Legend of Zelda: A Shade of T...

By halen6

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It is not my purpose, at this time, to write a novelization of the events of the Hero of Time's era in regard... More

II Rebounding Childhood
III Overturned
IV A Wedding and a Natural Life
V The Shadow and the Mask
VI The War of Ruin
VII A Fated Battle
VIII Fall of a Hero and an Era's Ending
IX A Shade and His Lingering Task
X The Shade of Time and the Youth of Promise
XI A Lifted Burden

I Return to Hyrule

291 4 17
By halen6

At last, the sun rises now upon another day as time moves on, and as far as our Hero of Time was concerned, that was a pleasant relief indeed. The festival had passed, and a town and community were blessed with carrying on 'as if nothing out of ordinary or unexpected had happened'. Clocktown bustled with festivities, businesses, and markets as it had always done. And for the most part the works of the mischievous frenzy of Majora in inhabiting the very troubled Skull Kid was undone. For the four spirits of Termina, with Link's help, had returned to the land in safeguarding its peaceful and beautiful wonders. The deku folk were filled with delight and rejoicing as a dashing young monkey had won favor in the affections of their princess and attained grace in the sight of their king. The Gorons took heart as their mountain received the sun's summering warmth, and their races brought an audience in crowds from all places of Termina. The Zora of the sea, graced their calmer waters, and gave forth songs of both thrilling and elegance. And the dead and shadows of Ikana had rest at last, leaving the living in peace. But alas, the curse of Kafei remained to be lifted as he abode still as a lad to remain. A man in a child's form, and thus he and Link could relate. Nevertheless, the son of the mayor wedded the hotel's attendant and maiden, Anju, as she had declared to him that he had no shame in his curse and that nothing had changed in her affections for him.

Now, things moved on, and people regarded Link, in kindness, as a mere lad of brief acquaintance. The Happy Masked Salesman had left the previous day in bearing his many masks and shells in safekeeping, and today, Link rose up early in the hotel that morning as he strode out the south gate of the town in sitting upon the steps. In time of the day, all was remote and still under the twilight as the moon faded in a cold hearted dusk on the western horizon while the sun dawned in a warming breath on the eastern horizon. Its soft light touched on the youthful blonde as he looked up upon it as a sleeping child stirs in a freezing darkness to behold the fire's hearth.

He took deep breathes as he mulled over matters as time stood still for him at last wherewith he finally had time for closure. Those thoughts browsed over everything that happened over the past "three days" of adventure; however, it was more like many months. In start, he recalled of his entrance, the start of his journey, his healing, and the madness. Yes, the madness of reliving the same days for what seemed to last an eternity, and when he had come to know every person, in reflection of their counterparts, to every moment and secret of their characters, they did not know him, not in the slightest. He avoided recollecting every detail of his memories of the living circle of time as the madness of it was simply overwhelming. But instead, he now reviewed over the highlights. Thoughts took view over the affairs of the four peoples, and then of course his dealings with the men there. And, at last, he came to closure as he thought of his recent battle in the Lunar world. But before hence, the Mask Salesman took the initiative to approach him before he went up the tower for the last time, and he gave him a unique mask. "I know that you are ready and have prepared your grounds well now Master of Courage. But you still lack your spirit's power to match yourself to the power of Majora's spirit. For when you had battled Ganon, you had the sword of the goddess in evil's bane as it seals darkness, yet you no longer possess it, and though you bear a bright sword indeed in honor of your folk, it cannot meet the same standards as you well know."

The spirit had smiled as his usual self until now he bent himself as he took out yet another shell from his keep, and in withdrawing it, he spoke to the Hero in solemn and sober countenance. "Take this," he said as he handed the shell to him, "as it shall enlighten you to your spirit's true power. I advise you use it cautiously and sparingly, only when you must, and now is a time, that I believe you must. ... You will find that it is not all together unfamiliar to you. ... Do not ask, for I will explain no further as some things are meant to be kept secret, and you now know only that which you need. Blessings go with you dear hero."

Link remembered wearing the mask as he battled with Girahim's sister, the Lunar demon, and he felt whole and complete in adorning himself in the prowess of the Fierce Deity. Upon that thought, he caved his hand into his 'bottomless pouch' and drew out the mask of the Fierce Deity. Its wooden form was very soft and smooth as he traced his fingers over the intricate details, and he was continuously amazed at how much the figure resembled his own features save that it expressed them in a far more splendorous manner. He smiled as he recalled of the feeling of its embodiment as he wore it, and how he had seen things in a hazed vision. They seemed as if they were memories of a far distant day and age. His interest had peaked greatly, and he was near tempted to desire wearing it again. But he remembered the words of the Salesman, and he thought it wise to heed them.

