The Light In The Dark (Blake...

By Neo-Rewrite

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Not everything can go as eventually my past will catch up to me, but I hope that at least i'... More

When Enemies Come To Play
True Feelings and Untold Story
The Promise Made
Curse Bloodline or Bad Luck?
The Bull's Anger and a Dark Power
Distrust and Dark Whispers
Visions and Marron's Mask
The Unexpected Partnership
One Step Back Two Step Forward
Approaching Darkness and Doubts
Self Isolation and Deceit
Unrestrained and Breaking the Script
The Light In The Dark

An Echo of Your Real Self

580 16 10
By Neo-Rewrite



"Come on Adam don't stop now keep going!!" you? Laugh ignoring the curses that Adam is spewing.

"SHUT UP AND JUST DIE!!" he screams and he only got another laugh as a response.

Tonfa met sword sparks flying as both weapons clash with Blake watching from the sideline trying to get up, but because of all the injuries that she receive from Adam she's having a hard time standing up and Yang is still pass out.

"Didn't you say you were going to kill me?" you question with a grin and Adam just seethes in anger and rushes back to you.

"Yang please get up" Blake said trying to shake her but she was out cold. She looks at the battle between you and Adam trying to think what to do.

"(F/N) what's wrong with you?" she whispers you're not acting like yourself is almost like you're a completely different person.

"I don't know how but ever since I fought Adam I have this......voice in my head" Blake's eyes widen remembering her conversation with you.

"Yeah I don't know why but it tells me that I can become stronger with its help" Blake clenches her fist.

"(F/N) please tell me you didn't?!" she whispers to herself and looks at you and your amuse grin and she narrows her eyes.

"I don't know what you are but I will bring back my boyfriend" she said and grabs Gambol Shroud and tries to get up which took considerable effort.

"And Checkmate" you said as you disarm Adam and his sword flies from his hands and lands away from him and you hit him in the stomach with your Tonfas and he falls to his knees coughing.

"Well that was disappointing, but expected I do have many more decades of experience compare to you" you said with a chuckle and put one of your Tonfas on his chin and raise it up and see the hateful glare he has.

"Oh scary, but let's end this I want to see what the world, and more specifically him, will do" you said with a smirk and brought your other Tonfa aiming at his throat trying to crush it.

Before the Tonfa was shot from your hand your smirk was wipe from your face and slowly turn to look at the panting Blake," Well now" you said clenching your teeth.

"You I want you out of (F/N)'s body whatever you are" she said trying her best to keep herself standing up.

Your eyes widen in surprise before a laugh threaten to escape your mouth, "Oh you notice I'm not your (F/N) have you" you said before Blake notice it you hit Adam in the head knocking him out.

"Blake, Blake there are bigger things involve that you can possible imagine" you said and then when she blinks you were right in front of her face and she jerks back falling to the floor.

You just squat in front of her looking into her eyes as she looks into your orange eyes you stretch your hand to her head and she flinches before she felt her head being petted.

"No matter how far I have fallen there's no way I can hurt you or those three without a reason, but don't get in my way Blake while I do love you even after all this time there's only so much I can tolerate" you said glaring at her and she glares back.

"I won't let you do as you please with (F/N) I will bring him back no matter what it takes" she said trying to slap you, but you just calmly grab her hand.

"Oh, I'm not a fake i can assure you while I might despise it with every fiber of my being I am (F/N) (L/N)" you said with a dead look startling Blake and you get up and begin to walk away.

"WAIT I'M NOT DONE!!" she screams she does her best to get up, but you sigh and use light step to get behind her and hit the back of her head.

"This not a story where the girl's voice brings back the boy Blake this is reality" you said to Blake as she passes out. You grab her falling head and gently pick her up and bring her and let her down next to Yang.

You sigh with tiredness and look at the form of Blake and Yang, "I'm sorry you two both I can't turn back now" you look up at where the huge Grimm Dragon is circling the top of the tower.

"Next stop Cinder" you said as you being to walk away. You look at the tower and the giant Dragon Grimm circling it.

"That pest is going to be annoying to deal with" you said with a frown and lean your head to the side as a flying chakram flies pass you.

You look to the side to see Sapphire there with a glare and a slight tremble to her form, "Oh it's just you" you said bored and began to walk away.

"Don't ignore me you bastard" she screams and you gave her an unimpressed look.

"You already outlive your usefulness Sapphire....leave before I change my mind and dispose of you" you said frowning.

Sapphire shakes even more before glaring at you with tears in her eyes and her eyes widen in fear noticing your orange eyes, "....You're not (F/N) are you?" she said horrify.

You gave her a sarcastic applause, "Ding ding give the girl a prize, but don't think we're strangers...You should know who I am" you said you're voice changing to a deep creepy tone.

