some kid that we're playing against tomorrow."

"Have you talked to him before?"

"Nah but a lot of these guys know about me so they they to get me off my game. It's clear that they were gonna try to get me to get drunk so that I could be off my game tomorrow."

"Damn than it's definitely not the first time that, that's happened to you."

"Yeah it isn't. I'd honestly rather just sit here and lay with you than go to a party with people I don't even know."

"Would you rather be playing some limelight or handing with me right now?" I laughed asking a trick question.

"That's hard. Can you be sitting next to me while I'm playing Limelight?"

"Nope. Let's say that I called you while you were with Khalid  and told you that my mom wasn't home. Would you leave his house and come hang with me or would you stay there and play?"

"Goodnight." He said pretending to go to sleep.

"I'll get that answer out of you sometime." I laughed kissing his head and then snuggling into the covers.
"Welcome to the Antiqua Hotel and Resort Soccer Tournament Final. Facing off today we have Summerville Men's  Prep VS Gainesville Prep." The announcer said as the crowd roared.

"Your boyfriend looks ready for this game, you don't." Weston laughed as Alyssa smacked him.

"I'm not. Of course I wanna see him play, but I'm just scared for them."

"Why?" Alyssa asked.

"The Guys from Summerville asked Julian if he wanted to go to a party last night and he said no, but I don't think the other guys did."


"Because one of the boys woke up sick this morning with Alcohol poisoning."

"Gross, that means we're gonna have to be on that bus with him."

"Not me Ha ha." Weston laughed.

"You're so lucky that you're hot or else I would've messed up your face." Alyssa rolled her eyes.

As soon as the match started, I got up to get popcorn from the concession stand.

"Can I get a large popcorn?"

"Yeah that'll be $2.75" the worker responded and then I gave him my room key since my coach gave each of us 10 dollars in spending money.

"Thanks it'll be 2 minutes." He said and then I stood to the side.

"Hey do you know if there's a bakery around here? Some cake sounds good right now." A boy said looking at me up and down.

"Go find another slice."

"But what if I found the piece that I wanted." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I have a boyfriend." I said sounding so cliche.

"He doesn't have to know. It'll be just you and me." He said inching towards me.

"What's going on here?" I heard a voice from behind me say.

"Nothin I'm just chillin with my girl." He said slapping my ass.

"You mean my girl." I heard and then I saw Tanner standing there in his jersey.

"This is your girl? She doesn't know what she's missing if she's with a guy like you."

"And I'll know what your missing if you don't back away from her."

"Looks like it's my cue to go. See you never." The boy said running away.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much Tan." I said giving him a hug and then proceeding to grab my popcorn.

"It's no big deal. I know who's your boyfriend and who's not and I could tell that, that was definitely not him."

"Woah, wait, aren't you supposed to be playing right now?"

"Yeah, but I kinda went to a party last night and ended up drinking more than I should've."

"So you're the one with alcohol poisoning?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"You're so screwed. What do you think Mom is gonna say when you get home?"

"She's gonna be pissed. I talked to her this morning and she was clearly upset with me. Surprisingly my coach just "thinks" I have a stomach virus so I'm not gonna get in trouble."

"Sorry about that, we should head to the game."

"Sounds good." He said as we headed towards the field.

"And That is goal number 4 of the tournament for Julian Manning." The announcer said as I sat down.

"Julian scored?"

"Yeah like 2 minutes ago. What took you so long?"

"The line was pretty long. I guess everyone got hungry at the same time as me and just couldn't wait just like I couldn't wait." I lied not wanted to describe the altercation.

After watching a thriller game, the boys ended up pulling off the win in a 2-1 victory. At this point, home was calling my name.

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