Then the memory came how he had desired to slow time to a still in response to Majora as she had moved to greater rashness, even for her. But she had descended herself upon him at unawares wherewith she had smitten the Ocarina of Time, he had wielded, to destruction. The instrument was shattered, a tool and relic of both dire need and sentiment. His thoughts took closure now, and he begun to remember other things. Home. Her. The Forest. Hyrule.

So, he stored back his impressive mask and withdrew the item that still brought a smile to his eyes, a wooden instrument with delicate features and simple homely appearance. It was the fairy Ocarina that Saria had given him on that tragic day, the day that his life had changed for what today would stand for as madness. But now he shed all attention from the brief madness of this strange world and remembered the forest. He thought of his child hood, the days of play and frolicking. They were days he missed and had loved. He then remembered everything about his life in adventures, the stones, the seven year sleep, the Triforce, the temples and sages, Zelda, Ganondorf and his raging spirit, his return in time, the banishment of Ganondorf Dragmire, and then his memory came to it. He remembered what he was doing, and why he was here. Zelda had sent him away with the Ocarina of Time to prevent Ganondorf from accessing the power of the goddesses, the Triforce. And he also had left in search for his dear friend, Navi, who had gone missing.

But where did he stand on those matters now? He questioned himself, and he mulled over answers. And then he would dig out further questions, and fibble around in his attempts for answers. But then at last, he simply threw his mind into a collapse. He huffed and looked up to the Mysterious Woods. He did not like them very much, and although its wooded mysteriousness gave a sense of nostalgia, its tropical nature was foreign and strange to him. In removing aside all thoughts of madness which served only as a cloud to his vision, he looked to his wooden instrument and focused his thoughts on her. Saria. "She probably hates me now..." he thought aloud with a deep sigh, "After all that she has been through and waiting for me only for me to go away." He shook his head in another sigh, and thought rather of their times together as they played and pranked. Then he took the instrument, and with a soft breath of great sentiment, he played Saria's Song. He could not communicate with her, he already new that, for the world of Termina was a different dimension entirely from Hyrule wherefore he could not contact her.

With his eyes closed, Link's fingers floated along the notes fluently and lively as it gave a cheerful environment about him. The sun rose on and the air had begun to grow quite warm in the rays influence. He brought himself to a close, and when he ended, he opened his eyes. But when his eyes opened, he was looking upon Skull Kid strangely close, so much so that Link yelped in a shock as he kicked back trying to get up in a swift rush which only served as a stumbling fall onto his back. "Good morning" the imp greeted.

But Link returned only in a grunt, "good morning"

Yet then the imp in a serious yet sarcastic manner pressed him further, "You are very energetic when you wake." The fairies, Tatle and Tael, laughed in their giggling small voices.

Link brushed himself off as he gruntingly replied, "Very Funny"

And Skull Kid gave a rattling shake of a nod, "Yes...It was." To which Link smirked.

"You were playing Saria's Song." Skull Kid said after they settled and a moment's silence had passed. Link nodded with a sigh. "She was a friend of mine too, and hearing you play it made me think of home and how much I miss it." Skull Kid continued, and again Link simply nodded. "But Link, when you were playing, you expressed deep emotion in the notes of your music." Link's blue eyes strayed off to the distance as he listened. "Saria is very important to you isn't she?"

Link turned to him as his eyes became very serious as the gears of his mind turned, and then he gazed off again to the distance, "Yes." He sighed, "Yes, she is very important to me."

In change of conversation, Link narrowed his eyes in wondering curiosity, "What is your name?"

And the kid just cocked his head in question, "What do you mean?"

"Well," Link explained, "I know what you are, but I'm curious to know 'Who' you are?"

The kid shrugged, "I'm simply Skull Kid of the skull children. We don't have names, as we just simply are." He then twiddled his thumbs as he attempted to dig in his memories of thought.

"My knowledge of the forest is somewhat fluent, but quite limited compared to the Kokiri." Link started, "Skull children are children who have become lost in the Lost Woods of Hyrule and thus they share in the blessing of eternity with the forest children, but being trespassers, it is contrary to their nature. Thus they become Skull children. ... You... You must have had a past identity."

