It's Like Monopoly, But Physi...

By JustKaylay

3.3M 66.2K 13.2K

Abby Elliott and Van Taylor have been close for years. Close in friendship, close to killing each other when... More

It's Like Monopoly, But Physical.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two.

Chapter Three.

150K 3.2K 556
By JustKaylay

Here's chapter Three. i hope you lie it:) there's a lot more explanations in this one, but it's still pretty hilarious. OH and for those of you that like Michael, i HOPE you don't after this chapter. i know that some people have like almost "rape" scenes, but i didn't want him to be that much of a jerk. lol. ANYHOO, i'll get on with it....ENJOY.

Vote. Comment. Fan:)

It's like Monopoly, But Physical.

Chapter Three.

It's a Saturday at six in the morning. I shouldn't even be thinking, much less functioning this early. I instantly regret yesterday at school. Only because I have to get up early though. Don't get me wrong, I love the weekend, but not until it gets dark I think that I'm more of a night person.

"Hey, Abbs, are you up?" I hear a familiar voice ask on the other side of my door.

"Five more minutes!" I groan. Technically, I'm ahead of schedule. I got up an hour ago; took a shower, brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, but I haven't gotten completely dressed. I got my bra, sock, underwear and shirt on, but that's as far as I made it.

Then I hear the door open. "Abby, you said that ten minutes ago," the voice says with a chuckle.

"Van, I swear if you come any closer, I will cut off something very valuable to you," I threatan, but feel him plop down on my bed next to me. "Vannn! Go away!"

"No, not until you get up," he replies, while pulling the covers over him. As I scoot farther from him, I feel his hand lightly trace my butt.

"Hey! Hands above the covers!" I warn and hear him chuckle. I know just why he's laughing too; he's thinking about when we were little.

"Dude, I remember your dad used to tell me that every time I spent the night over here when we were little," he says laughing.

"Yeah, and I remember you never listening!" I throw at him, holding back a laugh. I make a loud annoyed sigh as I drag myself out of bed and stumble to my closet. I grab a short jean skirt and slip my long tan legs through it. I slide on my black low top Converse by the closet door. "Alright loser, let's go," I say to Van, picking up my phone and sliding it into my back pocket. I would be so screwed without back pockets. That's where I carry everything important; my money, my keys, and my phone. I've tried to be a 'real' girl before and carry a purse, but I never remember to grab it.

Van gets up from my bed and looks at what I'm wearing. "Nice shirt," he laughs and grips the fabric and then drops it. My shirt is awesome compared to his hair that literally looks like he just got out of bed. Normally his hair is always in the perfect place. Every blonde strand has it's own place.

"Hey! Can't you read? It says 'don't touch this' and what's the first thing you do?"

"Touch it," Van smiles.

I roll my eyes. "I don't think you should be worried about my shirt especially when your hair looks like that," I laugh. "It looks like you took a wisp and tried to make scrambled eggs on your head."

Van laughs, "again, not making sense."

I ruffle my hand through his hair until it falls just right. "There, now you don't look too weird," I tell him and walk out of my room, with Van following close behind. Like always.

Van and I walk through the detention room with less than a minute to spare. "Well, if it isn't the two teenagers that were sent from hell," Mrs. Stobb says to us. Out of all of the teachers, she's the oldest, grouchiest, and strictest. I'm serious, the woman has to be at least eighty, either that or time has been really rough on her.

"I'll have you know that my birthday's in a couple of weeks which is proof that I was born and NOT sent here from hell," I say sarcastically, while sitting in a seat.

"You just never shut up, do you?" Van mumbles, trying to hide the fact that he wants to laugh at my joke.

I roll my eyes, as he sits in the seat next to me.

"Alright, you all know the rules. No sleeping, no eating, no talking," Mrs. Stobbs says to everybody that's locked up in this stupid room for five hours.

"No fun, no breathing, we get it," I say for her and she gives me the eivilest glare. I can't help but laugh at it. She tries so hard to be scary and frankly, she just doesn't scare me. Nothing really scares me. Ugh! What a waste of a perfectly good Saturday.

