
By Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

296 6 1

about family a love story about trust about getting hurt with love about falling in love about starting a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Chapter 18


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By Comin_Frm_Da_Getto

Mother-Rou Toll I worked as a heart surgeon in one of New York's finest hospitals and I had a small practice with another Doctor Roen within the hospital. 

Daughter-Silver Manning -Hollister Manning-Jezell 16- Alina 15-Hanna 13-Corinna 10 

Daughter-Zoe Moen English teacher Espen Moen their children Valley15 and Napa 13

Son- Otto Toll Business Manager -Mary Toll History Teacher at NYU- Heidi 14 Otta 12

Sally Maze Community meeting person

  Dexdon Roen wife is dead she died giving birth to their last child -Children  China going to the community college, Boris in high school going to the 12th grade on the football team and is an A student children still at home with Dexdon.

 Dexdon Roen Jr. In medical school, a physical therapist  LaShella Roen -Twin boys are 16 Baptiste, and Bastien and twin girls age 12 Flower and Daisy 

 Lafela is still working at the stock market she got a promotion she is the assistant to the president of exchange.  No boyfriend or husband

Waldell and just got a job he was let go the store because it is closing they sell everything on the computer nowadays and he was the accountant so now he is a sub at the high school for math.  

Kiwi, Waldell's wife no children she is a contractor

Employee-Kato Jen

Getting Rid of The Old

I really like my four-bedroom house it was always clean, and I made it fill very homey and comfortable in a place you can relax in. and my husband made it beautiful looking on the outside even though we both took care of our house together. Whatever we thought the house might need we took care of it together. We discussed our home as if it was human, but we had to live in it until whatever.


I am fifty-nine years of age and I look good if I say so myself. Some grey in my hair, I wear my hair in a short afro old school that's me and I like me just the way I am. There is nothing about me that needs to be improving I am five feet one in my stocking bare feet. I am not fat or skinny just right LuMun would sometime call me JUST RIGHT we loved each other. I loved to wear nice looking clothes I don't like dressing very fancy or very dressy just nice and comfortable looking clothes. I can make a pair of jeans look like the shit.

My children:

And I have three children are grown and gone and out there on their own doing ok by themselves amen God is good amen. As they grew up they had no worries, wants or responsibilities their job was to go to school and get an education.

 Silver did pretty well in school she has liked school since kindergarten. No problems in none of her grades except for the beginning of the ninth grade. New school so I understood she hurried up and figured it out. She knew that school was important for her not for me. She finished school and stumbled around for about six months and she figured that I too. The only way she was going to do something with herself was to go to college and she did. That girl went on and got her Ph.D. I was so happy for her and myself. It was like look at what we did "ok!" Silver likes to go to the skating rink and skate and ice skate she is pretty good I should say myself. I hope that she teaches her children to skate that is good for your coordination they say. Her children are my youngest of the grands she finished with herself first then had children. All her children are in elementary school and my other grands are in middle and high school god is good amen. So right now, her and family are doing just fine I would think. Someone said no news is good news I don't think so. I think it's best to know that not to know or maybe it might be on a need to know basis. No don't forget that we are family god is goo amen. I remember when she had her first child-man it was loving, funny, my baby having a baby thank you lord I love it. Who could ask for anything better or more loving? Now her children are not my first grand's, but it never gets old about having grand's my grand's.

Zoe was fair in school she struggled in math we got her a tutor and in the end, she did very well.  When she graduated from high school she was the valedictorian so she gave the goodbye and it's time to grow up speech to everyone. That is when she decided to go to college she started and finished fast she became an English Teacher and the day of graduation is when she met her husband. He was in education as well so I would call that a perfect match.