The kid nodded, "Yes, what you say is true. But to be honest, I don't really remember." He thought for a moment. "I remember a few hazes, being a child and cared for by adults that I delighted in. I don't know who they were, but I know that they loved me. I had a name. But I can only remember the first syllable that was uttered from their voices, 'Phae' ... That was many many years ago. And yes, we do share in the 'blessing' of the Kokiri. But like you said, it is against our nature, thus presenting ourselves in a new nature as skull children. In that nature, we are isolated, for in that nature we are prone to mischievous tendencies in ways that are unbecoming for one who wishes to be a friend and to have friends. So much so that we even despise each other. The others had already left me as they were bored and sought more adventurous grounds. I was alone except for Saria, for she was always friendly, and she taught me her song. But then a day came when she became sad, and I rarely saw her. And when I did, she was kind, but she was too drowned in her sorrow to play or care for things that I was interested in." Link's ears perked, eyes filled with perception, and he sighed to himself with a nod. "And so I was alone, " Skull Kid continued, "What was a blessing for the Kokiri was a curse for us as it is against our nature; wherefore, we are not able to live a 'natural life'"

Link again nodded, "I can relate. I am a Hylian who was raised with the Kokiri, and while I wasn't cursed to become a skull child, why? I do not know, I cannot live a 'natural life' as I am required to perform various demanding tasks."

Skull Kid perked with curiosity, "Oh! What tasks?"

And Link sighed, "Well, recovering a sinister, mad, and mischievous mask would be an example of one such task."

Skull Kid just stared at him for a moment before turning and looking to his twiddling thumbs. "Oh...I see. ... So, being a Hero is lonely too."

And the Hero nodded with another sigh, "Yes, it is." And then he thought some more, "Phae huh?" ... "That sounds a lot like fae as what they used to call the olden fairies. You are very close with Tatl and Tael just like a Kokiri, and there are few skull children with fairies. So, what would ya'll think if I called you 'Phaelon', "fairy friend" And the kid loved it as well as the fairies buzzed with excitement.

"So," Phaelon started, "What happens now?"

Link shrugged, "I don't know. When I had set out through the Lost Woods, my 'task' was to take the Ocarina of Time away and safeguard it from the wrong hands in Hyrule, but it's been destroyed now."

He paused, and Phaelon enquired, "If it was destroyed, then how did you defeat the demon of the mask?"

Link drew out the mask of the deity then to show the kid. "With this. Like Majora's mask, this mask holds a power just as ancient." And then he gestured it to Phaelon in offering to let him hold it, but he refused.

"I have had my fill of masks. No thank you. I think that that is something you should safeguard carefully and keep it safe." Said the weary skull child.

Link smirked and nodded in agreement before continuing his story. "Also I had intended on finding a friend of mine who had been a dear companion in my adventures and tasks before. As you know, each Kokiri have guardian fairies who help aid them in wisdom in guidance. Being that I wasn't actually a true Kokiri, I wasn't given one until much later, and she helped me in my travels. Navi was her name. But after our task was complete, she left me. I was disappointed and understood at first as her task was to assist me through that journey, and so was her task complete. But then later I found that she left Hyrule entirely. So, I went to journey and track my way in the Lost Woods, but then our paths crossed as I met you again with Majora. But now? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. There's really nothing to do than to go back, but the thing is, I don't really know how in the world I am supposed to get back."

"Well, let's do that then." Phaelon gestured, "Surely there is someone you know who can help."

And upon that note of thought, Link actually thought of someone, but before he could mention the name, another voice intruded into the conversation. "Well, it's about time you've finally come around to it."

They looked up and all were surprised save for Link who answered in conjecture, "You have a way of arriving in most impeccable timing Gaepora. I must say that eavesdropping is quite unbecoming of you."

"Impeccable timing is in my nature Master of Legends, and the Masked Salesman had asked me to assist in your return. But that was a decision you had to make on your own, and you seemed quite occupied in the thought of making it."

"You know the salesman?" Link asked.

And the owl answered, "Yes, but that is a story for another day, my time now is short. We must hurry if I am to take you to the Lost Woods of Hyrule."

"Ok," said Link, "fair enough."... "Then let us go home."

