little secret | evanstan

By buckanan

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"you're my dirty, little secret." "sounds risky, yet exciting." ©buckanan | evanstan More

little secret
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t

f o u r

1.9K 68 74
By buckanan

"hi ma," sebastian greeted as he spotted his mom talking on the phone.

he quickly walked over to her and gave his mom a sweet, sincere smile, followed by giving her cheek a quick peck as his mother replied by sharing a loving smile for him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

her other hand still gripping the phone as she engulfed her son.

his mother replied to the end of the line as they broke away from the hug, "jarvis, i know and i will take care of that. let's just talk about that later," she said to the other line, sounding distressed, she then dropped the line and turned to face her son before kissing him on the cheek.

"hello, son, how's school?" his mom started, she sounded exhausted just from the sound of her voice, most likely because she never really stops working, even at home.

she needs to attend calls not just in the office but also at home and sebastian just adores her for that.

"it has been great, mom."

sebastian has always been a mama's boy, ever since he was young. in the other hand, his older brother was a daddy's boy, they were a complete, total opposites.

his older sibling being a goody two shoes, has always been the apple of the eye of their father, never even once disappointing him, that is, until he went away, leaving the burden on sebastian's shoulder of the need of wanting to please his dad.

sebastian here is rather not much that "good," he's more of the reckless, wild, and 'yolo' type of guy. he wants his teenage days to be memorable and fun, but that thinking of his faltered when the weight of wanting to not disappoint his parents, his father mostly, was placed upon his shoulders for him to carry alone.

his dad is a strict, manipulative man, always wanting to have everything under his control, even both his children. his mom, on the other hand, is a sweet, caring, and kind woman, she doesn't want to be in control of her children's future, she just wants to ensure that they're on the right path.

sometimes, sebastian wonders to himself how a man like his father lulled a beautiful woman, specifically his mother, to settle down with him.

well, love really is confusing at times.

not long ago, he's opened up to his mother about his sexuality and his mother couldn't have been more proud and accepting of her son for being true to himself.

after telling her the news, expecting a bad reaction, his mom just squeezed him into a warm and very accepting hug and told him very carefully, saying:

"son, you don't have to apologize for who you are, you are and always will be the same sebastian that i've always loved and cared for, no matter what."

sebastian silently smiled at the fond memory.

seeing as how stressed his mother looks, he decided to ask what's wrong, concerning himself, "ma, you seem stressed, what can i do to help?"

"oh, honey, no, it's fine, i can take care of this by myself, but thank you," his mom replied and placed a loving, comforting hand on his shoulder, looking at him softly with a tight, sad smile.

she's always been so independent, sebastian thought to himself.

"dinner's almost ready, please don't skip, you're getting thinner than usual, seb," his mother said, her voice laced with evident concern for her son before walking away into another corridor, attending another incoming call.

"yes, ma, and please don't overwork yourself," he half-yelled at his mother's disappearing figure.

"yes, hun, love you!" he hears his mother reply in a faint voice, before hearing a door slam shut.

love you too, ma.

he mentally replied, figuring that there's no point in saying it out loud since his mom's now not in sight and would probably not hear him anyway.

sighing to himself, he decided to walk up the stairs and proceed to his room.


sebastian laid on his stomach, his legs crossed behind him, feeling so comfortable to be on his bed without any interruptions, he's aimlessly scrolling through his laptop.

well, that is, until a voice imposed his self quality time.

"sebastian? dinner's ready! come down, your mom's waiting for you," a faint voice can be heard from the other side of the wall, followed by continuous knocks coming off from his door causing for him to quickly shut and insert his laptop under his comforters and pretend to be knocked off just before the door opened.

after a second or two with one of his maid's inspection, the door then slammed shut softly. and with him feeling the coast clear of any living thing, sebastian's eyes then fluttered open.

it's not that he's avoiding his mom or something, he's just feeling really, really lazy to go down the stairs and do human contact and so, he pretends to be asleep to avoid any unnecessary contacts that could drain his energy.

he scrambled back to sitting his ass and continued scrolling through his facebook timeline, reacting every now and then in some memes until a notification caught his eyes, pressing on it, it immediately brought him to a post that instantly caused a mischievious smile on his face.

ed westwick

party at mine's tonight.
ps. don't come if you're ugly.

68 likes     13 comments

sebastian clicked on the comments and the top one instantly appeared, it being from chase, not surprised there.

chace hemsworth

it's a bad idea throwing a party with the owner uninvited 😣

13 reacts     3 replies

sebastian snickered at that savage comment. his eyes transferred to the clock, reading it as 7:38pm.

well, it seems like he has 2 more hours before his parents go to bed, he set an alarm for 9:30, he figures that if he wants to be completely wilding later then he definitely needs to save energy and by saving energy meaning he'll take a 2-hour nap.


sebastian's eyes snapped open as he feels his phone vibrating just below his arm, he is a light sleeper so there's really no need to set a loud alarm that could possibly also wake all the unwanted people in this house.

he silently and carefully reached out to dismiss it and then stood up to change into the outfit of the night which are a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black sweater.

he isn't really putting any more effort in his outfit, i mean, who does he have to impress? well, the answer is no one.

and so, with him getting ready to go out, he decided to leave his phone with the thought that this little gadget of his could probably be one of the reasons that'll sabotage his party night and he, of course, doesn't want to let that happen.

all he wants is a fun and wild party night that would be memorable.

life is a party and so why not attend every single one of it and make it unforgettable, right?


been having writer's block lately

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