Otto my only son LuMun's only son we had fun with him a lot of fun. LuMun wanted to make to make sure he was circumcised. I don't know much about it, but I went along with LuMum I would think him being a man what better person would know best right. It was so easy to potty train him he was my little man. School was funny to him he always came home to tell me about his day, he loved school. Even though he was in a wheelchair he didn't let that bother him when it came to him flirting. He loved him some girls. Shit that boy was born with his dick on hard. He was crazy about this girl name Mary he told me he was going to marry her he was sixteen then. The only problem I had with him was when it came time for him to BMF Brush Mouthwash and floss. I remember by the time he turned fourteen he BMF all the time I didn't have to ask or remind him to do it. He did this at least three times a day like clockwork.

My Husband

My husband died a month ago and I no longer want to live here without him. The love of my life. We met at a young age he was twenty and I was nineteen. It was love at first sight for the two of us. I knew he was the one for me I fell in love with him when I first saw him. He had these eyes that I just could not stop looking at "man I really do miss him" God bless his soul may he rest in peace. The very first time we made love was on my wedding night and it was like going to the moon or being sit on fire. We had not known each for a full year before he asked to marry me. And I screamed yes. Our honeymoon was for an entire week and I think we got out the bed just to go to the bathroom and to also grab a bite. I think that is when Zoe was made from love she was my first love child. I knew that night I was going to be pregnant because how slow smooth and fast and hot we did it for the very first time. That took a lot of hours I think we knew every inch of each other's when we did stop to get back home. It was my very first time ever having sex with a man and it was good damn good. I had already fallen in love with him that is why I gave myself to him.

First Apartment

We stated in our apartment for five years it was a cozy apartment until I got pregnant again and four people could not live comfortable in that apartment, so we decided that it was time for us to buy a house. We said this will be our house until one of us die and the other one no longer wants to stay there. We moved out of the city and stay on the outskirts of New York in a Ranch style house it was big and lovely. There was five bedrooms and four were upstairs. One of the bedrooms was for guess. Two bathroom there was a full bathroom and a half bathroom downstairs. A huge kitchen, a full basement off by the kitchen and the back door. On the other side of the door is the dining room with sliding doors to close off from the kitchen. The dining room was large also I had a table set in there large enough to seat fifteen people. The other door that exit the out of the dining room led to a hall to hang up coats when someone entered the house. And on the other side of the hall was our bedroom. I am glad our bedroom was downstairs by the doors to the side you can't see us, but we can see you. The living room was large I liked red, so I bought a large living room set and matching in tables and a sixty-inch television with a matching stand. There is a fireplace in the living room very cozy for the five of us in the winter time and during movie night which was every Saturday. No matter what was going on the family knew at four o'clock it was movie night. We would have pizza, or chili dogs and popcorn and a lot of sweets. We always had three movies one was a cartoon, thriller, and a family movie. Movie night would last all night most of the time the children would fall to sleep, and we would take them upstairs one at a time and tuck them in I love my family. We had movie night until all the children moved out of the house. Every weekend they were more willing to do this than me and their dad. They had their housework and school work all done. I loved it this was our family time. No phone calls or friends could interfere with this day. In this house was our world. We add a wheelchair ramp on the side of the house so that Otto could come and go without the help of anyone. Otto had access to every part of the house. That is the way LuMun had it fixed he didn't want to limit his son's movement. The backyard had a pool and deck and a little off in the distance was a swing set and a basketball area. And on the other side of the pool was the family grilling and entertainment area chairs, table with a small back indoor and outdoor porch screened in because of summer bugs like fly's bees and things like that. The entire yard had a high fence so that we can have our privacy and to not disturbed our neighbors. There was a two-car electric garage and LuMun had it laid out with his tool and a work table made into the floor and all kind of other things and he kept it clean. There was no oil and spots on the floor he liked to make birdhouses. He said this was for his mind. Whatever that might mean to him. And there was a door to inside the garage so that you don't have to go back outside. Not a very large front yard with a small chain fence around the front yard. Not a long front yard not a lot of grass to cut. The front walk was fine it was short not a lot to shovel. LuMun was one of the partners of the largest Law firm in New York and I worked as a heart surgeon in one of New York's finest hospitals and I had a small practice with another doctor within the hospital. We stopped at three children that was enough an only child is a lonely child and girls need sisters to play with a boy got his father. Now I had the perfect life it was complete I was working and so was LuMun and I hired a nanny for the children during the day. We took care of our home as if it was a living being everything was maintained and in working order. Our very first summer there was hot so LuMun had central air put in. We would use the fireplace in the winter time LuMun had a shad in the back corner of the yard full of wood and a small area for him to chop wood if needed.