And so the great owl bore both, Link and Phaelon through the Mysterious Woods of Termina which labyrinth had a link with the Lost Woods of Hyrule. Very few could discern the way, and Gaepora did. Before long, things had begun to transition as they noticed less jungle and tropical woods and more hardwoods and firs as they stood before them. They were there, and Gaepora landed in dropping them. But he didn't stop long, "As I have stated that time is short, I have business elsewhere. I believe you will find that not much has changed since you left. Farewell." And then he flew off.

"What about Epona?" Tatle enquired worriedly.

And Tael reprimanded her, "A fine time to bring it up Tatle!"

"Well, it's either now or never!" The sister fairy exclaimed.

But Link was surprisingly calm about it, "Be quiet and watch." And then he drew his fairy ocarina and played a soft melody that provoked the mind to envision grasslands, pastures, and great steeds. Time passed, a quarter of an hour, a half an hour, and Phaelon and the fairies were impatient to say the least. But Link watched unmoving with intended eagerness unflinching as if dawn would break in any moment. Then soon after, the philly made its way through the labyrinth into sight.

"How did you do that without the Ocarina of Time?" Asked Tatle.

Link just waited until the pony nestled up to him as he began to caress her main. "The Ocarina of Time was a key instrument for many things, but some songs have magic in themselves. ... Epona's is one of such a song."

"Oh" The fairy responded as she was enlightened.

"So, what now?" Asked Phaelon, "Do we find your friend?"

But Link narrowed his brows a bit with sorrow in his eyes as he calmly answered with a shake in his head. "No ... The last time I came through, I only found myself in a labyrinth that took me somewhere with an enduring adventure that  terrorized seven years of my life out of me coming nigh to driving me to madness. Going through again would only take me through another labyrinth to who knows where or what, taking my remaining wits from me which I can't spare, and coming no closer to my goal. No, with the Ocarina of Time gone, it is evident that it is time that I should return. Also, I have kept Saria waiting long enough." He looked to Phaelon, "You said that she was sad and drowned in sorrow." The kid nodded. "Well, I am the cause of it." Phaelon cocked his head in question as Link continued elaboration. "It pained her for me to leave Kokiri forest in the first place and how we would be separated. And since, she has always been in waiting for my return. I miss Navi dearly, and I have tried to find her. But I have to think of Saria as well."

Then Link looked up and around about them. The woods were thick and tall and filled with many oaks, dekus, and pines. Daylight kissed upon ferns, and the shadows advocated the blankets of moss. "I do not remember the way back." Link stated in his observance.

"Then follow us," Phaelon replied, "We know the way." And so they did.

Phaelon, with the fairies, brought Link back to the outskirts of Kokiri Forest and Hyrule field. He had expected Link to go home to the Kokiri, but Link made his way in another direction. "Where are you going?" Asked Phaelon.

"I must go to Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, and report to her of my return and explain myself." Answered Link.

And Phaelon replied, "Then I will inform Sa..."

"No!" Link cut in, "She must not know yet of my return as I want to surprise her and show her myself. ... But I must see Zelda first."

Phaelon nodded and asked, "What do I tell her when we meet and she enquires of me?"

"Tell her only what you must, but be discreet and Do Not mention me." Said Link, to which Phaelon conceded.

Link worked his way northeast, and he found his way into the rocky entrance which worked its path in a long and vast tunnel into Death Mountain. One might say that it was unreasonably near for an entrance to Death Mountain, but in truth, it was one of many gateways in labyrinth of the secrets of the mysterious Lost Woods. He approached nigh the end as he noticed the red glow of fire ahead of him, he perspired to the heat, and the sound of dance, music, and rolling laughter found gravity to his beating heart. Almost, he was tempted to dash forward in greeting all, but he quickly remembered how his presence in Hyrule was not yet meant to be announced. So, he held back, and adorned himself in his Goron mask. He would never do so publicly, for masks of power are to be used sparingly in secret and safe keeping. Thus, in the shadows of the tunnels, he became a Goron.

As the strange Goron made entrance, Darunia enquired of him. "Ho Brother! Who are you? And how did you find our secret entrance within the Lost Woods of mystery?"

"Ho Darunia, king of Gorons! I am Darmani and I hail from Termina in traveling to the kingdom of Hyrule, but it is inhospitable to not visit brethren in such travels. Our people of Termina are well aware of the labyrinths and secrets of the Mysterious Woods, and thus I have come." And so Darmani was greeted with a warm welcome as they continued in their feasting and then they boulder danced in beat to their great drums and chanting songs. Afterwards, Darmani told them stories of Termina, about their various peoples and ways of life. He told them about the Gorons and the elders. Their hearts burned hot as he spoke of the great races with the crowds in audience and the great festivities that were held. As the night drew late, it would not be long before the sun should rise. Darmani took leave, and Link made it half way down the slope of the mountain before he aloud himself to crash for a few hours of sleep under the shadow of a cliffs ledge. It was still early that morning and it was not yet time for the tektites to come out as they preferred the noon in the heat of the day.