I blame the guys. It was their idea. They always get out of trouble because Van and I are the ones that take the blame every time. For anything that the group has done, we've taken blame for it. I don't even know why we do, it's just that we'd rather get in more trouble than rat on our friends. As much as Van and I hate each other, we know we can always count on each other, if it was really important. I just never thought that he would actually come to me about his dad's affair. I mean, Van is so tough, I guess. In a way, I feel honored that he would tell me about it.

When Van and I were younger, up until fifteen, we were the best of friends. Seriously. We did everything together, we talked, we pulled pranks on people, and got in a lot of trouble together. That was also the year Darren went off to college and the year Van lost his virginity, to Liz Perry, who by the way, was NOT a virgin when he slept with her.

Anyways, after sleeping around, Van became different, he became more of a jerk, and not a jokey jerk, I mean a jerk-jerk. Don't get me wrong, Van's always been a jerk, but a different kind of jerk. Wow, I can't believe how many times I just used the word jerk.

Liz and Jessica are the schools biggest sluts. I don't mean to be rude- wait, yes I do. They've been sluts ever since junior high. I distance myself from them as much as possible, but they're kind of like handkerchiefs to guys. I would say tissue, but they don't throw Liz and Jessica away like you would a tissue. That's actually really good, I think I'm going to refer to them as The Handkerchief Whores or THW. Dude, I'm awesome at nicknames.

I'm the one who started calling Vance, Van. We were like eight and it just stuck. Nobody else calls him Van though, I wonder why...

Kyle is my favorite to give nicknames to, his name is so much fun, he loves it too and the fact that I can make him blush is amazing. Kyle has to be the cutest guy ever. Listerally, if the guy was any cuter, Disney would own the rights to him.

Kyle and I have been friends since the first day of sophomore year when we got paired together to be lab partners. Later, he introduced me to the rest of the guys, which at first, was tough, because I was the only girl and still am, but I got over it. Then Van got back in the picture and we started hanging out again because we didn't hang out at all freshman year. At least not after he got the reputation for being a 'ladies man', which I could think of a lot more words to call him than that.

I don't even know how Van and I started hanging out again, Michael and him became friends and Michael was friends with the new group I was in, so I guess it just clicked.

Lia, isn't really in any group, she's kind of just a bi-stander. I drag her along sometimes when I going hanging out with the guys, but she's really shy.

Michael and I have always had the flirty relationship. He's just easy to flirt with, neither of us is afraid to say what's on our mind and that's what I like most about him. He's a bit of a man whore, but no where near as bad as Van. I think a lot of Michael's reputation is all talk, but I could be wrong.

Even when Van and I weren't on very good terms, we were still forced together because of our parents. I bet that when Van and I are older, we'll still be pushed together. When the holidays come around, our families do the whole thing a day early so we can have dinner with the each other.

As much as Van get's on my last nerves, holidays wouldn't be the same without him and his parents.

When Monday rolls around, I'm in calculus, thinking of how I'm going to get my grade up. I know that a D is bad and I normally don't get anything lower than a B. I don't know what it is with numbers that I can't seem to wrap my brain around. Like, honestly, I don't get why on Earth some moron would mix numbers and letters together. I mean, they're clearly not similar. At all.

"Alright, class, I have your lastest quiz graded. I must say that some of you did excelant and some of you did, well, rather poorly," Mr. Brenan says towards the end of class while passing out the quizes. I already know what mine's going to be.

Right when the paper is set on my desk, look down to see that I was right. I frown at the sixty-two percent grade written in red and circled at the top.

In front of me I see Van crumping his quiz into a tight ball, but I see the grade in red. He got I ninety-seven percent?! How in the hell is that possible? Van and good grades?! Since when? He always tells me how he sucks in school. Not to mention I have all my classes with him and he sleeps in most of them!

"Hey, Van," I whisper and kick the back of his chair.

He turns around, "what?"

"Can I ask you for a huge favor?" I ask biting my lip.

"No, but I have a feeling you will anway," he smiles.

"Do you think you can tutor me?"

His eyebrows raise, "in what?"

I roll my eyes, "you're such a perv. I mean in calculus."

