Chosen One

By TinyKc

994 15 22

Follow the story of a normal Eevee as she is sucked into... humanity? Adventures await as a friendship is for... More

I've got it
Electric Terrain
Day off
Unfortunate Encounter
Final Trial
Leave a Mark


64 1 4
By TinyKc

Three years have passed, and my life as an Eevee is back to normal... I guess. Part of me wishes that I would have forgotten what had happened, but it's what has made me who I am today.

I miss being a human mage, mainly being able to switch through elements. I think that's why I still haven't evolved... I can't decide. Anyway, I think Patrick would be proud of what I've done here. I gathered a bunch of pokemon, and we started a band of new hope. After about a year, we formed a guild of our own. Unfortunately, it's not run by an Arcanine, but hey, our alert system is a Dugtrio (that has got to count for something).

Many rescue missions have been held, mainly to find lost pokemon and treasures. Recently Riolu and I took on a gang of Gabite and Gible, and let me just say, once we finished, Riolu was pretty heartbroken that I didn't reciprocate his feelings. I mean, we've been doing dungeons together since I arrived back here, and I guess he thought I was joking or playing hard to get when I mentioned him as my best friend.

I could never found Arceus or Mew. Let alone if there was a way back or between the two worlds. Everyone thought I was crazy.

Riolu and I, alongside other teams, have nearly finished making a map of our world. It's much bigger than I ever imagined, with a lot of challenging dungeons. Some we just can't seem to find the end. Through these travels, I managed to find a tree at the top of a cliff that oversees the ocean. I like to think it's my happy place, my one connection to the other world. I used to sleep in the guild with Riolu, but one day when walking along the beach, I realised the cliff was in the shape of a Sharpedo's head, so I decided that I would sleep inside the mouth. Subconsciously I think I hoped that one day Patrick would also find this place too...

- - -

"It's ridiculously stormy tonight," Riolu says as his fire finally starts to rage inside the mouth of Sharpedo Bluff, "Are you sure you want to be out here tonight? The guild would be more than happy if we wanted to stay the night. I know we beat all of them in battle, but still. That grudge should be over."

"I'm staying here Riolu, this is my home, and I don't mind if you want to leave." I curl my tail and lay comfortably in my nest that overlooks the sea. He's out there. I know it.

"Well, I can't leave you here by yourself, not with the increasing number of feral pokemon popping up." Riolu drags his nest next to mine then sits down, "You really are stubborn, aren't you? Most Eevees are usually shy and nervous. Haha! I must be the luckiest pokemon alive to be friends with you. I mean, you started this guild. You're responsible for saving so many lives, indirectly and directly. I still don't get how you knew it. How you knew our world needed a corporation like this."

"Just call it a hunch," I say as I close my eyes and block out his presence. Then, as I drift to sleep, I hear Riolu say goodnight as he kisses my forehead. I wish Patrick could be here with me instead.

- - -

Stay Strong... Be Smart... and be Victorious

- - -

"Urgh... where? where am I?" My head throbs as I come to. Trying to stand, I stumble over and hit my head on a grey stone, "OUCH! Huh? What the? They're some weird markings on this. It's kinda cool." I go to reach for the stone, but instead of a hand, all I see is a yellow stump with tiny fingers. I stare wide-eyed, "Don't panic..." I calmly walk over to the water's edge to see my reflection. "AHHHHHH?!" Just as the panic starts to set in, a bunch of bubbles start floating around me, "Wow, this is so pretty. The sun glimmering off the bubbles looks almost magical." My panic is whisked away, and all I can manage is to sit down and watch as they drift from the sand to the sea, to the horizon. "Why am I here?... What am I?"

"You're a Pikachu."

Frightened, I turn and instinctively go on all fours with my tail and ears erect. "What am I doing? Sorry. You just startled me." I stand to my feet and stretch out my hand. "I'm..."

"Are you feeling okay, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu?" I've heard that name before... is that my name, Pikachu?

"You must have hit your head pretty hard if you can't remember you're own name. Anyway... My name is Riolu." The Blue creature shakes my hand then tilts his head in confusion. "How did you get here? There aren't footprints on the beach?"

"Here? I don't even know where here is. I was on a boat, going somewhere... then the tide changed, and a massive storm erupted. Lightning struck me, and I blacked out. So I guess this is where I ended up."

"Well, I haven't seen a boat or shipwreck around here. Perhaps I should take you to Chansey. She can help you heal. Maybe then you'll get your memory back."

I follow Riolu through what looks like a town. Each store resembles the creature running it. "I don't remember any of this."

Riolu pats my back, "Don't sweat it. It'll come back to you, I'm sure. of it!"

"Here have these Pikachu. It'll make you feel heaps better." Chancy hands me two blue berries.

"What are they?" I ask while holding the Berries.

"Oh dear, you do have memory loss, don't you? They are oran berries sweetie." Chancey's sweet voice soothes my nerves, and I engulf the two berries.

"My headache is gone!"

"Do you remember anything?"

I look to Riolu, his hopeful eyes gazing into my soul. "No."

"That's too bad sweetheart. Perhaps you just need time. I'm sure it'll come back to you soon enough." Chansey's smile enlightens my soul. I can see why she's the town medic.

"If you don't mind, Riolu, I'd like some time to myself."

"Yeah, that's totally fine Pikachu, take all the time you need. I'll be over at the Pink Tent with the huge ears if you need me. Just keep in mind there's a footprint security system, just say Riolu sent you, and Dugtrio should let you in."

- - -

I sit on a rock embedded in the sand by the ocean. Examining the stone I fell on earlier. I can't help but be puzzled by it. It looks like it's been broken off something. Maybe it has been ripped out of a bigger structure? Did I take it from somewhere? maybe someone? "I hate not being able to remember anything!"

"Is it you?" 

I look up from my bewilderment. Not too far away from me stands a brown and cream creature on all fours. "You look familiar. Do I know you?"

"My name is..."

"Eevee." I examine the familiar creature, "How do I know your name is Eevee?"

"Is it really you? Did you really find me?"

I step closer, so I'm inches away from her face. "What am I, Eevee? How do I know your name?"

"You were a Volt Mage, a Human. I was Human too. But I had to leave you... Now... Now You're a pokemon. You're a pokemon, Patrick."

Memories come flooding back. I remember the days we spent bonding together, how she had to leave to keep our world at peace. "I... remember..."

"What do you remember?"

"Why I'm here, your people need me! I don't know when it'll happen, but I had a vision. Time stopped. Eevee legends froze in time. Darkness invaded your world, and I had to come and warn you. Arceus couldn't say how because it could alter the fabric of our worlds, but it has to do with this stone. Eevee, we were brought together by fate... Now destiny calls."

We both look at each other intensely. Eevee's smile confirms her understanding. She looks out to the setting sun, and I look out with her.

The Trump Cards are back.

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