Three hours passed when his eyes cracked open, and then he rose to soberness in haste of shock, for a lady of slim, tall, and elegant grey hair with red eyes stood above him. "Impa?"

But he was cut off, "What are you doing here kid?"

"Well, I ..." He was cut off again...

"You were supposed to leave. If Ganondorf finds you with the Ocarina, you know what will..."

"He won't find it!" The Hero found turn to cut.

"Don't tell me that you gave it away..." Impa started before he cut her off again.

"No! I didn't give it away."

She cocked her head with narrow eyes in question, "So, why can't he find you with it?"

"Because it has been destroyed." He stated quickly.

And her eyes widened in marvel, "What?"

"Impa," He started, "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for inquiry. I need to see her highness and report everything that has occurred, and I am utmost confident that my return is safe." She sighed and nodded in her response, and he continued with a question, "Pray tell me, ... How long have I been gone?"

Startled, she looked upon him in great wonder as if he were crazed, "What do you mean?"

"Please, no questions. I just need answers." Link stated abruptly.

Her head again cocked, "You have been gone for a complete year." 

He nodded in response, "Ok...Thanks" "That was a long three days." The experienced lad thought aloud to which Impa almost began to enquire, but he again cut her off, "I'm sorry, I'll have to explain later as I must go. ... Oh! And please don't inform anyone of my arrival." And off he dashed in leaving Impa to mull over everything in thought.

Link passed through Kakariko village of Eldin with ease, for as he expected, none new him, and while a few recognized him, none of them knew him by name. A fact that was both advantageous and disheartening at the same time. He rushed on and upon entering Hyrule field, he paused as he soaked in the sight of the glaring noon sun as its light graced the wind's waves of the sea of grass. Butterflies fluttered over many flowers grown wild, and Zora's River sung to him in a relaxing melody. After his moment's fancy, he again drew out the ocarina as he played Epona's song, and in half of an hour, she came. He mounted quickly and came over the draw bridge of Hyrule Castle Town at dusk before dark.

At the inn, Link made accommodations for a fine spacey room, a pricey option, but one he could afford and a luxury he had long missed. For the inn of Clocktown was no comparison to the inn of Castletown. As the night was young, he made his way to the nearby restaurant and grabbed something simple to eat. Link attempted to engage in conversation with the folk he had encountered, but they only entreated him as a lad. Wherefore, they were not primed to converse in a more serious nature as man to man. With matters such as these, Link only felt estranged with Hylians, but he still preferred this change to that of what he had endured for the past "year"

In the morning, Link approached the castle's gate. "No visitors are to be admitted today." Announced the guard, and Link calmly stood before him.

"I understand. ... Please tell her highness that one who knows the Legend of Time wishes to see her." Link stated.

And the guard simply raised his eyebrows, "As you wish good sir." And so he sent word. Then after another twenty minutes of time's proceedings, the gate was opened in admitting the "boy of the forest" The main guard escorted him in where he was transferred to the attendance of Mairus, the Vanguard of the First Court who wore silver plate instead of steel, and his greaves were aligned in feathers of crimson in signifying the Hero of Sky of the kingdom's foundation. In their walk, the man saw fit to warrant conversation with the lad.

"I find it odd that one so random should find favor in the sight of her highness." He stated, and Link's eyebrows raised as he continued, "I am sure that you are not trying to compete with Daphnes of Lanayru." Link's curiosity grew in merit of the strange conversation.

"Daphnes?" Link asked.

To which Mairus replied, "Daphnes is the son of the lord Valhes, the First Knight and a close servant of King Nohansen, and he and our princess are betrothed. I mean no offense, but I feel that that is something you should be aware of."

Link found the information very curious, not necessarily out of jealousy as that was frankly out of the question as his heart belonged elsewhere, but rather like any good friend and citizen, he was very interested in her welfare to marry well. "I was not aware, and I take your information kindly. But I am simply her friend and servant as I bring her tidings."

Mairus smiled in marvel of his manner for such an age, "What's your name lad?"

