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"ugh," sebastian moaned into the pillow as he woke up with a throbbing head, he lifted his head up from under the comforters. rubbing his eyes, he fluttered them open, the direct sunlight stared straight through his eyes, causing him to roll over and groan.

he yawned and stretched his arms up. he looked around the unfamiliar room he was in, his eyes bulging wider as he scanned the strange room, slowly turning his head to his left while expecting the worse scenario, relief eventually took over him as he looked at the empty space beside him.

he doesn't wish for whoever this guy he slept with to remember him for he is the mayor's famous son, and that will just cause a lot of scandal and will most likely ruin his dad's reputation. he's done enough damage, and he clearly doesn't want to worsen the case.

sitting up, he held his head with both of his hands, forcing himself to dig deeper and remember last night's events and soon enough, blurry memories started flooding his mind.

"mhmmm... right there, just right there, baby." the stranger's deep, husky voice cooed as sebastian sucked him off perfectly, his fingers entangled in sebastian's hair, pulling on it harshly, causing for sebastian to loudly moan around his cock.

his tongue pressed against the slit of the man's cock, causing him to let out a low groan. smirking, he teased him as he played with his balls softly.

as he can't control himself anymore, he thrusted deep into sebastian's mouth, hitting the back of his throat, causing for sebastian to gag quite a bit.

not long after, the man he was sucking off finally came into sebastian's mouth. he stood up and gave his cock a long slick lick and then proceeded to lick the leftover precum from his lip with a smug smile.

the unknown stranger smirked at him, pulled his pants up and zipped it close. wasting no time, he grabbed sebastian's waist, pulling him closer, and gave his ass a little squeeze.

he licked the back of sebastian's ear, groping the other harder and seductively whispered, "now would you do me the pleasure of continuing this back to my place?"

sebastian shook his head from the wild memory, abolishing it.

ignoring his hangover and without wasting anymore time, he quickly took the covers off him and proceeded to look for his clothes which are scattered around the room.

his boxers hanging from the door knob, his jeans cluttered on top of a desk, a pair of his sock thrown across the floor, and his shirt missing.

as he quickly grabbed and put his boxers on, he unintendedly took a glance at the clock right on top of the night stand.

"oh shit!" he quietly cursed as he read the clock, 7:48 am, he has 12 minutes until class starts, what's worse is, it's the first day of school.

i know a night of partying just before school is stupid, but he and his pals just wants to enjoy one more night of heaven until the rising of hell arrives.

he muttered a series of curses as he instantly grabbed his jeans and squeezed into it, panic rises from his chest as he heard footsteps getting nearer.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, my phone, where is my phone, shit," he cursed himself and grabbed whatever shirt he can find, not caring whether it's his or not.

he heard the door knob twisting, in a state of panic,  he held the shirt tightly in one hand and immediately pushed the window pane up, not bothering to even look for his shoes. not wasting more time, he instantly jumped out and ran as fast as he can whilst slipping the shirt on.


"man, where have you been?!" chace, one of his pals, exclaimed, placing an arm around sebastian as he ran a hand through his hair, fixing it, "you missed first period," chace continued, "and you look like complete utter shit," chace laughed.

"well, i-" he started, but then was interrupted by anthony's teasing voice.

"seems like you quite had tons of fun last night, eh," said anthony, who wiggled his eyebrows as he poked a part of sebastian's neck, causing him to flinch away from the touch.

feeling his own neck, he gently caressed it, feeling a small bump.

chace turned to face him and held sebastian's head up, inspecting it, "that's a hickey," he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"i was so worried about you last night and it turns out you were just having fun, you didn't even call or text back," he hissed.

"look, i'm sorry, i just- " sebastian tried explaining, but then chace started walking away, ignoring his attempts.

"look, just give him space, he was just worried about you last night," anthony sighed.

sebastian understands, of course he does, this isn't the first time he got angry over his worry of sebastian, he is just so overprotective of him.

"yeah, he'll move on." sebastian replied, agreeing with anthony's words, but is still slightly confused.

"you missed a lot of things you know," anthony stated as they headed up to their next class, "we got a couple of newbies, and it's been announced that our science teacher mr. tony stark has been fired."

"what? but he's such a good teacher."

"yeah, also good in bed." seeing the puzzled look on sebastian's face, anthony sighed and continued explaining, "he was caught having an affair with a student which is illegal, and so, that student's parents wanted to file a case against him."

as he processed everything, he asked, "and where'd you hear all this?"

"chace, duh."

"and where does he know all this?" confusion and shock still lingering on his thoughts

"he's the son of the principal, seb, and with his nosy ass? of course, he'll be the first to spill the tea." said anthony, giving him the 'are you serious' look.

"right..." still deep in thought, sebastian continued questioning, "so who's our new science teacher?"

"now that's one thing we're gonna find out since science is our next class."


students piled in the room just before the bell rang, sebastian doodled on his notebook, busying himself whilst waiting for their new teacher as the others continued chattering around him.

suddenly, their noisy chatters turned to quiet whispers, which mostly are from the girls.

"omg is that our teacher?"

"he's so hot."

and so on.

"okay, quiet down, class, i'm your new science teacher..." he says as he wrote his name on the board.

sebastian let out a pleased smile as he gave out a tired sigh, looking at his masterpiece proudly.

smiling, sebastian decided to finally listen to their teacher, he looked up and found himself staring at a pair of blue eyes who slowed down at his words as his eyes met sebastian's, "... chris evans."

making eye contact, the smile from sebastian's face dropped as the other let out a not so quiet "oh shit."

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