Sapphire mouths open in shock, "You're that voice I kept you're that person I saw back then" she said in shock.

"Yes thanks for keeping your side of the deal Sapphire this never could have been possible without your help and I even made your wish come true the (F/N) (L/N) you know it's gone" the voice said spreading his hand in happiness.

"What did you do to him?!" Sapphire said lifting her weapons.

"Oh, why do you care?" you said tilting your head in amusement changing your voice back to normal.

"Because......because" she said hesitating and you notice the hesitation.

"Really you still care even now? You really are hopeless" you said shaking your head and moving closer to her.

"Stay away" she said throwing her weapon and you just kept walking and the weapon all miss.

"You really don't want to hurt this body physically do you? Sapphire you're just pathetic even after all this time you still hold feelings for this poor excuse of a person" you said and stop in front of her.

"Face the fact Sapphire he would never love you and you're to blame after all you're the one who cheated on him didn't you? for your revenge" you said patting her head mockingly.

She seethes biting her lip in anger," No it was your fault if it wasn't for you I..." she said trying to explain.

"I only set things in motion, but you're the one that decided to get revenge I never made you do anything like that now did I?" you said with a smirk

"It's too late to think you can be one of the good guys Sapphire" you said before walking away from her.

----With Sapphire-----

Sapphire just looks at your retreating form and she drops her weapons and begins to shed tears, "He's right I'm not a good person not anymore" she whispers.

She begins to reminiscent all the times she spent with you and Rewrite and her tears began to fall faster.

"I'm selfish.....and that won't change but......that's fine I won't deny who I am and since I'm selfish I am going to take you down for my own needs and bringing back (F/N) is just a bonus" she said wiping her tears and begins to walk away. She needs help she knows that she's no match for you at her current state. She than notices Blake and Sapphire pass out with Adam just a little further away.

"And I think I found just the people to help me" Sapphire said walking towards Yang and Blake.

-----With your team-----

"Any sign of them?" said Rojo, but everyone shook their head he holds back the urge to curse.

"We need some kind of clue to where they are" said Weiss then she heard her scroll ring she took it out and notices it was a call from Yang.

"Yang are you ok where are you?" she said and the person responding was not Yang.

"Sorry Weiss Schnee but I'm not Yang Xiao Long" Sapphire said and Weiss narrows her eyes at her.

"How did you get Yang's scroll" she angrily said getting everyone's attention.

"She's fine just unconscious (F/N) knock her and Blake out" she said much to everyone's surprise.

"What?!" they all said.

"I don't have time to explain I need you to come to us and help me bring back (F/N) there's something wrong with him and I need your help to snap him back." She said and Rojo grab the scroll from Weiss' hands.

"Where is he what happen to him?" he said worried.

"It's difficult to explain just come we need to stop him I'm near the building where the giant Grimm Dragon is you can't miss it. You'll see what's wrong when you see him...oh and if you see him bring Neo with you as well" she said before hanging up.

"Guys what do we do?" said Marron and everyone looked at each other before nodding.

"I don't like that she had Yang's scroll nevertheless I'm still going trap or no trap they can still be in danger" Weiss said and everyone agree with her they can't leave those two behind.

They all began running towards the location with their weapons in hand is better to be prepare than be catch off-guard.

------with Neo--------

"Neo there's too many we need to move from this area all the people already evacuated, so we can leave" Screams Onyx.

"Ok everyone we're moving make sure to kill as many Grimm as you can, but make sure to conserve some energy in case we need to escape" said Neo to his team as they ran to the next area.

" this rate there's no way we can deal with all this Grimm" said Nolana with a short frown vocalizing everyone's worries and fears.

"....we don't have much of a choice we need to give the people enough time to evacuate" said Ember clicking her tongue and stabbing one of the Grimm that got to close with her spear.

"We just need to hold out as much as we can because if we don't everyone will get ki...." Said Neo before his mouth shut and he stop running.

"Neo why did you stop?" said Ember running back and got in front of him, but Neo was just looking straight ahead with a glassy expression.

"Ember what's wrong with him?" said Nolana as she and Onyx stop next to her.

"I don't know he's just standing there doing no.." said Ember before closing her mouth in shock seeing Neo's purple eyes suddenly turn brown.

He blinked a couple of times before he turn and glare at the tower with the Grimm dragon and grit his teeth, "FUCKING DAMMIT ECHO" He screams startling the rest of his team and alerting the Grimm to his location.

The Grimm turn and began running at them and Neo just glare at them before putting his right hand up and five purple treads shoot from his fingers and attach to five different Grimm's heads, "Puppet Dance" he said before the Grimm with the thread turn and began slaughtering the rest of the Grimm next to them.