"Like you really need my help, you're a straight A student," he reminds me.

I flash him my quiz. "Apparently not. I have a D minus in this class," I tell him.

"If I help you, how does that help me?"

"Dude, come on, you're over at my house like everyday. What's the difference between you being there to eat all our food and being there to help me with calculus?" I ask him.

"The fact that I'm helping you."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Whatever you want, consider this as an 'I owe you one', alright?" I ask.

Van grins. "Deal."

Finally, the bell rings, dismissing me from this torure chamber. I collect my things and quickly emerge into the crouded halls. This is the busiest part of the day, lunchtime.

It's surprising that a place as dead as Newport Beach, California is crawling with teenagers. Seriously, the town is so boring that people come here to die. That's the main reason why me and the guys cause a lot of trouble. It's beautiful here, but extremely quiet. Not a cool quiet, more of a lonely quiet. I mean, when my dad's gone on business trips, it's extra quiet because we're really close. He's not an uptight businessman like most people in the business world are.

I've always been closer to my dad than my mom, just because my mom's the worrying type. Don't get me wrong, my dad worries about me too, but also knows that I'm not going to do anything stupid, or that I would regret. My mom probably thinks that I'm some kind of demon child because of all the trouble I get in.

"Hey, Abby," I hear a voice say from behind me.

I turn my head and see Michael, walking beside me. "Hey, Michael," I say, giving him a smile. "What's up?"

"So, I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to do something tonight?" Michael asks.

I have to tell him that we can't do this. I mean, Van was right, if we go out and it doesn't work than it would mess up the friendship. "Actually, do you think that we could talk about this, I mean, like alone?"

"Sure, come on," he says taking my hand and leading me down an empty hallway, then into a small janitors closet. Great, just the perfect place to be alone with a guy, in a closet. "So, you wanted to talk?" Michael starts.

I nod. "Um, yeah, I wanted to tell you that we can't do this. You and me, I mean," I tell him. "If we try this and it doesn't work out then it would ruin everything."

"Abby..." Michael says, stepping even closer to me. "We like each other, right?" he whispers in my ear.

I feel his arms slide around my waist. "It's just, it would be really weird, you know. Hanging out with the guys and us being...together." I say, stumbling over my words. This was such a bad idea. I should've never made out with Michael at that stupid party a couple weeks ago.

"Then, they don't have to know," he says quietly against my neck.

"Michael...come on, we can't..." I trail off, trying to remember what we're talking about. "I can't think when you're this close..."

Michael pushes my long dark brown hair behind my shoulder with his hand. His warm lips lightly touch my skin, leaving the spot tingling when he his lips move lower.

"Michael...this isn't a good idea." I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from saying something stupid.

"If it's the dating part that you're worried about then we don't even have to do that," he mumbles.

I shake my head. "I'm not really a hook up kind of girl," I remind him. "If that's what you want then you should just stay with Jessica," I tell him. "In fact, you being with Jessica might be a good thing because I promise you that you'll definitely get more from her than you will from me," I say truthfully. I've said 'no', too many times to throw all of that work away for Michael Bennet.

"But, I don't want Jessica, I want you, Abby. Why else would I bring you in here?" he asks, moving his lips up my neck, almost reaching my jaw line.

I laugh, "I can think of multiple reasons why you'd bring me in here. All of which, will not be happening."

"Abby, you're killing me with the teasing," Michael tells me.

I start to say something, but I feel his hand slowly up my shirt and around to my back. Right then, for some reason, being with Michael doesn't feel right. I don't know why. It just doesn't. I mean, a couple of weeks ago it did, but what's so different now? I like Michael, don't I? Yes, of course I do, he's great in a cocky and arrogant sort of way.

I'm not teasing Michael, am I? I'm not the type to tease a guy. I always tell them what to expect.

Finally, I bring my hands up to Michaels chest and push him away a little so he's looking me in the face. "I can't do this, something doesn't feel right," I tell him, then move his arms off of me so I can leave.

While walking into the cafeteria, I feel like a giant weight ahs been lifted off of me. I don't even know why.

I push my thoughts aside and sit across from Van at the table.