"My name is of no importance as I am simply 'the boy from the forest'" The boy responded as he walked with a countenance of indifference.

And Mairus' brows furrowed with curiosity, "And how old are you?"

Again, Link just simply answered, "Let it be sufficient to say that I am not what I appear."

The man's eyebrows raised, "Indeed ... Very well." After passing through many halls and causeways, Mairus turned him over to his next escort, the Vanguard of the Second Court. "It will be unlikely that I will see your exit, 'boy of the forest'. So I bid you farewell and look forward to our next meeting as I find your company most intriguing."  Said the man of the First Court as he  bowed to him in rendering him honor.

"That would sound well indeed lord Mairus, but as it is, I intend that my presence should remain rare." Replied Link.

And the man cocked his head, "You do not enjoy the sight's bliss of the king's palace and courts?"

"No it's not that..." Link started, "It's just that the environment of the palace with the politics, lords, and nobles doesn't suit my nature."

"And just what is your nature?" The man asked.

And the boy answered with a gleam in his eyes, "My nature touches the boundaries of spectrums beyond dreams and imaginations."

Mairus chuckled in laughter, "You are a walking riddle, the more I learn of your character, the more the maze that it presents expands. I bid you farewell."      

Later, he found himself escorted to the library which held a vast knowledge of works of every merit that included great literature, poetry, skill sets of various fields, products of research, and historical records. The importance and deepness of the texts corresponded to the depth and height of the levels of the library, and in the highest level lay the archives and even included the ancient texts.

At mid level, the Vanguard brought him to a rather small and quaint study. It held a burning hearth and simple lanterns, and the carpet was well furbished along with the presence of very comfortable accommodating furniture of chairs, lounge, tables, and desks. 

Betwixt the hearth and bookshelves, the young girl of thirteen sat on a lounge chair as she expectantly awaited his presence. "Thank you lord Caelon, you may leave." She directed the escort, and then she looked to the boy in front of her in solemn countenance, "There are few who know of the Legend of Time," She smiled, "and fewer still who have experienced it."

"My lady" He greeted in the sentiment of patience, and then she spoke to move towards discussion.

"A year ago, after disclosing a Legend of Time to my father and the courts, Ganondorf and his thieves have been banished. His plan to reach the Sacred Realm, according to your knowledge of what would had been, had been prevented, but there was no guarantee to assure that he would never do so. So I sent you away, and you left to protect the Ocarina of Time, my heirloom, from falling into the wrong hands. ..." She paused with unease, "Why have you come back?"

But Link spoke in solemn answer, "The Ocarina of Time is destroyed."

And as expected, she was startled and her eyes widened and dazzled with shock, question, and wonder, "I would not have thought it possible."

"I didn't think so either," he replied, "but nevertheless, it happened."

"How?" The girl enquired, and Link was silent for a moment, and took seat in the chair beside him in sitting across before her.

"Are you familiar with masks of power?" He asked.

Zelda's ears peaked, "Very little. As magical songs give life and matter to that which they represent, a mask of power can give life and form to what it represents as long as the spirit of its wearer reflects the character of the mask and the mask that of the character."

"True enough" he acknowledged, and continued to explain. "As I had set out to leave Hyrule, I journeyed through the Lost Woods if perhaps I might find my fairy, Navi. You wouldn't remember her, for she left me after the War of Time. ... In the Lost Woods, I was beset by a skull child in possession of a mask of power. But as I later learned, it was no ordinary mask. In our first encounter, he played in manner as one who undertakes mere mischief and stole the ocarina. I tracked and followed him through a labyrinth of the Lost Woods as I came to the land of Termina." Zelda cocked her head and listened ever intently as he continued. "There, I confronted him and learned that he was not simply up to mere mischief, but as the moon stood above us, his mask would exploit it to consume this other world."

Then the princess interrupted in question, "Other world?"

So Link elaborated, "The labyrinth of the Lost Woods gave link to another world entirely. The world of Termina." Zelda was in awe, and he continued, "As I confronted him, I found that I could not engage him and I was utterly helpless. However, I did manage to retrieve the ocarina from him and utilize it to return to the time of my arrival. And then, when I had rejoiced at first to have spared everyone and to be myself alive, matters became gravely complicated as I would prepare to confront him again." As he saw her features express question, he elaborated, "I only had three days to prepare from the time of my arrival to the time of our confrontation. Wherefore, I would return to that time often in repeating the three days until I was ready to face him. It was a nightmare. I had ventured that land more than Hyrule itself, and I had come to know the people in every way to the degree that I knew each story from cover to cover. And to make matters worse, each character, in person, was an identical counterpart to everyone I knew here in Hyrule. ... Well, everyone except you and ... and Saria."