"What?!" said Onyx not believing what's happening seeing his leader nonchalantly taking care of a group of Grimm like it was a chore than anything else.

"That son of a bitch not only did he abuse my gift, but made me come here as well I had enough of this" Neo seethes before pointing his staff and firing at the five Grimm attach to his string once he saw that all of the other ones were dead. He then turn and began walking towards the building with the Grimm Dragon.

"Neo What the hell was that?!" said Nolana showing more emotion than she had in a long time.

Neo just slightly looks back," I'm so sorry" he said before he began running and his team look at his retreating back in shock.

"Wait come back here!" said Ember before following after Neo and the rest of his team running behind her.

-----With You?----

"So this is where Pyrrha is going to die" You said with a bore gaze looking at the tower and the Grimm dragon circling it.

"Should I save her or not? Decisions, decisions" you said tapping your chin with your finger before ducking and you see Sapphire pulling back her weapons.

"You're really starting to irritate me Sapphire" you said your eye twitching in irritation.

"Look how may fucks I give" she said with a frown and you clench your fist in anger.

"I see, so what you're saying is to kill you why didn't you just say that? I'm more than happy to oblige" you said gritting your teeth pulling out your Tonfas.

You were about to rush forward before blocking the gunfire aim your way and you turn to look at Blake with her weapon aim at you, "I see you got back up to help y..." you said before you felt something hard slam the back of your head and you trip forward before rolling with the fall and jumping away from your previous position.

You look up seeing Yang with her flaming hair and red eyes, "...Yang I should have guessed" you said hissing in pain when you touch your head.

"No more running (F/N) I want answers and I will get them" said Yang and you scoff at her.

"If it isn't one thing is another with you people" you said glaring at them.

"Give him back I don't know what you're after but were not going to let you do whatever you're planning on doing" said Blake and you just gave her an amuse smile.

"Blake what makes you think I haven't already accomplish what I set out to do?" you said tilting your head and Blake glares at you.

"Because you wouldn't be here if you were already done" said Sapphire and you sigh.

"Are you three really going to try and stop me? You know how well that went for you all before" you said with an eyebrow raise and smile seeing their increase anger.

"Well what if I intervene?" you hear someone said and your smile quickly die and you turn to look at the familiar voice.

Neo said walking closer to you four with his weapon in his right hand, "You? Please you're not going to make much of....a....difference" you said before really looking at Neo and his posture it was different than usual is almost like he is...

You're eyes widen seeing his eyes they were no longer their usual purple color they were now brown," Oh this is rich so you did follow me Author" you said laughing.

"After you're little body snatching I had no choice but to intervene you're really becoming a threat to this world Echo" Neo said with a frown.

"NEO!!" you hear people scream and you turn to look at Neo's approaching teammates.

"BLAKE , YANG, (F/N)!!" You turn to look at the approaching Ruby, Weiss, and the rest of your team.

"Well now it looks like we have the full gang here. Everyone who matters to you and me Author too bad team JNPR wasn't able to make it a shame" you said looking at Neo and he just hang his head not wanting it to end this way.

"F/N what the hell man?!" screams Rojo and you look at him before turning your gaze back at Neo.

"F/N what's wrong why are you acting like this?" said Luna looking at her leader and the gaze she receive made her uncomfortable his gaze felt so cold and empty.

"Do you know how worry we were we thought something happen to you?!" Marron said with a glare.

"Wow I didn't expect things to turn out like this I just wanted to experiment for a bit" you said with a sigh.

"Echo is time for you to release that (F/N) and give him back his body you know there can't be two of you here" Neo said and you glare at him.

"Echo?" said Weiss asking the question that is everyone's mind.

"Oh Mr. Author is trying to pull his authority now? What makes you think I'm going to listen to you" you said with a sneer pulling out your tonfas.

"....Echo don't make me fight you nothing will come from that" he said with a sad gaze that piss you off.

"Ok someone explain to me what the hell is going on?!" screams Yang and you and Neo turn your gaze at her.

"So Author....or "Neo" what do you think will happen if I reveal the capital T truth to them" you said with a cold smile.

Neo pales seeing your smile, "Are you crazy? You almost snap with that kind of information they have nothing to do with this" he said and you chuckle.

"Almost snap? What makes you think I haven't snapped already" you said and Neo just looks away from your gaze.

"Whatever you don't have to worry if there's one thing I agree with you is that they shouldn't be burden with the truth I won't let them end up like me" you said and see the sigh of relief from Neo.

"So Echo what can I do to make you leave that body?" Neo said and everyone else was having trouble keeping up with the conversation, but felt like they shouldn't interrupt the conversation.