"Oh my gosh, you will not believe what I just heard!" Lia screeches as she sits down next to me.

I roll my eyes and smile. Oh, Lia... "What did you hear?" I ask her.

Lia glances at me then points to Van, "You!" she says.

"Me?" Van asks confused.

"Yes you. I heard about you and Kendall!" She she smiles.

"Oh, people are already talking about that?" He asks with a grin.

Lia nods, "so, it's for real? You guys are like official again?"

Van nods, "yeah."

"Wait, what?" I get in. "You're officially with Kendall again? Since when?" I ask. Kendall and Van? Why would Van be with Kendall again, she cheated on him the last time they were together, and she's a...slut. "That's gross."

"Are you jealous?" Dex asks me.

I laugh. "No," I say answering Dex. Then I turn back to Van, "I feel kind of bad for the two of you. I mean, Van, you're a whore and Kendall's the poster child for STDs," I say.

"It's not even like that..." Van says trailing off.

Did I actually hurt his feelings? There's no way. Come on, he's supposed to fight back. Why isn't he fighting back. "Aw, don't tell me that Kendall has made you soft, man," I say and the whole table cracks up. "Oh my gosh, you like her, don't you? You mean you actually like that?" I ask looking over at Kendall in the lunch line. Sure, she's really pretty, but that doesn't make it okay. Her blonde hair falls past her collarbone, perfectly tan skin, hazel eyes, long legs, cute sense of fashion. I'm like the complete oppisite from Kendall; my hair's long, dark, straight, and my skin isn't tan enough. Then again, I don't lay out and spend hours in the sun. My eyes, on the other hand, are really light blue.

"So what if I do?" Van replies.

I shurg, grabbing his Oreos. "I'm just surprised that's all," I tell him. "But, by all means, do what--I mean whoever you want."

Van rolls his eyes, "just be nice to her, alright?"

I shake my head, "I'm not nice to anybody, Van, and I'm not going to start with Kendall Kennedy."

"Well, you don't really have a choice now, do you, as I remember, you owe me," he reminds me as I lick the icing off of the Oreo.

Damn. Ugh, I wish I could wipe that devilish grin right off his face. Jerk. "Fine," I grumble. "But, I'm only nice to her until she starts being a bitch to me," I say.

"Deal. Now, give me the cookie," he says with a grin.

Ugh! Van and I have been making too many deals lately. I roll my eyes and hand him what's left of the cookie. "You're such a kid."

"And so are you," he throws back with soft smile.

"So, what are we doing tonight, dude?" Kyle asks me.

I shrug, "I don't know, it's a Monday, man. Besides, I thought you couldn't leave the house on school nights?"

"Yeah, well, my parents aren't home, so I'm not staying in."

I sigh. "You're such a rebel," I say sarcastically.

"I know. So, this means that we all have to do something tonight," Kyle says.

"I'm in," Dex and Mitch say at the same time.

"Where's Michael and Nathan?" Kyle asks, looking around for them.

"Michael's in the janitors closet and Nathan's with Liz in his truck," I answer subconsciously while picking at Vans' Oreos.

I look up when I see somebody sitting next to Van. Oh come on, she's going to start sitting here again? I can't believe he's going back out with her, after she cheated on him the last time, I thought he'd be done with her.

"Hey, Lia, Abby," Kendall says nicely to me.

I don't buy her 'niceness' for one second. It's just an act. She's only nice to me when Van's around, making it impossible for me to be a bitch to her. I may hate Van, but he could do a lot better than Kendall Kennedy. Sure, she's not the biggest slut, but she's definitely top three. Unlike me, Lia actually sociates with Kendall and they used to be closer, until I stepped in the picture Freshman year, after the Van inccident.

"Hello, Kendall," I say, not looking at her.

"So, what are we all talking about?" She asks, looking around at everybody.

"You," Mitch mumbles meanly.

We weren't talking about her, but Mitch knows that it will piss her off. I'm not the only one who doesn't like her, nobody besides Lia likes her. The guys think that what she did to Van the last time was pretty shitty. We were all there for him that last time, but if this relationship gets screwed up again, we won't. At least, I won't.

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