"How long did it take before you were prepared to face him?" She enquired.

And he answered very solemnly as his eyes strayed emotionlessly to the hearth's fire, "For the past year."

Zelda gasped, "You have relived those same three days for a year?"

His demeanor never changed, and after a moment, he went on with his tale. "I found four great spirits who safeguarded the land who aided me in withstanding his plans with the moon. And now we come to it. As you've said that a mask of power can only render its power with the wearer if the wearer's spirit reflected that of the character of the mask. Well, the Skull Kid's spirit changed and repented of its ways; thus, he and the mask were separated. But as I said, it was no ordinary mask. The mask ensnared and housed an  ancient spirit, a demon by the name of Majora. By this time Majora's spirit had awakened to its full power wherewith she was free to have life independent from a wearer, and she fled to the moon in reinforcing it in challenge of the four spirits. I pursued her, and in our battle, she destroyed the Ocarina of Time from my hand."

Zelda perked as she heard the name of Majora, and she enquired, "Did you defeat her?"

To which he simply answered, "Yes."

"How?" She questioned, and he continued.

"Without the Master Sword, I would had typically been helpless again, but during my time in Termina, I had acquired many lesser masks of power, very minor in their nature. But before my final confrontation, a strange man gave me this." Link's hand drew out the shell of the Fierce Deity as its wooden surface sat calm in his hands, yielding great beauty under the light of the hearth. "This is a mask of great power, of which I understand very little. But with it, I was able to match Majora in defeating her." Zelda looked upon it with widened eyes, and she was in both awe and fear.

"I know that you are better than one who typically stands to be a show off, young master." Link turned to find the voice to belong to the Mask Salesman who stood in the shadows of the corner, smiling as ever, and Link jumped in startle.

But before anything else could be said, another voice came forth as the window had opened to the night. "That!...Is an item that should be kept from sight, even in the presence of her highness." It was Gaepora with his hefty weight in mount on the window seal.

"What..." Link started as he was cut off by Zelda.

"They have come to report to me. And they are right Link, it would be best for you to put that away. But thanks for showing it to me." He looked at her without anything to say, and put it away as she had bid. She went on further, in answer to his pondering expression. "The mask of the Fierce Deity is a great prize, and that you should master it as a wearer is a great feat indeed."

Link calmed down, and his head bowed forward with his eyes to the floor as he contemplated in deep thought. After a moment's silence, he raised in asking, "Who and what is the Fierce Deity?"

Zelda responded as she simply stated, "He was an ancient spirit who fought heroic battles. I, myself, know little as I've only heard of the name in mention, as well as its mask. But Hapora here, who you know as the masked salesman, and Gaepora are spirits in service to Hylia from that ancient time. As I  bear the blood of the goddess and am the chief sage as the Sage of Time, they bear service and reports with me. They can tell you more."

And so she gestured to Hapora who then begun in his strange cheeriness. When Gaepora was from the time, Hapora was there from the battle. So, Hapora told of the Ancient Battle betwixt the goddess Hylia, who served the three, and the Demon King, Demise. He told of how Hylia had loved a Fierce Deity, a hero, who championed himself in contest, when aside from war and judgment, he was quite a merry fellow of  simple taste. Demise had two great servants who upheld his will and shadow, Girahim and his sister, Majora. In the battle, the Fierce Deity fell in wounding the demon before Hylia sealed him away. Girahim had fled to fight another day, but Majora challenged the wounded Hylia who was fading.  But Hylia crippled her in rendering her as a shell or mask. After they exchanged farewells, the deity gave up its spirit to be reborn another day for when Demise or whenever his evil should return. Thus, Link was the incarnation of the spirit of the Deity. But the deity's power and prowess was placed in a shell that it might aid the coming heroes in some way.  "Link, you are another manifestation of that incarnation. And Demise's curse has proven true to repeat in cycle just as your spirit will again recycle as well as Zelda's." He paused as his expression changed from his smile to become very solemn. "But the mask is dangerous as it should be kept secret and safe, and used only at the uttermost need as I have before said. Which means that you must show it to no one, and you should always keep it at bay."

Link's mind turned in its gears, and then he thought aloud in a dawning realization, "So, that's why I was seeing visions under its influence. Those were my ancient memories. That's why I felt complete as the power and my spirit joined."