The big decision and calling my children to tell them.

I decided that I wanted to move so I sold my house without letting my children know. I thought my children would be upset especially Silver I call her miss mouth she is a very outspoken person her own self. So, I called Silver. She said what is a very loud voice and I repeated myself to her. She calmed down and said why Mother that was our family house you and Daddy loved that house. Silver I still do love that house but that was for us and now he is gone, and I don't need something that big just me. What about us? What about you all I said? Oh, I don't know that was our home, Silver you have a home a family in your own home now, I guess so Mother. So, when do you move into your new place? As soon as I empty the house. So, what are you going to do with all your things? I have sold most everything I only have a few things left. The things that I am taking with me to my new home. Have you told Otto and Zoe yet? No just you right now. So, when are you going to tell them? As soon as I get off the phone with you. Ha-ha Mother you funny. Oh, Silver there is a package I sent you. What is it? It's just some things that I thought you might want to keep. So when should I get this package? Maybe today but soon ok. Ok baby, I will talk to you soon I love you bye. Bye, mother. She has always been a leader a very smart person that thinks for herself. Silver is married with four girls I guess they had so many children because her husband was trying for a boy I love my grandchildren. Silver works with the space program when I ask her what she is doing there she respond by saying I am not at liberty to say, mother. Her husband Hollister is a principal at a private preppy boy's school. They have a five-bedroom brimstone house in the middle of New York which seems to be a very busy home all the times. If they like it and is happy well then, I love it.

Zoe, I called Otto no answer, so I left a message for him to call me back as soon as he could. He called me right back saying what is wrong are you alright? I said calm down there is nothing wrong I just wanted to tell you something. I sold the house and found me a condo in a gated community. Why did you do that Mother? I wanted a place that would not constantly remind me of your father. Just too many memories and that made me cry ok, so I decided to move, and I sold the house. I knew my son was upset about it, but he didn't say it to me. What did you do with all your things? I sold them and kept what I am taking with me to my new home. Where are you moving to Mother? I bought me a condo in a gated community in the city. Oh, Otta there is a package I sent you. What is it? It's just some things that I thought you might want to keep. So, when should I get this package? Maybe today but soon ok. Ok baby I will talk to you soon I love you bye. Bye mother. He wanted me to stay there forever he loved stopping over, the house was made also to help him move around without no problem. Otto has a beautiful mind very intelligent he is in a wheelchair born like that, so we had the house designed for him. Otto has a bachelor's degree in Business Management. He is the manager of a prestigious law firm in New York City, New York. He is married to a very lovely woman, Mary who works at the University of New York as an Economic teacher. They have two children, girls, I love my granddaughter's god is good. Otto wanted a son, but Mary only wanted two children and she said that there were no more children coming out of her body. And she told Otta that they could adopt a child, but he didn't want to do that, so he never talked about it again to Mary. Otta loved his job at this law firm he met so many famous people he said that their problems are about money most of the time. And Mary said this is her dream job and she loves it and teaching people about the world. She said the way she teaches it makes her students want to learn. She said she don't like using books and books cost too much something they might not never use again a waste of money she say.

Now I am going to call Zoe and let her know. I know it didn't matter to her she would say just be happy because you only live once. Do what makes you happy she would say. But I still needed to let her know because if I didn't she might fill left out and Zoe is my oldest and she might have said that she should have been the first one to know anyway no matter what she might think, she would say. Hi, my baby. Zoe is living in China with her husband and two boys I love my grandchildren. They go where her husband's job takes them. He is the executive director of a large corporation. Zoe is an English teacher in China for now until it is time for her husband to go somewhere else. They have been there for three years now they are happy she says, and I can only believe her.

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