Forever One Of The Reasons Wh...

By IIJennaII

2.7K 22 3

After Hannah Baker's death, after the storm caused by the tapes, the story is far from being over. More



215 2 0
By IIJennaII

    "Happy birthday!" I smiled as I rushed up to Alex, hugging him "Easy, Rox" he laughed "Oh sorry, I forgot" I said and let go of him "I'm not steady on my feet just yet" he smiled "I got you something" I said and handed him the small gift bag "You know I don't like this stuff" he said "I'm pretty sure you like this stuff" I said, pointing to the bag "I'll check it out later" he said and put it in his locker "So, heard you testified yesterday" he said "Yeah" I sighed "You said some intense stuff" he said "I know but at least people know the entire truth about the tape Hannah made on me" I said "So the things with Zach was true" he said "Yeah, apparently" I said "Did you guys talk about it?" he asked "No, I don't want to even see him. God Alex, you weren't there. The way he spoke about her and that summer. It was like....I just couldn't help but wonder if he ever talk like that about me. And the fact that he wanted to keep it a secret, not because he felt ashamed of dating her, but because what they had was so special that he didn't want anyone to ruin it for them, that destroys me" I said "Zach loves you, Roxy" Alex said "Then why did he never tell me?" I asked and he sighed "Maybe because it wasn't that important to him after all" he said "No Alex, he didn't tell me because he knew it'd hurt me. He knew how I felt about Hannah, he knew about her and I that summer and what she did and said to me" I said "I'm sorry" he said "It's not your fault. Hey, I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to talk to you all day today" I said "It's fine" he smiled "I'll see you later" I said and left. I was making my way through the parking lot when Bryce called my name, jogging up to me "Hey" I said "Hey there, you look good today" he smiled "Uh, thanks" I said "I heard you testified yesterday, how are you feeling?" he asked "Uh...Good I guess, it felt good to finally tell the entire truth, now people actually know what kind of a person Hannah was to me" I said "Yeah, hey listen. It was the right thing to do" he said, putting his hands on my shoulders "Thanks" I shrugged them off and shot him a quick smile "So, I get it you're not on the Baker's side then" he chuckled, still walking with me "It's not about picking sides, it's about telling the truth. The Bakers, just like Hannah, are grasping" I said "Yeah, no totally" he smiled. Once I reached my car I unlocked it and opened the door "Also, I heard about the whole situation with Zach, he told me in the locker room" he said "Yeah well" I said "Are you mad at him?" he asked "I just...don't want to see him right now" I said "Yeah I get it. Hey, if anyone gives you crap about you statement on Hannah and the Baker's, come to me okay? King Bryce's gonna make them eat their words" he laughed "Thanks Bryce" I said and hopped in "I mean it, okay? I got your back, we've known each other since freshman year" he smiled, leaning down and looking through the rolled down window "Yeah. Sure Bryce, I appreciate it" I said and he nodded, leaving. I quickly rolled up the window and speeded off. Once I got home, I locked myself in my room, I don't feel like dealing with the world right now. It was later when I got a text from Sheri-the tapes are out. I quickly tapped on the link and I gasped when I saw the whole set of tapes, in digital version, out for everybody to hear them, posted by someone anonymous.
The next day, as soon as I stepped foot on the property of Liberty, people couldn't stop looking at me and whispering. I felt so anxious, I almost didn't come to school this morning. I was desperately looking for anyone from the tapes to talk to but Clay didn't answer my texts "Ryan!" I called out and he stopped, turning around and walking up to me "Oh my God, does the whole school know?" I whispered "Yes, talk about social tragedy" he said "Did you talk to anyone?" I asked "No, I'm just trying to keep my head down and ignore it. You should do the same, I mean at least you're not Bryce" he said and left. I let out a shaky breath and dialed Jessica's number but she didn't pick up either. The bell rang and I was forced to go to class "Hey, Roxy, you're still coming to the ribbon cutting right?" Chloe asked as she passed me "Yeah" I said and walked into class, sitting down and trying to ignore everybody.
"Rox" I heard and I turned around "Clay, I've been trying to reach you all day" I said as I shut my locker and turned to him "I have to show you something" he said "Clay I can't right now, I need to be on the field" I said "But it's important" he said "Clay, I can't really. I have a speech and I need to be there" I said and left him. The field was filled with students, teachers and parents. But to be honest I just wanted to get it over with "Roxanne" I heard "Mrs. Dempsey, hi" I smiled and gave her a short hug "You look beautiful, are you holding a speech?" she asked "Yes, in about 10 minutes" I said "Oh that's great" she said "Roxy" May smiled as she walked up to us "Hey, pretty. I love your hair" I smiled at her "I love yours" she said and I chuckled "Are you looking for Zach?" she asked "Uh, no I have to go speak to the principle, I'm a little late and I have a speech. Are you gonna stay and listen?" I asked and she nodded "Alright, I'll see you later" I smiled and excused myself "Roxy" mom said as she came up to me "Hey" I said "I heard about the tapes, are you okay?" she asked "Yeah, I'm just....Yeah" I smiled "Do you have your speech ready?" she asked "Yeah but I might have to change a few things last minute" I said "Alright, be smart" she said and I nodded "I'm gonna go sit down" she said and left. I sighed, looking at the crowd, gathering slowly to their seats. I locked eyes with Zach for a split second but when he tried to make his way over to me, I shook my head. He stopped and sighed, taking off his Baseball hat and going over to his team mates.

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