"Hmm maybe if you were to kill yourself?" you said and Neo's teammates bristle at that glaring at you.

"You think we're going to let you.." said Ember before Neo raises his hand cutting Ember off.

"You know I'm not going to do that" Neo said frowning and you just shrug it was worth a shot.

"Give me directions to the Prime World" you said smirking and Neo felt like something punched him in the stomach.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" his scream startling everyone.

"Oh you know here and there" you said amuse at his reaction.

"You really have gone to the deep end haven't you?" Neo said looking at you.

"You just notice that have you? well you're the only one with free will so you wouldn't understand how it feels to have your future set in stone." You said your words dripping with poison.

"I keep telling you that I don't see you guys like that" he argue but you just scoff at that response.

"Whatever we had this conversation many times over many different worlds you know we'll never see eye to eye Author" you said with a sad sigh.

"....I see so it will eventually come to that" Neo said with a trouble look.

"If you don't want me to keep going with my plan yes it will have to come to that" you said looking at your weapons.

"Ah do you guys mind telling us what's going on?" said Ruby not understanding what they were talking about.

"Ruby Rose I'm sorry but this is between me and him" said Neo to Ruby and she just frowns at that.

"No, this stop being just the two of you when you pull my friends into this" said Yang.

"Yang don't even try to act though me and Author are so much above you in term of strength that it will take either Ozpin or Salem to even began to pose a challenge to us" you said looking at her.

"Salem?" said Rojo and Neo gave you an unamused look and you just shrug you don't really care if they know about the Queen.

"This is getting us nowhere Author I have already accomplish what I set out to do with this little experiment even though I wanted to test some small things with you here that has become difficult, so I'll be on my merry way" You said scratching your head annoyed.

"Really just like that?" Neo said not really believing you.

"Yes just like that this was just a test, so I have no more business here while I could fight you here I rather not destroy Beacon and everyone here" you said looking at your team and team RWBY.

Neo gaze turns to where you were looking realizing what you meant, "Ah I see at least that part of you hasn't change at least" Neo said.

"While this end was anti-climactic it can't be helped, but I'll give you guys one piece of advice before I go and I won't even go all vague on you. When Pyrrha comes here to fight Cinder don't let her go alone or she will die" you said much to the shock to everyone around you.

"You really like messing with the orders of event don't you" Neo said even if he wasn't bothered that you reveal that piece of information.

"Unlike you I actually care about them in my own way" you said with a smirk before your eyes change from orange to (E/C) and roll up and you began to fall forward before anyone can react Blake was already running and catch you before you hit the ground.

"(F/N)!!" said Blake holding your unconscious body.

"He'll be fine just give him some time to wake up" Neo said sighing and putting away his weapon.

"Who are you?" said Blake to Neo as she held you close to her.

"That has many answers I'm Neo and at the same time I'm not" he said than look at the still shock Sapphire, "I'm Rewrite which is also a truth and a lie" he said.

"That thing possessing (F/N) called you Author are you the same thing controlling Rewrite" said Sapphire and Neo's team hiss at that and look at Author with anger and Author just gave a tight smile.

".....No I'm different than Echo if I had a way to describe my relationship with Neo it would be....complicated" he said tilting his head.

"Uncomplicated for us then" said Ember stopping from attacking the thing controlling her leader.

"....sorry but that is in a need to know basis all you need to know is that I have accomplish what I set out to do and as long as that (F/N) remains "normal" I should have no reason to intervene in your lives" he said looking at the still unconscious you.

"So, you're not here to hurt Neo or us?" said Sapphire after a brief pause.

"No Sapphire there's no way I could hurt them and especially you, Neo, and those three" he said pointing at Rojo, Luna, and Marron.

"Wait why us too and not team RWBY?" said Marron and Neo just gave a genuine smile at her that caught her off guard.

"Let just say you five hold a special meaning to me and leave it that. Well I think I overstayed my welcome I hope if we do meet again is under better circumstances" Neo said before his eyes went from brown to Purple and he began to fall and Ember caught his unconscious body.

"Do you guys feel as lost as I do?" said Rojo and everyone nodded.

Blake just looks at you're sleeping face and smiles at least you're back to normal and hopefully something like this never happens again.

"GRAHHHHHH!!" everyone jumps hearing the Grimm Dragon scream.

"Right forgot about that" said Marron and everyone saw Pyrrha running towards the tower.

"Blake stay here with (F/N) we'll go help Pyrrha with (F/N)'s team" said Ruby your team hesitated not wanted to leave you alone, but they eventually relented since Blake is there with you and she wouldn't let anything happen to you.

"Your boyfriend is something else you know that" said Onyx to Blake and Blake just laugh.

"You have no idea" she said stroking your head and for a brief moment you smile.

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