His Game

By imperfectbeing16

2K 38 34

Three girls have been kidnapped and forced to play Durst's love game in order to find his true love. When the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

60 2 2
By imperfectbeing16

This time I woke up with pain on the inside and the outside of my body. I had pain shooting through my stomach erupting in sounds that I didn't know my body could even produce. I was in agony from the shocks I had to endure. I was sore from being in the same position I was in that I was sure my body was completely stiff. 

There was no surprise when I woke up from passing out that I was still in the same room. The actual surprise was that Durst was in the corner. I could only see him through my half closed eyes. I wasn't able to keep my eyes completely open anymore. It felt like I've been drugged and forced to walk through an entire lightening storm.

"What were you doing?" He asked the same question.

"I," It was hard to breathe and speak at the same time. I had to breath almost after every word or two. "I was having trouble, finding, my breakfast, and I wandered too far. That's all."

My head slouched over from exhaustion. I hoped and crossed my fingers in my head that he believed me. I didn't think I could handle anymore of this. It was only a second that passed when I fell flat on my face. I didn't feel the impact from it because I couldn't feel anything at all. Everything was numb.

"Was that so hard to admit?" He stressed the that. "Next time, take longer. I enjoyed it."

He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder almost like a backpack. If I wasn't so weak, I would have made him regret those words. It didn't take us long for him to reach the door to my room. Instead of his barging in, he unlocked the door and laid me gently on the bed on top of my covers. I realized it was dark and the others were probably sleeping.

I watched Durst linger for a second. He raised his hand to my cheek. It didn't quite touch it because it paused hesitating in the air. Seconds passed before he got up and left the room. That was weird. I would definitely have to be careful from now on around him. I had no clue what could have been going on in his crazy mind. I also had to be careful not to ruin the plan I came up with. It would be a let down for all of us and I couldn't let them down. 

My stomach was killing me. It was turned inside out that I felt excruciating pain when I tried to throw up, but there was nothing to throw up. I tried staying quiet as I could and I don't know how long I managed it until I heard movement. I didn't know who it was as I heard their footsteps approach my bed.

"Celia?" Nia whispered.

I instantly recognized her soft, melancholy voice. It was different than Angel's big mouth. She was loud and her tone of voice was the complete opposite of Nia's. It was more direct and straight forward while Nia's tone was like the tone of a mother, gentle and understanding.

My throat was beginning to dry again. "I'm too weak to move and I'm really thirsty. It's hard to talk."

I quickly managed to get all of that out before I was coughing up a fit. After I was done, I saw Angel's sleeping body the same as before. Wow, Nia was right about her being a heavy sleeper. 

"I'll go and wet some towels to put over you," She hurried to the bathroom.

It seemed like wet towels were the solution to everything whenever she took care of me. However, when she laid out as many towels on my body the wet sensation felt amazing against my beaten down body.

She adjusted the last towel and grabbed a small towel that was used to bathe off with. "Don't worry none of us used this. I'm going to squeeze the water into your mouth, okay?"

I eagerly opened my mouth and drank the water that slipped down my throat smoothly. The water trickled over my tongue and down my aching throat. I waited patiently each time she went to and fro from the bathroom to me until I had enough. 

"Oh my gosh, Nia," I rushed out when my voice returned. "It was awful! He stabbed me in the neck with a needle and I woke up in a room tied to a chair. He shocked me multiples times until I gave him an answer on why I took so long. I don't even know how long I was in there. It was pure torture. He didn't feed me and the only time he gave me water was when I first promised I would say something. He didn't believe me the first time which was what caused the shocking in the first place."

I was panting after I filled her in. I never felt this exhausted in my life mentally and physically. 

"You didn't tell him right?" Nia leaned forward grabbing my hand.

I shook my head. "I told him I didn't have enough time getting my breakfast."

"Which was true because all I grabbed was nuts and berries that I didn't eat," I added as my stomach growled again.

Nia looked at my pockets then at me raising an eyebrow. "You mind?"

"Of course not!"

She reached into my pockets pulling out the nuts and berries I grabbed for myself and fed me. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. I didn't save any of it. 

"Tomorrow will be better and you'll have some actual food in you," Nia promised.

I smiled weakly. "Thank you, Nia. I don't know how long I'm going to be like this. I can't even move."

"You don't have to. I'll take care of you and somehow, I'll try to get Angel to help too."

"How did y'all do?"

Nia sighed. "I didn't place mine that far because I was afraid. Angel, she..."

"That's okay. There's always next time to get further. What about Angel?"

"She was back way earlier before me. Isn't that weird? I tried questioning her if she did it but she completely ignored me."

"I think we need to come up with a different plan just in case the original one fails," Nia suggested.

"What else is there to do? I'm too weak right now to think of anything nor enact another plan," I couldn't hide the irritation that was creeping in my voice.

"We can do it whenever you're ready. I understand your irritation, but we have to remain focused on getting out of here." She squeezed my hand as gently as she could.

"Nia, I think we need to be careful with Angel. She might try to turn against us."

Nia shook her head and removed her hand from mine. "I don't believe you. She wouldn't do that. She's in the same position we're in."

I locked my eyes on hers. "We can't trust her. If she couldn't do a simple task, what makes you think she'll help us try to escape?"

"We have to be careful because right now she's only playing to win and we're trying to survive."

Nia kept shaking her head. "We don't even know what happened to the fourth player, so we can't jump to conclusions."

"Nia, please."

She rose from the bed. "Good night, Celia."

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