"Indeed" replied Hapora.

"But then why is it so dangerous for me to use?" The Hero enquired.

And the smiling man answered, "Because as you are incarnate, you are flesh, and while your spirit might be incorruptible, your flesh is not."

Then Gaepora broke in, "Link? ... Do you remember your inner battle as you confronted Dark Link?" At that, Link turned to him as his ears perked with intent listening. "If you handle it carelessly," the owl started, "Dark Link will draw strength from it."

Link nodded in acknowledgment as he understood. "Alright. I will heed your words."

And then after a moment's silence, Zelda spoke to the two spirits, "If you will, I wish to speak some more with our Hero. Could we postpone our meeting?" And then they bowed and took leave. "As I can see that you are wondering, Gaepora observes and reports the activity of the desert and the Gerudo as Hapora observes the activity of matters in Hyrule." She stated to Link.

There was a few minutes of silence, and then Zelda grew concerned of Link's silent nature as he sat again in his chair in gaze of the fire in mulling thoughts as if everything that had been discussed was a matter of indifference to him, but, of course, she knew better. He just seemed so out of character to her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

He asked for clarity without even shifting, "What do you mean?"

"Well, ... you've just come from a terrible journey of reliving the same three days for a year, and seeing you now, you seem to be quite...fatigued." She said in response.

And then his eyes finally turned from the hearth with a sigh and then he looked to her. In his eyes, she saw the man that he was, and his irises bore witness to every weight, pain, and suffering he had endured. "Well," he said, "to say that I am due a 'vacation' would be putting it mildly." And after a pause, he added "In fact, I am not exactly sure that a retirement would suffice."

She looked upon him in sorrow, "I am afraid that that is something that only the future, a merit of Time, can give, and though I have the blood of the goddess, I do not know the future as it is even more mysterious than the Lost Woods themselves."

Link gazed back again to the fire and nodded, "That is true."

"I must admit, it is good to see you back." She injected.

And he replied, "After what I've seen, it does my heart wonders to be back."

Then after a pause he enquired, "It is probably getting late isn't it?"

But she countered informatively, "Father is aware of our conference, and the guards have their posts in protection of our fidelity. There is no cause for gossips."

He acknowledged with a nod, "Good." Then after another pause of silence, he came again, "I understand that you are betrothed to a young lord Daphnes of Lanayru."

And she blushed with a smile, "Yes, we are well established." She paused, and then enquired, "Are you concerned?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

And so she clarified, "I am unsure if you are speaking from a jealous perspective or one from a perspective of a friend in simple concern."

He looked up to her, "I am speaking to you as a friend, and as a friend, I do want to see you marry well. ... It would do my heart good to know that he is a good man who will care for you as you deserve."

She smiled at that, and was glad of it, "He is  often quiet, a lot like you, and he carries himself very noble in action of deeds rather than title and words. He is an honorable man who knows nothing of ambition, and I am confident in him. And he is the smile of my more serious nature."

Link nodded, "I am glad to hear it. It would bear heavy to hear otherwise." He paused, "As for jealousy, you know as well as I that we do not have that kind of a connection. Though you are wise, you are merely thirteen, and I myself, despite looking twelve, have lived many years of hard toil and heavy labor." Zelda nodded, and he continued, "And you also know who my heart is given to."

Zelda smiled faintly in sorrow, but not for her as it was for him as she truly looked up to him as a brother, "I know. ... And I also know the heavy complications you face there. ... Unfortunately, I do not have the answers."

Link nodded, "I know."

"Will you stay in Castle Town? Any accommodation you desire, I will grant it." She asked and offered.

But Link refused, "No. Though it does my heart good to be back. But it is not altogether different than from what it was there in Termina. For even here, I literally know everyone, but they do not know me, and that partially includes you as I know you better than yourself for who you are and what you will become. And no, I do not regret that they do not remember my deeds, that would bother me even worse, but I do regret that do not know me. And furthermore,  having seen their counterparts in Termina only intensifies my problem. I am a child in body, but in my heart, I am so much more. I am in a disconnect with the Hylians when I have a stronger connection with the Kokiri, more so now than I have ever had." He sighed, "I just simply want to go home and live a 'natural life' ... I am your servant always, but I will go back to the Kokiri from whence I came." And at that, he graced a kiss on her hand and entreated her as a beloved sister, and then he took his leave.

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